        public IEnumerable <RuminantTypeCohort> GetCohorts(RuminantInitialCohorts initials)
            List <RuminantTypeCohort> list = new List <RuminantTypeCohort>();

            int index   = Breeds.IndexOf((initials.Parent as RuminantType).Breed);
            var cohorts = GetElementNames(Numbers).Skip(1);

            foreach (string cohort in cohorts)
                double num = GetValue <double>(Numbers.Element(cohort), index);
                if (num <= 0)

                list.Add(new RuminantTypeCohort(initials)
                    Name     = cohort,
                    Number   = num,
                    Age      = GetValue <int>(Ages.Element(cohort), index),
                    Weight   = GetValue <double>(Weights.Element(cohort), index),
                    Gender   = cohort.Contains("F") ? 1 : 0,
                    Suckling = cohort.Contains("Calf") ? true : false,
                    Sire     = cohort.Contains("ire") ? true : false

        private void SetParameters(RuminantType ruminant)
            List <Tuple <string, string, double> > parameters = new List <Tuple <string, string, double> >()
                new Tuple <string, string, double>("concep_rate_assym", "ConceptionRateAsymptote", 1),
                new Tuple <string, string, double>("concep_rate_coeff", "ConceptionRateCoefficient", 1),
                new Tuple <string, string, double>("concep_rate_incpt", "ConceptionRateIntercept", 1),
                new Tuple <string, string, double>("birth_SRW", "SRWBirth", 1),
                new Tuple <string, string, double>("cashmere_coeff", "CashmereCoefficient", 1),
                new Tuple <string, string, double>("Critical_cow_wt", "CriticalCowWeight", 0.01),
                new Tuple <string, string, double>("grwth_coeff1", "AgeGrowthRateCoefficient", 1),
                new Tuple <string, string, double>("grwth_coeff2", "SRWGrowthScalar", 1),
                new Tuple <string, string, double>("intake_coeff", "IntakeCoefficient", 1),
                new Tuple <string, string, double>("intake_incpt", "IntakeIntercept", 1),
                new Tuple <string, string, double>("IPI_coeff", "InterParturitionIntervalCoefficient", 1),
                new Tuple <string, string, double>("IPI_incpt", "InterParturitionIntervalIntercept", 1),
                new Tuple <string, string, double>("Joining_age", "MinimumAge1stMating", 1),
                new Tuple <string, string, double>("Joining_size", "MinimumSize1stMating", 0.01),
                new Tuple <string, string, double>("juvenile_mort_coeff", "JuvenileMortalityCoefficient", 1),
                new Tuple <string, string, double>("juvenile_mort_exp", "JuvenileMortalityExponent", 1),
                new Tuple <string, string, double>("juvenile_mort_max", "JuvenileMortalityMaximum", 0.01),
                new Tuple <string, string, double>("kg_coeff", "EGrowthEfficiencyCoefficient", 1),
                new Tuple <string, string, double>("kg_incpt", "EGrowthEfficiencyIntercept", 1),
                new Tuple <string, string, double>("kl_coeff", "ELactationEfficiencyCoefficient", 1),
                new Tuple <string, string, double>("kl_incpt", "ELactationEfficiencyIntercept", 1),
                new Tuple <string, string, double>("km_coeff", "EMaintEfficiencyCoefficient", 1),
                new Tuple <string, string, double>("km_incpt", "EMaintEfficiencyIntercept", 1),
                new Tuple <string, string, double>("kme", "Kme", 1),
                new Tuple <string, string, double>("Milk_Curve_nonsuck", "MilkCurveNonSuckling", 1),
                new Tuple <string, string, double>("Milk_Curve_suck", "MilkCurveSuckling", 1),
                new Tuple <string, string, double>("Milk_end", "MilkingDays", 30),
                new Tuple <string, string, double>("Milk_intake_coeff", "MilkIntakeCoefficient", 1),
                new Tuple <string, string, double>("Milk_intake_incpt", "MilkIntakeIntercept", 1),
                new Tuple <string, string, double>("Milk_max", "MilkPeakYield", 1),
                new Tuple <string, string, double>("Milk_offset_day", "MilkOffsetDay", 1),
                new Tuple <string, string, double>("Milk_Peak_day", "MilkPeakDay", 1),
                new Tuple <string, string, double>("Mortality_base", "MortalityBase", 0.01),
                new Tuple <string, string, double>("protein_coeff", "ProteinCoefficient", 1),
                new Tuple <string, string, double>("Rum_gest_int", "GestationLength", 1),
                new Tuple <string, string, double>("SRW", "SRWFemale", 1),
                new Tuple <string, string, double>("Twin_rate", "TwinRate", 1),
                new Tuple <string, string, double>("wool_coeff", "WoolCoefficient", 1)

            int index = Breeds.IndexOf(ruminant.Breed);

            foreach (var parameter in parameters)
                double value = GetValue <double>(FindFirst(Source, parameter.Item1), index) * parameter.Item3;
                ruminant.GetType().GetProperty(parameter.Item2).SetValue(ruminant, value);
        public IEnumerable <ActivityFolder> GetManageBreeds(ActivityFolder folder)
            List <ActivityFolder> folders = new List <ActivityFolder>();

            foreach (string breed in PresentBreeds)
                string name  = breed.Replace(".", " ");
                int    index = Breeds.IndexOf(breed);

