        public void ScriptResultsAddedNullScriptData()
            IBugTrackerV1Control plugInControl = new FaultDatabaseControl();

            Assert.AreNotEqual(null, plugInControl);

            IBugTrackerV1Context context = plugInControl.CreateContext();

            Assert.AreNotEqual(null, context);
            Assert.AreEqual(1, GetNumberOfActiveProfiles(plugInControl));

            BugTrackerProduct product  = new BugTrackerProduct("StackHash", "", 1234568);
            BugTrackerFile    file     = new BugTrackerFile("StackHash.dll", "", 234567);
            BugTrackerEvent   theEvent = new BugTrackerEvent("Reference", "Plugin bug ref", 1111111, "CLR20 - Crash", 122, new NameValueCollection());

            theEvent.Signature["Exception"] = "0x23434";
            BugTrackerCab cab = new BugTrackerCab(12243, 12121, false, true, new NameValueCollection(), "c:\\test\\my.cab");

            cab.AnalysisData["New1"] = "Data1";
            cab.AnalysisData["New2"] = "Data2";

            BugTrackerScriptResult result = new BugTrackerScriptResult("ScriptName", 1, DateTime.Now, DateTime.Now, null);

            context.DebugScriptExecuted(BugTrackerReportType.Automatic, product, file, theEvent, cab, result);

            Assert.AreEqual(0, GetNumberOfActiveProfiles(plugInControl));
        public void EventToString()
            NameValueCollection signature = new NameValueCollection();

            signature.Add("Exception", "0x123456");
            signature.Add("Offset", "0x123457");

            BugTrackerEvent theEvent = new BugTrackerEvent("Bug 1234", "Plugin bug ref", 12345678, "CLR20 32-Bit", 10000, signature);

            String result = theEvent.ToString();

            Assert.AreEqual("Event: Id=12345678, EventTypeName=CLR20 32-Bit, BugReference=Bug 1234, TotalHits=10000\r\n   Exception=0x123456\r\n   Offset=0x123457\r\n", result);
        /// <summary>
        /// Process a cab note table update. This may indicate a new item or the change to an existing item.
        /// </summary>
        private bool processCabNoteUpdate(StackHashBugTrackerUpdate update)
            // Get the associated product and file information.
            StackHashProduct   product  = m_Index.GetProduct((int)update.ProductId);
            StackHashFile      file     = m_Index.GetFile(product, (int)update.FileId);
            StackHashEvent     theEvent = m_Index.GetEvent(product, file, new StackHashEvent((int)update.EventId, update.EventTypeName));
            StackHashCab       cab      = m_Index.GetCab(product, file, theEvent, (int)update.CabId);
            StackHashNoteEntry note     = m_Index.GetCabNote((int)update.ChangedObjectId);

            if ((product == null) || (file == null) || (theEvent == null) || (cab == null) || (note == null))
                DiagnosticsHelper.LogMessage(DiagSeverity.Warning, "Processing Cab Note: Inconsistent Update Table Entry");

            BugTrackerProduct   btProduct      = new BugTrackerProduct(product.Name, product.Version, product.Id);
            BugTrackerFile      btFile         = new BugTrackerFile(file.Name, file.Version, file.Id);
            NameValueCollection eventSignature = new NameValueCollection();

            foreach (StackHashParameter param in theEvent.EventSignature.Parameters)
                eventSignature.Add(param.Name, param.Value);

            BugTrackerEvent btEvent = new BugTrackerEvent(theEvent.BugId, theEvent.PlugInBugId, theEvent.Id, theEvent.EventTypeName,
                                                          theEvent.TotalHits, eventSignature);

            NameValueCollection analysis = new NameValueCollection();

            analysis.Add("DotNetVersion", cab.DumpAnalysis.DotNetVersion);
            analysis.Add("MachineArchitecture", cab.DumpAnalysis.MachineArchitecture);
            analysis.Add("OSVersion", cab.DumpAnalysis.OSVersion);
            analysis.Add("ProcessUpTime", cab.DumpAnalysis.ProcessUpTime);
            analysis.Add("SystemUpTime", cab.DumpAnalysis.SystemUpTime);

            String        cabFileName = m_Index.GetCabFileName(product, file, theEvent, cab);
            BugTrackerCab btCab       = new BugTrackerCab(cab.Id, cab.SizeInBytes, cab.CabDownloaded, cab.Purged, analysis, cabFileName);

            BugTrackerNote btCabNote = new BugTrackerNote(note.TimeOfEntry, note.Source, note.User, note.Note);

            String newBugId = null;

            if (update.TypeOfChange == StackHashChangeType.NewEntry)
                newBugId = m_TaskParameters.PlugInContext.CabNoteAdded(null, BugTrackerReportType.Automatic, btProduct, btFile, btEvent, btCab, btCabNote);

            setPlugInBugReference(product, file, theEvent, newBugId);

        public void EventAddedNoEventSignature()
            IBugTrackerV1Control plugInControl = new FaultDatabaseControl();

            Assert.AreNotEqual(null, plugInControl);

            IBugTrackerV1Context context = plugInControl.CreateContext();

            Assert.AreNotEqual(null, context);
            Assert.AreEqual(1, GetNumberOfActiveProfiles(plugInControl));

            BugTrackerProduct product  = new BugTrackerProduct("StackHash", "", 1234568);
            BugTrackerFile    file     = new BugTrackerFile("StackHash.dll", "", 234567);
            BugTrackerEvent   theEvent = new BugTrackerEvent("Reference", "Plugin bug ref", 1111111, "CLR20 - Crash", 122, new NameValueCollection());

            context.EventAdded(BugTrackerReportType.Automatic, product, file, theEvent);

            Assert.AreEqual(0, GetNumberOfActiveProfiles(plugInControl));
        /// <summary>
        /// Process an event note table update. This may indicate a new item or the change to an existing item.
        /// </summary>
        private bool processEventNoteUpdate(StackHashBugTrackerUpdate update)
            // Get the associated product and file information.
            StackHashProduct   product  = m_Index.GetProduct((int)update.ProductId);
            StackHashFile      file     = m_Index.GetFile(product, (int)update.FileId);
            StackHashEvent     theEvent = m_Index.GetEvent(product, file, new StackHashEvent((int)update.EventId, update.EventTypeName));
            StackHashNoteEntry note     = m_Index.GetEventNote((int)update.ChangedObjectId);

            if ((product == null) || (file == null) || (theEvent == null) || (note == null))
                DiagnosticsHelper.LogMessage(DiagSeverity.Warning, "Processing Event Note: Inconsistent Update Table Entry");

            BugTrackerProduct   btProduct      = new BugTrackerProduct(product.Name, product.Version, product.Id);
            BugTrackerFile      btFile         = new BugTrackerFile(file.Name, file.Version, file.Id);
            NameValueCollection eventSignature = new NameValueCollection();

            foreach (StackHashParameter param in theEvent.EventSignature.Parameters)
                eventSignature.Add(param.Name, param.Value);

            BugTrackerEvent btEvent = new BugTrackerEvent(theEvent.BugId, theEvent.PlugInBugId, theEvent.Id, theEvent.EventTypeName,
                                                          theEvent.TotalHits, eventSignature);

