/// <summary>
        ///   Creates a new instance of the <see cref="IpfsEngine"/> class.
        /// </summary>
        public IpfsEngine(char[] passphrase)
            this.passphrase = passphrase;

            // Init the core api inteface.
            Bitswap    = new BitswapApi(this);
            Block      = new BlockApi(this);
            Bootstrap  = new BootstrapApi(this);
            Config     = new ConfigApi(this);
            Dag        = new DagApi(this);
            Dht        = new DhtApi(this);
            FileSystem = new FileSystemApi(this);
            Generic    = new GenericApi(this);
            Key        = new KeyApi(this);
            Name       = new NameApi(this);
            Object     = new ObjectApi(this);
            Pin        = new PinApi(this);
            PubSub     = new PubSubApi(this);
            Swarm      = new SwarmApi(this);
        void Init()
            // Init the core api inteface.
            Bitswap         = new BitswapApi(this);
            Block           = new BlockApi(this);
            BlockRepository = new BlockRepositoryApi(this);
            Bootstrap       = new BootstrapApi(this);
            Config          = new ConfigApi(this);
            Dag             = new DagApi(this);
            Dht             = new DhtApi(this);
            Dns             = new DnsApi(this);
            FileSystem      = new FileSystemApi(this);
            Generic         = new GenericApi(this);
            Key             = new KeyApi(this);
            Name            = new NameApi(this);
            Object          = new ObjectApi(this);
            Pin             = new PinApi(this);
            PubSub          = new PubSubApi(this);
            Stats           = new StatsApi(this);
            Swarm           = new SwarmApi(this);

            // Async properties
            LocalPeer = new AsyncLazy <Peer>(async() =>
                log.Debug("Building local peer");
                var keyChain = await KeyChain().ConfigureAwait(false);
                log.Debug("Getting key info about self");
                var self      = await keyChain.FindKeyByNameAsync("self").ConfigureAwait(false);
                var localPeer = new Peer
                    Id              = self.Id,
                    PublicKey       = await keyChain.GetPublicKeyAsync("self").ConfigureAwait(false),
                    ProtocolVersion = "ipfs/0.1.0"
                var version            = typeof(IpfsEngine).GetTypeInfo().Assembly.GetName().Version;
                localPeer.AgentVersion = $"net-ipfs/{version.Major}.{version.Minor}.{version.Revision}";
                log.Debug("Built local peer");
            SwarmService = new AsyncLazy <Swarm>(async() =>
                log.Debug("Building swarm service");
                if (Options.Swarm.PrivateNetworkKey == null)
                    var path = Path.Combine(Options.Repository.Folder, "swarm.key");
                    if (File.Exists(path))
                        using (var x = File.OpenText(path))
                            Options.Swarm.PrivateNetworkKey = new PreSharedKey();
                var peer     = await LocalPeer.ConfigureAwait(false);
                var keyChain = await KeyChain().ConfigureAwait(false);
                var self     = await keyChain.GetPrivateKeyAsync("self").ConfigureAwait(false);
                var swarm    = new Swarm
                    LocalPeer        = peer,
                    LocalPeerKey     = PeerTalk.Cryptography.Key.CreatePrivateKey(self),
                    NetworkProtector = Options.Swarm.PrivateNetworkKey == null
                        ? null
                        : new Psk1Protector {
                        Key = Options.Swarm.PrivateNetworkKey
                if (Options.Swarm.PrivateNetworkKey != null)
                    log.Debug($"Private network {Options.Swarm.PrivateNetworkKey.Fingerprint().ToHexString()}");

