        public static PrivilegeLevel GetPrivilegeLevel(IUser user)
            // If there are no privileges set up in the configuration file, grant all users full privileges.

            Bot.BotConfig config = OurFoodChainBot.Instance.Config;

            if ((config.BotAdminUserIds is null || config.BotAdminUserIds.Count() <= 0) &&
                (config.ModRoleIds is null || config.ModRoleIds.Count() <= 0))

            // Check for Bot Admin privileges.

            if (!(config.BotAdminUserIds is null) && config.BotAdminUserIds.Contains(user.Id))

            // Attempt to case the user to a guild user so we can get their roles.
            // If this is not possible, default privileges are assumed.

            IGuildUser g_user = user as IGuildUser;

            if (!(g_user is null))
                // Check for Server Moderator privileges.

                if (!(config.ModRoleIds is null))
                    foreach (ulong id in config.ModRoleIds)
                        if (g_user.RoleIds.Contains(id))

            // Return basic privilege level.

        public async Task Reviews()
            Bot.BotConfig config = OurFoodChainBot.Instance.Config;

            ReviewChannelInfo[] channel_info_array = ReviewChannelInfo.FromArray(config.ReviewChannels);

            if (channel_info_array.Count() <= 0)
                await BotUtils.ReplyAsync_Info(Context, "No review channels have been specified.");
            else if (Context.Guild is null)
                await BotUtils.ReplyAsync_Info(Context, "No review channels are available.");
                // Get the submission channel related to the current channel.
                // If this is not a discussion channel, we won't show anything.

                ulong submission_channel_id = 0;
                ulong discussion_channel_id = 0;

                foreach (ReviewChannelInfo info in channel_info_array)
                    if (info.ReviewChannelId == Context.Channel.Id || info.SubmissionChannelId == Context.Channel.Id)
                        submission_channel_id = info.SubmissionChannelId;
                        discussion_channel_id = info.ReviewChannelId;


                if (submission_channel_id == 0 || discussion_channel_id == 0)
                    await BotUtils.ReplyAsync_Info(Context, "No ongoing reviews in this channel.");
                    // Read submissions and discussion messages from the appropriate channels.
                    // In the future, perhaps we should cache this result and update the status of reviews dynamically.

                    IMessage[] submission_messages = await Bot.DiscordUtils.DownloadAllMessagesAsync(await Context.Guild.GetChannelAsync(submission_channel_id) as IMessageChannel, 100);

                    IMessage[] discussion_messages = await Bot.DiscordUtils.DownloadAllMessagesAsync(await Context.Guild.GetChannelAsync(discussion_channel_id) as IMessageChannel, 100);

                    ReviewCache cache = new ReviewCache();
                    await cache.AddSubmissionMessagesAsync(submission_messages);

                    // Generate embed.

                    EmbedBuilder embed = new EmbedBuilder {
                        Title = string.Format("{0}'s Reviews", Context.User.Username)

                    ReviewInfo[] under_review = cache.Reviews.Where(x => x.SubmitterUserId == Context.User.Id && x.Status == ReviewStatus.InReview).ToArray();
                    ReviewInfo[] reviewing    = cache.Reviews.Where(x => x.ReviewerUserId == Context.User.Id && !x.IsFinished).ToArray();

                    if (under_review.Count() > 0)
                        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();

                        foreach (ReviewInfo info in under_review)
                            // Find the last message where the submitter mentioned the reviewer.

                            var mentions_reviewer  = discussion_messages.Where(x => x.Author.Id == info.SubmitterUserId && x.MentionedUserIds.Contains(Context.User.Id));
                            var mentions_submitter = discussion_messages.Where(x => x.Author.Id == info.ReviewerUserId && x.MentionedUserIds.Contains(info.SubmitterUserId));

                            string question_link = mentions_submitter.Count() > 0 ? string.Format("[[Q]]({0})", mentions_submitter.Last().GetJumpUrl()) : "[Q]";
                            string answer_link   = mentions_reviewer.Count() > 0 ? string.Format("[[A]]({0})", mentions_reviewer.Last().GetJumpUrl()) : "[A]";

                            string append = string.Format("[**{0}**]({1}) ⁠— {2} {3}", info.Title, info.SubmissionMessageUrl, question_link, answer_link);

                            if (sb.Length + append.Length <= Bot.DiscordUtils.MaxFieldLength)

                        embed.AddField(string.Format("Under review ({0})", under_review.Count()), sb.ToString());

                    if (reviewing.Count() > 0)
                        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();

                        foreach (ReviewInfo info in reviewing)
                            // Find the last message where the submitter mentioned the reviewer.
                            // #todo Fix code duplication.

                            var mentions_reviewer  = discussion_messages.Where(x => x.Author.Id == info.SubmitterUserId && x.MentionedUserIds.Contains(Context.User.Id));
                            var mentions_submitter = discussion_messages.Where(x => x.Author.Id == info.ReviewerUserId && x.MentionedUserIds.Contains(info.SubmitterUserId));

                            string question_link = mentions_submitter.Count() > 0 ? string.Format("[[Q]]({0})", mentions_submitter.Last().GetJumpUrl()) : "[Q]";
                            string answer_link   = mentions_reviewer.Count() > 0 ? string.Format("[[A]]({0})", mentions_reviewer.Last().GetJumpUrl()) : "[A]";

                            string append = string.Format("[**{0}**]({1}) ⁠— {2} {3}", info.Title, info.SubmissionMessageUrl, question_link, answer_link);

                            if (sb.Length + append.Length <= Bot.DiscordUtils.MaxFieldLength)

                        embed.AddField(string.Format("Reviewing ({0})", reviewing.Count()), sb.ToString());

                    await ReplyAsync("", false, embed.Build());