private void butOK_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (BugCur.Submitter == 0) { MessageBox.Show("A valid submitter wasn't picked. Make sure the computer being used is associated to a buguser."); return; } if (!Bugs.VersionsAreValid(textVersionsFixed.Text)) { MsgBox.Show("Please fix your version format. Must be like ';;'"); return; } if (textVersionsFixed.Text != "") { BugCur.Status_ = BugStatus.Fixed; } else if (comboStatus.SelectedIndex == 0) //none { BugCur.Status_ = BugStatus.Accepted; } else { BugCur.Status_ = (BugStatus)Enum.Parse(typeof(BugStatus), comboStatus.Text); } SaveToDb(); BugSubmissions.UpdateBugIds(BugCur.BugId, _listBugSubs); DialogResult = DialogResult.OK; Close(); }
private void butDelete_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (IsNew) { DialogResult = DialogResult.Cancel; return; } Bugs.Delete(BugCur.BugId); BugSubmissions.UpdateBugIds(0, _listBugSubs.Select(x => x.BugSubmissionNum).ToList()); BugCur = null; DialogResult = DialogResult.OK; }
private void butDelete_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (IsNew) { DialogResult = DialogResult.Cancel; Close(); return; } if (!MsgBox.Show(this, MsgBoxButtons.YesNo, "This will also delete all attachments to jobs and bug submissions for this bug. Do you wish to continue?")) { return; } Bugs.Delete(BugCur.BugId); BugSubmissions.UpdateBugIds(0, _listBugSubs); BugCur = null; DialogResult = DialogResult.OK; Close(); }
private void gridSubs_CellClick(object sender, ODGridClickEventArgs e) { if (e.Button != MouseButtons.Right) { return; } gridSubs.ContextMenu = new ContextMenu(); ContextMenu menu = gridSubs.ContextMenu; BugSubmission sub = (BugSubmission)gridSubs.Rows[e.Row].Tag; menu.MenuItems.Add("Unlink Submission", (o, arg) => { _listBugSubs.Remove(sub); BugSubmissions.UpdateBugIds(0, new List <long>() { sub.BugSubmissionNum }); FillGrid(); }); menu.Show(gridSubs, gridSubs.PointToClient(Cursor.Position)); }
private void butOK_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (BugCur.Submitter == 0) { MessageBox.Show("A valid submitter wasn't picked. Make sure the computer being used is associated to a buguser."); return; } if (textVersionsFixed.Text != "") { BugCur.Status_ = BugStatus.Fixed; } else if (comboStatus.SelectedIndex == 0) //none { BugCur.Status_ = BugStatus.Accepted; } else { BugCur.Status_ = (BugStatus)Enum.Parse(typeof(BugStatus), comboStatus.Text); } SaveToDb(); BugSubmissions.UpdateBugIds(BugCur.BugId, _listBugSubs.Select(x => x.BugSubmissionNum).ToList()); DialogResult = DialogResult.OK; }
///<summary>Attempts to add a bug for the given sub and job. ///Job can be null, only used for pre appending "(Enhancement)" to bug description. ///Returns null if user canceled.</summary> public static Bug AddBug(BugSubmission sub, Job job = null) { FormBugEdit formBE; formBE = new FormBugEdit(new List <BugSubmission>() { sub }); formBE.IsNew = true; formBE.BugCur = Bugs.GetNewBugForUser(); if (job != null && job.Category == JobCategory.Enhancement) { formBE.BugCur.Description = "(Enhancement)"; } if (formBE.ShowDialog() != DialogResult.OK) { return(null); } BugSubmissions.UpdateBugIds(formBE.BugCur.BugId, new List <long> { sub.BugSubmissionNum }); return(formBE.BugCur); }
public static Bug AddBugAndJob(ODForm form, List <BugSubmission> listSelectedSubs, Patient pat) { if (!JobPermissions.IsAuthorized(JobPerm.Concept, true) && !JobPermissions.IsAuthorized(JobPerm.NotifyCustomer, true) && !JobPermissions.IsAuthorized(JobPerm.FeatureManager, true) && !JobPermissions.IsAuthorized(JobPerm.Documentation, true)) { return(null); } if (listSelectedSubs.Count == 0) { MsgBox.Show(form, "You must select a bug submission to create a job for."); return(null); } Job jobNew = new Job(); jobNew.Category = JobCategory.Bug; InputBox titleBox = new InputBox("Provide a brief title for the