                ActivityFolder manage = new ActivityFolder(folder)
                    Name = name

                manage.Add(new RuminantActivityWean(manage)
                    WeaningAge         = GetValue <double>(RumSpecs.Element("Weaning_age"), index),
                    WeaningWeight      = GetValue <double>(RumSpecs.Element("Weaning_weight"), index),
                    GrazeFoodStoreName = "NativePasture"

                string homemilk = GetValue <string>(RumSpecs.Element("Home_milk"), index);
                if (homemilk != "0")
                    manage.Add(new RuminantActivityMilking(manage)
                        ResourceTypeName = "HumanFoodStore." + name + "_Milk"

                manage.Add(new RuminantActivityManage(manage)
                    MaximumBreedersKept = GetValue <int>(RumSpecs.Element("Max_breeders"), index),
                    MaximumBreedingAge  = GetValue <int>(RumSpecs.Element("Max_breeder_age"), index),
                    MaximumBullAge      = GetValue <int>(RumSpecs.Element("Max_Bull_age"), index),
                    MaleSellingAge      = GetValue <int>(RumSpecs.Element("Anim_sell_age"), index),
                    MaleSellingWeight   = GetValue <int>(RumSpecs.Element("Anim_sell_wt"), index),
                    GrazeFoodStoreName  = "GrazeFoodStore.NativePasture"

                manage.Add(new RuminantActivitySellDryBreeders(manage)
                    MinimumConceptionBeforeSell = 1,
                    MonthsSinceBirth            = GetValue <int>(RumSpecs.Element("Joining_age"), index),
                    ProportionToRemove          = GetValue <double>(RumSpecs.Element("Dry_breeder_cull_rate"), index) * 0.01


        public NABSA(string path)
            Source = XElement.Load(path);

            Name = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(path);

            // General Data
            SingleParams = Source.Element("SingleParams");

            // Land Data
            LandSpecs = Source.Element("LandSpecs");

            // Labour Data
            Priority = FindByNameTag(Source, "Labour Number and Priority");
            Supply   = FindByNameTag(Source, "Labour Supply");

            // Ruminant Data
            SuppAllocs = FindFirst(Source, "SuppAllocs");
            SuppSpecs  = FindFirst(Source, "SuppSpecs");
            RumSpecs   = FindFirst(Source, "RumSpecs");
            Numbers    = FindByNameTag(Source, "Startup ruminant numbers");
            Ages       = FindByNameTag(Source, "Startup ruminant ages");
            Weights    = FindByNameTag(Source, "Startup ruminant weights");
            Prices     = FindByNameTag(Source, "Ruminant prices");

            Fodder      = FindFirst(Source, "Fodder");
            FodderSpecs = FindFirst(Source, "FodderSpecs");

            // List of all possible breeds
            Breeds = SuppAllocs.Element("ColumnNames").Elements().Select(e => e.Value).ToList();

            // Index of each breed
            var indices = from breed in Breeds
                          select Breeds.IndexOf(breed);

            // Breeds that have a presence in the simulation
            PresentBreeds = from index in indices
                            where (
                // The total number of each breed
                from cohort in Numbers.Elements().Skip(1)
                select Convert.ToInt32(cohort.Elements().ToList()[index].Value)
                ).Sum() > 0
                            // Breeds with a non-zero number of ruminants present
                            select Breeds.ElementAt(index);
        public IEnumerable <AnimalPriceGroup> GetAnimalPrices(AnimalPricing pricing)
            List <AnimalPriceGroup> prices = new List <AnimalPriceGroup>();

            int index = Breeds.IndexOf((pricing.Parent as RuminantType).Breed);

            // List of all the present cohorts
            var cohorts = pricing.Parent.Children.First().Children;

            foreach (var cohort in cohorts)
                AnimalPriceGroup price = new AnimalPriceGroup(pricing)
                    Name         = cohort.Name,
                    PricingStyle = 1,
                    Value        = GetValue <double>(Prices.Element(cohort.Name), index)

                price.Add(new RuminantFilter(price)
                    Name      = "GenderFilter",
                    Parameter = 2,
                    Value     = (((RuminantTypeCohort)cohort).Gender == 0) ? "Male" : "Female"

                price.Add(new RuminantFilter(price)
                    Name      = "AgeFilter",
                    Parameter = 3,
                    Operator  = 5,
                    Value     = ((RuminantTypeCohort)cohort).Age.ToString()


 public int GetIndex(Breed breed)