                log.Debug("Built swarm service");
            BitswapService = new AsyncLazy <BlockExchange.Bitswap>(async() =>
                log.Debug("Building bitswap service");
                var bitswap = new BlockExchange.Bitswap
                    Swarm        = await SwarmService.ConfigureAwait(false),
                    BlockService = Block
                log.Debug("Built bitswap service");
            DhtService = new AsyncLazy <PeerTalk.Routing.Dht1>(async() =>
                log.Debug("Building DHT service");
                var dht = new PeerTalk.Routing.Dht1
                    Swarm = await SwarmService.ConfigureAwait(false)
                dht.Swarm.Router = dht;
                log.Debug("Built DHT service");
            PubSubService = new AsyncLazy <PeerTalk.PubSub.NotificationService>(async() =>
                log.Debug("Building PubSub service");
                var pubsub = new PeerTalk.PubSub.NotificationService
                    LocalPeer = await LocalPeer.ConfigureAwait(false)
                pubsub.Routers.Add(new PeerTalk.PubSub.FloodRouter
                    Swarm = await SwarmService.ConfigureAwait(false)
                log.Debug("Built PubSub service");
        /// <summary>
        ///     Starts the network services.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>
        ///     A task that represents the asynchronous operation.
        /// </returns>
        /// <remarks>
        ///     Starts the various IPFS and Lib.P2P network services.  This should
        ///     be called after any configuration changes.
        /// </remarks>
        /// <exception cref="Exception">
        ///     When the engine is already started.
        /// </exception>
        public async Task StartAsync()
            _dfsState.IsStarted = true;
            if (_stopTasks.Count > 0)
                throw new Exception("IPFS engine is already started.");

            // Repository must be at the correct version.
            await MigrationManager.MirgrateToVersionAsync(MigrationManager.LatestVersion).ConfigureAwait(false);

            Log.Debug("starting " + LocalPeer.Id);

            // Everybody needs the swarm.
            _stopTasks.Add(async() => { await SwarmService.StopAsync().ConfigureAwait(false); });
            await SwarmService.StartAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);

            var peerManager = new PeerManager
                SwarmService = SwarmService
            await peerManager.StartAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);

            _stopTasks.Add(async() => { await peerManager.StopAsync().ConfigureAwait(false); });

            // Start the primary services.
            var tasks = new List <Func <Task> >
                async() =>
                    _stopTasks.Add(async() => await BitSwapService.StopAsync().ConfigureAwait(false));
                    await BitSwapService.StartAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);
                async() =>
                    _stopTasks.Add(async() => await DhtService.StopAsync().ConfigureAwait(false));
                    await DhtService.StartAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);
                async() =>
                    _stopTasks.Add(async() => await PingService.StopAsync().ConfigureAwait(false));
                    await PingService.StartAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);
                async() =>
                    _stopTasks.Add(async() => await PubSubService.StopAsync().ConfigureAwait(false));
                    await PubSubService.StartAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);

            Log.Debug("waiting for services to start");
            await Task.WhenAll(tasks.Select(t => t())).ConfigureAwait(false);

            // Starting listening to the swarm.
            var json = await ConfigApi.GetAsync("Addresses.Swarm").ConfigureAwait(false);

            var numberListeners = 0;

            foreach (string a in json)
                    await SwarmService.StartListeningAsync(a).ConfigureAwait(false);

                catch (Exception e)
                    Log.Warning($"Listener failure for '{a}'", e);

            if (numberListeners == 0)
                Log.Error("No listeners were created.");

            // Now that the listener addresses are established, the discovery
            // services can begin.
            MulticastService multicast = null;

            if (!Options.Discovery.DisableMdns)
                multicast = new MulticastService();
#pragma warning disable CS1998
                _stopTasks.Add(async() => multicast.Dispose());
#pragma warning restore CS1998

            var autodialer = new AutoDialer(SwarmService)
                MinConnections = Options.Swarm.MinConnections
#pragma warning disable CS1998
            _stopTasks.Add(async() => autodialer.Dispose());
#pragma warning restore CS1998

            tasks = new List <Func <Task> >
                // Bootstrap discovery
                async() =>
                    var bootstrap = new Bootstrap
                        Addresses = await BootstrapApi.ListAsync()
                    bootstrap.PeerDiscovered += OnPeerDiscovered;
                    _stopTasks.Add(async() => await bootstrap.StopAsync().ConfigureAwait(false));
                    await bootstrap.StartAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);

                async() =>
                    if (Options.Discovery.DisableRandomWalk)
                    var randomWalk = new RandomWalk {
                        Dht = DhtApi
                    _stopTasks.Add(async() => await randomWalk.StopAsync().ConfigureAwait(false));
                    await randomWalk.StartAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);
            Log.Debug("waiting for discovery services to start");
            await Task.WhenAll(tasks.Select(t => t())).ConfigureAwait(false);


        void Init()
            // Init the core api inteface.
            Bitswap    = new BitswapApi(this);
            Block      = new BlockApi(this);
            Bootstrap  = new BootstrapApi(this);
            Config     = new ConfigApi(this);
            Dag        = new DagApi(this);
            Dht        = new DhtApi(this);
            Dns        = new DnsApi(this);
            FileSystem = new FileSystemApi(this);
            Generic    = new GenericApi(this);
            Key        = new KeyApi(this);
            Name       = new NameApi(this);
            Object     = new ObjectApi(this);
            Pin        = new PinApi(this);
            PubSub     = new PubSubApi(this);
            Stats      = new StatsApi(this);
            Swarm      = new SwarmApi(this);