            BugTrackerNote btEventNote = new BugTrackerNote(note.TimeOfEntry, note.Source, note.User, note.Note);

            String newBugId = null;

            if (update.TypeOfChange == StackHashChangeType.NewEntry)
                newBugId = m_TaskParameters.PlugInContext.EventNoteAdded(null, BugTrackerReportType.Automatic, btProduct, btFile, btEvent, btEventNote);

            setPlugInBugReference(product, file, theEvent, newBugId);

        public void EventNoteAdded()
            IBugTrackerV1Control plugInControl = new FaultDatabaseControl();

            Assert.AreNotEqual(null, plugInControl);

            IBugTrackerV1Context context = plugInControl.CreateContext();

            Assert.AreNotEqual(null, context);
            Assert.AreEqual(1, GetNumberOfActiveProfiles(plugInControl));

            BugTrackerProduct product  = new BugTrackerProduct("StackHash", "", 1234568);
            BugTrackerFile    file     = new BugTrackerFile("StackHash.dll", "", 234567);
            BugTrackerEvent   theEvent = new BugTrackerEvent("Reference", "Plugin bug ref", 1111111, "CLR20 - Crash", 122, new NameValueCollection());

            theEvent.Signature["Exception"] = "0x23434";
            BugTrackerNote note = new BugTrackerNote(DateTime.Now, "Source", "MarkJ", "Hello from me");

            context.EventNoteAdded(BugTrackerReportType.Automatic, product, file, theEvent, note);

            Assert.AreEqual(0, GetNumberOfActiveProfiles(plugInControl));
        /// <summary>
        /// This method is called when the processing of an Event has completed. Events have associated Cabs, Scripts and notes which
        /// may all be reported during a MANUAL Bug Report. This call effectively delimits the reporting of all
        /// information associated with an event so, if desired, the plug-in can gather all of the information together in one
        /// go for sending to the fault database. This may improve performance for events with large amounts of stored data.
        /// The plug-in may thus see...
        ///    EventAdded
        ///    EventNoteAdded, EventNoteAdded,...
        ///    CabAdded, CabAdded,...
        ///    CabNoteAdded, CabNoteAdded,...
        ///    ScriptResultAdded, ScriptResultAdded,...
        ///    EventManualUpdateCompleted.
        /// A Plugin Bug Reference is stored with the Event data in the StackHash database. This can be manually changed
        /// by the StackHash client user. The plug-in can also change the plugin bug reference by returning the desired
        /// bug reference from this call.
        /// Return null if you do NOT want to change the bug reference stored in the StackHash database.
        /// Return any other string (including an empty string) and this value will be used to overwrite the
        /// plugin bug reference in the StackHash database.
        /// Note that there are 2 bug references:
        ///   The BugReference can be set by the StackHash client user manually. This cannot be changed by the plugin.
        ///   The PlugInBugReference can be set by the StackHash client user manually AND/OR set by the plugin.
        /// Automatic reports may arrived interleaved with manual reports. This may happen when, say a WinQual sync
        /// is happening at the same time as a manual report is requested.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="reportType">Manual or automatic. If manual identifies what level of report is taking place.</param>
        /// <param name="product">The product to which the file belongs.</param>
        /// <param name="file">The file to which the event belongs.</param>
        /// <param name="theEvent">The event whose details have now been reported.</param>
        /// <returns>Null - if the plugin bug reference in the StackHash database should not be changed, Otherwise the new value for the plugin bug reference.</returns>
        public string EventManualUpdateCompleted(BugTrackerReportType reportType, BugTrackerProduct product, BugTrackerFile file, BugTrackerEvent theEvent)
            if (m_disposed)
                throw new ObjectDisposedException("EmailPluginContext");

            if (product == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("product");
            if (file == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("file");
            if (theEvent == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("theEvent");

            // Don't change the plugin bug reference. Setting this to any other value will update the plugin bug reference in the
            // StackHash database.
            String pluginBugReference = null;

        /// <summary>
        /// If the report type is automatic then this call indicates that an Event note has been added to the
        /// StackHash database by a StackHash client.
        /// If the report type is manual then this call indicates that an Event note already exists in the
        /// StackHash database. This is the result of a BugReport task being run.
        /// Note that it is possible that the event note existence has already been reported, so the
        /// code here should check, if necessary, that this is not a duplicate before creating new items in
        /// the destination bug tracking system.
        /// Important Note: AN EVENT IS IDENTIFIED BY ITS ID AND EVENTTYPENAME TOGETHER. Therefore it is possible to
        /// have events with the same ID but different EventTypeName.
        /// Automatic reports may arrived interleaved with manual reports. This may happen when, say a WinQual sync
        /// is happening at the same time as a manual report is requested.
        /// A Plugin Bug Reference is stored with the Event data in the StackHash database. This can be manually changed
        /// by the StackHash client user. The plug-in can also change the plugin bug reference by returning the desired
        /// bug reference from this call.
        /// Return null if you do NOT want to change the bug reference stored in the StackHash database.
        /// Return any other string (including an empty string) and this value will be used to overwrite the
        /// plugin bug reference in the StackHash database.
        /// Note that there are 2 bug references:
        ///   The BugReference can be set by the StackHash client user manually. This cannot be changed by the plugin.
        ///   The PlugInBugReference can be set by the StackHash client user manually AND/OR set by the plugin.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="reportType">Manual or automatic. If manual identifies what level of report is taking place.</param>
        /// <param name="product">The product to which the file belongs.</param>
        /// <param name="file">The file to which the event belongs.</param>
        /// <param name="theEvent">The event to which the note belongs.</param>
        /// <param name="note">The event note to add.</param>
        /// <returns>Null - if the plugin bug reference in the StackHash database should not be changed, Otherwise the new value for the plugin bug reference.</returns>
        public string EventNoteAdded(BugTrackerReportType reportType, BugTrackerProduct product, BugTrackerFile file, BugTrackerEvent theEvent, BugTrackerNote note)
            if (product == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("product");
            if (file == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("file");
            if (theEvent == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("theEvent");
            if (note == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("note");

            // Note that all of the interface objects have a built in ToString() which formats the fields suitably.
            BugTrackerTrace.LogMessage(BugTrackerTraceSeverity.Information, m_Control.PlugInName, "Event Note Added: " + note.ToString());

            // Don't change the bug reference.
        private StackHashEvent processCab(StackHashBugReportData request, StackHashProduct product, StackHashFile file,
                                          StackHashEvent theEvent, StackHashCab cab, BugTrackerProduct btProduct, BugTrackerFile btFile, BugTrackerEvent btEvent)
            if (this.CurrentTaskState.AbortRequested)
                throw new OperationCanceledException("Reporting events to Bug Tracker plug-ins");

            NameValueCollection analysis = new NameValueCollection();

            analysis.Add("DotNetVersion", cab.DumpAnalysis.DotNetVersion);
            analysis.Add("MachineArchitecture", cab.DumpAnalysis.MachineArchitecture);
            analysis.Add("OSVersion", cab.DumpAnalysis.OSVersion);
            analysis.Add("ProcessUpTime", cab.DumpAnalysis.ProcessUpTime);
            analysis.Add("SystemUpTime", cab.DumpAnalysis.SystemUpTime);

