static int SortByAssetNameDescending(BuildReportTool.SizePart entry1, BuildReportTool.SizePart entry2) { int result = string.Compare(System.IO.Path.GetFileName(entry1.Name), System.IO.Path.GetFileName(entry2.Name), StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase); return(result); }
public static BuildReportTool.SizePart CreateSizePartFromFile(string filename, string fileFullPath) { BuildReportTool.SizePart outPart = new BuildReportTool.SizePart(); outPart.Name = System.Security.SecurityElement.Escape(filename); if (File.Exists(fileFullPath)) { long fileSizeBytes = GetFileSizeInBytes(fileFullPath); outPart.RawSizeBytes = fileSizeBytes; outPart.RawSize = GetBytesReadable(fileSizeBytes); long importedSizeBytes = -1; //importedSizeBytes = BRT_LibCacheUtil.GetImportedFileSize(filename); outPart.ImportedSizeBytes = importedSizeBytes; outPart.ImportedSize = BuildReportTool.Util.GetBytesReadable(importedSizeBytes); } else { outPart.RawSizeBytes = -1; outPart.RawSize = "???"; } /// \todo perhaps compute percentage: file size of this DLL out of total build size (would need to convert string of total build size into an int of bytes) outPart.Percentage = -1; return(outPart); }
static void AddToSize(BuildReportTool.SizePart buildSize, long sizeToAdd) { if (buildSize != null) { buildSize.DerivedSize += sizeToAdd; buildSize.Size = BuildReportTool.Util.GetBytesReadable(buildSize.DerivedSize); } }
public void AddToSumSelection(BuildReportTool.SizePart b) { if (_selectedForSum.ContainsKey(b.Name)) { // already added return; } _selectedForSum.Add(b.Name, b); }
// Sum Selection: Commands // -------------------------------------------------------------------- public void ToggleSumSelection(BuildReportTool.SizePart b) { if (InSumSelection(b)) { RemoveFromSumSelection(b); } else { AddToSumSelection(b); } }
void DrawAssetList(BuildReportTool.AssetList assetList) { BuildReportTool.SizePart[] assetsToShow = assetList.TopTenLargest; if (assetsToShow == null) { Debug.LogError("no top ten largest"); return; } bool useAlt = true; GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); // 1st column: name GUILayout.BeginVertical(); for (int n = 0; n < assetsToShow.Length; ++n) { BuildReportTool.SizePart b = assetsToShow[n]; string styleToUse = useAlt ? BuildReportTool.Window.Settings.LIST_NORMAL_ALT_STYLE_NAME : BuildReportTool.Window.Settings.LIST_NORMAL_STYLE_NAME; string prettyName = " " + (n + 1) + ". " + Path.GetFileName(b.Name); Texture icon = AssetDatabase.GetCachedIcon(b.Name); if (GUILayout.Button(new GUIContent(prettyName, icon), styleToUse, GUILayout.MinWidth(100), GUILayout.MaxWidth(400), GUILayout.Height(30))) { Utility.PingAssetInProject(b.Name); } useAlt = !useAlt; } GUILayout.EndVertical(); // 2nd column: size useAlt = true; GUILayout.BeginVertical(); for (int n = 0; n < assetsToShow.Length; ++n) { BuildReportTool.SizePart b = assetsToShow[n]; string styleToUse = useAlt ? BuildReportTool.Window.Settings.LIST_NORMAL_ALT_STYLE_NAME : BuildReportTool.Window.Settings.LIST_NORMAL_STYLE_NAME; GUILayout.Label(b.RawSize, styleToUse, GUILayout.MaxWidth(100), GUILayout.Height(30)); useAlt = !useAlt; } GUILayout.EndVertical(); GUILayout.FlexibleSpace(); GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); }
static int SortByAssetFullPathAscending(BuildReportTool.SizePart entry1, BuildReportTool.SizePart entry2) { int result = string.Compare(entry1.Name, entry2.Name, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase); // invert the result if (result == 1) { return(-1); } if (result == -1) { return(1); } return(0); }
static int SortByAssetNameAscending(BuildReportTool.SizePart entry1, BuildReportTool.SizePart entry2) { int result = string.Compare(entry1.Name, entry2.Name, true); // invert the result if (result == 1) { return(-1); } if (result == -1) { return(1); } return(0); }
void AddToSize(string buildSizeName, long sizeToAdd) { if (sizeToAdd == 0) { return; } BuildReportTool.SizePart buildSize = BuildSizes.FirstOrDefault(part => part.Name == buildSizeName); if (buildSize != null) { //Debug.LogFormat("{0} size before: {1}", buildSizeName, buildSize.DerivedSize); AddToSize(buildSize, sizeToAdd); //Debug.LogFormat("{0} size after: {1}", buildSizeName, buildSize.DerivedSize); } }
void AddToTotalSize(long sizeToAdd) { if (sizeToAdd == 0) { return; } BuildReportTool.SizePart buildSize = BuildSizes.FirstOrDefault(part => part.IsTotal); if (buildSize != null) { //Debug.LogFormat("total size before: {0}", buildSize.DerivedSize); AddToSize(buildSize, sizeToAdd); UsedTotalSize = buildSize.Size; //Debug.LogFormat("total size after: {0}", buildSize.DerivedSize); } }
void ChangeTotalSize(double newSize) { if (Math.Abs(newSize) < 0.01) { return; } BuildReportTool.SizePart totalSize = BuildSizes.FirstOrDefault(part => part.IsTotal); if (totalSize != null) { Debug.LogFormat("total size before: {0}", totalSize.DerivedSize); totalSize.DerivedSize = newSize; totalSize.Size = BuildReportTool.Util.GetBytesReadable(totalSize.DerivedSize); UsedTotalSize = totalSize.Size; Debug.LogFormat("total size after: {0}", totalSize.DerivedSize); } }