            // Async properties
            LocalPeer = new AsyncLazy <Peer>(async() =>
                log.Debug("Building local peer");
                var keyChain = await KeyChain();
                log.Debug("Getting key info about self");
                var self                  = await keyChain.FindKeyByNameAsync("self");
                var localPeer             = new Peer();
                localPeer.Id              = self.Id;
                localPeer.PublicKey       = await keyChain.GetPublicKeyAsync("self");
                localPeer.ProtocolVersion = "ipfs/0.1.0";
                var version               = typeof(IpfsEngine).GetTypeInfo().Assembly.GetName().Version;
                localPeer.AgentVersion    = $"net-ipfs/{version.Major}.{version.Minor}.{version.Revision}";
                log.Debug("Built local peer");
            SwarmService = new AsyncLazy <Swarm>(async() =>
                log.Debug("Building swarm service");
                var peer     = await LocalPeer;
                var keyChain = await KeyChain();
                var self     = await keyChain.GetPrivateKeyAsync("self");
                var swarm    = new Swarm
                    LocalPeer    = peer,
                    LocalPeerKey = PeerTalk.Cryptography.Key.CreatePrivateKey(self)
                log.Debug("Built swarm service");
            BitswapService = new AsyncLazy <BlockExchange.Bitswap>(async() =>
                log.Debug("Building bitswap service");
                var bitswap = new BlockExchange.Bitswap
                    Swarm        = await SwarmService,
                    BlockService = Block
                log.Debug("Built bitswap service");
            DhtService = new AsyncLazy <PeerTalk.Routing.Dht1>(async() =>
                log.Debug("Building DHT service");
                var dht = new PeerTalk.Routing.Dht1
                    Swarm = await SwarmService
                dht.Swarm.Router = dht;
                log.Debug("Built DHT service");
        public Instance AddModuleInstance(ModuleEnum module, InstanceConfiguration instanceConfiguration)
            var additionalProperties = instanceConfiguration.GetHashtable();
            var config = new Config(
                apiKey: instanceConfiguration.ApiKey,
                host: instanceConfiguration.Host)
                AutostartNotifications = instanceConfiguration.AutostartDaemon,
                ForceClear             = true,
                LogLevel = LogLevel.ALL,

            var instance = new Instance {
                Id = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(), Module = module, CreatedAt = DateTime.Now

            switch (module)
            case ModuleEnum.AccountManagementApi:
                var accountApi = new AccountManagementApi(config);
                Instances.Add(instance, accountApi);

            case ModuleEnum.CertificatesApi:
                var certApi = new CertificatesApi(config);
                Instances.Add(instance, certApi);

            case ModuleEnum.ConnectApi:
                var connectApi = new ConnectApi(config);
                Instances.Add(instance, connectApi);

            case ModuleEnum.DeviceDirectoryApi:
                var deviceApi = new DeviceDirectoryApi(config);
                Instances.Add(instance, deviceApi);

            case ModuleEnum.StubAPI:
                var stubApi = new StubApi(config);
                Instances.Add(instance, stubApi);

            case ModuleEnum.UpdateApi:
                var updateApi = new UpdateApi(config);
                Instances.Add(instance, updateApi);

            case ModuleEnum.EnrollmentApi:
                var enrollmentApi = new EnrollmentApi(config);
                Instances.Add(instance, enrollmentApi);

            case ModuleEnum.BootstrapApi:
                var bootstrapApi = new BootstrapApi(config);
                Instances.Add(instance, bootstrapApi);

            case ModuleEnum.BillingApi:
                var billingApi = new BillingApi(config);
                Instances.Add(instance, billingApi);
