private void BackgroundInit() { StarScan.LoadBodyDesignationMap(); MaterialCommodityDB.SetUpInitialTable(); if (!EDDOptions.Instance.NoSystemsLoad) { downloadMapsTask = FGEImage.DownloadMaps(this, () => PendingClose, LogLine, LogLineHighlight); CheckSystems(() => PendingClose, (p, s) => ReportProgress(p, s)); } SystemNoteClass.GetAllSystemNotes(); // fill up memory with notes, bookmarks, galactic mapping BookmarkClass.GetAllBookmarks(); ReportProgress(-1, ""); InvokeAsyncOnUiThread(() => OnInitialSyncComplete?.Invoke()); if (PendingClose) { return; } if (EliteDangerousCore.EDDN.EDDNClass.CheckforEDMC()) // EDMC is running { if (EDCommander.Current.SyncToEddn) // Both EDD and EDMC should not sync to EDDN. { LogLineHighlight("EDDiscovery and EDMarketConnector should not both sync to EDDN. Stop EDMC or uncheck 'send to EDDN' in settings tab!"); } } if (PendingClose) { return; } LogLine("Reading travel history"); if (!EDDOptions.Instance.NoLoad) { DoRefreshHistory(new RefreshWorkerArgs { CurrentCommander = EDCommander.CurrentCmdrID }); } if (PendingClose) { return; } if (syncstate.performeddbsync || syncstate.performedsmsync) { string databases = (syncstate.performedsmsync && syncstate.performeddbsync) ? "EDSM and EDDB" : ((syncstate.performedsmsync) ? "EDSM" : "EDDB"); LogLine("ED Discovery will now synchronise to the " + databases + " databases to obtain star information." + Environment.NewLine + "This will take a while, up to 15 minutes, please be patient." + Environment.NewLine + "Please continue running ED Discovery until refresh is complete."); } InvokeAsyncOnUiThread(() => OnInitialisationComplete?.Invoke()); }
private void CheckSystems(Func <bool> cancelRequested, Action <int, string> reportProgress) // ASYNC process, done via start up, must not be too slow. { reportProgress(-1, ""); string rwsystime = SQLiteConnectionSystem.GetSettingString("EDSMLastSystems", "2000-01-01 00:00:00"); // Latest time from RW file. DateTime edsmdate; if (!DateTime.TryParse(rwsystime, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, DateTimeStyles.None, out edsmdate)) { edsmdate = new DateTime(2000, 1, 1); } if (DateTime.Now.Subtract(edsmdate).TotalDays > 7) // Over 7 days do a sync from EDSM { // Also update galactic mapping from EDSM LogLine("Get galactic mapping from EDSM."); galacticMapping.DownloadFromEDSM(); // Skip EDSM full update if update has been performed in last 4 days bool outoforder = SQLiteConnectionSystem.GetSettingBool("EDSMSystemsOutOfOrder", true); DateTime lastmod = outoforder ? SystemClass.GetLastSystemModifiedTime() : SystemClass.GetLastSystemModifiedTimeFast(); if (DateTime.UtcNow.Subtract(lastmod).TotalDays > 4 || DateTime.UtcNow.Subtract(edsmdate).TotalDays > 28) { syncstate.performedsmsync = true; } else { SQLiteConnectionSystem.PutSettingString("EDSMLastSystems", DateTime.Now.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)); } } if (!cancelRequested()) { SQLiteConnectionUser.TranferVisitedSystemstoJournalTableIfRequired(); SQLiteConnectionSystem.CreateSystemsTableIndexes(); SystemNoteClass.GetAllSystemNotes(); // fill up memory with notes, bookmarks, galactic mapping BookmarkClass.GetAllBookmarks(); galacticMapping.ParseData(); // at this point, EDSM data is loaded.. SystemClass.AddToAutoComplete(galacticMapping.GetGMONames()); EDDiscovery.EliteDangerous.MaterialCommodityDB.SetUpInitialTable(); LogLine("Loaded Notes, Bookmarks and Galactic mapping."); string timestr = SQLiteConnectionSystem.GetSettingString("EDDBSystemsTime", "0"); DateTime time = new DateTime(Convert.ToInt64(timestr), DateTimeKind.Utc); if (DateTime.UtcNow.Subtract(time).TotalDays > 6.5) // Get EDDB data once every week. { syncstate.performeddbsync = true; } } }