static BuildReportTool.SizePart[] ParseSizePartsFromString(string editorLogPath) { // now parse the build parts to an array of `BuildReportTool.SizePart` List<BuildReportTool.SizePart> buildSizes = new List<BuildReportTool.SizePart>(); const string SIZE_PARTS_KEY = "Textures "; foreach (string line in DldUtil.BigFileReader.ReadFile(editorLogPath, SIZE_PARTS_KEY)) { // blank line signifies end of dll list if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(line) || line == "\n" || line == "\r\n") { break; } //Debug.Log("ParseSizePartsFromString: " + line); string b = line; string gotName = "???"; string gotSize = "?"; string gotPercent = "?"; Match match = Regex.Match(b, @"^[a-z \t]+[^0-9]", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase); if (match.Success) { gotName = match.Groups[0].Value; gotName = gotName.Trim(); if (gotName == "Scripts") gotName = "Script DLLs"; //Debug.Log(" name? " + gotName); } match = Regex.Match(b, @"[0-9.]+ (kb|mb|b|gb)", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase); if (match.Success) { gotSize = match.Groups[0].Value.ToUpper(); //Debug.Log(" size? " + gotSize); } match = Regex.Match(b, @"[0-9.]+%", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase); if (match.Success) { gotPercent = match.Groups[0].Value; gotPercent = gotPercent.Substring(0, gotPercent.Length-1); //Debug.Log(" percent? " + gotPercent); } BuildReportTool.SizePart inPart = new BuildReportTool.SizePart(); inPart.Name = gotName; inPart.Size = gotSize; inPart.Percentage = Double.Parse(gotPercent); inPart.DerivedSize = BuildReportTool.Util.GetApproxSizeFromString(gotSize); buildSizes.Add(inPart); if (line.IndexOf("100.0%") != -1) { break; } } return buildSizes.ToArray(); }
void DrawAssetList(Rect position, BuildReportTool.AssetList list, BuildReportTool.FileFilterGroup filter, int length) { if (list != null) { if (_searchResults != null && _searchResults.Length == 0) { DrawCentralMessage(position, "No search results"); return; } BuildReportTool.SizePart[] assetListToUse; var hasSearchResults = _searchResults != null; if (hasSearchResults && _searchResults.Length > 0) { assetListToUse = _searchResults; } else { assetListToUse = list.GetListToDisplay(filter); } if (assetListToUse != null) { if (assetListToUse.Length == 0) { GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); GUILayout.Space(10); GUILayout.Label(Labels.NO_FILES_FOR_THIS_CATEGORY_LABEL, BuildReportTool.Window.Settings.INFO_TITLE_STYLE_NAME); GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); } else { EditorGUIUtility.SetIconSize( * ICON_DISPLAY_SIZE); bool useAlt = false; int viewOffset = list.GetViewOffsetForDisplayedList(filter); // if somehow view offset was out of bounds of the SizePart[] array // reset it to zero if (viewOffset >= assetListToUse.Length) { list.SetViewOffsetForDisplayedList(filter, 0); viewOffset = 0; } int len = Mathf.Min(viewOffset + length, assetListToUse.Length); GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // column: asset path and name GUILayout.BeginVertical(); useAlt = false; //GUILayout.Box("", BuildReportTool.Window.Settings.LIST_COLUMN_HEADER_STYLE_NAME, GUILayout.Height(LIST_HEIGHT), GUILayout.Width(position.width)); GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); string sortTypeAssetFullPathStyleName = BuildReportTool.Window.Settings.LIST_COLUMN_HEADER_STYLE_NAME; if (!hasSearchResults && list.CurrentSortType == BuildReportTool.AssetList.SortType.AssetFullPath) { if (list.CurrentSortOrder == BuildReportTool.AssetList.SortOrder.Descending) { sortTypeAssetFullPathStyleName = BuildReportTool.Window.Settings.LIST_COLUMN_HEADER_DESC_STYLE_NAME; } else { sortTypeAssetFullPathStyleName = BuildReportTool.Window.Settings.LIST_COLUMN_HEADER_ASC_STYLE_NAME; } } if (GUILayout.Button("Asset Path", sortTypeAssetFullPathStyleName, GUILayout.Height(LIST_HEIGHT)) && !hasSearchResults) { list.ToggleSort(BuildReportTool.AssetList.SortType.AssetFullPath); } string sortTypeAssetFilenameStyleName = BuildReportTool.Window.Settings.LIST_COLUMN_HEADER_STYLE_NAME; if (!hasSearchResults && list.CurrentSortType == BuildReportTool.AssetList.SortType.AssetFilename) { if (list.CurrentSortOrder == BuildReportTool.AssetList.SortOrder.Descending) { sortTypeAssetFilenameStyleName = BuildReportTool.Window.Settings.LIST_COLUMN_HEADER_DESC_STYLE_NAME; } else { sortTypeAssetFilenameStyleName = BuildReportTool.Window.Settings.LIST_COLUMN_HEADER_ASC_STYLE_NAME; } } if (GUILayout.Button("Asset Filename", sortTypeAssetFilenameStyleName, GUILayout.Height(LIST_HEIGHT)) && !hasSearchResults) { list.ToggleSort(BuildReportTool.AssetList.SortType.AssetFilename); } GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- _assetListScrollPos = GUILayout.BeginScrollView(_assetListScrollPos, BuildReportTool.Window.Settings.HIDDEN_SCROLLBAR_STYLE_NAME, BuildReportTool.Window.Settings.HIDDEN_SCROLLBAR_STYLE_NAME); for (int n = viewOffset; n < len; ++n) { BuildReportTool.SizePart b = assetListToUse[n]; string styleToUse = useAlt ? BuildReportTool.Window.Settings.LIST_SMALL_ALT_STYLE_NAME : BuildReportTool.Window.Settings.LIST_SMALL_STYLE_NAME; bool inSumSelect = list.InSumSelection(b); if (inSumSelect) { styleToUse = BuildReportTool.Window.Settings.LIST_SMALL_SELECTED_NAME; } GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); if (b.Name.StartsWith("Assets/")) { if (GUILayout.Button("Ping", GUILayout.Width(37))) { Utility.PingAssetInProject(b.Name); } } else { GUILayout.Space(37); } // the asset name Texture icon = AssetDatabase.GetCachedIcon(b.Name); string prettyName = string.Empty; prettyName = string.Format(" {0}. <color=#{1}>{2}{3}</color><b>{4}</b>", (n + 1), GetPathColor(inSumSelect), BuildReportTool.Util.GetAssetPath(b.Name), BuildReportTool.Util.GetAssetPathToNameSeparator(b.Name), BuildReportTool.Util.GetAssetFilename(b.Name)); GUIStyle