job."); if (titleBox.ShowDialog() != DialogResult.OK) { return(null); } if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(titleBox.textResult.Text)) { MsgBox.Show(form, "You must type a title to create a job."); return(null); } List <Def> listJobPriorities = Defs.GetDefsForCategory(DefCat.JobPriorities, true); if (listJobPriorities.Count == 0) { MsgBox.Show(form, "You have no priorities setup in definitions."); return(null); } jobNew.Title = titleBox.textResult.Text; long priorityNum = 0; priorityNum = listJobPriorities.FirstOrDefault(x => x.ItemValue.Contains("BugDefault")).DefNum; jobNew.Priority = priorityNum == 0?listJobPriorities.First().DefNum:priorityNum; jobNew.PhaseCur = JobPhase.Concept; jobNew.UserNumConcept = Security.CurUser.UserNum; Bug bugNew = new Bug(); bugNew = Bugs.GetNewBugForUser(); InputBox bugDescription = new InputBox("Provide a brief description for the bug. This will appear in the bug tracker.", jobNew.Title); if (bugDescription.ShowDialog() != DialogResult.OK) { return(null); } if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(bugDescription.textResult.Text)) { MsgBox.Show(form, "You must type a description to create a bug."); return(null); } FormVersionPrompt FormVP = new FormVersionPrompt("Enter versions found"); FormVP.ShowDialog(); if (FormVP.DialogResult != DialogResult.OK || string.IsNullOrEmpty(FormVP.VersionText)) { MsgBox.Show(form, "You must enter a version to create a bug."); return(null); } bugNew.Status_ = BugStatus.Accepted; bugNew.VersionsFound = FormVP.VersionText; bugNew.Description = bugDescription.textResult.Text; BugSubmission sub = listSelectedSubs.First(); jobNew.Requirements = BugSubmissions.GetSubmissionDescription(pat, sub); Jobs.Insert(jobNew); JobLink jobLinkNew = new JobLink(); jobLinkNew.LinkType = JobLinkType.Bug; jobLinkNew.JobNum = jobNew.JobNum; jobLinkNew.FKey = Bugs.Insert(bugNew); JobLinks.Insert(jobLinkNew); BugSubmissions.UpdateBugIds(bugNew.BugId, listSelectedSubs.Select(x => x.BugSubmissionNum).ToList()); if (MsgBox.Show(form, MsgBoxButtons.YesNo, "Would you like to create a task too?")) { long taskNum = CreateTask(pat, sub); if (taskNum != 0) { jobLinkNew = new JobLink(); jobLinkNew.LinkType = JobLinkType.Task; jobLinkNew.JobNum = jobNew.JobNum; jobLinkNew.FKey = taskNum; JobLinks.Insert(jobLinkNew); } } Signalods.SetInvalid(InvalidType.Jobs, KeyType.Job, jobNew.JobNum); FormOpenDental.S_GoToJob(jobNew.JobNum); return(bugNew); }
///<summary></summary> public static bool TryAssociateSimilarBugSubmissions(List <BugSubmission> listAllSubs, Point pointFormLocaiton) { List <BugSubmission> listUnattachedSubs = listAllSubs.Where(x => x.BugId == 0).ToList(); if (listUnattachedSubs.Count == 0) { MsgBox.Show("FormBugSubmissions", "All submissions are associated to bugs already."); return(false); } //Dictionary where key is a BugId and the value is list of submissions associated to that BugID. //StackTraces are unique and if there are duplicate stack trace entries we select the one with the newest version. Dictionary <long, List <BugSubmission> > dictAttachedSubs = listAllSubs.Where(x => x.BugId != 0) .GroupBy(x => x.BugId) .ToDictionary(x => x.Key, x => x.GroupBy(y => y.ExceptionStackTrace) //Sub dictionary of unique ExceptionStackStraces as the key and the value is the submission from the highest version. .ToDictionary(y => y.Key, y => y.OrderByDescending(z => new Version(z.Info.DictPrefValues[PrefName.ProgramVersion])).First()) .Values.ToList() ); Dictionary <long, List <BugSubmission> > dictSimilarBugSubs = new Dictionary <long, List <BugSubmission> >(); List <long> listOrderedKeys = dictAttachedSubs.Keys.OrderByDescending(x => x).ToList(); foreach (long key in listOrderedKeys) //Loop through submissions that are already attached to bugs { dictSimilarBugSubs[key] = new List <BugSubmission>(); foreach (BugSubmission sub in dictAttachedSubs[key]) //Loop through the unique exception text from the submission with thie highest reported version. { List <BugSubmission> listSimilarBugSubs = listUnattachedSubs.Where(x => x.ExceptionStackTrace == sub.ExceptionStackTrace//Find submissions that are not attached to bugs with identical ExceptionStackTrace ).ToList(); if (listSimilarBugSubs.Count == 0) { continue; //All submissions with this stack trace are attached to a bug. } listUnattachedSubs.RemoveAll(x => listSimilarBugSubs.Contains(x)); dictSimilarBugSubs[key].AddRange(listSimilarBugSubs); } } if (dictSimilarBugSubs.All(x => x.Value.Count == 0)) { MsgBox.Show("FormBugSubmissions", "All similar submissions are already attached to bugs. No action needed."); return(false); } dictSimilarBugSubs = dictSimilarBugSubs.Where(x => x.Value.Count != 0).ToDictionary(x => x.Key, x => x.Value); bool isAutoAssign = (MsgBox.Show("FormBugSubmissions", MsgBoxButtons.YesNo, "Click Yes to auto attach duplicate submissions to bugs with identical stack traces?" + "\r\nClick No to manually validate all groupings found.")); List <long> listBugIds = listAllSubs.Where(x => x.BugId != 0).Select(x => x.BugId).ToList(); List <JobLink> listLinks = JobLinks.GetManyForType(JobLinkType.Bug, listBugIds); List <Bug> listBugs = Bugs.GetMany(listBugIds); foreach (KeyValuePair <long, List <BugSubmission> > pair in dictSimilarBugSubs) { Bug bugFixed = listBugs.FirstOrDefault(x => x.BugId == pair.Key && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(x.VersionsFixed)); if (bugFixed != null) { List <BugSubmission> listIssueSubs = pair.Value.Where(x => new Version(x.Info.DictPrefValues[PrefName.ProgramVersion]) >= new Version(bugFixed.VersionsFixed.Split(';').Last())).ToList(); if (listIssueSubs.Count > 0) { MsgBox.Show("FormBugSubmissions", "There appears to be a submission on a version that is newer than the previous fixed bug version (BugId: " + POut.Long(bugFixed.BugId) + "). " + "These will be excluded."); //TODO: Allow user to view these excluded submissions somehow. pair.Value.RemoveAll(x => listIssueSubs.Contains(x)); if (pair.Value.Count == 0) { continue; } } } if (!isAutoAssign) { FormBugSubmissions formGroupBugSubs = new FormBugSubmissions(viewMode: FormBugSubmissionMode.ValidationMode); formGroupBugSubs.ListViewedSubs = pair.Value; //Add unnattached submissions to grid formGroupBugSubs.ListViewedSubs.AddRange(dictAttachedSubs[pair.Key]); //Add already attached submissions to grid formGroupBugSubs.StartPosition = FormStartPosition.Manual; Point newLoc = pointFormLocaiton; newLoc.X += 10; //Offset newLoc.Y += 10; formGroupBugSubs.Location = newLoc; if (formGroupBugSubs.ShowDialog() != DialogResult.OK) { continue; } } BugSubmissions.UpdateBugIds(pair.Key, pair.Value.Select(x => x.BugSubmissionNum).ToList()); } MsgBox.Show("FormBugSubmissions", "Done."); return(true); }
public static bool TryAssociateSimilarBugSubmissions(Point pointFormLocaiton) { List <BugSubmission> listAllSubs = BugSubmissions.GetAll(); List <BugSubmission> listUnattachedSubs = listAllSubs.Where(x => x.BugId == 0).ToList(); if (listUnattachedSubs.Count == 0) { MsgBox.Show("FormBugSubmissions", "All submissions are associated to bugs already."); return(false); } //Dictionary where key is a BugId and the value is list of submissions associated to that BugID. //StackTraces are unique and if there are duplicate stack trace entries we select the one with the newest version. Dictionary <long, List <BugSubmission> > dictAttachedSubs = listAllSubs.Where(x => x.BugId != 0) .GroupBy(x => x.BugId) .ToDictionary(x => x.Key, x => x.GroupBy(y => y.ExceptionStackTrace) //Sub dictionary of unique ExceptionStackStraces as the key and the value is the submission from the highest version. .ToDictionary(y => y.Key, y => y.OrderByDescending(z => new