// Called from Background Thread Worker at Init() private void BackgroundInit() { StarScan.LoadBodyDesignationMap(); MaterialCommodityDB.SetUpInitialTable(); SQLiteConnectionSystem.CreateSystemsTableIndexes(); // just make sure they are there.. Debug.WriteLine(BaseUtils.AppTicks.TickCount100 + " Check systems"); ReportProgress(-1, ""); if (!EDDOptions.Instance.NoSystemsLoad) { // Async load of maps in another thread downloadMapsTask = DownloadMaps(this, () => PendingClose, LogLine, LogLineHighlight); // Former CheckSystems, reworked to accomodate new switches.. // Check to see what sync refreshes we need // New Galmap load - it was not doing a refresh if EDSM sync kept on happening. Now has its own timer string rwgalmaptime = SQLiteConnectionSystem.GetSettingString("EDSMGalMapLast", "2000-01-01 00:00:00"); // Latest time from RW file. DateTime galmaptime; if (!DateTime.TryParse(rwgalmaptime, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, DateTimeStyles.AssumeUniversal, out galmaptime)) { galmaptime = new DateTime(2000, 1, 1); } if (DateTime.Now.Subtract(galmaptime).TotalDays > 14) // Over 14 days do a sync from EDSM for galmap { LogLine("Get galactic mapping from EDSM."); galacticMapping.DownloadFromEDSM(); SQLiteConnectionSystem.PutSettingString("EDSMGalMapLast", DateTime.UtcNow.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss")); } Debug.WriteLine(BaseUtils.AppTicks.TickCount100 + " Check systems complete"); } galacticMapping.ParseData(); // at this point, gal map data has been uploaded - get it into memory SystemClassDB.AddToAutoComplete(galacticMapping.GetGMONames()); SystemNoteClass.GetAllSystemNotes(); BookmarkClass.GetAllBookmarks(); LogLine("Loaded Notes, Bookmarks and Galactic mapping."); ReportProgress(-1, ""); InvokeAsyncOnUiThread(() => OnInitialSyncComplete?.Invoke()); if (PendingClose) { return; } if (EliteDangerousCore.EDDN.EDDNClass.CheckforEDMC()) // EDMC is running { if (EDCommander.Current.SyncToEddn) // Both EDD and EDMC should not sync to EDDN. { LogLineHighlight("EDDiscovery and EDMarketConnector should not both sync to EDDN. Stop EDMC or uncheck 'send to EDDN' in settings tab!"); } } if (!EDDOptions.Instance.NoLoad) // here in this thread, we do a refresh of history. { LogLine("Reading travel history"); DoRefreshHistory(new RefreshWorkerArgs { CurrentCommander = EDCommander.CurrentCmdrID }); // kick the background refresh worker thread into action } if (PendingClose) { return; } if (!EDDOptions.Instance.NoSystemsLoad && EDDConfig.Instance.EDSMEDDBDownload) // if enabled { SystemClassEDSM.DetermineIfFullEDSMSyncRequired(syncstate); // ask EDSM and EDDB if they want to do a Full sync.. EliteDangerousCore.EDDB.SystemClassEDDB.DetermineIfEDDBSyncRequired(syncstate); if (syncstate.perform_eddb_sync || syncstate.perform_edsm_fullsync) { string databases = (syncstate.perform_edsm_fullsync && syncstate.perform_eddb_sync) ? "EDSM and EDDB" : ((syncstate.perform_edsm_fullsync) ? "EDSM" : "EDDB"); LogLine("Full synchronisation to the " + databases + " databases required." + Environment.NewLine + "This will take a while, up to 15 minutes, please be patient." + Environment.NewLine + "Please continue running ED Discovery until refresh is complete."); } } else { LogLine("Synchronisation to EDSM and EDDB disabled. Use Settings panel to reenable"); } InvokeAsyncOnUiThread(() => OnInitialisationComplete?.Invoke()); }