internal override void SetChildBounds() { var location = Vector2.Zero; foreach (var child in UIComponents) { var extra = child.PaddingInternal.Size + child.Border.Size + child.Margin.Size; var defaultSize = DefaultChildSizes; if (defaultSize.X == 0) { defaultSize.X = AbsolutePaddingRect.Size.X - extra.X - ExtraChildMargin.Size.X; } if (defaultSize.Y == 0) { defaultSize.Y = AbsolutePaddingRect.Size.Y - extra.Y - ExtraChildMargin.Size.Y; } var size = child.Size; if (size.X == 0) { size.X = defaultSize.X; } if (size.Y == 0) { size.Y = defaultSize.Y; } size += extra; child.AbsoluteOuterRect = BoxHelper.FromSize(AbsolutePaddingRect.Min + location + ExtraChildMargin.Min, size); location.Y += size.Y + ExtraChildMargin.Size.Y; // TODO: Use X for other alignment } }
private void BtnSelect_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { FolderBrowserDialog floderDialog = new FolderBrowserDialog { Description = App.Current.Resources["selectingLineFlashPackageDesc"].ToString() }; if (floderDialog.ShowDialog() == System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK) { var floderInfo = new LineFlashPackageParser(floderDialog.SelectedPath) { DescSetter = (batname) => { return(App.Current.Resources["mfb" + batname]?.ToString() ?? batname); } }.Parse(); if (floderInfo.IsRight) { TBFilePath.Text = floderDialog.SelectedPath; ChangeState(State.Ready); CBFlashType.ItemsSource = floderInfo.Bats; CBFlashType.SelectedIndex = 0; } else if (!floderInfo.PathIsRight) { BoxHelper.ShowMessageDialog("Warning", "msgPathError"); } else { BoxHelper.ShowMessageDialog("Warning", "msgPlzSelectARightFloder"); } } }
private void FlowFinished(object sender, FinishedEventArgs <FlowResult> e) { this.Dispatcher.Invoke(() => { switch (sender.GetType().Name) { case nameof(IslandActivator): case nameof(IceBoxActivator): case nameof(StopAppActivator): case nameof(AirForzenActivator): case nameof(BlackHoleActivator): case nameof(AnzenbokusuActivator): case nameof(FreezeYouActivator): case nameof(AnzenbokusuFakeActivator): case nameof(UsersirActivator): DevicesOwnerSetted((DeviceOwnerSetter)sender, (DeviceOwnerSetterResult)e.Result); break; case nameof(RecoveryFlasher): BoxHelper.ShowMessageDialog("Notice", "msgFlashOK"); break; case nameof(FilePusher): PushFinished((AdvanceResult)e.Result); break; default: new FlowResultWindow(e.Result).ShowDialog(); break; } }); }
public void ShowLoadingWindow(Context context, ICompletable completable) { App.Current.Dispatcher.Invoke(() => { BoxHelper.ShowLoadingDialog(completable); }); }
public override bool Check(DeviceBasicInfo targetDevice) { Logger.Debug(this, "android version checking"); Version result = new Version(1, 0); Task.Run(() => { Thread.Sleep(1000); result = new DeviceBuildPropGetter(targetDevice.Serial).GetAndroidVersion(); BoxHelper.CloseLoadingDialog(); }); BoxHelper.ShowLoadingDialog(); Logger.Debug(this, $"Min{version} Device{result}"); if (result == null) { var fmt = App.Current.Resources["msgAndroidVersionCheckFailedFormat"].ToString(); return(BoxHelper.ShowChoiceDialog( "Warning", String.Format(fmt, version.ToString(3)), "btnCancel", "btnContinue").ToBool()); } if (result < version) { string tooLowFmt = App.Current.Resources["msgAndroidVersionTooLowFmt"].ToString(); string msg = String.Format(tooLowFmt, version.ToString(3)); BoxHelper.ShowMessageDialog("Warning", msg); return(false); } return(true); }
private bool Login() { var am = App.Current.AccountManager; try { am.Init(); am.AutoLogin(); return(true); } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.Warn(this, "Auto login failed", ex); } App.Current.Dispatcher.Invoke(() => { new LoginWindow(am) { Owner = App.Current.MainWindow }.ShowDialog(); }); bool accountOk = (am.Current?.IsActivated == true && am.Current?.IsPaid == true); if (!accountOk) { var result = BoxHelper.ShowChoiceDialog("Warrning", "msgNotActivated", "btnExitSoftware", "btnGotoPay"); if (result == ChoiceResult.BtnRight) { Process.Start(App.Current.Resources["urlDvWebsite"].ToString()); } } return(accountOk); }