            String cabFileName = m_Index.GetCabFileName(product, file, theEvent, cab);

            BugTrackerCab btCab = new BugTrackerCab(cab.Id, cab.SizeInBytes, cab.CabDownloaded, cab.Purged, analysis, cabFileName);

            if (((request.Options & StackHashReportOptions.IncludeCabs) != 0) ||
                ((request.Options & StackHashReportOptions.IncludeAllObjects) != 0))
                String newBugId = m_TaskParameters.PlugInContext.CabAdded(m_PlugIns, m_ReportType, btProduct, btFile, btEvent, btCab);
                theEvent = setPlugInBugReference(product, file, theEvent, newBugId);
                // Reset this in case it has changed.
                btEvent = new BugTrackerEvent(theEvent.BugId, theEvent.PlugInBugId, theEvent.Id, theEvent.EventTypeName, theEvent.TotalHits, btEvent.Signature);

            if (((request.Options & StackHashReportOptions.IncludeCabNotes) != 0) ||
                ((request.Options & StackHashReportOptions.IncludeAllObjects) != 0))
                StackHashNotes notes = m_Index.GetCabNotes(product, file, theEvent, cab);
                foreach (StackHashNoteEntry note in notes)
                    if (this.CurrentTaskState.AbortRequested)
                        throw new OperationCanceledException("Reporting events to Bug Tracker plug-ins");

                    BugTrackerNote btEventNote = new BugTrackerNote(note.TimeOfEntry, note.Source, note.User, note.Note);
                    String         newBugId    = m_TaskParameters.PlugInContext.CabNoteAdded(m_PlugIns, m_ReportType, btProduct, btFile, btEvent, btCab, btEventNote);
                    theEvent = setPlugInBugReference(product, file, theEvent, newBugId);
                    // Reset this in case it has changed.
                    btEvent = new BugTrackerEvent(theEvent.BugId, theEvent.PlugInBugId, theEvent.Id, theEvent.EventTypeName, theEvent.TotalHits, btEvent.Signature);

            if (((request.Options & StackHashReportOptions.IncludeScriptResults) != 0) ||
                ((request.Options & StackHashReportOptions.IncludeAllObjects) != 0))
                StackHashScriptResultFiles scriptResults = m_TaskParameters.TheScriptResultsManager.GetResultFiles(product, file, theEvent, cab);

                foreach (StackHashScriptResultFile scriptResultFile in scriptResults)
                    if (this.CurrentTaskState.AbortRequested)
                        throw new OperationCanceledException("Reporting events to Bug Tracker plug-ins");
                        StackHashScriptResult scriptResult = m_TaskParameters.TheScriptResultsManager.GetResultFileData(product, file, theEvent, cab, scriptResultFile.ScriptName);

                        if (scriptResult != null)
                            BugTrackerScriptResult btScriptResult = new BugTrackerScriptResult(scriptResult.Name, scriptResult.ScriptVersion,
                                                                                               scriptResult.LastModifiedDate, scriptResult.RunDate, scriptResult.ToString());

                            String newBugId = m_TaskParameters.PlugInContext.DebugScriptExecuted(m_PlugIns, m_ReportType, btProduct, btFile, btEvent, btCab, btScriptResult);
                            theEvent = setPlugInBugReference(product, file, theEvent, newBugId);
                            // Reset this in case it has changed.
                            btEvent = new BugTrackerEvent(theEvent.BugId, theEvent.PlugInBugId, theEvent.Id, theEvent.EventTypeName, theEvent.TotalHits, btEvent.Signature);
                    catch (System.Exception ex)
                                                       "Failed to load script file for reporting " + cab.Id.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) + " " + scriptResultFile.ScriptName,

        public string EventNoteAdded(BugTrackerReportType reportType, BugTrackerProduct product, BugTrackerFile file, BugTrackerEvent theEvent, BugTrackerNote note)
            if (product == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("product");
            if (file == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("file");
            if (theEvent == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("theEvent");
            if (note == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("note");
            m_LastEventNote = note.Note;

            BugTrackerTrace.LogMessage(BugTrackerTraceSeverity.Information, s_PlugInName, "Event Note Added: " + note.ToString());
            // If the SetBugId is set then the plugin should have set the bug reference so subsequent calls using that event should
            // also contain the bug reference.
            if (m_Properties["SetBugId"] == "True")
                if (theEvent.PlugInBugReference != "TestPlugInBugId" + theEvent.EventId.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture))
                    throw new ArgumentException("Bug ref not set", "theEvent");
        public string EventAdded(BugTrackerReportType reportType, BugTrackerProduct product, BugTrackerFile file, BugTrackerEvent theEvent)
            if (product == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("product");
            if (file == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("file");
            if (theEvent == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("theEvent");
            String bugId = theEvent.BugReference;

            if (m_Properties["SetBugId"] == "True")
                bugId = "TestPlugInBugId" + theEvent.EventId.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);

            BugTrackerTrace.LogMessage(BugTrackerTraceSeverity.Information, s_PlugInName, "Event Added: " + theEvent.ToString());
        public string EventManualUpdateCompleted(BugTrackerReportType reportType, BugTrackerProduct product, BugTrackerFile file, BugTrackerEvent theEvent)
            if (product == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("product");
            if (file == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("file");
            if (theEvent == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("theEvent");

            BugTrackerTrace.LogMessage(BugTrackerTraceSeverity.Information, s_PlugInName, "Event Manual Update Completed: " + theEvent.ToString());

