public static bool Collide(BoundingCapsule Capsule2, AABB Box1)
        Box1.Half = (Box1.MaxExtent - Box1.MinExtent) * 0.5f;// + Box1.MinExtent;
        //Get Direction Between the two boxes + edges
        Box1.Centre = Box1.Half + Box1.MinExtent;
        AABB Box2 = new AABB(Capsule2.A, Capsule2.B);

        Box2.Half   = (Box2.MaxExtent - Box2.MinExtent) * 0.5f;
        Box2.Centre = Box2.Half + Box2.MinExtent;

        if (Mathf.Abs(Box1.Centre.x - Box2.Centre.x) > (Box1.Half.x + Box2.Half.x))

        if (Mathf.Abs(Box1.Centre.y - Box2.Centre.y) > (Box1.Half.y + Box2.Half.y))

        if (Mathf.Abs(Box1.Centre.z - Box2.Centre.z) > (Box1.Half.z + Box2.Half.z))
    public static void Resolve(BoundingCapsule Capsule2, AABB Box1, out MyVector3 Normal, out float Penetration)
        Normal      = new MyVector3(0, 0, 0);
        Penetration = float.MaxValue;

        Box1.Half = (Box1.MaxExtent - Box1.MinExtent) * 0.5f;// + Box1.MinExtent;
        //Get Direction Between the two boxes + edges
        Box1.Centre = Box1.Half + Box1.MinExtent;
        AABB Box2 = new AABB(new MyVector3(Capsule2.A.x, Capsule2.A.y, Capsule2.A.z), new MyVector3(Capsule2.B.x, Capsule2.B.y, Capsule2.B.z));

        Box2.Half   = (Box2.MaxExtent - Box2.MinExtent) * 0.5f;
        Box2.Centre = Box2.Half + Box2.MinExtent;

        float CurPenetration = (Box1.Half.x + Box2.Half.x) - Mathf.Abs(Box1.Centre.x - Box2.Centre.x);

        if (CurPenetration < Penetration)
            Penetration = CurPenetration;
            if (Box1.Centre.x > Box2.Centre.x)
                Normal = new MyVector3(-1, 0, 0);

            if (Box1.Centre.x < Box2.Centre.x)
                Normal = new MyVector3(1, 0, 0);
        CurPenetration = (Box1.Half.y + Box2.Half.y) - Mathf.Abs(Box1.Centre.y - Box2.Centre.y);

        if (CurPenetration < Penetration)
            Penetration = CurPenetration;
            if (Box1.Centre.y > Box2.Centre.y)
                Normal = new MyVector3(0, -1, 0);
            if (Box1.Centre.y < Box2.Centre.y)
                Normal = new MyVector3(0, 1, 0);

        CurPenetration = (Box1.Half.z + Box2.Half.z) - Mathf.Abs(Box1.Centre.z - Box2.Centre.z);

        if (CurPenetration < Penetration)
            Penetration = CurPenetration;
            if (Box1.Centre.z > Box2.Centre.z)
                Normal = new MyVector3(0, 0, -1);
            if (Box1.Centre.z < Box2.Centre.z)
                Normal = new MyVector3(0, 0, 1);
    public static bool Collide(BoundingCapsule capsule, BoundingCircle otherCircle)
        float CombinedRadius    = capsule.Radius + otherCircle.Radius;
        float DistanceFromFloat = Mathf.Sqrt(VectorMaths.SqDistanceFromFloat(capsule.A, capsule.B, otherCircle.CentrePoint));

        return(DistanceFromFloat <= CombinedRadius);
    // Update is called once per frame
    void Update()
        myTransformation Transformation = GetComponent <myTransformation>();

        float CurRadius    = float.MinValue;
        float MinCurRadius = float.MaxValue;

        if (Transformation.ModelMaxExtent.x > CurRadius)
            CurRadius = Transformation.ModelMaxExtent.x;

        if (Transformation.ModelMaxExtent.z > CurRadius)
            CurRadius = Transformation.ModelMaxExtent.z;

        if (Transformation.ModelMinExtent.x < MinCurRadius)
            MinCurRadius = Transformation.ModelMinExtent.x;

        if (Transformation.ModelMaxExtent.z < MinCurRadius)
            MinCurRadius = Transformation.ModelMinExtent.z;
        float BiggestScale = float.MinValue;

        if (Transformation.Scale.x > BiggestScale)
            BiggestScale = Transformation.Scale.x;

        if (Transformation.Scale.z > BiggestScale)
            BiggestScale = Transformation.Scale.z;

        Radius  = CurRadius - MinCurRadius;
        Radius *= BiggestScale;

