    protected override bool ModifyInternal(RoomSpec spec)
        #region Debug
        if (BigBoss.Debug.logging(Logs.LevelGen))
            BigBoss.Debug.printHeader(Logs.LevelGen, "Splitter Mod");
        Bounding   bounds     = spec.Grids.Bounding;
        List <int> options    = new List <int>();
        bool       horizontal = spec.Random.NextBool();
        int        from       = bounds.GetMin(horizontal);
        int        to         = bounds.GetMax(horizontal);
        int        fromAlt    = bounds.GetMin(!horizontal);
        int        toAlt      = bounds.GetMax(!horizontal);

        // Iterate and find all viable options
        for (int i = fromAlt; i <= toAlt; i++)
            Counter floorCount;
            Counter side1;
            Counter side2;
            if (spec.Grids.DrawLine(from, to, i, horizontal,
                                    // If no doors around
                                    Draw.Not(Draw.Around(false, Draw.IsType <GenSpace>(GridType.Door)))
                                    // Not blocking walking
                                    .And(Draw.Not(Draw.Blocking <GenSpace>(Draw.Walkable())))
                                    // Count floors on line as well as sides
                                    .And(Draw.IsType <GenSpace>(GridType.Floor).IfThen(Draw.Count <GenSpace>(out floorCount)))
                                    .And(Draw.Loc(horizontal ? GridLocation.TOP : GridLocation.LEFT,
                                                  Draw.IsTypeThen(GridType.Floor, Draw.Count <GenSpace>(out side1))))
                                    .And(Draw.Loc(horizontal ? GridLocation.BOTTOM : GridLocation.RIGHT,
                                                  Draw.IsTypeThen(GridType.Floor, Draw.Count <GenSpace>(out side2)))))
                // Has a floor in each
                && floorCount > 0 && side1 > 0 && side2 > 0
        if (options.Count == 0)
        #region Debug
        if (BigBoss.Debug.logging(Logs.LevelGen) && BigBoss.Debug.Flag(DebugManager.DebugFlag.FineSteps))
            foreach (int i in options)
                Container2D <GenSpace> copy = new Array2D <GenSpace>(spec.Grids);
                copy.DrawLine(from, to, i, horizontal, Draw.IsType <GenSpace>(GridType.NULL).IfNotThen(Draw.SetTo(GridType.INTERNAL_RESERVED_BLOCKED, spec.Theme)));

        // Draw selected splitter
        int          picked = options.Random(spec.Random);
        List <Point> walls  = new List <Point>();
        spec.Grids.DrawLine(from, to, picked, horizontal, Draw.Not(Draw.IsType <GenSpace>(GridType.NULL)).IfThen(Draw.SetTo(GridType.Wall, spec.Theme).And(Draw.AddTo <GenSpace>(walls))));
        #region Debug
        if (BigBoss.Debug.logging(Logs.LevelGen))
            BigBoss.Debug.w(Logs.LevelGen, "Picked splitter:");

        spec.Grids.PlaceSomeDoors(walls, spec.Theme, spec.Random, 5);
        #region DEBUG
        if (BigBoss.Debug.logging(Logs.LevelGen))
            BigBoss.Debug.printFooter(Logs.LevelGen, "Splitter Mod");