 /// <summary>
 /// If the report type is automatic then this call indicates that a Debug Script Result has been added to the
 /// StackHash database by way the Cab Analysis task running or the StackHash client manually running a script
 /// on a cab.
 /// If the report type is manual then this call indicates that an Debug Script Result already exists in the
 /// StackHash database. This is the result of a BugReport task being run.
 /// scriptResult.ToString() can be used to format the string for addition to a Fault Database system.
 /// Automatic reports may arrived interleaved with manual reports. This may happen when, say a WinQual sync
 /// is happening at the same time as a manual report is requested.
 /// A Plugin Bug Reference is stored with the Event data in the StackHash database. This can be manually changed
 /// by the StackHash client user. The plug-in can also change the plugin bug reference by returning the desired
 /// bug reference from this call.
 /// Return null if you do NOT want to change the bug reference stored in the StackHash database.
 /// Return any other string (including an empty string) and this value will be used to overwrite the
 /// plugin bug reference in the StackHash database.
 /// Note that there are 2 bug references:
 ///   The BugReference can be set by the StackHash client user manually. This cannot be changed by the plugin.
 ///   The PlugInBugReference can be set by the StackHash client user manually AND/OR set by the plugin.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="reportType">Manual or automatic. If manual identifies what level of report is taking place.</param>
 /// <param name="product">The product to which the file belongs.</param>
 /// <param name="file">The file to which the event belongs.</param>
 /// <param name="theEvent">The event to which the cab belongs.</param>
 /// <param name="cab">The cab to which the debug script result belongs.</param>
 /// <param name="scriptResult">The result of running a debug script on the cab dump file.</param>
 /// <returns>Null - if the plugin bug reference in the StackHash database should not be changed, Otherwise the new value for the plugin bug reference.</returns>
 public string DebugScriptExecuted(BugTrackerReportType reportType, BugTrackerProduct product, BugTrackerFile file, BugTrackerEvent theEvent, BugTrackerCab cab, BugTrackerScriptResult scriptResult)
 /// <summary>
 /// If the report type is automatic then this call indicates that a Cab Note has been added to the
 /// StackHash database by way of the StackHash user adding one.
 /// If the report type is manual then this call indicates that an Cab Note already exists in the
 /// StackHash database. This is the result of a BugReport task being run.
 /// Automatic reports may arrived interleaved with manual reports. This may happen when, say a WinQual sync
 /// is happening at the same time as a manual report is requested.
 /// A Plugin Bug Reference is stored with the Event data in the StackHash database. This can be manually changed
 /// by the StackHash client user. The plug-in can also change the plugin bug reference by returning the desired
 /// bug reference from this call.
 /// Return null if you do NOT want to change the bug reference stored in the StackHash database.
 /// Return any other string (including an empty string) and this value will be used to overwrite the
 /// plugin bug reference in the StackHash database.
 /// Note that there are 2 bug references:
 ///   The BugReference can be set by the StackHash client user manually. This cannot be changed by the plugin.
 ///   The PlugInBugReference can be set by the StackHash client user manually AND/OR set by the plugin.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="reportType">Manual or automatic. If manual identifies what level of report is taking place.</param>
 /// <param name="product">The product to which the file belongs.</param>
 /// <param name="file">The file to which the event belongs.</param>
 /// <param name="theEvent">The event to which the cab belongs.</param>
 /// <param name="cab">The cab to which the note belongs.</param>
 /// <param name="note">The cab note to add.</param>
 /// <returns>Null - if the plugin bug reference in the StackHash database should not be changed, Otherwise the new value for the plugin bug reference.</returns>
 public string CabNoteAdded(BugTrackerReportType reportType, BugTrackerProduct product, BugTrackerFile file, BugTrackerEvent theEvent, BugTrackerCab cab, BugTrackerNote note)
 /// <summary>
 /// If the report type is automatic then this call indicates that a Cab has been updated in the
 /// StackHash database by way of: a Synchronize with the WinQual web site; downloading a cab manually from the
 /// StackHash client; or a script providing further diagnostic information.
 /// This method is not currently called during a manual BugReport.
 /// A Cab entry indicates that a cab is available on the WinQual site. The cab has not necessarily been
 /// downloaded yet. Once the cab is downloaded, the CabUpdated method will be called with Cab.CabDownloaded == true.
 /// Cabs are associated with particular events (identified by EventId, EventTypeName).
 /// Automatic reports may arrived interleaved with manual reports. This may happen when, say a WinQual sync
 /// is happening at the same time as a manual report is requested.
 /// A Plugin Bug Reference is stored with the Event data in the StackHash database. This can be manually changed
 /// by the StackHash client user. The plug-in can also change the plugin bug reference by returning the desired
 /// bug reference from this call.
 /// Return null if you do NOT want to change the bug reference stored in the StackHash database.
 /// Return any other string (including an empty string) and this value will be used to overwrite the
 /// plugin bug reference in the StackHash database.
 /// Note that there are 2 bug references:
 ///   The BugReference can be set by the StackHash client user manually. This cannot be changed by the plugin.
 ///   The PlugInBugReference can be set by the StackHash client user manually AND/OR set by the plugin.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="reportType">Manual or automatic. If manual identifies what level of report is taking place.</param>
 /// <param name="product">The product to which the file belongs.</param>
 /// <param name="file">The file to which the event belongs.</param>
 /// <param name="theEvent">The event to which the cab belongs.</param>
 /// <param name="cab">The cab being added.</param>
 /// <returns>Null - if the plugin bug reference in the StackHash database should not be changed, Otherwise the new value for the plugin bug reference.</returns>
 public string CabUpdated(BugTrackerReportType reportType, BugTrackerProduct product, BugTrackerFile file, BugTrackerEvent theEvent, BugTrackerCab cab)
        public string CabAdded(BugTrackerReportType reportType, BugTrackerProduct product, BugTrackerFile file, BugTrackerEvent theEvent, BugTrackerCab cab)
            if (product == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("product");
            if (file == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("file");
            if (theEvent == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("theEvent");
            if (cab == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("cab");
            if (cab.CabPathAndFileName == null)
                throw new ArgumentException("Cab path is null", "cab");
            BugTrackerTrace.LogMessage(BugTrackerTraceSeverity.Information, s_PlugInName, "Cab Added: " + cab.ToString());

            // If the SetBugId is set then the plugin should have set the bug reference so subsequent calls using that event should
            // also contain the bug reference.
            if (m_Properties["SetBugId"] == "True")
                if (theEvent.PlugInBugReference != "TestPlugInBugId" + theEvent.EventId.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture))
                    throw new ArgumentException("Bug ref not set", "theEvent");

            String bugId = null;

            if (m_Properties["CabAddedSetBugId"] == "True")
                bugId = "TestCabAddedPlugInBugId" + theEvent.EventId.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);

            if ((m_Properties["ManualCabAddedSetBugId"] == "True") && (reportType != BugTrackerReportType.Automatic))
                if (m_CabsPerEvent.ContainsKey(theEvent.EventId))
                    if (!theEvent.PlugInBugReference.StartsWith("ManualCabAddedSetBugId", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                        throw new ArgumentException("Plug-in bug reference should be set already", "theEvent");
                    m_CabsPerEvent[theEvent.EventId] = 1;
                bugId = "ManualCabAddedSetBugId" + theEvent.EventId.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
        public string CabNoteAdded(BugTrackerReportType reportType, BugTrackerProduct product, BugTrackerFile file, BugTrackerEvent theEvent, BugTrackerCab cab, BugTrackerNote note)
            if (product == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("product");
            if (file == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("file");
            if (theEvent == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("theEvent");
            if (cab == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("cab");
            if (note == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("note");
            if (cab.CabPathAndFileName == null)
                throw new ArgumentException("Cab path is null", "cab");
            m_LastCabNote = note.Note;
            BugTrackerTrace.LogMessage(BugTrackerTraceSeverity.Information, s_PlugInName, "Cab Note Added: " + note.ToString());

            // If the SetBugId is set then the plugin should have set the bug reference so subsequent calls using that event should
            // also contain the bug reference.
            if (m_Properties["SetBugId"] == "True")
                if (theEvent.PlugInBugReference != "TestPlugInBugId" + theEvent.EventId.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture))
                    throw new ArgumentException("Bug ref not set", "theEvent");

            String bugId = null;

            if (m_Properties["CabNoteAddedBugId"] == "True")
                bugId = "TestCabNoteAddedPlugInBugId" + theEvent.EventId.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
            if ((m_Properties["ManualCabAddedSetBugId"] == "True") && (reportType != BugTrackerReportType.Automatic))
                bugId = "ManualCabAddedSetBugId" + theEvent.EventId.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);

        /// <summary>
        /// Process a debug script change.
        /// </summary>
        private bool processDebugScriptUpdate(StackHashBugTrackerUpdate update)
            // Get the associated product and file information.
            StackHashProduct product  = m_Index.GetProduct((int)update.ProductId);
            StackHashFile    file     = m_Index.GetFile(product, (int)update.FileId);
            StackHashEvent   theEvent = m_Index.GetEvent(product, file, new StackHashEvent((int)update.EventId, update.EventTypeName));

