/// <summary>
            /// Used to check whether the cursor is moused over the element and whether its being
            /// obstructed by another element.
            /// </summary>
            protected override void InputDepth()
                State &= ~HudElementStates.IsMouseInBounds;

                if (HudMain.InputMode != HudInputMode.NoInput && (HudSpace?.IsFacingCamera ?? false))
                    Vector3      cursorPos = HudSpace.CursorPos;
                    Vector2      halfSize  = Vector2.Max(cachedSize, new Vector2(minMouseBounds)) * .5f;
                    BoundingBox2 box       = new BoundingBox2(cachedPosition - halfSize, cachedPosition + halfSize);
                    bool         mouseInBounds;

                    if (maskingBox == null)
                        mouseInBounds = box.Contains(new Vector2(cursorPos.X, cursorPos.Y)) == ContainmentType.Contains;
                        mouseInBounds = box.Intersect(maskingBox.Value).Contains(new Vector2(cursorPos.X, cursorPos.Y)) == ContainmentType.Contains;

                    if (mouseInBounds)
                        State |= HudElementStates.IsMouseInBounds;
                        HudMain.Cursor.TryCaptureHudSpace(cursorPos.Z, HudSpace.GetHudSpaceFunc);
            protected override void Draw()
                if (ShowCaret)
                    bool isCharVisible = text.Count == 0 || text[0].Count == 0;
                    CaretIndex = ClampIndex(CaretIndex);

                    // If line visible
                    if ((text.Count > 0 && text[0].Count > 0) &&
                        (CaretIndex.X >= text.VisibleLineRange.X && CaretIndex.X <= text.VisibleLineRange.Y))
                        // Damned special cases
                        Vector2I index = Vector2I.Max(CaretIndex, Vector2I.Zero);

                        // Calculate visibilty on line
                        IRichChar ch            = text[index];
                        Vector2   size          = ch.Size,
                                  pos           = ch.Offset + text.TextOffset;
                        BoundingBox2 textBounds = BoundingBox2.CreateFromHalfExtent(Vector2.Zero, .5f * text.Size),
                                     charBounds = BoundingBox2.CreateFromHalfExtent(pos, .5f * Vector2.Max(size, new Vector2(8f)));

                        if (textBounds.Contains(charBounds) != ContainmentType.Disjoint)
                            isCharVisible = true;

                    if (blink & isCharVisible)

                    if (blinkTimer.ElapsedMilliseconds > 500)
                        blink = !blink;
        /// <summary>
        /// Update selection and highlight based on user input
        /// </summary>
        protected virtual void UpdateSelectionInput(Vector2 cursorPos)
            HighlightIndex = MathHelper.Clamp(HighlightIndex, 0, Entries.Count - 1);

            // If using arrow keys to scroll, adjust the scrollbox's start/end indices
            if (KeyboardScroll)
                // If using arrow keys to scroll, then the focus should follow the highlight
                FocusIndex = HighlightIndex;
            else // Otherwise, focus index should follow the selection
                FocusIndex = SelectionIndex;

            // Keyboard input
            if (HasFocus)
                if (SharedBinds.UpArrow.IsNewPressed || SharedBinds.UpArrow.IsPressedAndHeld)
                    KeyboardScroll = true;
                    lastCursorPos  = cursorPos;
                else if (SharedBinds.DownArrow.IsNewPressed || SharedBinds.DownArrow.IsPressedAndHeld)
                    KeyboardScroll = true;
                    lastCursorPos  = cursorPos;
                KeyboardScroll = false;
                lastCursorPos  = new Vector2(float.MinValue);

            bool listMousedOver = false;

            // Mouse input
            if (IsMousedOver)
                // If the user moves the cursor after using arrow keys for selection then moves the
                // mouse, disable arrow selection
                if ((cursorPos - lastCursorPos).LengthSquared() > 4f)
                    KeyboardScroll = false;

                if (!KeyboardScroll)
                    Vector2      cursorOffset = cursorPos - ListPos;
                    BoundingBox2 listBounds   = new BoundingBox2(-ListSize * .5f, ListSize * .5f);

