        /// <summary>
        /// Calculates and rewards a players for a bot kill
        /// </summary>
        static public void calculateBotKillRewards(Bots.Bot victim, Player killer)
            CfgInfo cfg          = killer._server._zoneConfig;
            int     killerCash   = 0;
            int     killerExp    = 0;
            int     killerPoints = 0;
            int     killerBounty = 0;

            killerCash   = (int)cfg.bot.cashKillReward;
            killerExp    = (int)cfg.bot.expKillReward;
            killerPoints = (int)cfg.bot.pointsKillReward;
            killerBounty = (int)cfg.bot.fixedBountyToKiller;

            //Update his stats
            killer.Cash       += killerCash;
            killer.Experience += killerExp;
            killer.KillPoints += killerPoints;
            killer.Bounty     += killerBounty;

            //Inform the killer..
            killer.triggerMessage(1, 500,
                                  String.Format("{0} killed by {1} (Cash={2} Exp={3} Points={4})",
                                                victim._type.Name, killer._alias,
                                                killerCash, killerExp, killerPoints));

            //Sync his state

            //Check for players in the share radius
            List <Player>         sharedRewards = victim._arena.getPlayersInRange(victim._state.positionX, victim._state.positionY, cfg.bot.shareRadius);
            Dictionary <int, int> cashRewards   = new Dictionary <int, int>();
            Dictionary <int, int> expRewards    = new Dictionary <int, int>();
            Dictionary <int, int> pointRewards  = new Dictionary <int, int>();

            foreach (Player p in sharedRewards)
                if (p == killer || p._team != killer._team)

                cashRewards[p._id]  = (int)((((float)killerCash) / 1000) * cfg.bot.sharePercent);
                expRewards[p._id]   = (int)((((float)killerExp) / 1000) * cfg.bot.sharePercent);
                pointRewards[p._id] = (int)((((float)killerPoints) / 1000) * cfg.bot.sharePercent);

            //Send reward notices to our lucky witnesses
            List <int> sentTo = new List <int>();

            foreach (Player p in sharedRewards)
                if (p == killer || p._team != killer._team)

                //Let em know
                p.triggerMessage(5, 500,
                                 String.Format("{0} killed by {1} (Cash={2} Exp={3} Points={4})",
                                               victim._type.Name, killer._alias, cashRewards[p._id],
                                               expRewards[p._id], pointRewards[p._id]));

                p.Cash         += cashRewards[p._id];
                p.Experience   += expRewards[p._id];
                p.AssistPoints += pointRewards[p._id];

                //Sync their state


            //Route the kill to the rest of the arena
            foreach (Player p in victim._arena.Players)
            {   //As long as we haven't already declared it, send
                if (p == null)

                if (p == killer)

                if (sentTo.Contains(p._id))

                //Let them know
                p.triggerMessage(1, 500,
                                 String.Format("{0} killed by {1} (Cash={2} Exp={3} Points={4})",
                                               victim._type.Name, killer._alias,
                                               killerCash, killerExp, killerPoints));
        /// <summary>
        /// Calculates and rewards a players for a bot kill
        /// </summary>
        static public void calculateBotKillRewards(Bots.Bot victim, Player killer, Settings.GameTypes gameType)
            CfgInfo cfg                  = killer._server._zoneConfig;
            int     killerCash           = 0;
            int     killerExp            = 0;
            int     killerPoints         = 0;
            int     killerBounty         = 0;
            int     victimBounty         = 0;
            int     killerBountyIncrease = 0;

