public void SetMaterials(SymbolDatabase newSymbolDatabase, BoxAppearanceDatabase newBoxDatabase) { Sprite bodySprite = null; Sprite tailSprite = null; symbolDatabase = newSymbolDatabase; boxDatabase = newBoxDatabase; if (boxDatabase != null) { if (!boxDatabase.GetBoxAppearance(BoxAppearanceDatabase.BoxPurpose.System, 0, ref bodySprite, ref tailSprite)) { boxAppearanceIndex = -1; bodySpriteSystem = null; bodySpriteDialogue = null; tailSpriteDialogue = null; } else { boxAppearanceIndex = 0; bodySpriteSystem = bodySprite; boxDatabase.GetBoxAppearance(BoxAppearanceDatabase.BoxPurpose.Dialogue, 0, ref bodySprite, ref tailSprite); bodySpriteDialogue = bodySprite; tailSpriteDialogue = tailSprite; } } ExtractTailDimensions(); }
public void AdvanceBoxAppearance() { Sprite tailSprite = null; int newIndex = -1; TextBoxUI boxComponent = null; if ((boxDatabase != null) && (boxAppearanceIndex > -1)) { newIndex = boxAppearanceIndex++; if (!boxDatabase.GetBoxAppearance(BoxAppearanceDatabase.BoxPurpose.UI, newIndex, ref bodySprite, ref tailSprite)) { newIndex = 0; boxDatabase.GetBoxAppearance(BoxAppearanceDatabase.BoxPurpose.UI, newIndex, ref bodySprite, ref tailSprite); } boxAppearanceIndex = newIndex; if (boxComponents != null) { for (int i = 0; i < boxComponents.Length; i++) { boxComponent = boxComponents[i]; if (boxComponent != null) { boxComponent.ChangeBoxBody(bodySprite); } } } } }
public void AdvanceBoxAppearance() { Sprite bodySprite = null; Sprite tailSprite = null; int newIndex = -1; int boxSpeakerID = BaseAgent.INVALID_AGENT_ID; TextBox boxComponent = null; SpriteRenderer tailRenderer = null; if ((boxDatabase != null) && (boxAppearanceIndex > -1)) { newIndex = boxAppearanceIndex++; if (!boxDatabase.GetBoxAppearance(BoxAppearanceDatabase.BoxPurpose.System, newIndex, ref bodySprite, ref tailSprite)) { newIndex = 0; boxDatabase.GetBoxAppearance(BoxAppearanceDatabase.BoxPurpose.System, newIndex, ref bodySprite, ref tailSprite); } boxAppearanceIndex = newIndex; bodySpriteSystem = bodySprite; boxDatabase.GetBoxAppearance(BoxAppearanceDatabase.BoxPurpose.Dialogue, newIndex, ref bodySprite, ref tailSprite); bodySpriteDialogue = bodySprite; tailSpriteDialogue = tailSprite; ExtractTailDimensions(); if (boxComponents != null) { for (int i = 0; i < boxComponents.Length; i++) { boxComponent = boxComponents[i]; if (boxComponent != null) { /*halmeida - relying on the coherence of all box related arrays.*/ boxSpeakerID = boxSpeakerIDs[i]; if (boxSpeakerID == BaseAgent.INVALID_AGENT_ID) { boxComponent.ChangeBoxBody(bodySpriteSystem); } else { boxComponent.ChangeBoxBody(bodySpriteDialogue); } } } } if (boxTailRenderers != null) { for (int i = 0; i < boxTailRenderers.Length; i++) { tailRenderer = boxTailRenderers[i]; if (tailRenderer != null) { tailRenderer.sprite = tailSpriteDialogue; } } } } }
public void AdvanceBoxAppearance() { int newIndex = -1; TransactionBox boxComponent = null; SpriteRenderer tailRenderer = null; if ((boxDatabase != null) && (boxAppearanceIndex > -1)) { newIndex = boxAppearanceIndex++; if (!boxDatabase.GetBoxAppearance(BoxAppearanceDatabase.BoxPurpose.System, newIndex, ref bodySprite, ref tailSprite)) { newIndex = 0; boxDatabase.GetBoxAppearance(BoxAppearanceDatabase.BoxPurpose.System, newIndex, ref bodySprite, ref tailSprite); } boxAppearanceIndex = newIndex; ExtractTailDimensions(); if (boxComponents != null) { for (int i = 0; i < boxComponents.Length; i++) { boxComponent = boxComponents[i]; if (boxComponent != null) { boxComponent.ChangeBoxBody(bodySprite); } } } if (boxTailRenderers != null) { for (int i = 0; i < boxTailRenderers.Length; i++) { tailRenderer = boxTailRenderers[i]; if (tailRenderer != null) { tailRenderer.sprite = tailSprite; } } } } }
public void SetMaterials(SymbolDatabase newSymbolDatabase, BoxAppearanceDatabase newBoxDatabase) { Sprite tailSprite = null; symbolDatabase = newSymbolDatabase; boxDatabase = newBoxDatabase; if (boxDatabase != null) { if (!boxDatabase.GetBoxAppearance(BoxAppearanceDatabase.BoxPurpose.UI, 0, ref bodySprite, ref tailSprite)) { boxAppearanceIndex = -1; bodySprite = null; } else { boxAppearanceIndex = 0; } } }
public void SetMaterials(SymbolDatabase newSymbolDatabase, BoxAppearanceDatabase newBoxDatabase) { symbolDatabase = newSymbolDatabase; boxDatabase = newBoxDatabase; if (boxDatabase != null) { if (!boxDatabase.GetBoxAppearance(BoxAppearanceDatabase.BoxPurpose.Transaction, 0, ref bodySprite, ref tailSprite)) { boxAppearanceIndex = -1; bodySprite = null; tailSprite = null; } else { boxAppearanceIndex = 0; ExtractTailDimensions(); } } }