public static BspFace ReadBspFace(this BinaryReader br) { var result = new BspFace(); br.BaseStream.Position += 20; return(result); }
private bool PointInFace(int faceIdx, Point3D point) { BspFace face = Faces[faceIdx]; Vector v, w; w = VertexPool[face.firstVertex + face.numVertices - 1].position - point; w.Normalize(); float angle = 0.0f; for (int i = 0; i < face.numVertices; i++) { v = w; w = VertexPool[i + face.firstVertex].position - point; w.Normalize(); angle += (float)System.Math.Acos(v.Dot(w)); } return(angle > 6.2828f); }
private Point3D ClosestPointOnFace(int faceIdx, Point3D p) { BspFace face = Faces[faceIdx]; float mag = float.MaxValue; Point3D res = p; for (int i = 0; i < face.numVertices; i++) { int prevI = i - 1; if (prevI < 0) { prevI += face.numVertices; } Point3D q = ClosestPointOnLine(VertexPool[prevI + face.firstVertex].position, VertexPool[i + face.firstVertex].position, p); float d = ((Vector)(q - p)).Magnitude(); if (d < mag) { res = q; mag = d; } } return(res); }
private Collision CheckFace(int faceIdx, Point3D start, Vector movement, float startFraction, float endFraction, float sphere) { BspFace face = Faces[faceIdx]; //Plane plane = planes[face.plane]; // get accurate plane Plane plane = Planes[face.plane]; if (face.inversePlane) { plane = new Plane(-plane.a, -plane.b, -plane.c, -plane.d); } // calculate distance of start- and endpoint to plane float ds = plane.Distance(start + movement * startFraction); float de = plane.Distance(start + movement * endFraction); // if the starting point of the sphere lies behind the plane, no collision should occur, because in this case the plane faces away from us and is supposed to be invisible if (ds < sphere) { return(null); } // check if we are moving away from the plane (with our back towards the front of the plane) or parallel to the plane // in neither of these cases a collision will occur if (ds <= de) { return(null); } // finally, if this check fails we know for sure there is a collision // it tests if the endpoint is on or beyond the plane if (de >= sphere) { return(null); } // calculate fraction of the movement vector where we hit the plane float fraction = (ds - sphere) / (ds - de); // apply a window to this fraction value, just to be sure it is valid if (fraction < 0.0f) { fraction = 0.0f; } if (fraction > 1.0f) { fraction = 1.0f; } // scale this fraction to fit on the real movement vector fraction = startFraction + fraction * (endFraction - startFraction); // we now know for sure we intersect the plane, but do we intersect it inside the face that lies on top of it? // to find that out we first need to calculate an intersection point Point3D intersection = start + movement * fraction - plane.GetNormal() * sphere; if (!PointInFace(faceIdx, intersection)) { // if this point doesnt lie within the face, perhaps a part of our sphere does // to check this we get the closest point on one of the edges of the face to our intersection point Point3D closestPoint = ClosestPointOnFace(faceIdx, intersection); // and then we check the distance between those 2 points to se if a part of our sphere does hit the face Vector distance = intersection - closestPoint; if (distance.MagnitudeSquare() > sphere * sphere) { return(null); } } return(new Collision(fraction, plane.GetNormal())); }
private void Load(HlBspMap map, IGraphics graphics) { int i, j, k; // indices int x, gx, y; // coordinate variables. gx = Global X Point3D p; // 3D point int n, count; // to count stuff ... (n = Number) string s; // some strings BspLump[] lumps; // A lump is a chunk of data in a BSP file containing a specific type of information, like vertices for example BspLump lump; // used for easy acces to the info in the lumps array Point3D[] vertices; // stores all vertices Vertex[] tempVertices; // a temporary list with all the vertices used by a single face. Queue faceVertices; // a temporary list with all the vertices used by faces. this data will be moved to a vertexPoolI later on. Vertex vertex; // used to create and modify vertices in the vertices, faceVertices BspEdge[] edges; // edges (a line between 2 vertices) int[] faceEdges; // indices into the edge array that indicate