Version(z.Info.DictPrefValues[PrefName.ProgramVersion])).First()) .Values.ToList() ); Dictionary <long, List <BugSubmission> > dictSimilarBugSubs = new Dictionary <long, List <BugSubmission> >(); List <long> listOrderedKeys = dictAttachedSubs.Keys.OrderByDescending(x => x).ToList(); foreach (long key in listOrderedKeys) //Loop through submissions that are already attached to bugs { dictSimilarBugSubs[key] = new List <BugSubmission>(); foreach (BugSubmission sub in dictAttachedSubs[key]) //Loop through the unique exception text from the submission with thie highest reported version. { List <BugSubmission> listSimilarBugSubs = listUnattachedSubs.Where(x => x.ExceptionStackTrace == sub.ExceptionStackTrace//Find submissions that are not attached to bugs with identical ExceptionStackTrace ).ToList(); if (listSimilarBugSubs.Count == 0) { continue; //All submissions with this stack trace are attached to a bug. } listUnattachedSubs.RemoveAll(x => listSimilarBugSubs.Contains(x)); dictSimilarBugSubs[key].AddRange(listSimilarBugSubs); } } if (dictSimilarBugSubs.All(x => x.Value.Count == 0)) { MsgBox.Show("FormBugSubmissions", "All similar submissions are already attached to bugs. No action needed."); return(false); } dictSimilarBugSubs = dictSimilarBugSubs.Where(x => x.Value.Count != 0).ToDictionary(x => x.Key, x => x.Value); bool isAutoAssign = (MsgBox.Show("FormBugSubmissions", MsgBoxButtons.YesNo, "Click Yes to auto attach duplicate submissions to bugs with identical stack traces?" + "\r\nClick No to manually validate all groupings found.")); List <long> listBugIds = listAllSubs.Where(x => x.BugId != 0).Select(x => x.BugId).ToList(); List <JobLink> listLinks = JobLinks.GetManyForType(JobLinkType.Bug, listBugIds); List <Bug> listBugs = Bugs.GetMany(listBugIds); StringBuilder issueSubmissionPrompt = new StringBuilder(); foreach (KeyValuePair <long, List <BugSubmission> > pair in dictSimilarBugSubs) { Bug bugFixed = listBugs.FirstOrDefault(x => x.BugId == pair.Key && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(x.VersionsFixed)); if (bugFixed != null) { List <BugSubmission> listIssueSubs = pair.Value.Where(x => new Version(x.Info.DictPrefValues[PrefName.ProgramVersion]) >= new Version(bugFixed.VersionsFixed.Split(';').Last())).ToList(); if (listIssueSubs.Count > 0) { List <JobLink> listBugJobLinks = listLinks.FindAll(x => x.FKey == bugFixed.BugId); List <Job> listBugJobs = Jobs.GetMany(listBugJobLinks.Select(x => x.JobNum).ToList()); if (issueSubmissionPrompt.Length == 0) { issueSubmissionPrompt.AppendLine("The following completed jobs have submissions from newer versions then the jobs reported fixed version: "); } listBugJobs.ForEach(x => issueSubmissionPrompt.AppendLine("- " + " (" + x.Category.ToString().Substring(0, 1) + x.JobNum + ")" + x.Title)); pair.Value.RemoveAll(x => listIssueSubs.Contains(x)); if (pair.Value.Count == 0) { continue; } } } if (!isAutoAssign) { FormBugSubmissions formGroupBugSubs = new FormBugSubmissions(viewMode: FormBugSubmissionMode.ValidationMode); formGroupBugSubs.ListViewedSubs = pair.Value; //Add unnattached submissions to grid formGroupBugSubs.ListViewedSubs.AddRange(dictAttachedSubs[pair.Key]); //Add already attached submissions to grid formGroupBugSubs.StartPosition = FormStartPosition.Manual; Point newLoc = pointFormLocaiton; newLoc.X += 10; //Offset newLoc.Y += 10; formGroupBugSubs.Location = newLoc; if (formGroupBugSubs.ShowDialog() != DialogResult.OK) { continue; } } BugSubmissions.UpdateBugIds(pair.Key, pair.Value.Select(x => x.BugSubmissionNum).ToList()); } string msg = ""; dictSimilarBugSubs.Keys.ToList().FindAll(x => dictSimilarBugSubs[x].Count > 0) .ForEach(x => msg += "Bug: " + x + " Found submissions: " + dictSimilarBugSubs[x].Count + "\r\n"); msg += issueSubmissionPrompt.ToString(); new MsgBoxCopyPaste(msg) { Text = "Done" }.ShowDialog(); return(true); }