styleObjToUse =; Color temp = styleObjToUse.normal.textColor; int origLeft = styleObjToUse.padding.left; int origRight = styleObjToUse.padding.right; styleObjToUse.normal.textColor = styleObjToUse.onNormal.textColor; styleObjToUse.padding.right = 0; if (icon == null) { //GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(styleObjToUse); GUILayout.Space(24); //GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); } styleObjToUse.normal.textColor = temp; styleObjToUse.padding.left = 2; if (GUILayout.Button(new GUIContent(prettyName, icon), styleObjToUse, GUILayout.Height(LIST_HEIGHT))) { if (Event.current.control) { if (!inSumSelect) { list.AddToSumSelection(b); _lastClickedEntryIdx = n; } else { list.ToggleSumSelection(b); _lastClickedEntryIdx = -1; } } else if (Event.current.shift) { if (_lastClickedEntryIdx != -1) { // select all from last clicked to here if (_lastClickedEntryIdx < n) { for (int addToSelectIdx = _lastClickedEntryIdx; addToSelectIdx <= n; ++addToSelectIdx) { list.AddToSumSelection(assetListToUse[addToSelectIdx]); } } else if (_lastClickedEntryIdx > n) { for (int addToSelectIdx = n; addToSelectIdx <= _lastClickedEntryIdx; ++addToSelectIdx) { list.AddToSumSelection(assetListToUse[addToSelectIdx]); } } } else { list.AddToSumSelection(b); } _lastClickedEntryIdx = n; } else { list.ClearSelection(); list.AddToSumSelection(b); _lastClickedEntryIdx = n; } } styleObjToUse.padding.right = origRight; styleObjToUse.padding.left = origLeft; GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); useAlt = !useAlt; } GUILayout.Space(SCROLLBAR_BOTTOM_PADDING); GUILayout.EndScrollView(); GUILayout.EndVertical(); bool pressedRawSizeSortBtn = false; bool pressedImpSizeSortBtn = false; bool pressedSizeBeforeBuildSortBtn = false; // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // column: raw file size if (IsShowingUsedAssets && (assetListToUse[0].SizeInAssetsFolderBytes != -1)) { pressedSizeBeforeBuildSortBtn = DrawColumn(viewOffset, len, BuildReportTool.AssetList.SortType.SizeBeforeBuild, "Size Before Build ", !hasSearchResults, false, list, assetListToUse, (b) => b.SizeInAssetsFolder, ref _assetListScrollPos); } if (IsShowingUsedAssets && BuildReportTool.Options.ShowImportedSizeForUsedAssets) { pressedRawSizeSortBtn = DrawColumn(viewOffset, len, BuildReportTool.AssetList.SortType.ImportedSizeOrRawSize, "Size In Build", !hasSearchResults, false, list, assetListToUse, (b) => { // assets in the "StreamingAssets" folder do not have an imported size // in those cases, the raw size is the same as the imported size // so just use the raw size if (b.ImportedSize == "N/A") { return(b.RawSize); } return(b.ImportedSize); }, ref _assetListScrollPos); } if (IsShowingUnusedAssets || (IsShowingUsedAssets && !BuildReportTool.Options.ShowImportedSizeForUsedAssets)) { pressedRawSizeSortBtn = DrawColumn(viewOffset, len, BuildReportTool.AssetList.SortType.RawSize, (IsShowingUnusedAssets ? "Raw Size" : "Size In Build"), !hasSearchResults, false, list, assetListToUse, (b) => b.RawSize, ref _assetListScrollPos); } bool showScrollbarForImportedSize = IsShowingUnusedAssets; // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // column: imported file size if (IsShowingUnusedAssets) { pressedImpSizeSortBtn = DrawColumn(viewOffset, len, BuildReportTool.AssetList.SortType.ImportedSize, "Imported Size ", !hasSearchResults, showScrollbarForImportedSize, list, assetListToUse, (b) => b.ImportedSize, ref _assetListScrollPos); } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // column: percentage to total size bool pressedPercentSortBtn = false; if (IsShowingUsedAssets) { pressedPercentSortBtn = DrawColumn(viewOffset, len, BuildReportTool.AssetList.SortType.PercentSize, "Percent ", !hasSearchResults, true, list, assetListToUse, (b) => { string text = b.Percentage + "%"; if (b.Percentage < 0) { text = Labels.NON_APPLICABLE_PERCENTAGE_LABEL; } return(text); }, ref _assetListScrollPos); } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if (!hasSearchResults) { if (pressedRawSizeSortBtn) { var sortType = BuildReportTool.AssetList.SortType.RawSize; if (IsShowingUsedAssets && BuildReportTool.Options.ShowImportedSizeForUsedAssets) { sortType = BuildReportTool.AssetList.SortType.ImportedSizeOrRawSize; } list.ToggleSort(sortType); } else if (pressedSizeBeforeBuildSortBtn) { list.ToggleSort(BuildReportTool.AssetList.SortType.SizeBeforeBuild); } else if (pressedImpSizeSortBtn) { list.ToggleSort(BuildReportTool.AssetList.SortType.ImportedSize); } else if (pressedPercentSortBtn) { list.ToggleSort(BuildReportTool.AssetList.SortType.PercentSize); } } GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); } } } }