the edges used by a face HlBspMap.BspTexture[] textures; // texture array. contains only info like size and name BspTextureInfo[] textureInfo; // texture info array. contains info needed to calculate texture coordinates Eresys.Texture texture; // texture object int texInfoI; // index into the textureInfo array Point2D minTexCoor, maxTexCoor; // smallest and bigest texture coordinate float radius; // used to calculate the radius of a face byte[] lightData; // lightmap data ArrayList lightmaps; // contains some info for the lightmaps, like size BspLightmap lightmap; // used for easy acces to elements in the lightmaps list int lmw, lmh; // size of a lightmap int lmOffset; // offset into the lightData array int firstEdge, numEdges; // first edge and number of edges of a face int e, v; // edge (e) and vertex (v) index BspModel[] models; // models array ScriptBlock[] modelScripts; // code blocks in the entityScript containing model info string model; // model identifier byte mode, amount; // render mode and render amount. indicates alpha blending and the amount of alpha blending // open file using (FileStream fs = new FileStream(map.FileName, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read)) using (BinaryReader br = new BinaryReader(fs)) { // check bsp version if (br.ReadInt32() != BSPVersion) { throw new BspVersionException(map.FileName); } // load lumps info lumps = br.ReadBspLumps((int)BspLumpTypes.Count); // load entity script lump = lumps[(int)BspLumpTypes.Entities]; br.BaseStream.Position = lump.offset; map.EntityScript = new Script(br.ReadStringOfLength(lump.length)); // create wads i = 0; s = map.EntityScript["worldspawn"][0]["wad"]; var wads = new List <Wad3>(); foreach (var wadFile in s.Split(new string[] { ";" }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)) { k = System.Math.Max(wadFile.LastIndexOf('\\'), wadFile.LastIndexOf('/')); var name = wadFile.Substring(k).Trim('/', '\\'); try { wads.Add(new Wad3(name)); } catch (Exception) { Logger.Log(LogLevels.Warning, $"Couldn't load wad \'{name}\'!"); } } // load planes map.Planes = br.ReadLumpData(lumps[(int)BspLumpTypes.Planes], 20, BinaryReaderExtensions.ReadPlane); // load vertices vertices = br.ReadLumpData(lumps[(int)BspLumpTypes.Vertices], 12, BinaryReaderExtensions.ReadPoint3D); // load edges edges = br.ReadLumpData(lumps[(int)BspLumpTypes.Edges], 4, BinaryReaderExtensions.ReadBspEdge); // load face edges faceEdges = br.ReadLumpData <int>(lumps[(int)BspLumpTypes.SurfaceEdges], 4, r => r.ReadInt32()); // load texture info textureInfo = br.ReadLumpData(lumps[(int)BspLumpTypes.TexInfo], 40, BinaryReaderExtensions.ReadBspTextureInfo); // load markFaces map.MarkFaces = br.ReadLumpData(lumps[(int)BspLumpTypes.MarkSurfaces], 2, r => r.ReadUInt16()); // load nodes map.Nodes = br.ReadLumpData(lumps[(int)BspLumpTypes.Nodes], 24, BinaryReaderExtensions.ReadBspNode); // load leaves map.Leaves = br.ReadLumpData(lumps[(int)BspLumpTypes.Leaves], 28, BinaryReaderExtensions.ReadBspLeaf); // load models models = br.ReadLumpData(lumps[(int)BspLumpTypes.Models], 64, BinaryReaderExtensions.ReadBspModel); // load lighting data lightData = br.ReadLumpBytes(lumps[(int)BspLumpTypes.Lighting]); // load visibility data (PVS sets) map.Pvs = br.ReadLumpBytes(lumps[(int)BspLumpTypes.VisDate]); // load textures textures = br.ReadBspTexturesLumpData(lumps[(int)BspLumpTypes.Textures]); // load faces map.Faces = br.ReadLumpData(lumps[(int)BspLumpTypes.Faces], 20, BinaryReaderExtensions.ReadBspFace); var addedTextures = new Dictionary <Texture, int>(); lightmaps = new ArrayList(); faceVertices = new Queue(); br.BaseStream.Position = lumps[(int)BspLumpTypes.Faces].offset; for (i = 0; i < map.Faces.Length; i++) { // create new face map.Faces[i] = new BspFace(); map.Faces[i].index = i; map.Faces[i].model = false; map.Faces[i].alpha = 255; map.Faces[i].textureAlpha = false; // load in some data map.Faces[i].plane = br.ReadInt16(); br.BaseStream.Position += 2; firstEdge = br.ReadInt32(); numEdges = br.ReadInt16(); texInfoI = br.ReadInt16(); br.BaseStream.Position += 4; lmOffset = br.ReadInt32(); // create texture // get texture info var texInfo = textureInfo[texInfoI]; var