            DiagnosticsHelper.LogMessage(DiagSeverity.Warning, "Processing Debug Script: getting cab data1");
            StackHashCab cab = m_Index.GetCab(product, file, theEvent, (int)update.CabId);

            DiagnosticsHelper.LogMessage(DiagSeverity.Warning, "Processing Debug Script: getting cab data2");
            StackHashNoteEntry note = m_Index.GetCabNote((int)update.ChangedObjectId);

            if ((product == null) || (file == null) || (theEvent == null) || (cab == null) || (note == null))
                if (product == null)
                    DiagnosticsHelper.LogMessage(DiagSeverity.Warning, "Processing Debug Script: Inconsistent Update Table Entry : product");
                if (file == null)
                    DiagnosticsHelper.LogMessage(DiagSeverity.Warning, "Processing Debug Script: Inconsistent Update Table Entry : file");
                if (theEvent == null)
                    DiagnosticsHelper.LogMessage(DiagSeverity.Warning, "Processing Debug Script: Inconsistent Update Table Entry : the Event");
                if (cab == null)
                    DiagnosticsHelper.LogMessage(DiagSeverity.Warning, "Processing Debug Script: Inconsistent Update Table Entry : cab: " + update.CabId.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));
                if (note == null)
                    DiagnosticsHelper.LogMessage(DiagSeverity.Warning, "Processing Debug Script: Inconsistent Update Table Entry : note");

            BugTrackerProduct   btProduct      = new BugTrackerProduct(product.Name, product.Version, product.Id);
            BugTrackerFile      btFile         = new BugTrackerFile(file.Name, file.Version, file.Id);
            NameValueCollection eventSignature = new NameValueCollection();

            foreach (StackHashParameter param in theEvent.EventSignature.Parameters)
                eventSignature.Add(param.Name, param.Value);

            BugTrackerEvent btEvent = new BugTrackerEvent(theEvent.BugId, theEvent.PlugInBugId, theEvent.Id, theEvent.EventTypeName,
                                                          theEvent.TotalHits, eventSignature);

            NameValueCollection analysis = new NameValueCollection();

            analysis.Add("DotNetVersion", cab.DumpAnalysis.DotNetVersion);
            analysis.Add("MachineArchitecture", cab.DumpAnalysis.MachineArchitecture);
            analysis.Add("OSVersion", cab.DumpAnalysis.OSVersion);
            analysis.Add("ProcessUpTime", cab.DumpAnalysis.ProcessUpTime);
            analysis.Add("SystemUpTime", cab.DumpAnalysis.SystemUpTime);

            String        cabFileName = m_Index.GetCabFileName(product, file, theEvent, cab);
            BugTrackerCab btCab       = new BugTrackerCab(cab.Id, cab.SizeInBytes, cab.CabDownloaded, cab.Purged, analysis, cabFileName);

            BugTrackerNote btCabNote = new BugTrackerNote(note.TimeOfEntry, note.Source, note.User, note.Note);

            // A note entry will be written when a script is run. Pick out the name of the script.
            // Format is "Script {0} executed".
            int    startIndex = btCabNote.Note.IndexOf("Script ", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) + "Script ".Length;
            int    endIndex   = btCabNote.Note.IndexOf("executed", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) - 2;
            int    length     = endIndex - startIndex + 1;
            String scriptName = btCabNote.Note.Substring(startIndex, length);

            StackHashScriptResult stackHashScriptResult = m_TaskParameters.TheScriptResultsManager.GetResultFileData(product, file, theEvent, cab, scriptName);

            if (stackHashScriptResult == null)

            BugTrackerScriptResult btScriptResult = new BugTrackerScriptResult(stackHashScriptResult.Name, stackHashScriptResult.ScriptVersion,
                                                                               stackHashScriptResult.LastModifiedDate, stackHashScriptResult.RunDate, stackHashScriptResult.ToString());

            String newBugId = null;

            if (update.TypeOfChange == StackHashChangeType.NewEntry)
                newBugId = m_TaskParameters.PlugInContext.DebugScriptExecuted(null, BugTrackerReportType.Automatic, btProduct, btFile, btEvent, btCab, btScriptResult);
            setPlugInBugReference(product, file, theEvent, newBugId);

        public string DebugScriptExecuted(BugTrackerReportType reportType, BugTrackerProduct product, BugTrackerFile file, BugTrackerEvent theEvent, BugTrackerCab cab, BugTrackerScriptResult scriptResult)
            if (product == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("product");
            if (file == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("file");
            if (theEvent == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("theEvent");
            if (cab == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("cab");
            if (scriptResult == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("scriptResult");
            BugTrackerTrace.LogMessage(BugTrackerTraceSeverity.Information, s_PlugInName, "Script Added: " + scriptResult.ToString());
            // If the SetBugId is set then the plugin should have set the bug reference so subsequent calls using that event should
            // also contain the bug reference.
            if (m_Properties["SetBugId"] == "True")
                if (theEvent.PlugInBugReference != "TestPlugInBugId" + theEvent.EventId.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture))
                    throw new ArgumentException("Bug ref not set", "theEvent");
            String bugId = null;

            if (m_Properties["DebugScriptExecutedBugId"] == "True")
                bugId = "TestDebugScriptExecutedPlugInBugId" + theEvent.EventId.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);

        /// <summary>
        /// Processes a specific event.
        /// </summary>
        private void processEventPackage(StackHashBugReportData request, StackHashProduct product, StackHashFile file,
                                         StackHashEventPackage eventPackage)
            if (this.CurrentTaskState.AbortRequested)
                throw new OperationCanceledException("Reporting events to Bug Tracker plug-ins");

            StackHashEvent theEvent = eventPackage.EventData;

            BugTrackerProduct   btProduct      = new BugTrackerProduct(product.Name, product.Version, product.Id);
            BugTrackerFile      btFile         = new BugTrackerFile(file.Name, file.Version, file.Id);
            NameValueCollection eventSignature = new NameValueCollection();

            foreach (StackHashParameter param in theEvent.EventSignature.Parameters)
                eventSignature.Add(param.Name, param.Value);
            BugTrackerEvent btEvent = new BugTrackerEvent(theEvent.BugId, theEvent.PlugInBugId, theEvent.Id, theEvent.EventTypeName, theEvent.TotalHits, eventSignature);

            if (((request.Options & StackHashReportOptions.IncludeEvents) != 0) ||
                ((request.Options & StackHashReportOptions.IncludeAllObjects) != 0))
                String newBugId = m_TaskParameters.PlugInContext.EventAdded(m_PlugIns, m_ReportType, btProduct, btFile, btEvent);
                theEvent = setPlugInBugReference(product, file, theEvent, newBugId);
                // Reset this in case it has changed.
                btEvent = new BugTrackerEvent(theEvent.BugId, theEvent.PlugInBugId, theEvent.Id, theEvent.EventTypeName, theEvent.TotalHits, eventSignature);

            if (((request.Options & StackHashReportOptions.IncludeEventNotes) != 0) ||
                ((request.Options & StackHashReportOptions.IncludeAllObjects) != 0))
                StackHashNotes notes = m_Index.GetEventNotes(product, file, theEvent);
                foreach (StackHashNoteEntry note in notes)
                    if (this.CurrentTaskState.AbortRequested)
                        throw new OperationCanceledException("Reporting events to Bug Tracker plug-ins");