void InitiateDeleteAllUnused(BuildInfo buildReportToDisplay) { BuildReportTool.AssetList list = buildReportToDisplay.UnusedAssets; BuildReportTool.SizePart[] all = list.All; int filesToDeleteCount = 0; for (int n = 0, len = all.Length; n < len; ++n) { BuildReportTool.SizePart b = all[n]; bool okToDelete = BuildReportTool.Util.IsFileOkForDeleteAllOperation(b.Name); if (okToDelete) { //Debug.Log("added " + b.Name + " for deletion"); ++filesToDeleteCount; } } if (filesToDeleteCount == 0) { const string NOTHING_TO_DELETE = "Take note that for safety, Build Report Tool assets, Unity editor assets, version control metadata, and Unix-style hidden files will not be included for deletion.\n\nYou can force deleting them by selecting them (via the checkbox) and using \"Delete selected\", or simply delete them the normal way in your project view."; EditorApplication.Beep(); EditorUtility.DisplayDialog("Nothing to delete!", NOTHING_TO_DELETE, "Ok"); return; } string plural = ""; if (filesToDeleteCount > 1) { plural = "s"; } EditorApplication.Beep(); if (!EditorUtility.DisplayDialog("Delete?", string.Format("Among {0} file{1} in your project, {2} will be deleted.\n\nBuild Report Tool assets themselves, Unity editor assets, version control metadata, and Unix-style hidden files will not be included for deletion. You can force-delete those by selecting them (via the checkbox) and use \"Delete selected\", or simply delete them the normal way in your project view.\n\nDeleting a large number of files may take a long time as Unity will rebuild the project's Library folder.\n\nAre you sure about this?\n\nThe file{1} can be recovered from your {3}.", all.Length.ToString(), plural, filesToDeleteCount.ToString(), BuildReportTool.Util.NameOfOSTrashFolder), "Yes", "No")) { return; } List <BuildReportTool.SizePart> newAll = new List <BuildReportTool.SizePart>(); int deletedCount = 0; for (int n = 0, len = all.Length; n < len; ++n) { BuildReportTool.SizePart b = all[n]; bool okToDelete = BuildReportTool.Util.IsFileOkForDeleteAllOperation(b.Name); if (okToDelete) { // delete this if (BuildReportTool.Util.ShowFileDeleteProgress(deletedCount, filesToDeleteCount, b.Name, true)) { return; } BuildReportTool.Util.DeleteSizePartFile(b); ++deletedCount; } else { //Debug.Log("added " + b.Name + " to new list"); newAll.Add(b); } } EditorUtility.ClearProgressBar(); BuildReportTool.SizePart[] newAllArr = newAll.ToArray(); BuildReportTool.SizePart[][] perCategoryUnused = BuildReportTool.ReportGenerator.SegregateAssetSizesPerCategory(newAllArr, buildReportToDisplay.FileFilters); list.Reinit(newAllArr, perCategoryUnused, IsShowingUsedAssets ? BuildReportTool.Options.NumberOfTopLargestUsedAssetsToShow : BuildReportTool.Options.NumberOfTopLargestUnusedAssetsToShow); list.ClearSelection(); string finalMessage = string.Format("{0} file{1} removed from your project. They can be recovered from your {2}.", filesToDeleteCount.ToString(), plural, BuildReportTool.Util.NameOfOSTrashFolder); Debug.LogWarning(finalMessage); EditorApplication.Beep(); EditorUtility.DisplayDialog("Delete successful", finalMessage, "OK"); }
void InitiateDeleteSelectedInAssetList(BuildInfo buildReportToDisplay, BuildReportTool.AssetList listToDeleteFrom) { if (listToDeleteFrom.IsNothingSelected) { return; } BuildReportTool.SizePart[] all = listToDeleteFrom.All; int numOfFilesRequestedToDelete = listToDeleteFrom.GetSelectedCount(); int numOfFilesToDelete = numOfFilesRequestedToDelete; int systemDeletionFileCount = 0; int brtFilesSelectedForDelete = 0; // filter out files that shouldn't be deleted // and identify unrecoverable files for (int n = 0, len = all.Length; n < len; ++n) { BuildReportTool.SizePart b = all[n]; bool isThisFileToBeDeleted = listToDeleteFrom.InSumSelection(b); if (isThisFileToBeDeleted) { if (BuildReportTool.Util.IsFileInBuildReportFolder(b.Name) && !BuildReportTool.Util.IsUselessFile(b.Name)) { //Debug.Log("BRT file? " + b.Name); --numOfFilesToDelete; ++brtFilesSelectedForDelete; } else if (BuildReportTool.Util.HaveToUseSystemForDelete(b.Name)) { ++systemDeletionFileCount; } } } if (numOfFilesToDelete <= 0) { if (brtFilesSelectedForDelete > 0) { EditorApplication.Beep(); EditorUtility.DisplayDialog("Can't delete!", "Take note that for safety, Build Report Tool assets themselves will not be included for deletion.", "OK"); } return; } // prepare warning message for user bool deletingSystemFilesOnly = (systemDeletionFileCount == numOfFilesToDelete); bool deleteIsRecoverable = !deletingSystemFilesOnly; string plural = ""; if (numOfFilesToDelete > 1) { plural = "s"; } string message; if (numOfFilesRequestedToDelete != numOfFilesToDelete) { message = "Among " + numOfFilesRequestedToDelete + " file" + plural + " requested to be deleted, only " + numOfFilesToDelete + " will be deleted."; } else { message = "This will delete " + numOfFilesToDelete + " asset" + plural + " in your project."; } // add warning about BRT files that are skipped if (brtFilesSelectedForDelete > 0) { message += "\n\nTake note that for safety, " + brtFilesSelectedForDelete + " file" + ((brtFilesSelectedForDelete > 1) ? "s" : "") + " found to be Build Report Tool assets are not included for deletion."; } // add warning about unrecoverable files if (systemDeletionFileCount > 0) { if (deletingSystemFilesOnly) { message += "\n\nThe deleted file" + plural + " will not be recoverable from the " + BuildReportTool.Util.NameOfOSTrashFolder + ", unless you have your own backup."; } else { message += "\n\nAmong the " + numOfFilesToDelete + " file" + plural + " for deletion, " + systemDeletionFileCount + " will not be recoverable from the " + BuildReportTool.Util.NameOfOSTrashFolder + ", unless you have your own backup."; } message += "\n\nThis is a limitation in Unity and .NET code. To ensure deleting will move the files to the " + BuildReportTool.Util.NameOfOSTrashFolder + " instead, delete your files the usual way using your project view."; } else { message += "\n\nThe deleted file" + plural + " can be recovered from your " + BuildReportTool.Util.NameOfOSTrashFolder + "."; } message += "\n\nDeleting a large number of files may take a long time as Unity will rebuild the project's Library folder.