 public static void Draw4(OpenGL gl,
                          float X,
                          float Y,
                          float sX        = 1.0f *BrettDisplay.DISP_RAT_MULT_X_TO_Y,
                          float sY        = 1.0f,
                          float r         = BrettDisplay.R_DEFAULT,
                          float g         = BrettDisplay.G_DEFAULT,
                          float b         = BrettDisplay.B_DEFAULT,
                          float linewidth = BrettDisplay.LINEWIDTH_DEFAULT,
                          float rotation  = 0.0f)
     // 4
     BrettLine.Draw(gl, X + sX * 0.022f, Y + sY * 0.05f, X - sX * 0.02f, Y - sY * 0.02f, r, g, b, linewidth);
     BrettLine.Draw(gl, X + sX * 0.03f, Y - sY * 0.02f, X - sX * 0.02f, Y - sY * 0.02f, r, g, b, linewidth);
     BrettLine.Draw(gl, X + sX * 0.02f, Y + sY * 0.05f, X + sX * 0.02f, Y - sY * 0.05f, r, g, b, linewidth);
 public static void DrawP(OpenGL gl,
                          float X,
                          float Y,
                          float sX        = 1.0f *BrettDisplay.DISP_RAT_MULT_X_TO_Y,
                          float sY        = 1.0f,
                          float r         = BrettDisplay.R_DEFAULT,
                          float g         = BrettDisplay.G_DEFAULT,
                          float b         = BrettDisplay.B_DEFAULT,
                          float linewidth = BrettDisplay.LINEWIDTH_DEFAULT,
                          float rotation  = 0.0f)
     // P
     BrettLine.Draw(gl, X - sX * 0.02f, Y + sY * 0.05f, X - sX * 0.02f, Y - sY * 0.05f, r, g, b, linewidth);
     BrettLine.Draw(gl, X - sX * 0.02f, Y + sY * 0.05f, X + sX * 0.0f, Y + sY * 0.05f, r, g, b, linewidth);
     BrettArc.DrawLine(gl, 0.025f, X, Y + sY * 0.025f, sX, sY, 90.0f, 260.0f, r, g, b, linewidth);
     BrettLine.Draw(gl, X - sX * 0.02f, Y, X + sX * 0.01f, Y, r, g, b, linewidth);
        public static void DrawActiveCursor(OpenGL gl,
                                            float X,
                                            float Y,
                                            float sX        = 1.0f *BrettDisplay.DISP_RAT_MULT_X_TO_Y,
                                            float sY        = 1.0f,
                                            float r         = BrettDisplay.R_DEFAULT,
                                            float g         = BrettDisplay.G_DEFAULT,
                                            float b         = BrettDisplay.B_DEFAULT,
                                            float linewidth = BrettDisplay.LINEWIDTH_DEFAULT,
                                            float rotation  = 0.0f)
            // Active Cursor
            BrettLine.Draw(gl, X - sX * 0.02f, Y - sY * 0.07f, X + sX * 0.02f, Y - sY * 0.07f, r, g, b, linewidth);
            BrettLine.Draw(gl, X + sX * (CHAR_W), Y - sY * 0.05f, X + sX * CHAR_W, Y + sY * 0.05f, r, g, b, linewidth);

            // TBD
            // Provide capability to select text using ctrl and shift