private BreakableBody(World world)
            World = world;
            World.ContactManager.PostSolve += PostSolve;

            State = BreakableBodyState.Unbroken;
        private void Decompose()
            if (State == BreakableBodyState.Broken)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("BreakableBody is allready broken");

            //Unsubsribe from the PostSolve delegate
            World.ContactManager.PostSolve -= PostSolve;

            for (int i = 0; i < Parts.Count; i++)
                Fixture oldFixture = Parts[i];

                Shape  shape      = oldFixture.Shape.Clone();
                object fixtureTag = oldFixture.Tag;


                Body body = World.CreateBody(MainBody.Position, MainBody.Rotation, BodyType.Dynamic);
                body.Tag = MainBody.Tag;

                Fixture newFixture = body.CreateFixture(shape);
                newFixture.Tag = fixtureTag;
                Parts[i]       = newFixture;

                body.AngularVelocity = _angularVelocitiesCache[i];
                body.LinearVelocity  = _velocitiesCache[i];


            State = BreakableBodyState.Broken;
        private void PostSolve(Contact contact, ContactVelocityConstraint impulse)
            if (State != BreakableBodyState.Broken)
                if (Parts.Contains(contact.FixtureA) || Parts.Contains(contact.FixtureB))
                    float maxImpulse = 0.0f;
                    int   count      = contact.Manifold.PointCount;

                    for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i)
                        maxImpulse = Math.Max(maxImpulse, impulse.points[i].normalImpulse);

                    if (maxImpulse > Strength)
                        // Flag the body for breaking.
                        State = BreakableBodyState.ShouldBreak;