void Awake() { rectTransform = this.GetComponent <RectTransform>(); drawable = this; // DEFAULT BRUSH SET HERE current_brush = PenBrush; //clonx drawable_sprite = this.GetComponent<SpriteRenderer>().sprite; //clonx 19.20.2018 holst.sprite; drawable_sprite = this.GetComponent <UnityEngine.UI.Image>().sprite; //clonx 19.20.2018 holst.sprite; drawable_texture = drawable_sprite.texture; // Initialize clean pixels to use clean_colours_array = new Color[(int)drawable_sprite.rect.width * (int)drawable_sprite.rect.height]; for (int x = 0; x < clean_colours_array.Length; x++) { clean_colours_array[x] = Reset_Colour; } // Should we reset our canvas image when we hit play in the editor? if (Reset_Canvas_On_Play) { ResetCanvas(); } }
void Awake() { drawable = this; // DEFAULT BRUSH SET HERE current_brush = PenBrush; SetClearState(); // Should we reset our canvas image when we hit play in the editor? if (Reset_Canvas_On_Play) { ResetCanvas(); } }
void Awake() { _nowDrawing = false; drawable = this; current_brush = PenBrush; drawable_sprite = this.GetComponent <SpriteRenderer>().sprite; drawable_texture = drawable_sprite.texture; clean_colours_array = new Color[(int)drawable_sprite.rect.width * (int)drawable_sprite.rect.height]; for (int x = 0; x < clean_colours_array.Length; x++) { clean_colours_array[x] = Reset_Colour; } if (Reset_Canvas_On_Play) { ResetCanvas(); } }
////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // This is where the magic happens. // Detects when user is left clicking, which then call the appropriate function void Update() { if (current_brush == null) { current_brush = PenBrush; } // Is the user holding down the left mouse button? bool mouse_held_down = Input.GetMouseButton(0); if (mouse_held_down && !no_drawing_on_current_drag) { // Convert mouse coordinates to world coordinates Vector2 mouse_world_position = Camera.main.ScreenToWorldPoint(new Vector3(Input.mousePosition.x, Input.mousePosition.y, 5.8f)); // Check if the current mouse position overlaps our image Collider2D hit = Physics2D.OverlapPoint(mouse_world_position, Drawing_Layers.value); if (hit != null && hit.transform != null) { // We're over the texture we're drawing on! // Use whatever function the current brush is current_brush(mouse_world_position); } else { // We're not over our destination texture previous_drag_position = Vector2.zero; if (!mouse_was_previously_held_down) { // This is a new drag where the user is left clicking off the canvas // Ensure no drawing happens until a new drag is started //no_drawing_on_current_drag = true; } } } // Mouse is released else if (!mouse_held_down) { previous_drag_position = Vector2.zero; no_drawing_on_current_drag = false; } mouse_was_previously_held_down = mouse_held_down; }
void Awake() { brush = BrushType.Square; drawable = this; currBrush = PenBrush; drawbleSprite = this.GetComponent <SpriteRenderer>().sprite; drawbleTextr = drawbleSprite.texture; cleanColors = new Color[(int)drawbleSprite.rect.width * (int)drawbleSprite.rect.height]; for (int x = 0; x < cleanColors.Length; x++) { cleanColors[x] = resetColor; } if (resetCanvas) { ResetCanvas(); } }
void Start() { drawable = this; // DEFAULT BRUSH SET HERE current_brush = PenBrush; drawable_sprite = this.GetComponent <SpriteRenderer>().sprite; drawable_texture = drawable_sprite.texture; // Initialize clean pixels to use clean_colours_array = new Color[(int)drawable_sprite.rect.width * (int)drawable_sprite.rect.height]; for (int x = 0; x < clean_colours_array.Length; x++) { clean_colours_array[x] = Reset_Colour; } // Should we reset our canvas image when we hit play in the editor? if (Reset_Canvas_On_Play) { ResetCanvas(); } }
///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////Awake void Awake() { trackingChanges = new List <Line>(); trackingAnim = new Dictionary <GameObject, Line>(); dbSceneUpload = new DBScene(); dbSceneSave = new DBScene(); // DEFAULT BRUSH SET HERE current_brush = PenBrush; //setsprite if (DrawingSettings.editingImage == null) { this.GetComponent <SpriteRenderer>().sprite = GameObject.Find("DrawingSettings").GetComponent <DrawingSettings>().spritePrefabs[this.transform.GetSiblingIndex()]; } else { this.GetComponent <SpriteRenderer>().sprite = DrawingSettings.editingImage; } drawable_sprite = this.GetComponent <SpriteRenderer>().sprite; drawable_texture = drawable_sprite.texture; if (DrawingSettings.editingImage == null) { // Initialize clean pixels to use clean_colours_array = new Color[(int)drawable_sprite.rect.width * (int)drawable_sprite.rect.height]; for (int x = 0; x < clean_colours_array.Length; x++) { clean_colours_array[x] = Reset_Colour; } // Should we reset our canvas image when we hit play in the editor? if (Reset_Canvas_On_Play) { ResetCanvas(); } //initially try to link button with this layer this.GetComponent <SpriteRenderer>().sortingOrder = this.transform.GetSiblingIndex(); } }
// Helper method used by UI to set what brush the user wants // Create a new one for any new brushes you implement public void SetPenBrush() { // PenBrush is the NAME of the method we want to set as our current brush current_brush = PenBrush; }
public void SetPenBrush() { current_brush = PenBrush; }
public void SetPenBrush(bool isAnimation) { this.isAnimation = isAnimation; current_brush = PenBrush; }
public void SetPenBrush() { currBrush = PenBrush; }