                    BugTrackerNote btEventNote = new BugTrackerNote(note.TimeOfEntry, note.Source, note.User, note.Note);
                    String         newBugId    = m_TaskParameters.PlugInContext.EventNoteAdded(m_PlugIns, m_ReportType, btProduct, btFile, btEvent, btEventNote);
                    theEvent = setPlugInBugReference(product, file, theEvent, newBugId);
                    // Reset this in case it has changed.
                    btEvent = new BugTrackerEvent(theEvent.BugId, theEvent.PlugInBugId, theEvent.Id, theEvent.EventTypeName, theEvent.TotalHits, eventSignature);

            if (request.Cab == null)
                foreach (StackHashCabPackage cab in eventPackage.Cabs)
                    processCab(request, product, file, theEvent, cab.Cab, btProduct, btFile, btEvent);
                    // Reset this in case it has changed.
                    btEvent = new BugTrackerEvent(theEvent.BugId, theEvent.PlugInBugId, theEvent.Id, theEvent.EventTypeName, theEvent.TotalHits, eventSignature);
                StackHashCab cab = m_Index.GetCab(product, file, theEvent, request.Cab.Id);
                if (cab != null)
                    theEvent = processCab(request, product, file, theEvent, cab, btProduct, btFile, btEvent);
                    // Reset this in case it has changed.
                    btEvent = new BugTrackerEvent(theEvent.BugId, theEvent.PlugInBugId, theEvent.Id, theEvent.EventTypeName, theEvent.TotalHits, eventSignature);

            // Signal the completion of this event.
            if (((request.Options & StackHashReportOptions.IncludeEvents) != 0) ||
                ((request.Options & StackHashReportOptions.IncludeAllObjects) != 0))
                String newBugId = m_TaskParameters.PlugInContext.EventManualUpdateCompleted(m_PlugIns, m_ReportType, btProduct, btFile, btEvent);
                theEvent = setPlugInBugReference(product, file, theEvent, newBugId);
                // Reset this in case it has changed.
                btEvent = new BugTrackerEvent(theEvent.BugId, theEvent.PlugInBugId, theEvent.Id, theEvent.EventTypeName, theEvent.TotalHits, eventSignature);

            reportProgress(m_CurrentEvent, m_TotalEvents, eventPackage.EventData.Id);
        public void InvokeEachMethodSpecifyCorrectPlugIn()
            StackHashBugTrackerPlugInSelectionCollection plugIns = new StackHashBugTrackerPlugInSelectionCollection();

            plugIns.Add(new StackHashBugTrackerPlugInSelection("TestPlugIn"));

            String dllLocation = Path.GetDirectoryName(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location);

            String[] folders = { dllLocation };

            BugTrackerManager manager = new BugTrackerManager(folders);

            StackHashBugTrackerPlugInSettings plugInSettings = new StackHashBugTrackerPlugInSettings();

            plugInSettings.PlugInSettings = new StackHashBugTrackerPlugInCollection();
            plugInSettings.PlugInSettings.Add(new StackHashBugTrackerPlugIn());
            plugInSettings.PlugInSettings[0].Name    = "TestPlugIn";
            plugInSettings.PlugInSettings[0].Enabled = true;

            BugTrackerContext plugInContext = new BugTrackerContext(manager, plugInSettings);

            Assert.AreEqual(true, manager.NumberOfPlugIns >= 1);

            StackHashBugTrackerPlugInDiagnosticsCollection fullDiagnostics = plugInContext.GetContextDiagnostics("TestPlugIn");

            Assert.AreEqual(1, fullDiagnostics.Count);
            NameValueCollection diagnostics = fullDiagnostics[0].Diagnostics.ToNameValueCollection();

            Assert.AreEqual("0", diagnostics["ProductAddedCount"]);
            Assert.AreEqual("0", diagnostics["ProductUpdatedCount"]);
            Assert.AreEqual("0", diagnostics["FileAddedCount"]);
            Assert.AreEqual("0", diagnostics["FileUpdatedCount"]);
            Assert.AreEqual("0", diagnostics["EventAddedCount"]);
            Assert.AreEqual("0", diagnostics["EventUpdatedCount"]);
            Assert.AreEqual("0", diagnostics["EventNoteAddedCount"]);
            Assert.AreEqual("0", diagnostics["CabAddedCount"]);
            Assert.AreEqual("0", diagnostics["CabUpdatedCount"]);
            Assert.AreEqual("0", diagnostics["CabNoteAddedCount"]);

            BugTrackerProduct product  = new BugTrackerProduct("Name", "Version", 1);
            BugTrackerFile    file     = new BugTrackerFile("FileName", "FileVersion", 2);
            BugTrackerEvent   theEvent = new BugTrackerEvent("BugRef", "PlugInBugRef", 1, "EventTypeName", 1, new NameValueCollection());
            BugTrackerCab     cab      = new BugTrackerCab(1, 100, false, false, new NameValueCollection(), "c:\\test.cab");

            plugInContext.ProductAdded(plugIns, BugTrackerReportType.Automatic, product);
            plugInContext.ProductUpdated(plugIns, BugTrackerReportType.Automatic, product);

            plugInContext.FileAdded(plugIns, BugTrackerReportType.Automatic, product, file);
            plugInContext.FileUpdated(plugIns, BugTrackerReportType.Automatic, product, file);

            plugInContext.EventAdded(plugIns, BugTrackerReportType.Automatic, product, file, theEvent);
            plugInContext.EventUpdated(plugIns, BugTrackerReportType.Automatic, product, file, theEvent);
            plugInContext.EventManualUpdateCompleted(plugIns, BugTrackerReportType.Automatic, product, file, theEvent);
            plugInContext.EventNoteAdded(plugIns, BugTrackerReportType.Automatic, product, file, theEvent, new BugTrackerNote());

            plugInContext.CabAdded(plugIns, BugTrackerReportType.Automatic, product, file, theEvent, cab);
            plugInContext.CabUpdated(plugIns, BugTrackerReportType.Automatic, product, file, theEvent, cab);
            plugInContext.CabNoteAdded(plugIns, BugTrackerReportType.Automatic, product, file, theEvent, cab, new BugTrackerNote());

            fullDiagnostics = plugInContext.GetContextDiagnostics("TestPlugIn");
            Assert.AreEqual(1, fullDiagnostics.Count);
            diagnostics = fullDiagnostics[0].Diagnostics.ToNameValueCollection();

