void UpdateBackgroundBrush() { var newBackgroundBrush = GetBackgroundBrush(); if (BrushComparer.Equals(newBackgroundBrush, backgroundBrush)) { return; } backgroundBrush = newBackgroundBrush; if (markerElement != null) { markerElement.BackgroundBrush = backgroundBrush; } }
void UpdateBackgroundBrush() { UpdateIsInContrastModeOption(); var newBackgroundBrush = GetBackgroundBrush(); if (BrushComparer.Equals(newBackgroundBrush, backgroundBrush)) { return; } backgroundBrush = newBackgroundBrush; if (markerElement != null) { markerElement.BackgroundBrush = backgroundBrush; } }
void UpdateBackground() { if (editorFormatMap == null) { return; } var props = editorFormatMap.GetProperties(ThemeClassificationTypeNameKeys.GlyphMargin); var newBackground = ResourceDictionaryUtilities.GetBackgroundBrush(props, Brushes.Transparent); if (!BrushComparer.Equals(Background, newBackground)) { Background = newBackground; // The images could depend on the background color, so recreate every icon if (childCanvases.Any(a => a.Children.Count > 0)) { Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(DispatcherPriority.Background, new Action(RefreshEverything)); } } }
void UpdateLineSeparatorBrush() { if (editorFormatMap is null) { return; } var props = editorFormatMap.GetProperties(ThemeClassificationTypeNameKeys.LineSeparator); var brush = ResourceDictionaryUtilities.GetForegroundBrush(props); if (brush is null) { brush = new SolidColorBrush(Color.FromRgb(0xA5, 0xA5, 0xA5)); } if (brush.CanFreeze) { brush.Freeze(); } if (!BrushComparer.Equals(lineSeparatorBrush, brush)) { lineSeparatorBrush = brush; UpdateLineSeparatorElementsForeground(); } }