tex = textures[texInfo.texture]; // is it a sky or a trigger texture? if ( == "sky" || == "aaatrigger") { map.Faces[i].texture = -1; } else { texture = addedTextures.Keys .FirstOrDefault(t => t.Name ==; // If we haven't found the texture, create a new one if (texture == null) { j = 0; texture = null; while (j < wads.Count) { try { texture = wads[j].ToTexture(; break; } catch (Exception) { j++; } } if (texture == null) { // subsititute texture = new Texture(1, 1,; texture[0] = new Color(255, 255, 255); Logger.Log(LogLevels.Warning, $"Couldn't load texture \'{}\'!"); } // add new texture to addedTextures and upload it to the graphics hardware addedTextures.Add(texture, graphics.AddTexture(texture)); } // set face texture index map.Faces[i].texture = addedTextures[texture]; } // create face vertices map.Faces[i].firstVertex = faceVertices.Count; map.Faces[i].numVertices = numEdges; tempVertices = new Vertex[numEdges]; k = 0; minTexCoor.x = minTexCoor.y = System.Single.MaxValue; maxTexCoor.x = maxTexCoor.y = System.Single.MinValue; map.Faces[i].center.x = 0.0f; map.Faces[i].center.y = 0.0f; map.Faces[i].center.z = 0.0f; for (j = 0; j < numEdges; j++) { e = faceEdges[j + firstEdge]; // edge index // if e > 0 we should use this edge clockwise, otherwise we use edge -e counterclockwise if (e > 0) { v = edges[e].v1; // clockwise: take first vertex of edge } else { v = edges[-e].v2; // counterclockwise: take second vertex of edge } // set up the new vertex vertex = new Vertex(); vertex.position.x = vertices[v].x; vertex.position.y = vertices[v].y; vertex.position.z = vertices[v].z; map.Faces[i].center.x += vertex.position.x; map.Faces[i].center.y += vertex.position.y; map.Faces[i].center.z += vertex.position.z; // calculate its texture coordinate vertex.texCoord.x = (vertex.position.x * texInfo.axisU.x + vertex.position.y * texInfo.axisU.y + vertex.position.z * texInfo.axisU.z + texInfo.offsetU); vertex.texCoord.y = (vertex.position.x * texInfo.axisV.x + vertex.position.y * texInfo.axisV.y + vertex.position.z * texInfo.axisV.z + texInfo.offsetV); if (vertex.texCoord.x > maxTexCoor.x) { maxTexCoor.x = vertex.texCoord.x; } if (vertex.texCoord.y > maxTexCoor.y) { maxTexCoor.y = vertex.texCoord.y; } if (vertex.texCoord.x < minTexCoor.x) { minTexCoor.x = vertex.texCoord.x; } if (vertex.texCoord.y < minTexCoor.y) { minTexCoor.y = vertex.texCoord.y; } // temporary set lightmap coords to tex coords vertex.lightCoord.x = vertex.texCoord.x; vertex.lightCoord.y = vertex.texCoord.y; // scale texture coordinates to texture space vertex.texCoord.x /= tex.width; vertex.texCoord.y /= tex.height; // add vertex to temporary array tempVertices[k++] = vertex; } map.Faces[i].center.x /= map.Faces[i].numVertices; map.Faces[i].center.y /= map.Faces[i].numVertices; map.Faces[i].center.z /= map.Faces[i].numVertices; map.Faces[i].radius = 0.0f; for (j = 0; j < numEdges; j++) { p.x = tempVertices[j].position.x - map.Faces[i].center.x; p.y = tempVertices[j].position.y - map.Faces[i].center.y; p.z = tempVertices[j].position.z - map.Faces[i].center.z; radius = (float)System.Math.Sqrt(p.x * p.x + p.y * p.y + p.z * p.z); if (radius > map.Faces[i].radius) { map.Faces[i].radius = radius; } } // create lightmap if (lmOffset < 0) { map.Faces[i].lightmap = -1; } else { // calculate lightmap dimensions lmw = (int)(System.Math.Ceiling(maxTexCoor.x / 16.0f) - System.Math.Floor(minTexCoor.x / 16.0f) + 1.0); lmh = (int)(System.Math.Ceiling(maxTexCoor.y / 16.0f) - System.Math.Floor(minTexCoor.y / 16.0f) + 1.0); // calculate lightmap coordinates (in pixels for now, they will later be translated to texture space) for (j = 0; j < tempVertices.Length; j++) { vertex = tempVertices[j]; vertex.lightCoord.x = ((lmw * 16.0f) + 2.0f * vertex.lightCoord.x - minTexCoor.x - maxTexCoor.x) / 32.0f; vertex.lightCoord.y = ((lmh * 16.0f) + 2.0f * vertex.lightCoord.y - minTexCoor.y - maxTexCoor.y) / 32.0f; tempVertices[j] = vertex; } // create new lightmap lightmaps.Add(new BspLightmap(lmw, lmh, lmOffset, i)); } // add vertices to faceVertices queue for (j = 0; j < tempVertices.Length; j++) { faceVertices.Enqueue(tempVertices[j]); } } // create vertexPool