        Transformation.BoundObject = new BoundingCapsule(Transformation.Translation + (Transformation.Scale * Transformation.ModelMinExtent),
                                                         Transformation.Translation + (Transformation.Scale * Transformation.ModelMaxExtent),
        BoundingCapsule Capsule2 = Transformation.BoundObject as BoundingCapsule;

        Min = Capsule2.A;
        Max = Capsule2.B;
 public override bool Intersects(BoundingObject RHS)
     if (RHS is AABB)
         AABB Box1 = RHS as AABB;
         return(Collide(this, Box1));
     if (RHS is BoundingCircle)
         BoundingCircle Sphere1 = RHS as BoundingCircle;
         return(Collide(this, Sphere1));
     if (RHS is BoundingCapsule)
         BoundingCapsule Capsule1 = RHS as BoundingCapsule;
         return(Collide(this, Capsule1));
    public static bool Collide(BoundingCapsule capsule, BoundingCapsule otherCapsule)
        float     CombinedRadiusSq = (capsule.Radius + otherCapsule.Radius) * (capsule.Radius + otherCapsule.Radius);
        MyVector3 LengthA          = capsule.A - otherCapsule.A;

        float DistanceA = LengthA.Length();

        if (DistanceA <= CombinedRadiusSq)
        MyVector3 LengthB   = capsule.B - otherCapsule.B;
        float     DistanceB = LengthB.Length();

        if (DistanceB <= CombinedRadiusSq)

    public override void CollisionResolution(BoundingObject RHS, out MyVector3 Norm, out float Penetration)
        Norm        = new MyVector3(0, 0, 0);
        Penetration = float.MaxValue;

        if (RHS is AABB)
            AABB Box2 = RHS as AABB;
            Resolve(this, Box2, out Norm, out Penetration);
        if (RHS is BoundingCircle)
            BoundingCircle Circle2 = RHS as BoundingCircle;
            Resolve(this, Circle2, out Norm, out Penetration);
        if (RHS is BoundingCapsule)
            BoundingCapsule Capsule2 = RHS as BoundingCapsule;
            Resolve(this, Capsule2, out Norm, out Penetration);
    public static void Resolve(BoundingCapsule Capsule2, BoundingCircle Circle1, out MyVector3 Normal, out float Penetration)
        Normal      = new MyVector3(0, 0, 0);
        Penetration = float.MaxValue;

        AABB Box1 = new AABB(new MyVector3(Capsule2.A.x, Capsule2.A.y, Capsule2.A.z), new MyVector3(Capsule2.B.x, Capsule2.B.y, Capsule2.B.z));

        Box1.Half   = (Box1.MaxExtent - Box1.MinExtent) * 0.5f;
        Box1.Centre = Box1.Half + Box1.MinExtent;

        float Radius = Circle1.Radius;

        Radius *= 0.5f;
        MyVector3 Extent = new MyVector3(Radius, Radius, Radius);
        AABB      Box2;

        Box2        = new AABB(Circle1.CentrePoint - Extent, Circle1.CentrePoint + Extent);
        Box2.Half   = (Box2.MaxExtent - Box2.MinExtent) * 0.5f;
        Box2.Centre = Box2.Half + Box2.MinExtent;

        float CurPenetration = (Box1.Half.x + Box2.Half.x) - Mathf.Abs(Box1.Centre.x - Box2.Centre.x);

        if (CurPenetration < Penetration)
            Penetration = CurPenetration;
            if (Box1.Centre.x > Box2.Centre.x)
                Normal = new MyVector3(-1, 0, 0);

            if (Box1.Centre.x < Box2.Centre.x)
                Normal = new MyVector3(1, 0, 0);
        CurPenetration = (Box1.Half.y + Box2.Half.y) - Mathf.Abs(Box1.Centre.y - Box2.Centre.y);

        if (CurPenetration < Penetration)
            Penetration = CurPenetration;
            if (Box1.Centre.y > Box2.Centre.y)
                Normal = new MyVector3(0, -1, 0);
            if (Box1.Centre.y < Box2.Centre.y)
                Normal = new MyVector3(0, 1, 0);

        CurPenetration = (Box1.Half.z + Box2.Half.z) - Mathf.Abs(Box1.Centre.z - Box2.Centre.z);

        if (CurPenetration < Penetration)
            Penetration = CurPenetration;
            if (Box1.Centre.z > Box2.Centre.z)
                Normal = new MyVector3(0, 0, -1);
            if (Box1.Centre.z < Box2.Centre.z)
                Normal = new MyVector3(0, 0, 1);

        Penetration *= 0.001f;