            BotSettings settings = victim.Settings();

            if (settings != null)
                 * killerCash = settings.Cash;
                 * killerBounty = settings.Bounty;
                 * killerExp = settings.Experience;
                 * killerPoints = settings.Points;
                killerBounty         = Convert.ToInt32(((double)killer.Bounty / 100) * Settings.c_percentOfOwn); //We are now using base reward of 25 + 3% of current bounty
                killerPoints         = Convert.ToInt32((settings.Points) + (killerBounty * Settings.c_pointMultiplier));
                killerCash           = Convert.ToInt32((settings.Cash) + (killerBounty * Settings.c_cashMultiplier));
                killerExp            = Convert.ToInt32((settings.Experience) + (killerBounty * Settings.c_expMultiplier));
                victimBounty         = settings.Bounty;
                killerBountyIncrease = 0;
                /* Old fixed Bot Rewards from CFG
                 * killerCash = (int)cfg.bot.cashKillReward;
                 * killerExp = (int)cfg.bot.expKillReward;
                 * killerPoints = (int)cfg.bot.pointsKillReward;
                 * killerBounty = (int)cfg.bot.fixedBountyToKiller;
                killerBounty         = Convert.ToInt32(((double)killer.Bounty / 100) * Settings.c_percentOfOwn); //We are now using base reward of 25 + 3% of current bounty
                killerPoints         = Convert.ToInt32(((int)cfg.bot.pointsKillReward) + (killerBounty * Settings.c_pointMultiplier));
                killerCash           = Convert.ToInt32(((int)cfg.bot.cashKillReward) + (killerBounty * Settings.c_cashMultiplier));
                killerExp            = Convert.ToInt32(((int)cfg.bot.expKillReward) + (killerBounty * Settings.c_expMultiplier));
                victimBounty         = (int)cfg.bot.fixedBountyToKiller;
                killerBountyIncrease = 0;

            //Update his stats
            killerCash         = addCash(killer, killerCash, gameType);
            killer.Experience += killerExp;
            killer.KillPoints += killerPoints;
            //killer.Bounty += killerBounty;
            killer.Bounty += (killerBountyIncrease + victimBounty);

            //Inform the killer..
            killer.triggerMessage(1, 500,
                                  String.Format("{0} killed by {1} (Cash={2} Exp={3} Points={4})",
                                                victim._type.Name, killer._alias,
                                                killerCash, killerExp, killerPoints));

            //Sync his state

            //Check for players in the share radius
            List <Player>            sharedRewards = victim._arena.getPlayersInRange(killer._state.positionX, killer._state.positionY, cfg.bot.shareRadius);
            Dictionary <Player, int> cashRewards   = new Dictionary <Player, int>();
            Dictionary <Player, int> expRewards    = new Dictionary <Player, int>();
            Dictionary <Player, int> pointRewards  = new Dictionary <Player, int>();

            double sharePercent = (double)(cfg.bot.sharePercent / 100);

            foreach (Player p in sharedRewards)
                if (p == killer || p._team != killer._team)

                cashRewards[p]  = Convert.ToInt32(((double)killerCash / 100) * 33);
                expRewards[p]   = Convert.ToInt32(((double)killerCash / 100) * 33);
                pointRewards[p] = Convert.ToInt32(((double)killerCash / 100) * 33);

            //Send reward notices to our lucky witnesses
            List <int> sentTo = new List <int>();

            foreach (Player p in sharedRewards)
                if (p == killer || p._team != killer._team)

                cashRewards[p]  = addCash(p, cashRewards[p], gameType);
                p.Experience   += expRewards[p];
                p.AssistPoints += pointRewards[p];

                //Let em know
                p.triggerMessage(4, 500,
                                 String.Format("{0} killed by {1} (Cash={2} Exp={3} Points={4})",
                                               victim._type.Name, killer._alias, cashRewards[p],
                                               expRewards[p], pointRewards[p]));

                //Sync their state


            //Route the kill to the rest of the arena
            foreach (Player p in victim._arena.Players)
            {   //As long as we haven't already declared it, send
                if (p == null)

                if (p == killer)

                if (sentTo.Contains(p._id))

                //Adjust our color accordingly..
                byte color = 0;
                if (victim._team == p._team)
                    color = 4;

                //Let them know
                p.triggerMessage(color, 500,
                                 String.Format("{0} killed by {1}",
                                               victim._type.Name, killer._alias));