            Assert.AreEqual("1", diagnostics["ProductAddedCount"]);
            Assert.AreEqual("1", diagnostics["ProductUpdatedCount"]);
            Assert.AreEqual("1", diagnostics["FileAddedCount"]);
            Assert.AreEqual("1", diagnostics["FileUpdatedCount"]);
            Assert.AreEqual("1", diagnostics["EventAddedCount"]);
            Assert.AreEqual("1", diagnostics["EventCompleteCount"]);
            Assert.AreEqual("1", diagnostics["EventUpdatedCount"]);
            Assert.AreEqual("1", diagnostics["EventNoteAddedCount"]);
            Assert.AreEqual("1", diagnostics["CabAddedCount"]);
            Assert.AreEqual("1", diagnostics["CabUpdatedCount"]);
            Assert.AreEqual("1", diagnostics["CabNoteAddedCount"]);
        /// <summary>
        /// This method is called when the processing of an Event has completed. Events have associated Cabs, Scripts and notes which
        /// may all be reported during a MANUAL Bug Report. This call effectively delimits the reporting of all
        /// information associated with an event so, if desired, the plug-in can gather all of the information together in one
        /// go for sending to the fault database. This may improve performance for events with large amounts of stored data.
        /// The plug-in may thus see...
        ///    EventAdded
        ///    EventNoteAdded, EventNoteAdded,...
        ///    CabAdded, CabAdded,...
        ///    CabNoteAdded, CabNoteAdded,...
        ///    ScriptResultAdded, ScriptResultAdded,...
        ///    EventManualUpdateCompleted.
        /// A Plugin Bug Reference is stored with the Event data in the StackHash database. This can be manually changed
        /// by the StackHash client user. The plug-in can also change the plugin bug reference by returning the desired
        /// bug reference from this call.
        /// Return null if you do NOT want to change the bug reference stored in the StackHash database.
        /// Return any other string (including an empty string) and this value will be used to overwrite the
        /// plugin bug reference in the StackHash database.
        /// Note that there are 2 bug references:
        ///   The BugReference can be set by the StackHash client user manually. This cannot be changed by the plugin.
        ///   The PlugInBugReference can be set by the StackHash client user manually AND/OR set by the plugin.
        /// Automatic reports may arrived interleaved with manual reports. This may happen when, say a WinQual sync
        /// is happening at the same time as a manual report is requested.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="reportType">Manual or automatic. If manual identifies what level of report is taking place.</param>
        /// <param name="product">The product to which the file belongs.</param>
        /// <param name="file">The file to which the event belongs.</param>
        /// <param name="theEvent">The event whose details have now been reported.</param>
        /// <returns>Null - if the plugin bug reference in the StackHash database should not be changed, Otherwise the new value for the plugin bug reference.</returns>
        public string EventManualUpdateCompleted(BugTrackerReportType reportType, BugTrackerProduct product, BugTrackerFile file, BugTrackerEvent theEvent)
            if (product == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("product");
            if (file == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("file");
            if (theEvent == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("theEvent");

            // Don't change the bug reference. Setting this to any other value will update the bug reference in the
            // StackHash database.
            String plugInBugId = null;

            // Note that all of the interface objects have a built in ToString() which formats the fields suitably.
            BugTrackerTrace.LogMessage(BugTrackerTraceSeverity.Information, m_Control.PlugInName, "Event Completed: " + theEvent.ToString());

        public void LogInCallback()
            // Empty so shouldn't report anything.
            StackHashBugTrackerPlugInSelectionCollection plugIns = new StackHashBugTrackerPlugInSelectionCollection();

            String dllLocation = Path.GetDirectoryName(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location);

            String[] folders = { dllLocation };

            BugTrackerTrace.LogMessageHook += new EventHandler <BugTrackerTraceEventArgs>(LogPlugInEvent);

                BugTrackerManager manager = new BugTrackerManager(folders);

                StackHashBugTrackerPlugInSettings plugInSettings = new StackHashBugTrackerPlugInSettings();
                plugInSettings.PlugInSettings = new StackHashBugTrackerPlugInCollection();
                plugInSettings.PlugInSettings.Add(new StackHashBugTrackerPlugIn());
                plugInSettings.PlugInSettings[0].Name    = "TestPlugIn";
                plugInSettings.PlugInSettings[0].Enabled = true;

                BugTrackerContext plugInContext = new BugTrackerContext(manager, plugInSettings);

                Assert.AreEqual(true, manager.NumberOfPlugIns >= 1);
                Assert.AreEqual(true, m_CallBackCount > 0);

                StackHashBugTrackerPlugInDiagnosticsCollection fullDiagnostics = plugInContext.GetContextDiagnostics("TestPlugIn");
                Assert.AreEqual(1, fullDiagnostics.Count);
                NameValueCollection diagnostics = fullDiagnostics[0].Diagnostics.ToNameValueCollection();

                Assert.AreEqual("0", diagnostics["ProductAddedCount"]);
                Assert.AreEqual("0", diagnostics["ProductUpdatedCount"]);
                Assert.AreEqual("0", diagnostics["FileAddedCount"]);
                Assert.AreEqual("0", diagnostics["FileUpdatedCount"]);
                Assert.AreEqual("0", diagnostics["EventAddedCount"]);
                Assert.AreEqual("0", diagnostics["EventUpdatedCount"]);
                Assert.AreEqual("0", diagnostics["EventNoteAddedCount"]);
                Assert.AreEqual("0", diagnostics["CabAddedCount"]);
                Assert.AreEqual("0", diagnostics["CabUpdatedCount"]);
                Assert.AreEqual("0", diagnostics["CabNoteAddedCount"]);

                BugTrackerProduct product  = new BugTrackerProduct("Name", "Version", 1);
                BugTrackerFile    file     = new BugTrackerFile("FileName", "FileVersion", 2);
                BugTrackerEvent   theEvent = new BugTrackerEvent("BugRef", "PlugInBugRef", 1, "EventTypeName", 1, new NameValueCollection());
                BugTrackerCab     cab      = new BugTrackerCab(1, 100, false, false, new NameValueCollection(), "c:\\test.cab");

                plugInContext.ProductAdded(plugIns, BugTrackerReportType.Automatic, product);
                plugInContext.ProductUpdated(plugIns, BugTrackerReportType.Automatic, product);

                plugInContext.FileAdded(plugIns, BugTrackerReportType.Automatic, product, file);
                plugInContext.FileUpdated(plugIns, BugTrackerReportType.Automatic, product, file);

                plugInContext.EventAdded(plugIns, BugTrackerReportType.Automatic, product, file, theEvent);
                plugInContext.EventUpdated(plugIns, BugTrackerReportType.Automatic, product, file, theEvent);
                plugInContext.EventManualUpdateCompleted(plugIns, BugTrackerReportType.Automatic, product, file, theEvent);
                plugInContext.EventNoteAdded(plugIns, BugTrackerReportType.Automatic, product, file, theEvent, new BugTrackerNote());

                plugInContext.CabAdded(plugIns, BugTrackerReportType.Automatic, product, file, theEvent, cab);
                plugInContext.CabUpdated(plugIns, BugTrackerReportType.Automatic, product, file, theEvent, cab);
                plugInContext.CabNoteAdded(plugIns, BugTrackerReportType.Automatic, product, file, theEvent, cab, new BugTrackerNote());

                fullDiagnostics = plugInContext.GetContextDiagnostics("TestPlugIn");
                Assert.AreEqual(1, fullDiagnostics.Count);
                diagnostics = fullDiagnostics[0].Diagnostics.ToNameValueCollection();

