internal override bool SolvePositionConstraints(float baumgarte) { // TODO_ERIN block solve with limit. Body b1 = _body1; Body b2 = _body2; float angularError = 0.0f; float positionError = 0.0f; // Solve angular limit constraint. if (_enableLimit && _limitState != LimitState.InactiveLimit) { float angle = b2._sweep.A - b1._sweep.A - _referenceAngle; float limitImpulse = 0.0f; if (_limitState == LimitState.EqualLimits) { // Prevent large angular corrections float C = Box2DNet.Common.Math.Clamp(angle, -Settings.MaxAngularCorrection, Settings.MaxAngularCorrection); limitImpulse = -_motorMass * C; angularError = Box2DNetMath.Abs(C); } else if (_limitState == LimitState.AtLowerLimit) { float C = angle - _lowerAngle; angularError = -C; // Prevent large angular corrections and allow some slop. C = Box2DNet.Common.Math.Clamp(C + Settings.AngularSlop, -Settings.MaxAngularCorrection, 0.0f); limitImpulse = -_motorMass * C; } else if (_limitState == LimitState.AtUpperLimit) { float C = angle - _upperAngle; angularError = C; // Prevent large angular corrections and allow some slop. C = Box2DNet.Common.Math.Clamp(C - Settings.AngularSlop, 0.0f, Settings.MaxAngularCorrection); limitImpulse = -_motorMass * C; } b1._sweep.A -= b1._invI * limitImpulse; b2._sweep.A += b2._invI * limitImpulse; b1.SynchronizeTransform(); b2.SynchronizeTransform(); } // Solve point-to-point constraint. { Vector2 r1 = b1.GetTransform().TransformDirection(_localAnchor1 - b1.GetLocalCenter()); Vector2 r2 = b2.GetTransform().TransformDirection(_localAnchor2 - b2.GetLocalCenter()); Vector2 C = b2._sweep.C + r2 - b1._sweep.C - r1; positionError = C.Length(); float invMass1 = b1._invMass, invMass2 = b2._invMass; float invI1 = b1._invI, invI2 = b2._invI; // Handle large detachment. float k_allowedStretch = 10.0f * Settings.LinearSlop; if (C.LengthSquared() > k_allowedStretch * k_allowedStretch) { // Use a particle solution (no rotation). Vector2 u = C; u.Normalize(); float k = invMass1 + invMass2; Box2DNetDebug.Assert(k > Settings.FLT_EPSILON); float m = 1.0f / k; Vector2 impulse = m * (-C); float k_beta = 0.5f; b1._sweep.C -= k_beta * invMass1 * impulse; b2._sweep.C += k_beta * invMass2 * impulse; C = b2._sweep.C + r2 - b1._sweep.C - r1; } Mat22 K1 = new Mat22(); K1.Col1.X = invMass1 + invMass2; K1.Col2.X = 0.0f; K1.Col1.Y = 0.0f; K1.Col2.Y = invMass1 + invMass2; Mat22 K2 = new Mat22(); K2.Col1.X = invI1 * r1.Y * r1.Y; K2.Col2.X = -invI1 * r1.X * r1.Y; K2.Col1.Y = -invI1 * r1.X * r1.Y; K2.Col2.Y = invI1 * r1.X * r1.X; Mat22 K3 = new Mat22(); K3.Col1.X = invI2 * r2.Y * r2.Y; K3.Col2.X = -invI2 * r2.X * r2.Y; K3.Col1.Y = -invI2 * r2.X * r2.Y; K3.Col2.Y = invI2 * r2.X * r2.X; Mat22 K = K1 + K2 + K3; Vector2 impulse_ = K.Solve(-C); b1._sweep.C -= b1._invMass * impulse_; b1._sweep.A -= b1._invI * r1.Cross(impulse_); b2._sweep.C += b2._invMass * impulse_; b2._sweep.A += b2._invI * r2.Cross(impulse_); b1.SynchronizeTransform(); b2.SynchronizeTransform(); } return(positionError <= Settings.LinearSlop && angularError <= Settings.AngularSlop); }
internal override bool SolvePositionConstraints(float baumgarte) { Body b1 = _body1; Body b2 = _body2; Vector2 s1 = _ground.GetTransform().position + _groundAnchor1; Vector2 s2 = _ground.GetTransform().position + _groundAnchor2; float linearError = 0.0f; if (_state == LimitState.AtUpperLimit) { Vector2 r1 = b1.GetTransform().TransformDirection(_localAnchor1 - b1.GetLocalCenter()); Vector2 r2 = b2.GetTransform().TransformDirection(_localAnchor2 - b2.GetLocalCenter()); Vector2 p1 = b1._sweep.C + r1; Vector2 p2 = b2._sweep.C + r2; // Get the pulley axes. _u1 = p1 - s1; _u2 = p2 - s2; float length1 = _u1.Length(); float length2 = _u2.Length(); if (length1 > Settings.LinearSlop) { _u1 *= 1.0f / length1; } else { _u1 = Vector2.Zero; } if (length2 > Settings.LinearSlop) { _u2 *= 1.0f / length2; } else { _u2 = Vector2.Zero; } float C = _constant - length1 - _ratio * length2; linearError = Box2DNetMath.Max(linearError, -C); C = Box2DNet.Common.Math.Clamp(C + Settings.LinearSlop, -Settings.MaxLinearCorrection, 0.0f); float impulse = -_pulleyMass * C; Vector2 P1 = -impulse * _u1; Vector2 P2 = -_ratio * impulse * _u2; b1._sweep.C += b1._invMass * P1; b1._sweep.A += b1._invI * r1.Cross(P1); b2._sweep.C += b2._invMass * P2; b2._sweep.A += b2._invI * r2.Cross(P2); b1.SynchronizeTransform(); b2.SynchronizeTransform(); } if (_limitState1 == LimitState.AtUpperLimit) { Vector2 r1 = b1.GetTransform().TransformDirection(_localAnchor1 - b1.GetLocalCenter()); Vector2 p1 = b1._sweep.C + r1; _u1 = p1 - s1; float length1 = _u1.Length(); if (length1 > Settings.LinearSlop) { _u1 *= 1.0f / length1; } else { _u1 = Vector2.Zero; } float C = _maxLength1 - length1; linearError = System.Math.Max(linearError, -C); C = Box2DNet.Common.Math.Clamp(C + Settings.LinearSlop, -Settings.MaxLinearCorrection, 0.0f); float impulse = -_limitMass1 * C; Vector2 P1 = -impulse * _u1; b1._sweep.C += b1._invMass * P1; b1._sweep.A += b1._invI * r1.Cross(P1); b1.SynchronizeTransform(); } if (_limitState2 == LimitState.AtUpperLimit) { Vector2 r2 = b2.GetTransform().TransformDirection(_localAnchor2 - b2.GetLocalCenter()); Vector2 p2 = b2._sweep.C + r2; _u2 = p2 - s2; float length2 = _u2.Length(); if (length2 > Settings.LinearSlop) { _u2 *= 1.0f / length2; } else { _u2 = Vector2.Zero; } float C = _maxLength2 - length2; linearError = Box2DNetMath.Max(linearError, -C); C = Box2DNet.Common.Math.Clamp(C + Settings.LinearSlop, -Settings.MaxLinearCorrection, 0.0f); float impulse = -_limitMass2 * C; Vector2 P2 = -impulse * _u2; b2._sweep.C += b2._invMass * P2; b2._sweep.A += b2._invI * r2.Cross(P2); b2.SynchronizeTransform(); } return(linearError < Settings.LinearSlop); }
internal override void InitVelocityConstraints(TimeStep step) { Body b1 = _body1; Body b2 = _body2; if (_enableMotor || _enableLimit) { // You cannot create a rotation limit between bodies that // both have fixed rotation. Box2DNetDebug.Assert(b1._invI > 0.0f || b2._invI > 0.0f); } // Compute the effective mass matrix. Vector2 r1 = b1.GetTransform().TransformDirection(_localAnchor1 - b1.GetLocalCenter()); Vector2 r2 = b2.GetTransform().TransformDirection(_localAnchor2 - b2.GetLocalCenter()); // J = [-I -r1_skew I r2_skew] // [ 0 -1 0 1] // r_skew = [-ry; rx] // Matlab // K = [ m1+r1y^2*i1+m2+r2y^2*i2, -r1y*i1*r1x-r2y*i2*r2x, -r1y*i1-r2y*i2] // [ -r1y*i1*r1x-r2y*i2*r2x, m1+r1x^2*i1+m2+r2x^2*i2, r1x*i1+r2x*i2] // [ -r1y*i1-r2y*i2, r1x*i1+r2x*i2, i1+i2] float m1 = b1._invMass, m2 = b2._invMass; float i1 = b1._invI, i2 = b2._invI; _mass.Col1.X = m1 + m2 + r1.Y * r1.Y * i1 + r2.Y * r2.Y * i2; _mass.Col2.X = -r1.Y * r1.X * i1 - r2.Y * r2.X * i2; _mass.Col3.X = -r1.Y * i1 - r2.Y * i2; _mass.Col1.Y = _mass.Col2.X; _mass.Col2.Y = m1 + m2 + r1.X * r1.X * i1 + r2.X * r2.X * i2; _mass.Col3.Y = r1.X * i1 + r2.Y * i2; _mass.Col1.Z = _mass.Col3.X; _mass.Col2.Z = _mass.Col3.Y; _mass.Col3.Z = i1 + i2; _motorMass = 1.0f / (i1 + i2); if (_enableMotor == false) { _motorImpulse = 0.0f; } if (_enableLimit) { float jointAngle = b2._sweep.A - b1._sweep.A - _referenceAngle; if (Box2DNetMath.Abs(_upperAngle - _lowerAngle) < 2.0f * Settings.AngularSlop) { _limitState = LimitState.EqualLimits; } else if (jointAngle <= _lowerAngle) { if (_limitState != LimitState.AtLowerLimit) { _impulse.Z = 0.0f; } _limitState = LimitState.AtLowerLimit; } else if (jointAngle >= _upperAngle) { if (_limitState != LimitState.AtUpperLimit) { _impulse.Z = 0.0f; } _limitState = LimitState.AtUpperLimit; } else { _limitState = LimitState.InactiveLimit; _impulse.Z = 0.0f; } } else { _limitState = LimitState.InactiveLimit; } if (step.WarmStarting) { // Scale impulses to support a variable time step. _impulse *= step.DtRatio; _motorImpulse *= step.DtRatio; Vector2 P = _impulse.ToVector2(); b1._linearVelocity -= m1 * P; b1._angularVelocity -= i1 * (r1.Cross(P) + _motorImpulse + _impulse.Z); b2._linearVelocity += m2 * P; b2._angularVelocity += i2 * (r2.Cross(P) + _motorImpulse + _impulse.Z); } else { _impulse = Vector3.Zero; _motorImpulse = 0.0f; } }