                    // If the list is moused over, then calculate highlight index based on cursor position.
                    if (listBounds.Contains(cursorOffset) == ContainmentType.Contains)
                        int newIndex = ListRange.X;

                        for (int i = ListRange.X; i <= ListRange.Y; i++)
                            if (Entries[i].Enabled)
                                TElement element  = Entries[i].Element;
                                Vector2  halfSize = element.Size * .5f,
                                         offset   = element.Offset;
                                BoundingBox2 bb   = new BoundingBox2(offset - halfSize, offset + halfSize);

                                if (bb.Contains(cursorOffset) == ContainmentType.Contains)


                        if (newIndex >= 0 && newIndex < Entries.Count)
                            HighlightIndex = newIndex;
                            listMousedOver = true;

            if ((listMousedOver && SharedBinds.LeftButton.IsNewPressed) || (HasFocus && SharedBinds.Space.IsNewPressed))
                SelectionIndex = HighlightIndex;
                SelectionChanged?.Invoke(this, EventArgs.Empty);
                KeyboardScroll = false;

            HighlightIndex = MathHelper.Clamp(HighlightIndex, 0, Entries.Count - 1);
                /// <summary>
                /// Draws the text board in world space on the XY plane of the matrix, facing in the +Z
                /// direction.
                /// </summary>
                public void Draw(BoundingBox2 box, BoundingBox2 mask, MatrixD[] matrix)
                    ContainmentType containment;

                    mask.Contains(ref box, out containment);

                    if (containment != ContainmentType.Disjoint)
                        if (offsetsAreStale)
                        else if (lineRangeIsStale || (endLine == -1 && lines.Count > 0))

                        if (AutoResize)
                            _textOffset = Vector2.Zero;

                        if (updateEvent && (eventTimer.ElapsedTicks / TimeSpan.TicksPerMillisecond) > 500)
                            updateEvent = false;

                        BoundingBox2 textMask = box.Intersect(mask);
                        Vector2      offset   = box.Center + _textOffset * Scale;

                        IReadOnlyList <Line> lineList = lines.PooledLines;
                        CroppedBox           bb       = default(CroppedBox);
                        bb.mask = textMask;

                        // Draw glyphs
                        for (int ln = startLine; ln <= endLine && ln < lines.Count; ln++)
                            Line line = lineList[ln];

                            for (int ch = 0; ch < line.Count; ch++)
                                GlyphLocData locData  = line.LocData[ch];
                                Vector2      halfSize = locData.bbSize * Scale * .5f,
                                             pos      = offset + locData.bbOffset * Scale;

                                bb.bounds = new BoundingBox2(pos - halfSize, pos + halfSize);
                                bb.mask.Value.Contains(ref bb.bounds, out containment);

                                if (containment == ContainmentType.Contains)
                                    line.GlyphBoards[ch].Draw(ref bb, ref matrix[0]);
                                else if (containment != ContainmentType.Disjoint)
                                    line.GlyphBoards[ch].DrawCroppedTex(ref bb, ref matrix[0]);

                        QuadBoard underlineBoard = QuadBoard.Default;

                        // Draw underlines
                        for (int n = 0; n < underlines.Count; n++)
                            Vector2 halfSize = underlines[n].size * Scale * .5f,
                                    pos      = offset + underlines[n].offset * Scale;

                            bb.bounds = new BoundingBox2(pos - halfSize, pos + halfSize);
                            bb.mask.Value.Contains(ref bb.bounds, out containment);
                            underlineBoard.bbColor = underlines[n].color;

                            if (containment == ContainmentType.Contains)
                                underlineBoard.Draw(ref bb, ref matrix[0]);
                            else if (containment != ContainmentType.Disjoint)
                                underlineBoard.DrawCropped(ref bb, ref matrix[0]);