map.VertexPool = new VertexPool(faceVertices.Count); for (i = 0; i < map.VertexPool.Size; i++) { map.VertexPool[i] = (Vertex)faceVertices.Dequeue(); } // process lightmap data // for enhanced performance we will group multiple lightmaps of more or less similar height together into one // texture. Therefore we first sort them (hint: the Lightmap class implements IComparable for this reason). lightmaps.Sort(); lmh = 2; // lmh = LightMap Height. We start with all maps less then or equal to 2 // repeat the following operation until all lightmaps are in a texture. Once added to a texture, we will remove // a lightmap from the lightmaps array. while (lightmaps.Count > 0) { lmw = 0; i = 0; count = 0; // this loop checks how many lightmaps are suited to be added to our texture while (i < lightmaps.Count) { lightmap = (BspLightmap)lightmaps[i++]; if (lightmap.height > lmh) { break; } lmw += lightmap.width; if (lmw > 1024) { lmw -= lightmap.width; break; } count++; } if (count == 0) { lmh = lmh << 1; continue; } i = 1; while (i < lmw) { i = i << 1; } lmw = i; texture = new Texture(lmw, lmh); gx = 0; for (i = 0; i < count; i++) { lightmap = (BspLightmap)lightmaps[i]; j = lightmap.offset; for (y = 0; y < lmh; y++) { for (x = 0; x < lightmap.width; x++) { if (y < lightmap.height) { try { texture[gx + x, y] = new Color(lightData[j++], lightData[j++], lightData[j++]); } catch (Exception) { texture[gx + x, y] = new Color(255, 255, 255); } } else { texture[gx + x, y] = new Color(255, 255, 255); } } } n = map.Faces[lightmap.face].firstVertex + map.Faces[lightmap.face].numVertices; for (j = map.Faces[lightmap.face].firstVertex; j < n; j++) { vertex = map.VertexPool[j]; vertex.lightCoord.x = (vertex.lightCoord.x + gx) / lmw; vertex.lightCoord.y = vertex.lightCoord.y / lmh; map.VertexPool[j] = vertex; } gx += lightmap.width; } j = graphics.AddTexture(texture); for (i = 0; i < count; i++) { map.Faces[((BspLightmap)lightmaps[i]).face].lightmap = j; } lightmaps.RemoveRange(0, count); } // process models modelScripts = map.EntityScript["func_wall;func_illusionary;func_water;func_breakable"]; for (i = 0; i < modelScripts.Length; i++) { try { model = modelScripts[i]["model"]; mode = Byte.Parse(modelScripts[i]["rendermode"]); amount = Byte.Parse(modelScripts[i]["renderamt"]); } catch (InvalidOperationException) { continue; } if (model[0] != '*') { continue; } j = Int32.Parse(model.Substring(1)); for (k = 0; k < models[j].numFaces; k++) { BspFace face = map.Faces[k + models[j].firstFace]; face.model = true; face.textureAlpha = mode == 4; face.alpha = amount; for (v = 0; v < face.numVertices; v++) { vertex = map.VertexPool[v + face.firstVertex]; vertex.position.x += models[j].origin.x; vertex.position.y += models[j].origin.y; vertex.position.z += models[j].origin.z; map.VertexPool[v + face.firstVertex] = vertex; } } } // upload vertex pool to the graphics hardware map.VertexPoolIndex = graphics.AddVertexPool(map.VertexPool); // create model faces array map.ModelFaces = new List <BspFace>(); for (i = 0; i < map.Faces.Length; i++) { var face = map.Faces[i]; if (face.texture < 0) { continue; } if (face.model) { map.ModelFaces.Add(face); } } // check face plane oriëntations foreach (var face in map.Faces) { Vector vector1 = map.VertexPool[face.firstVertex].position -; Vector vector2 = map.VertexPool[face.firstVertex + 1].position -; vector1 = vector1.Cross(vector2); vector1.Normalize(); face.inversePlane = vector1.Dot(map.Planes[face.plane].GetNormal()) < 0.0f; } // create skybox var range = map.EntityScript.WorldspawnMaxRange(); var skyname = map.EntityScript.WorldspawnSkyName(); if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(skyname)) { Texture skyTexture = null; try { skyTexture = new Texture(skyname); } catch (Exception) { Logger.Log(LogLevels.Warning, $"Couldn't load sky texture \'{skyname}\'!"); try { skyTexture = new Texture("defaultsky.bmp"); } catch (Exception) { Logger.Log(LogLevels.Warning, $"Couldn't load default sky texture \'defaultsky.bmp\'!"); skyTexture = new Texture(1, 1); skyTexture[0] = new Color(132, 184, 255); } } map.Sky = skyTexture != null ? new SkyBox(graphics, range, range, range, skyTexture) : null; } } }