/// <summary> /// This method is used in order to show the dialog.Note thaty using a while the dialog is continuasly loading until it exits /// with OK or Cancel. Using the Ignore value of the form's result we are able to hide the form and ask the user to select /// a box that will be used as window render for the raster export. /// </summary> /// <param name="doc"></param> public void Show(vdDocument doc) { mDoc = doc; mRenderBox.Empty(); mRenderBox.AddBox(mDoc.ActiveLayOut.Entities.GetBoundingBox(false, true)); mRenderBox.TransformBy(mDoc.World2ViewMatrix); if (checkAspect.Checked) { CalculateAspect(false); } DialogResult res = DialogResult.OK; do { this.ShowDialog(mDoc.ActionControl); Application.DoEvents(); res = this.DialogResult; switch (res) { case DialogResult.Ignore: { Box UserBox = null; mDoc.ActionUtility.getUserRectViewCS(null, out UserBox); if (UserBox != null) { mRenderBox.Empty(); mRenderBox.AddBox(UserBox); } if (checkAspect.Checked) { CalculateAspect(false); } } break; } } while (res != DialogResult.OK && res != DialogResult.Cancel); }
/// <summary> /// 替换字体 /// </summary> /// <param name="vdbs"></param> private void ReplaceText(vdBlocks vdbs, vdDocument doc, double width, double height, string PropName) { //doc.Purge(); Dictionary <string, string> BlksMap = new Dictionary <string, string>(); Dictionary <string, string> BlksMapTmp = new Dictionary <string, string>(); //删除车位编号 foreach (vdFigure vdf in doc.ActiveLayOut.Entities) { if (vdf is vdInsert) { vdInsert vdi = vdf as vdInsert; vdXProperty vdx = vdi.XProperties.FindName(PropName); if (vdx != null) { string strName = vdx.PropValue.ToString(); vdBlock vdb = vdi.Block; Box box = vdb.BoundingBox(); Box textbox = new Box(new gPoint(box.MidPoint.x - width / 2.0, box.Min.y), new gPoint(box.MidPoint.x + width / 2.0, box.Min.y + height)); vdArray <vdFigure> vda = new vdArray <vdFigure>(); foreach (vdFigure vdff in vdb.Entities) { if (vdff is vdPolyface) { if (vdff.BoundingBox.BoxInBox(textbox)) { vda.AddItem(vdff); } } } Box b = new Box(); foreach (vdFigure vdf1 in vda) { b.AddBox(vdf1.BoundingBox); vdb.Entities.RemoveItem(vdf1); } //文字样式 vdTextstyle vdts = doc.TextStyles.FindName("车位编号"); if (vdts == null) { vdts = new vdTextstyle(doc); vdts.Name = "车位编号"; vdts.Height = b.Height; //MessageBox.Show(b.Height.ToString()); doc.TextStyles.Add(vdts); } //文字 vdText vdt = new vdText(doc); vdt.Style = vdts; vdt.TextString = vdx.PropValue.ToString(); vdt.HorJustify = VectorDraw.Professional.Constants.VdConstHorJust.VdTextHorCenter; vdt.VerJustify = VectorDraw.Professional.Constants.VdConstVerJust.VdTextVerCen; vdt.InsertionPoint = b.MidPoint; vdb.Entities.AddItem(vdt); vdf.Invalidate(); vdf.Update(); string ssss = GetBlkMd5(vdi.Block); if (!BlksMap.ContainsKey(vdi.Block.Name)) { BlksMap.Add(vdi.Block.Name, ssss); } else { MessageBox.Show("可能存在重复编号的车位,请仔细查看!"); } } } } //查找md5的计数 Dictionary <string, int> md5count = new Dictionary <string, int>(); foreach (KeyValuePair <string, string> kv in BlksMap) { if (!md5count.ContainsKey(kv.Value)) { md5count.Add(kv.Value, 1); } else { md5count[kv.Value]++; } } foreach (KeyValuePair <string, string> kv in BlksMap) { if (md5count[kv.Value] > 1) { vdBlock vdb2 = doc.Blocks.FindName(kv.Value); vdBlock vdb = doc.Blocks.FindName(kv.Key); if (vdb2 == null) //md5码的块不存在的话 { if (vdb != null) { vdBlock vdb1 = vdb.Clone(doc) as vdBlock; for (int i = vdb1.Entities.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (vdb1.Entities[i] is vdText) { vdb1.Entities.RemoveItem(vdb1.Entities[i]); } } vdb1.Name = kv.Value; doc.Blocks.Add(vdb1); } } //原来的内容作为一个块,加进去 for (int i = vdb.Entities.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (!(vdb.Entities[i] is vdText)) { vdb.Entities.RemoveItem(vdb.Entities[i]); } } //vdb.Entities.RemoveAll(); vdInsert vdi = new vdInsert(doc); vdi.Block = doc.Blocks.FindName(kv.Value); // vdb.Entities.Add(vdi); //将字体加上去 vdb.Update(); } } //ProCarNum(doc, PropName, width, height); //处理车位编号 }