protected void BaseStartUS() { BuildDebug.Log(name + ": Beginning Update Search"); loops = 0; path.Clear(); line.positionCount = 0; realTimeSolutionStarted = true; BreadcrumbManager.singleton.ResetCrumbs(); }
public void Init(Environment Env) { BuildDebug.Log("Initializing " + name); SetDeltas(); env = Env; initState = env.startState; transform.position = env.CellRepPos(initState); transform.localScale = new Vector2(Env.cellSize, Env.cellSize); }
protected void BaseEndUS() { BuildDebug.Log("--------------------"); BuildDebug.Log(name + ": Ending Update Search"); BuildDebug.Log("Number of loops: " + loops); Debug.Log("About to Log path length"); BuildDebug.Log("Path Length: " + path.Count); LogMemory(); BuildDebug.Log("--------------------"); realTimeSolutionStarted = false; }
void Awake() { canvas = FindObjectOfType <Canvas>(); BuildDebug.Log("Starting Load"); string EnvDir = Save.GetDirectory(); BuildDebug.Log("Loading Directory: " + EnvDir); rawEnv = Save.LoadEnvironment(EnvDir); GenerateGrid(); GenerateEnvVisuals(); }
void Update() { if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Escape)) { BuildDebug.Log("Ending Program"); Application.Quit(); } if (Input.mouseScrollDelta != { cameraZoom = Mathf.Clamp(cameraZoom - (Input.mouseScrollDelta.y * scrollSense), minCameraSize, maxCameraSize); cam.orthographicSize = cameraZoom; textCam.orthographicSize = cameraZoom; } if (Input.GetMouseButtonDown(2)) { cameraZoom = Mathf.Clamp(cameraDefault, minCameraSize, maxCameraSize); cam.orthographicSize = cameraZoom; textCam.orthographicSize = cameraZoom; } bool startedBot = false; for (int i = 0; i < robots.Count; ++i) { if (CheckKey(i + 1)) { startedBot = true; } if (robots[i].moved) { BreadcrumbManager.singleton.PlaceCrumb(robots[i].transform.position, i); } robots[i].moved = false; robots[i].UpdateSolutionControl(CheckKey(i + 1)); } if (startedBot) { for (int i = 0; i < robots.Count; ++i) { if (!CheckKey(i + 1)) { robots[i].SilentEndUS(); } robots[i].gameObject.SetActive(CheckKey(i + 1)); } } }
public static string GetDirectory() { if (File.Exists("FileToLoad.txt")) { BuildDebug.Log("Directory instructions found"); StreamReader SR = new StreamReader("FileToLoad.txt"); return(SR.ReadLine()); } else { BuildDebug.Log("Directory instructions missing!"); } return("Environments/RobotNav-test.txt"); }
protected override void LogMemory() { BuildDebug.Log("End Memory Used: " + nodeQueue.Count + " Nodes in queue, " + triedNodes.Count + " Nodes in list = " + (nodeQueue.Count + triedNodes.Count)); }
protected override void LogMemory() { BuildDebug.Log("End Memory Used: " + BFSNodes.Count + " Nodes in tree"); }
protected virtual void LogMemory() { BuildDebug.Log("End Memory Used: Unknown"); }
protected override void LogMemory() { BuildDebug.Log("End Memory Used: " + usedNodes.Count + " Nodes in complete tree + " + path.Count + " Nodes in main Branch = " + (path.Count + usedNodes.Count)); }
public static RawEnvironment LoadEnvironment(string path) { if (!File.Exists(path)) { BuildDebug.Log("ERROR loading chosen directory. Swapping to default Environment"); if (File.Exists("Environments/RobotNav-test.txt")) { path = "Environments/RobotNav-test.txt"; } else { BuildDebug.Log("ERROR loading default directory."); path = ""; } } if (File.Exists(path)) { BuildDebug.Log("Loading Chosen Environment"); RawEnvironment RE = new RawEnvironment(); List <string> lines = new List <string>(); StreamReader SR = new StreamReader(path); while (!SR.EndOfStream) { lines.Add(SR.ReadLine()); } if (lines.Count < 3) { Debug.LogError("Environment file incomplete"); return(new RawEnvironment()); } RE.gridSize = lines[0].StringToV2(); //Swap the x and y values to make later code simpler. int temp = RE.gridSize.x; RE.gridSize.x = RE.gridSize.y; RE.gridSize.y = temp; RE.startPos = lines[1].StringToV2(); string[] goals = lines[2].Split('|'); RE.goalsPos = new List <Vector2Int>(); foreach (string G in goals) { RE.goalsPos.Add(G.StringToV2()); } lines.RemoveRange(0, 3); if (lines.Count == 0) { Debug.LogWarning("No walls in Environment"); return(new RawEnvironment()); } RE.wallRects = new List <Rect>(); foreach (string wall in lines) { RE.wallRects.Add(wall.StringToRect()); } return(RE); } return(new RawEnvironment()); }
protected override void CancelUpdateSolution() { BaseEndUS(); BuildDebug.Log("Cancelling Depth First"); }