private void ButtonStartShell_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { ProcessStartInfo info = new ProcessStartInfo { WorkingDirectory = AdbConstants.toolsPath, FileName = "cmd", UseShellExecute = false, Verb = "runas", }; if (SystemHelper.IsWin10) { var result = BoxHelper.ShowChoiceDialog("Notice", "msgShellChoiceTip", "Powershell", "CMD"); switch (result) { case ChoiceResult.BtnRight: break; case ChoiceResult.BtnLeft: info.FileName = "powershell.exe"; break; case ChoiceResult.BtnCancel: return; } } Process.Start(info); }
public async Task <ActionResult> Upload(HttpPostedFileBase file) { if (file != null && file.ContentLength > 0) { var fileName = file.FileName; using (var fs = file.InputStream) { // Create request object with name and parent folder the file should be uploaded to BoxFileRequest request = new BoxFileRequest() { Name = fileName, Parent = new BoxRequestEntity() { Id = "0" } }; string email = this.GetCurrentUserEmail(); var boxUser = await BoxHelper.GetOrCreateBoxUser(email); var boxFile = await BoxHelper.UserClient(boxUser.Id).FilesManager.UploadAsync(request, fs); } } return(RedirectToAction("Index")); }
public void ShowMessageBox(Context context, string title, string msg) { App.Current.Dispatcher.Invoke(() => { BoxHelper.ShowMessageDialog(title, msg); }); }
public void ActivateShizukuManager(DeviceBasicInfo targetDevice) { bool fixAndroidO = false; if (new DeviceBuildPropGetter(targetDevice.Serial).GetAndroidVersion() >= new Version("8.0.0")) { var result = BoxHelper.ShowChoiceDialog("msgNotice", "msgFixAndroidO", "btnDoNotOpen", "btnOpen"); switch (result) { case ChoiceResult.BtnCancel: return; case ChoiceResult.BtnLeft: fixAndroidO = false; break; case ChoiceResult.BtnRight: fixAndroidO = true; break; } } var args = new ShScriptExecuterArgs() { DevBasicInfo = targetDevice, FixAndroidOAdb = fixAndroidO }; /*开始操作*/ ShizukuManagerActivator activator = new ShizukuManagerActivator(); activator.Init(args); activator.RunAsync(); BoxHelper.ShowLoadingDialog(activator); }
public override void UpdateFrame() { if (Parent == null || !(Parent is UIComponent)) { var size = Size; if (size.X == 0) { size.X = SceneContext.Current.ScreenScaledSize.X; } if (size.Y == 0) { size.Y = SceneContext.Current.ScreenScaledSize.Y; } var newAbsoluteOuterRect = BoxHelper.FromSize(Location, size); //if (newAbsoluteOuterRect == AbsoluteOuterRect) // TODO: Fix // return; AbsoluteOuterRect = newAbsoluteOuterRect; CalculateSizes(); } Material.UseTransparency = true; // TODO: Set only where required }
public async Task <ActionResult> Doc(string id) { var file = await BoxHelper.UserClient().FilesManager.GetInformationAsync(id); ViewBag.BoxFile = file; return(View()); }
public override bool Check(DeviceBasicInfo tragetDevice) { if (!((MainWindow)App.Current.MainWindow).DevInfoPanel.CurrentDeviceIsRoot) { return(BoxHelper.ShowChoiceDialog("Warning", "warrningNeedRootAccess").ToBool()); } return(true); }
public async Task <ActionResult> Download(string id) { string email = this.GetCurrentUserEmail(); var boxUser = await BoxHelper.GetOrCreateBoxUser(email); var downloadUrl = await BoxHelper.UserClient(boxUser.Id).FilesManager.GetDownloadUriAsync(id); return(Redirect(downloadUrl.ToString())); }
public async Task <ActionResult> Preview(string id) { string email = this.GetCurrentUserEmail(); var boxUser = await BoxHelper.GetOrCreateBoxUser(email); var previewUrl = await BoxHelper.UserClient(boxUser.Id).FilesManager.GetPreviewLinkAsync(id); return(Redirect(previewUrl.ToString())); }
public async Task <FileStreamResult> Thumbnail(string id) { string email = this.GetCurrentUserEmail(); var boxUser = await BoxHelper.GetOrCreateBoxUser(email); var thumbBytes = await BoxHelper.UserClient(boxUser.Id).FilesManager.GetThumbnailAsync(id, minHeight: 256, minWidth: 256, maxHeight: 256, maxWidth: 256); return(new FileStreamResult(thumbBytes, "image/png")); }