\n\nProceed with deleting?"; EditorApplication.Beep(); if (!EditorUtility.DisplayDialog("Delete?", message, "Yes", "No")) { return; } List <BuildReportTool.SizePart> allList = new List <BuildReportTool.SizePart>(all); List <BuildReportTool.SizePart> toRemove = new List <BuildReportTool.SizePart>(all.Length / 4); // finally, delete the files int deletedCount = 0; for (int n = 0, len = allList.Count; n < len; ++n) { BuildReportTool.SizePart b = allList[n]; bool okToDelete = BuildReportTool.Util.IsUselessFile(b.Name) || !BuildReportTool.Util.IsFileInBuildReportFolder(b.Name); if (listToDeleteFrom.InSumSelection(b) && okToDelete) { // delete this if (BuildReportTool.Util.ShowFileDeleteProgress(deletedCount, numOfFilesToDelete, b.Name, deleteIsRecoverable)) { return; } BuildReportTool.Util.DeleteSizePartFile(b); toRemove.Add(b); ++deletedCount; } } EditorUtility.ClearProgressBar(); // refresh the asset lists allList.RemoveAll(i => toRemove.Contains(i)); BuildReportTool.SizePart[] allWithRemoved = allList.ToArray(); // recreate per category list (maybe just remove from existing per category lists instead?) BuildReportTool.SizePart[][] perCategoryOfList = BuildReportTool.ReportGenerator.SegregateAssetSizesPerCategory(allWithRemoved, buildReportToDisplay.FileFilters); listToDeleteFrom.Reinit(allWithRemoved, perCategoryOfList, IsShowingUsedAssets ? BuildReportTool.Options.NumberOfTopLargestUsedAssetsToShow : BuildReportTool.Options.NumberOfTopLargestUnusedAssetsToShow); listToDeleteFrom.ClearSelection(); // print info about the delete operation to console string finalMessage = string.Format("{0} file{1} removed from your project.", deletedCount.ToString(), plural); if (deleteIsRecoverable) { finalMessage += " They can be recovered from your " + BuildReportTool.Util.NameOfOSTrashFolder + "."; } EditorApplication.Beep(); EditorUtility.DisplayDialog("Delete successful", finalMessage, "OK"); Debug.LogWarning(finalMessage); }
public void AddToSumSelection(BuildReportTool.SizePart b) { _selectedForSum.Add(b.Name, b); }
void DrawAssetList(Rect position, BuildReportTool.AssetList list, BuildReportTool.FileFilterGroup filter, int length) { if (list != null) { if (_searchResults != null && _searchResults.Length == 0) { DrawCentralMessage(position, "No search results"); return; } BuildReportTool.SizePart[] assetListToUse; var hasSearchResults = _searchResults != null; if (hasSearchResults && _searchResults.Length > 0) { assetListToUse = _searchResults; } else { assetListToUse = list.GetListToDisplay(filter); } if (assetListToUse != null) { if (assetListToUse.Length == 0) { GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); GUILayout.Space(10); GUILayout.Label(Labels.NO_FILES_FOR_THIS_CATEGORY_LABEL, BuildReportTool.Window.Settings.INFO_TITLE_STYLE_NAME); GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); } else { EditorGUIUtility.SetIconSize( * ICON_DISPLAY_SIZE); bool useAlt = false; int viewOffset = list.GetViewOffsetForDisplayedList(filter); // if somehow view offset was out of bounds of the SizePart[] array // reset it to zero if (viewOffset >= assetListToUse.Length) { list.SetViewOffsetForDisplayedList(filter, 0); viewOffset = 0; } int len = Mathf.Min(viewOffset + length, assetListToUse.Length); GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // column: asset path and name GUILayout.BeginVertical(); useAlt = false; //GUILayout.Box("", BuildReportTool.Window.Settings.LIST_COLUMN_HEADER_STYLE_NAME, GUILayout.Height(LIST_HEIGHT), GUILayout.Width(position.width)); GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); string sortTypeAssetFullPathStyleName = BuildReportTool.Window.Settings.LIST_COLUMN_HEADER_STYLE_NAME; if (!hasSearchResults && list.CurrentSortType == BuildReportTool.AssetList.SortType.AssetFullPath) { if (list.CurrentSortOrder == BuildReportTool.AssetList.SortOrder.Descending) { sortTypeAssetFullPathStyleName = BuildReportTool.Window.Settings.LIST_COLUMN_HEADER_DESC_STYLE_NAME; } else { sortTypeAssetFullPathStyleName = BuildReportTool.Window.Settings.LIST_COLUMN_HEADER_ASC_STYLE_NAME; } } if (GUILayout.Button("Asset Path", sortTypeAssetFullPathStyleName, GUILayout.Height(LIST_HEIGHT)) && !hasSearchResults) { list.ToggleSort(BuildReportTool.AssetList.SortType.AssetFullPath); } string sortTypeAssetFilenameStyleName = BuildReportTool.Window.Settings.LIST_COLUMN_HEADER_STYLE_NAME; if (!hasSearchResults && list.CurrentSortType == BuildReportTool.AssetList.SortType.AssetFilename) { if (list.CurrentSortOrder == BuildReportTool.AssetList.SortOrder.Descending) { sortTypeAssetFilenameStyleName = BuildReportTool.Window.Settings.LIST_COLUMN_HEADER_DESC_STYLE_NAME; } else { sortTypeAssetFilenameStyleName = BuildReportTool.Window.Settings.LIST_COLUMN_HEADER_ASC_STYLE_NAME; } } if (GUILayout.Button("Asset Filename", sortTypeAssetFilenameStyleName, GUILayout.Height(LIST_HEIGHT)) && !hasSearchResults) { list.ToggleSort(BuildReportTool.AssetList.SortType.AssetFilename); } GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- _assetListScrollPos = GUILayout.BeginScrollView(_assetListScrollPos, BuildReportTool.Window.Settings.HIDDEN_SCROLLBAR_STYLE_NAME, BuildReportTool.Window.Settings.HIDDEN_SCROLLBAR_STYLE_NAME); for (int n = viewOffset; n < len; ++n) { BuildReportTool.SizePart b = assetListToUse[n]; string styleToUse = useAlt ? BuildReportTool.Window.Settings.LIST_SMALL_ALT_STYLE_NAME : BuildReportTool.Window.Settings.LIST_SMALL_STYLE_NAME; bool inSumSelect = list.InSumSelection(b); if (inSumSelect) { styleToUse = BuildReportTool.Window.Settings.LIST_SMALL_SELECTED_NAME; } GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); // checkbox for selecting bool newInSumSelect = GUILayout.Toggle(inSumSelect, "", GUILayout.Width(20)); if (inSumSelect != newInSumSelect) { if (newInSumSelect) { list.AddToSumSelection(b); } else { list.RemoveFromSumSelection(b); } } // the asset name Texture icon = AssetDatabase.GetCachedIcon(b.Name); string prettyName = string.Empty; prettyName = string.Format(" {0}. <color=#{1}>{2}{3}</color><b>{4}</b>", (n + 1), GetPathColor(inSumSelect), BuildReportTool.Util.GetAssetPath(b.Name), BuildReportTool.Util.GetAssetPathToNameSeparator(b.Name), BuildReportTool.Util.GetAssetFilename(b.Name)); GUIStyle styleObjToUse =; Color temp = styleObjToUse.normal.textColor; int origLeft = styleObjToUse.padding.left; int origRight = styleObjToUse.padding.right; styleObjToUse.normal.textColor = styleObjToUse.onNormal.textColor; styleObjToUse.padding.right = 0; if (icon == null) { //GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(styleObjToUse); GUILayout.Space(15); //GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); } styleObjToUse.normal.textColor = temp; styleObjToUse.padding.left = 2; if (GUILayout.Button(new GUIContent(prettyName, icon), styleObjToUse, GUILayout.Height(LIST_HEIGHT))) { Utility.PingAssetInProject(b.Name); } styleObjToUse.padding.right = origRight; styleObjToUse.padding.left = origLeft; GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); useAlt = !useAlt; } GUILayout.EndScrollView(); GUILayout.EndVertical(); // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // column: raw file size bool pressedRawSizeSortBtn = DrawColumn(viewOffset, len, BuildReportTool.AssetList.SortType.RawSize, (IsShowingUnusedAssets ? "Raw Size" : "Size"), !hasSearchResults, false, list, assetListToUse, (b) => { return(b.RawSize); }, ref _assetListScrollPos); bool showScrollbarForImportedSize = IsShowingUnusedAssets; // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // column: imported file size bool pressedImpSizeSortBtn = false; if (IsShowingUnusedAssets) { pressedImpSizeSortBtn = DrawColumn(viewOffset, len, BuildReportTool.AssetList.SortType.ImportedSize, "Imported Size ", !hasSearchResults, showScrollbarForImportedSize, list, assetListToUse, (b) => { return(b.ImportedSize); }, ref _assetListScrollPos); } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // column: percentage to total size bool pressedPercentSortBtn = false; if (IsShowingUsedAssets) { pressedPercentSortBtn = DrawColumn(viewOffset, len, BuildReportTool.AssetList.SortType.PercentSize, "Percent ", !hasSearchResults, true, list, assetListToUse, (b) => { string text = b.Percentage + "%"; if (b.Percentage < 0) { text = Labels.NON_APPLICABLE_PERCENTAGE_LABEL; } return(text); }, ref _assetListScrollPos); } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if (!hasSearchResults) { if (pressedRawSizeSortBtn) { list.ToggleSort(BuildReportTool.AssetList.SortType.RawSize); } else if (pressedImpSizeSortBtn) { list.ToggleSort(BuildReportTool.AssetList.SortType.ImportedSize); } else if (pressedPercentSortBtn) { list.ToggleSort(BuildReportTool.AssetList.SortType.PercentSize); } } GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); } } } }
public void RemoveFromSumSelection(BuildReportTool.SizePart b) { _selectedForSum.Remove(b.Name); }
static List<BuildReportTool.SizePart> ParseAssetSizesFromEditorLog(string editorLogPath, string[] prefabsUsedInScenes) { List<BuildReportTool.SizePart> assetSizes = new List<BuildReportTool.SizePart>(); Dictionary<string, bool> prefabsInBuildDict = new Dictionary<string, bool>(); long importedSizeBytes = -1; // note: list gotten from editor log is already sorted by raw size, descending foreach (string line in DldUtil.BigFileReader.ReadFile(_lastEditorLogPath, ASSET_SIZES_KEY)) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(line) || line == "\n" || line == "\r\n") { break; } if (line.IndexOf(ASSET_SIZES_KEY) != -1) { continue; } Match match = Regex.Match(line, @"^ [0-9].*[a-z0-9) ]$", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase); if (match.Success) { // it's an asset entry. parse it //string b = match.Groups[0].Value; string gotName = "???"; string gotSize = "?"; string gotPercent = "?"; match = Regex.Match(line, @"Assets/.+", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase); if (match.Success) { gotName = match.Groups[0].Value; gotName = gotName.Trim(); //Debug.Log(" name? " + gotName); } else { match = Regex.Match(line, @"Built-in.+:.+", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase); if (match.Success) { gotName = match.Groups[0].Value; gotName = gotName.Trim(); //Debug.Log(" built-in?: " + gotName); } else { match = Regex.Match(line, @"Resources/.+", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase); if (match.Success) { gotName = match.Groups[0].Value; gotName = gotName.Trim(); //Debug.Log(" built-in?: " + gotName); } else { match = Regex.Match(line, @"UnityExtensions/.+", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase); if (match.Success) { gotName = match.Groups[0].Value; gotName = gotName.Trim(); //Debug.Log(" extension?: " + gotName); } } } } match = Regex.Match(line, @"[0-9.]+ (kb|mb|b|gb)", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase); if (match.Success) { gotSize = match.Groups[0].Value.ToUpper(); //Debug.Log(" size? " + gotSize); } else { Debug.Log("didn't find size for :" + line); } match = Regex.Match(line, @"[0-9.]