public ActionResult Booked(int page = 1, int pageSize = 4)
     if (Session["driverID"] != null)
         String   loHID     = Request.Form["LOHID"];
         String   driverId  = Session["driverID"].ToString();
         DateTime entryTime = DateTime.Now;
         //Booking lotID auto inscre
         //tbl BookingDetail (BLDID auto incre)
         String hostID = Session["HostId"].ToString();
         String lotID  = Session["LotId"].ToString();
         //double price = Double.Parse(Request.Form["PRICE"]);
         //Add to BookLot
         BookinglotDAO dao = new BookinglotDAO();
         //tbl BookingLot (Booking lot id auto incre)
         BookingLot newBL = dao.AddNewBookingLot(driverId, entryTime);
         //Add to bookingDetail
         BookingLotDetailDAO bldDao = new BookingLotDetailDAO();
         bldDao.AddNewBookingLotDetail(hostID, loHID, newBL.ID, 0, 1);
         //Update available
         Areas.Host.Dao.LotHostDAO lhDao = new Areas.Host.Dao.LotHostDAO();
         lhDao.updateAvailableLot(loHID, false);
     return(View("Index", InitialPage(page, pageSize)));
        public ActionResult Checkout(int bldId, String loHID, int blId, int page = 1, int pageSize = 4)
            BookingLotDetailDAO bldDao = new BookingLotDetailDAO();

            bldDao.updateStatus(bldId, 3);                                     //3 is paid

            Areas.Host.Dao.LotHostDAO lhDao = new Areas.Host.Dao.LotHostDAO(); // update available lot
            lhDao.updateAvailableLot(loHID, true);

            BookinglotDAO blDao = new BookinglotDAO();// update exitTime


            //Update totalPrice after calculate hours
            String     lotId     = lhDao.getLotHostById(loHID).LotID;
            double     unitPrice = new LotDAO().getLotById(lotId).UnitPrice;
            BookingLot dto       = blDao.GetBookingLotById(blId);

            bldDao.updateTotalPrice(bldId, dto.EntryDateTime, unitPrice);

            return(View("Index", InitialPage(page, pageSize)));