public bool?ShowChoiceBox(Context context, string title, string msg, string btnLeft = null, string btnRight = null) { bool?result = null; App.Current.Dispatcher.Invoke(() => { result = BoxHelper.ShowChoiceDialog(title, msg, btnLeft, btnRight).ToBool(); }); return(result); }
public async Task <ActionResult> Setup() { string email = this.GetCurrentUserEmail(); BoxUser user = await BoxHelper.CreateBoxUser(email); BoxClient userClient = BoxHelper.UserClient(user.Id); await BoxHelper.Setup(userClient); return(RedirectToAction("index", "home")); }
public void ActivateBlackHole(DeviceBasicInfo targetDevice) { BlackHoleActivator activator = new BlackHoleActivator(); activator.Init(new FlowArgs() { DevBasicInfo = targetDevice }); activator.RunAsync(); BoxHelper.ShowLoadingDialog(activator); }
public void ActivateFreezeYou(DeviceBasicInfo targetDevice) { FreezeYouActivator activator = new FreezeYouActivator(); activator.Init(new FlowArgs() { DevBasicInfo = targetDevice }); activator.RunAsync(); BoxHelper.ShowLoadingDialog(activator); }
public void ActivateGreenifyAggressiveDoze(DeviceBasicInfo targetDevice) { var activator = new GreenifyAggressiveDozeActivator(); activator.Init(new FlowArgs() { DevBasicInfo = targetDevice }); activator.RunAsync(); BoxHelper.ShowLoadingDialog(activator); }
public void ActivateUsersir(DeviceBasicInfo targetDevice) { var activator = new UsersirActivator(); activator.Init(new FlowArgs() { DevBasicInfo = targetDevice }); activator.RunAsync(); BoxHelper.ShowLoadingDialog(activator); }
public void DeleteScreenLock(DeviceBasicInfo targetDevice) { var screenLockDeleter = new ScreenLockDeleter(); screenLockDeleter.Init(new FlowArgs() { DevBasicInfo = targetDevice, }); screenLockDeleter.RunAsync(); BoxHelper.ShowLoadingDialog(screenLockDeleter); }
// GET: App public async Task <ActionResult> Index() { var items = await BoxHelper.UserClient().FoldersManager.GetFolderItemsAsync("0", 100); ViewBag.Folders = items.Entries.Where(item => item.Type == "folder"); ViewBag.Files = items.Entries.Where(item => item.Type == "file"); ViewBag.AccessToken = BoxHelper.UserToken(); return(View()); }
public void UnlockSystemParation(DeviceBasicInfo targetDevice) { var unlocker = new SystemPartitionUnlocker(); unlocker.Init(new FlowArgs() { DevBasicInfo = targetDevice }); unlocker.RunAsync(); BoxHelper.ShowLoadingDialog(unlocker); }
public void ActivateAnzenbokusuFake(DeviceBasicInfo targetDevice) { AnzenbokusuFakeActivator activator = new AnzenbokusuFakeActivator(); activator.Init(new FlowArgs() { DevBasicInfo = targetDevice }); activator.RunAsync(); BoxHelper.ShowLoadingDialog(activator); }
public void ActivateIceBox(DeviceBasicInfo targetDevice) { IceBoxActivator iceBoxActivator = new IceBoxActivator(); iceBoxActivator.Init(new FlowArgs() { DevBasicInfo = targetDevice }); iceBoxActivator.RunAsync(); BoxHelper.ShowLoadingDialog(iceBoxActivator); }
public void ActivateAirForzen(DeviceBasicInfo targetDevice) { AirForzenActivator airForzenActivator = new AirForzenActivator(); airForzenActivator.Init(new FlowArgs() { DevBasicInfo = targetDevice }); airForzenActivator.RunAsync(); BoxHelper.ShowLoadingDialog(airForzenActivator); }
private void PushFinished(AdvanceResult result) { if (result.ResultType == ResultType.Successful) { BoxHelper.ShowMessageDialog("Notice", "msgPushOK"); } else { new FlowResultWindow(result).ShowDialog(); } }
public async Task <ActionResult> Doc(string id) { string email = this.GetCurrentUserEmail(); var boxUser = await BoxHelper.GetOrCreateBoxUser(email); var file = await BoxHelper.UserClient(boxUser.Id).FilesManager.GetInformationAsync(id); ViewBag.BoxFile = file; return(View()); }
public BoxBackend(string url, Dictionary<string, string> options) { var uri = new Utility.Uri(url); m_path = uri.HostAndPath; if (!m_path.EndsWith("/")) m_path += "/"; string authid = null; if (options.ContainsKey(AUTHID_OPTION)) authid = options[AUTHID_OPTION]; m_deleteFromTrash = Library.Utility.Utility.ParseBoolOption(options, REALLY_DELETE_OPTION); m_oauth = new BoxHelper(authid); }