         * Simple program to find out if any Grid Appliances are running on the
         * local system!
        public static void Main(String[] args)
            ISender sender = null;
              BrunetRpc brpc = new BrunetRpc();
              if(args.Length == 0) {
            // Step one:  Gather all non-VMware IP Addresses for the block list
            ArrayList local_ips = new ArrayList();
            IPAddresses ipaddrs = IPAddresses.GetIPAddresses();
            foreach(Hashtable ht in ipaddrs.AllInterfaces) {
              if(ht["inet addr"] == null) {
              string ifname = (string) ht["interface"];
              if(ifname.StartsWith("vmnet") || ifname.StartsWith("VMware")) {
            local_ips.Add(IPAddress.Parse((String) ht["inet addr"]));
            IPAddress[] lips = (IPAddress[]) local_ips.ToArray(typeof(IPAddress));
            sender = brpc.IPHandler.CreateMulticastSender(lips);
              else {
            sender = brpc.IPHandler.CreateMulticastSender();

              // Step two: Setup BrunetRpc using Multicast to find nodes
              BlockingQueue q = new BlockingQueue();
              brpc.Rpc.Invoke(sender, q, "Information.Info");
              Hashtable retrieved = new Hashtable();
              while(true) {
            RpcResult res = null;
            try {
              // Step three: Get result and print it, need something better for autmoated service
              bool timedout = false;
              res = (RpcResult) q.Dequeue(2000, out timedout);
              if(timedout) {
              Hashtable ht = (Hashtable) res.Result;
              Hashtable neighbors = (Hashtable) ht["neighbors"];
              string self = (string) neighbors["self"];
              if(retrieved.Contains(self)) {
              retrieved[self] = true;

              ArrayList vips = ht["VirtualIPs"] as ArrayList;

              string vips_list = "";
              if(vips != null) {
            foreach(string ip in vips) {
              vips_list += ip + ", ";
            vips_list = vips_list.Substring(0, vips_list.Length - 2);

              ArrayList ips = (ArrayList) ht["localips"];
              string iplist = "";
              foreach(string ip in ips) {
            iplist += ip + ", ";
              iplist = iplist.Substring(0, iplist.Length - 2);

              Console.WriteLine(vips_list + ": " + iplist);
            //This occurs when all attempts are done, unless you close the queue first
            catch(InvalidOperationException) {
            catch(Exception e) {}
              //BrunetRpc has a timer thread, it needs to explicitly be closed
 public GuestConnectivity()
     _brpc = new BrunetRpc();
       _last_check = DateTime.MinValue;
       _sync = new object();