                Assert.AreEqual("0", diagnostics["ProductAddedCount"]);
                Assert.AreEqual("0", diagnostics["ProductUpdatedCount"]);
                Assert.AreEqual("0", diagnostics["FileAddedCount"]);
                Assert.AreEqual("0", diagnostics["FileUpdatedCount"]);
                Assert.AreEqual("0", diagnostics["EventAddedCount"]);
                Assert.AreEqual("0", diagnostics["EventCompleteCount"]);
                Assert.AreEqual("0", diagnostics["EventUpdatedCount"]);
                Assert.AreEqual("0", diagnostics["EventNoteAddedCount"]);
                Assert.AreEqual("0", diagnostics["CabAddedCount"]);
                Assert.AreEqual("0", diagnostics["CabUpdatedCount"]);
                Assert.AreEqual("0", diagnostics["CabNoteAddedCount"]);
                BugTrackerTrace.LogMessageHook -= new EventHandler <BugTrackerTraceEventArgs>(LogPlugInEvent);
        /// <summary>
        /// If the report type is automatic then this call indicates that a Debug Script Result has been added to the
        /// StackHash database by way the Cab Analysis task running or the StackHash client manually running a script
        /// on a cab.
        /// If the report type is manual then this call indicates that an Debug Script Result already exists in the
        /// StackHash database. This is the result of a BugReport task being run.
        /// scriptResult.ToString() can be used to format the string for addition to a Fault Database system.
        /// Automatic reports may arrived interleaved with manual reports. This may happen when, say a WinQual sync
        /// is happening at the same time as a manual report is requested.
        /// A Plugin Bug Reference is stored with the Event data in the StackHash database. This can be manually changed
        /// by the StackHash client user. The plug-in can also change the plugin bug reference by returning the desired
        /// bug reference from this call.
        /// Return null if you do NOT want to change the bug reference stored in the StackHash database.
        /// Return any other string (including an empty string) and this value will be used to overwrite the
        /// plugin bug reference in the StackHash database.
        /// Note that there are 2 bug references:
        ///   The BugReference can be set by the StackHash client user manually. This cannot be changed by the plugin.
        ///   The PlugInBugReference can be set by the StackHash client user manually AND/OR set by the plugin.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="reportType">Manual or automatic. If manual identifies what level of report is taking place.</param>
        /// <param name="product">The product to which the file belongs.</param>
        /// <param name="file">The file to which the event belongs.</param>
        /// <param name="theEvent">The event to which the cab belongs.</param>
        /// <param name="cab">The cab to which the debug script result belongs.</param>
        /// <param name="scriptResult">The result of running a debug script on the cab dump file.</param>
        /// <returns>Null - if the plugin bug reference in the StackHash database should not be changed, Otherwise the new value for the plugin bug reference.</returns>
        public string DebugScriptExecuted(BugTrackerReportType reportType, BugTrackerProduct product, BugTrackerFile file, BugTrackerEvent theEvent, BugTrackerCab cab, BugTrackerScriptResult scriptResult)
            if (product == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("product");
            if (file == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("file");
            if (theEvent == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("theEvent");
            if (cab == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("cab");
            if (scriptResult == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("scriptResult");

            // Note that all of the interface objects have a built in ToString() which formats the fields suitably.
            BugTrackerTrace.LogMessage(BugTrackerTraceSeverity.Information, m_Control.PlugInName, "Debug Script Added: " + scriptResult.ToString());

            // Don't change the plugin bug reference.
        /// <summary>
        /// If the report type is automatic then this call indicates that an Event has been added to the
        /// StackHash database by way of a Synchronize with the WinQual web site.
        /// If the report type is manual then this call indicates that an Event already exists in the
        /// StackHash database. This is the result of a BugReport task being run.
        /// A Plugin Bug Reference is stored with the Event data in the StackHash database. This can be manually changed
        /// by the StackHash client user. The plug-in can also change the plugin bug reference by returning the desired
        /// bug reference from this call.
        /// Return null if you do NOT want to change the bug reference stored in the StackHash database.
        /// Return any other string (including an empty string) and this value will be used to overwrite the
        /// plugin bug reference in the StackHash database.
        /// Note that there are 2 bug references:
        ///   The BugReference can be set by the StackHash client user manually. This cannot be changed by the plugin.
        ///   The PlugInBugReference can be set by the StackHash client user manually AND/OR set by the plugin.
        /// Files are mapped to products on the WinQual site. Note that the same file may be mapped to one
        /// or more products and therefore the same event (associated with a file) may "belong" refer to more
        /// than one product.
        /// Note that it is therefore possible that the event existence has already been reported, so the
        /// code here should check, if necessary, that this is not a duplicate before creating new items in
        /// the destination bug tracking system.
        /// Important Note: AN EVENT IS IDENTIFIED BY ITS ID AND EVENTTYPENAME TOGETHER. Therefore it is possible to
        /// have events with the same ID but different EventTypeName.
        /// Note also that event IDs can be negative. This is a consequence of the WinQual site storing event numbers as
        /// 32 bit signed quantities. When the event ID range was exhausted the WinQual events went negative. The StackHash
        /// database stores event IDs as 64 bit signed quantities to future proof against any future changes in the
        /// WinQual values.
        /// Automatic reports may arrived interleaved with manual reports. This may happen when, say a WinQual sync
        /// is happening at the same time as a manual report is requested.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="reportType">Manual or automatic. If manual identifies what level of report is taking place.</param>
        /// <param name="product">The product to which the file belongs.</param>
        /// <param name="file">The file to which the event belongs.</param>
        /// <param name="theEvent">The event being added.</param>
        /// <returns>Null - if the plugin bug reference in the StackHash database should not be changed, Otherwise the new value for the plugin bug reference.</returns>
        public string EventAdded(BugTrackerReportType reportType, BugTrackerProduct product, BugTrackerFile file, BugTrackerEvent theEvent)
            if (m_disposed)
                throw new ObjectDisposedException("EmailPluginContext");

            if (product == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("product");
            if (file == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("file");
            if (theEvent == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("theEvent");

            // do nothing on an automatic report if we're in manaual mode
            if ((reportType == BugTrackerReportType.Automatic) && (m_Settings.IsManualOnly))

            string subjectTemplate = null;
            string messageTemplate = null;

            if (reportType == BugTrackerReportType.Automatic)
                subjectTemplate = StackHash.EmailPlugin.Properties.Resources.EventAdded_SubjectTemplate;
                messageTemplate = StackHash.EmailPlugin.Properties.Resources.EventAdded_MessageTemplate;
                subjectTemplate = StackHash.EmailPlugin.Properties.Resources.EventManualReport_SubjectTemplate;
                messageTemplate = StackHash.EmailPlugin.Properties.Resources.EventManaulReport_MessageTemplate;

            // build a string containing all event signature parameters
            StringBuilder eventSignatureBuilder = new StringBuilder();

            foreach (string key in theEvent.Signature.Keys)
                eventSignatureBuilder.AppendFormat(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "{0} = {1}", key, theEvent.Signature[key]);

                string subject = string.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture,

                string message = string.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture,

                m_Settings.SendEmail(subject, message);
            catch (Exception ex)
                                                         "Failed to send event email: {0}",

                m_LastException = ex;


            // Don't change the plugin bug reference. Setting this to any other value will update the plugin bug reference in the
            // StackHash database.
            string pluginBugReference = null;