+%", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase); if (match.Success) { gotPercent = match.Groups[0].Value; gotPercent = gotPercent.Substring(0, gotPercent.Length-1); //Debug.Log(" percent? " + gotPercent); } else { Debug.Log("didn't find percent for :" + line); } //Debug.Log("got: " + gotName + " size: " + gotSize); BuildReportTool.SizePart inPart = new BuildReportTool.SizePart(); inPart.Name = System.Security.SecurityElement.Escape(gotName); inPart.Size = gotSize; inPart.SizeBytes = -1; inPart.DerivedSize = BuildReportTool.Util.GetApproxSizeFromString(gotSize); inPart.Percentage = Double.Parse(gotPercent); // since this is a used asset, the size we got from the editor log *is* already the imported size // so don't bother computing imported size. importedSizeBytes = -1; //importedSizeBytes = BRT_LibCacheUtil.GetImportedFileSize(gotName); inPart.ImportedSizeBytes = importedSizeBytes; inPart.ImportedSize = BuildReportTool.Util.GetBytesReadable(importedSizeBytes); assetSizes.Add(inPart); if (gotName.EndsWith(".prefab")) { prefabsInBuildDict.Add(gotName, false); } } else { break; } } // include prefabs that are instantiated in scenes (they are not by default) //Debug.Log("addInfo.PrefabsUsedInScenes: " + addInfo.PrefabsUsedInScenes.Length); foreach (string p in prefabsUsedInScenes) { if (p.IndexOf("/Resources/") != -1) continue; // prefabs in resources folder are already included in the editor log build info if (prefabsInBuildDict.ContainsKey(p)) continue; // if already in assetSizes, continue BuildReportTool.SizePart inPart = new BuildReportTool.SizePart(); inPart.Name = p; inPart.Size = "N/A"; inPart.Percentage = -1; //Debug.Log(" prefab added in used assets: " + p); assetSizes.Add(inPart); } return assetSizes; }
public static BuildReportTool.SizePart[][] SegregateAssetSizesPerCategory(BuildReportTool.SizePart[] assetSizesAll, FileFilterGroup filters) { if (assetSizesAll == null || assetSizesAll.Length == 0) return null; // we do filters.Count+1 for Unrecognized category List< List<BuildReportTool.SizePart> > ret = new List< List<BuildReportTool.SizePart> >(filters.Count+1); for (int n = 0, len = filters.Count+1; n < len; ++n) { ret.Add(new List<BuildReportTool.SizePart>()); } bool foundAtLeastOneMatch = false; for (int idxAll = 0, lenAll = assetSizesAll.Length; idxAll < lenAll; ++idxAll) { BRT_BuildReportWindow.GetValueMessage = "Segregating assets " + (idxAll+1) + " of " + assetSizesAll.Length + "..."; foundAtLeastOneMatch = false; for (int n = 0, len = filters.Count; n < len; ++n) { if (filters[n].IsFileInFilter(assetSizesAll[idxAll].Name)) { foundAtLeastOneMatch = true; ret[n].Add(assetSizesAll[idxAll]); } } if (!foundAtLeastOneMatch) { ret[ret.Count-1].Add(assetSizesAll[idxAll]); } } BRT_BuildReportWindow.GetValueMessage = ""; BuildReportTool.SizePart[][] retArr = new BuildReportTool.SizePart[filters.Count+1][]; for (int n = 0, len = filters.Count+1; n < len; ++n) { retArr[n] = ret[n].ToArray(); } return retArr; }
void DrawAssetList(BuildReportTool.AssetList assetList, bool usedAssets, BuildInfo buildReportToDisplay, AssetDependencies assetDependencies) { if (assetList == null || assetList.TopLargest == null) { //Debug.LogError("no top ten largest"); return; } BuildReportTool.SizePart[] assetsToShow = assetList.TopLargest; if (assetsToShow == null) { //Debug.LogError("no top ten largest"); return; } bool useAlt = true; var newEntryHoveredIdx = -1; BuildReportTool.SizePart newEntryHovered = null; Rect newEntryHoveredRect = new Rect(); Rect iconRect = new Rect(); var hoveringOverIcon = false; //var hoveringOverLabel = false; GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); // 1st column: name GUILayout.BeginVertical(); for (int n = 0; n < assetsToShow.Length; ++n) { BuildReportTool.SizePart b = assetsToShow[n]; string styleToUse = useAlt ? BuildReportTool.Window.Settings.LIST_NORMAL_ALT_STYLE_NAME : BuildReportTool.Window.Settings.LIST_NORMAL_STYLE_NAME; string iconStyleToUse = useAlt ? BuildReportTool.Window.Settings.LIST_ICON_ALT_STYLE_NAME : BuildReportTool.Window.Settings.LIST_ICON_STYLE_NAME; Texture icon = AssetDatabase.GetCachedIcon(b.Name); GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); if (icon == null) { // no icon, just add space so it aligns with the other entries GUILayout.Label(string.Empty, iconStyleToUse, GUILayout.Width(28), GUILayout.Height(30)); } else { GUILayout.Button(icon, iconStyleToUse, GUILayout.Width(28), GUILayout.Height(30)); } if (Event.current.type == EventType.Repaint) { iconRect = GUILayoutUtility.GetLastRect(); // if mouse is hovering over asset entry's icon (not the label) // draw a border on the asset icon if (iconRect.Contains(Event.current.mousePosition)) { hoveringOverIcon = true; newEntryHoveredIdx = n; newEntryHovered = b; newEntryHoveredRect = iconRect; GUI.Box(iconRect, icon, "IconHovered"); } } string prettyName = string.Format(" {0}. {1}", (n + 1).ToString(), BuildReportTool.Util.GetAssetFilename(b.Name)); if (GUILayout.Button(prettyName, styleToUse, GUILayout.MinWidth(100), GUILayout.MaxWidth(400), GUILayout.Height(30))) { Utility.PingAssetInProject(b.Name); } if (newEntryHoveredIdx == -1 && Event.current.type == EventType.Repaint) { var labelRect = GUILayoutUtility.GetLastRect(); // if mouse is hovering over asset entry's label // draw a border on the asset icon if (labelRect.Contains(Event.current.mousePosition)) { //hoveringOverLabel = true; newEntryHoveredIdx = n; newEntryHovered = b; newEntryHoveredRect = labelRect; GUI.Box(iconRect, icon, "IconHovered"); } } GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); useAlt = !useAlt; } GUILayout.EndVertical(); if (Event.current.type == EventType.Repaint) { if (usedAssets) { _assetUsedEntryHoveredIdx = newEntryHoveredIdx; } else { _assetUnusedEntryHoveredIdx = newEntryHoveredIdx; } if (newEntryHoveredIdx != -1) { string hoveredAssetPath = newEntryHovered != null ? newEntryHovered.Name : null; // ---------------- // update what is considered the hovered asset, for use later on // when the tooltip will be drawn BRT_BuildReportWindow.UpdateHoveredAsset(hoveredAssetPath, newEntryHoveredRect, usedAssets, buildReportToDisplay, assetDependencies); // ---------------- // if mouse is hovering over the correct area, we signify that // the tooltip thumbnail should be drawn if (BuildReportTool.Options.ShowTooltipThumbnail && (BuildReportTool.Options.ShowThumbnailOnHoverLabelToo || hoveringOverIcon) && BRT_BuildReportWindow.GetAssetPreview(hoveredAssetPath) != null) { _shouldShowThumbnailOnHoveredAsset = true; } else { _shouldShowThumbnailOnHoveredAsset = false; } } } // 2nd column: size var useRawSize = (usedAssets && !BuildReportTool.Options.ShowImportedSizeForUsedAssets) || !usedAssets; useAlt = true; GUILayout.BeginVertical(); for (int n = 0; n < assetsToShow.Length; ++n) { BuildReportTool.SizePart b = assetsToShow[n]; string styleToUse = useAlt ? BuildReportTool.Window.Settings.LIST_NORMAL_ALT_STYLE_NAME : BuildReportTool.Window.Settings.LIST_NORMAL_STYLE_NAME; GUILayout.Label(useRawSize ? b.RawSize : b.ImportedSize, styleToUse, GUILayout.MaxWidth(100), GUILayout.Height(30)); useAlt = !useAlt; } GUILayout.EndVertical(); GUILayout.FlexibleSpace(); GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); }
static int SortByAssetNameDescending(BuildReportTool.SizePart entry1, BuildReportTool.SizePart entry2) { int result = string.Compare(entry1.Name, entry2.Name, true); return(result); }
public static BuildReportTool.SizePart CreateSizePartFromFile(string filename, string fileFullPath) { BuildReportTool.SizePart outPart = new BuildReportTool.SizePart(); outPart.Name = System.Security.SecurityElement.Escape(filename); if (File.Exists(fileFullPath)) { long fileSizeBytes = GetFileSizeInBytes(fileFullPath); outPart.RawSizeBytes = fileSizeBytes; outPart.RawSize = GetBytesReadable(fileSizeBytes); long importedSizeBytes = -1; //importedSizeBytes = BRT_LibCacheUtil.GetImportedFileSize(filename); outPart.ImportedSizeBytes = importedSizeBytes; outPart.ImportedSize = BuildReportTool.Util.GetBytesReadable(importedSizeBytes); } else { outPart.RawSizeBytes = -1; outPart.RawSize = "???"; } /// \todo perhaps compute percentage: file size of this DLL out of total build size (would need to convert string of total build size into an int of bytes) outPart.Percentage = -1; return outPart; }
// Sum Selection: Queries // -------------------------------------------------------------------- public bool InSumSelection(BuildReportTool.SizePart b) { return(_selectedForSum.ContainsKey(b.Name)); }
void DrawAssetList(BuildReportTool.AssetList assetList, bool usedAssets) { BuildReportTool.SizePart[] assetsToShow = assetList.TopLargest; if (assetsToShow == null) { //Debug.LogError("no top ten largest"); return; } bool useAlt = true; GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); // 1st column: name GUILayout.BeginVertical(); for (int n = 0; n < assetsToShow.Length; ++n) { BuildReportTool.SizePart b = assetsToShow[n]; string styleToUse = useAlt ? BuildReportTool.Window.Settings.LIST_NORMAL_ALT_STYLE_NAME : BuildReportTool.Window.Settings.LIST_NORMAL_STYLE_NAME; string iconStyleToUse = useAlt ? BuildReportTool.Window.Settings.LIST_ICON_ALT_STYLE_NAME : BuildReportTool.Window.Settings.LIST_ICON_STYLE_NAME; string prettyName = " " + (n + 1) + ". " + Path.GetFileName(b.Name); Texture icon = AssetDatabase.GetCachedIcon(b.Name); GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); if (icon == null) { //GUILayout.Space(22); GUILayout.Label(string.Empty, iconStyleToUse, GUILayout.Width(28), GUILayout.Height(30)); } else { GUILayout.Button(icon, iconStyleToUse, GUILayout.Width(28), GUILayout.Height(30)); } if (GUILayout.Button(prettyName, styleToUse, GUILayout.MinWidth(100), GUILayout.MaxWidth(400), GUILayout.Height(30))) { Utility.PingAssetInProject(b.Name); } GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); useAlt = !useAlt; } GUILayout.EndVertical(); // 2nd column: size var useRawSize = (usedAssets && !BuildReportTool.Options.ShowImportedSizeForUsedAssets) || !usedAssets; useAlt = true; GUILayout.BeginVertical(); for (int n = 0; n < assetsToShow.Length; ++n) { BuildReportTool.SizePart b = assetsToShow[n]; string styleToUse = useAlt ? BuildReportTool.Window.Settings.LIST_NORMAL_ALT_STYLE_NAME : BuildReportTool.Window.Settings.LIST_NORMAL_STYLE_NAME; GUILayout.Label(useRawSize ? b.RawSize : b.ImportedSize, styleToUse, GUILayout.MaxWidth(100), GUILayout.Height(30)); useAlt = !useAlt; } GUILayout.EndVertical(); GUILayout.FlexibleSpace(); GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); }
static int SortByAssetFullPathDescending(BuildReportTool.SizePart entry1, BuildReportTool.SizePart entry2) { int result = string.Compare(entry1.Name, entry2.Name, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase); return(result); }