public String GetBidJson(BookRequest b, Operator op) { String resp = ""; IList <OperatorBid> bidlist = BookRequestDAO.GetBidsForRequest(b); ListSet opbids = new ListSet(); OperatorBid minbid = null; Currency targetcurr = AdminDAO.GetCurrencyByID("USD"); Double minval = double.PositiveInfinity; foreach (OperatorBid ob in bidlist) { if (ob.Operator.Equals(op)) { opbids.Add(ob); } Double temp = ob.Currency.ConvertTo(ob.BidAmount, targetcurr); if (temp < minval) { minval = temp; minbid = ob; } } resp += "{\"TotalBids\":" + bidlist.Count + ",\"OperatorBids\":" + JavaScriptConvert.SerializeObject(opbids) + ",\"MinBid\":" + JavaScriptConvert.SerializeObject(minbid) + "}"; return(resp); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (Request.Params.Get("acceptquote") != null) { OperatorBid ob = BookRequestDAO.GetOperatorBidByID(Int64.Parse(Request.Params.Get("bidid"))); ob.Request.AcceptedBid = ob; BookRequestDAO.MakePersistent(ob.Request); EmailBO em = new EmailBO("AcceptBidNotification", ob.Request.Domain.CountryID.ToString()); em.SendEmailToAdmin(ob.Request); Response.Redirect(Request.UrlReferrer.OriginalString); } }
public static BookRequest AcceptBookRequest(BookRequest b) { try { b.Code = GetRequestCode(b); BookRequest book = BookRequestDAO.MakePersistent(b); return(book); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new Exception("Problem"); } }
public static void OperatorResolve(BookRequest b) { if (AdminBO.GetCountry().SendRequestToOperator) { HybridSet olist = OperatorBO.GetOperatorsForRequest(b); foreach (Operator o in olist) { OperatorRequest or = new OperatorRequest(); or.Operator = o; or.Request = b; or.TimeOfRequest = DateTime.Now; BookRequestDAO.MakePersistent(or); } } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (Request.Params.Get("acceptoffer") != null) { EmptyLegOffer elo = BookRequestDAO.FindEmptyLegOfferByID(Int64.Parse(Request.Params.Get("eloid"))); elo.EmptyLeg.AcceptedOffer = elo; BookRequestDAO.MakePersistent(elo.EmptyLeg); EmailBO em = new EmailBO("EmptyLegAcceptedOfferNotificationToCustomer", Session["Country"].ToString()); if (elo.IsAgent) { em.SendEmailToAgent(elo.Agent); } else { em.SendEmailToCustomer(elo.Customer); } Response.Redirect("ShowEmptyLegs.aspx"); } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { /*Email email; * MailAddress m; * * email = new Email(); * email.MailServerName = ""; * * email.MailServerUserName = "******"; * email.MailServerPassword = "******"; * email.Subject = "check aircraft photo"; * m = new MailAddress("*****@*****.**", "Airnetz Charter"); * email.From = m; * email.Tos.Add("*****@*****.**"); * * email.sendEmail("done");*/ BookRequest b = BookRequestDAO.FindBookRequestByID((long)51); NHibernateHelper.GetCurrentSession().Delete(b); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { Customer c = CustomerBO.GetLoggedInCustomer(); if (Request.Params.Get("withdrawbid") != null) { EmptyLegOffer elo = BookRequestDAO.FindEmptyLegOfferByID(Int64.Parse(Request.Params.Get("eloid"))); if (elo.Customer.Equals(c)) { elo.Status = 2; BookRequestDAO.MakePersistent(elo); EmailBO em = new EmailBO("EmptyLegOfferWithdrawNotificationToOperator", Session["Country"].ToString()); em.SendEmailToOperator(elo.EmptyLeg.Aircraft.Vendor); Response.Redirect("EmptyLeg.aspx?eid=" + elo.EmptyLeg.ID); } } if (Request.Params.Get("withdrawaccepted") != null) { EmptyLeg el = BookRequestDAO.FindEmptyLegByID(Int64.Parse(Request.Params.Get("eid"))); if (el.AcceptedOffer.Customer.Equals(c)) { el.AcceptedOffer.Status = 2; BookRequestDAO.MakePersistent(el.AcceptedOffer); el.AcceptedOffer = null; BookRequestDAO.MakePersistent(el); EmailBO em = new EmailBO("EmptyLegAcceptedWithdrawNotificationToOperator", Session["Country"].ToString()); em.SendEmailToOperator(el.Aircraft.Vendor); Response.Redirect("EmptyLeg.aspx?eid=" + el.ID); } } if (Request.Params.Get("acceptoffer") != null) { EmptyLeg el = BookRequestDAO.FindEmptyLegByID(Int64.Parse(Request.Params.Get("eid"))); if (el.AcceptedOffer == null) { EmptyLegOffer elo = new EmptyLegOffer(); elo.EmptyLeg = el; elo.Currency = el.Currency; elo.Status = 1; elo.TimeOfOffer = DateTime.Now; el.AcceptedOffer = elo; elo.IsAgent = false; elo.Customer = CustomerBO.GetLoggedInCustomer(); elo.BidAmount = el.OfferPrice; elo.Agent = null; BookRequestDAO.MakePersistent(elo); BookRequestDAO.MakePersistent(el); EmailBO em = new EmailBO("EmptyLegAcceptedOfferNotificationToOperator", Session["Country"].ToString()); em.SendEmailToOperator(el.Aircraft.Vendor); Response.Redirect("EmptyLeg.aspx?eid=" + el.ID); } else { Error.InnerHtml = "* Sorry this empty leg offer have already been accepted."; } } else if (Request.Params.Get("savebidbtn") != null) { EmptyLeg el = BookRequestDAO.FindEmptyLegByID(Int64.Parse(Request.Params.Get("eid"))); if (el.OfferPrice <= Double.Parse(Request.Params.Get("bidamount"))) { Error.InnerHtml = "* Bid amount should be less than operator offered price."; } else if (el.AcceptedOffer != null) { Error.InnerHtml = "* Sorry this empty leg offer have already been accepted."; } else { EmptyLegOffer elo = new EmptyLegOffer(); elo.EmptyLeg = el; elo.Currency = el.Currency; elo.Status = 1; elo.TimeOfOffer = DateTime.Now; elo.IsAgent = false; elo.Customer = c; elo.BidAmount = Double.Parse(Request.Params.Get("bidamount")); elo.Agent = null; BookRequestDAO.MakePersistent(elo); EmailBO em = new EmailBO("EmptyLegOfferNotificationToOperator", Session["Country"].ToString()); em.SendEmailToOperator(el.Aircraft.Vendor); em = new EmailBO("EmptyLegOfferThanksToCustomer", Session["Country"].ToString()); if (!elo.IsAgent) { em.SendEmailToCustomer(elo.Customer); } ListSet othercust = new ListSet(); foreach (EmptyLegOffer eloc in BookRequestDAO.GetEmptyLegBids(el)) { if (eloc.IsAgent) { othercust.Add(eloc.Agent.Email.Trim()); } else { othercust.Add(eloc.Customer.Email.Trim()); } } if (elo.IsAgent) { othercust.Remove(elo.Agent.Email.Trim()); } else { othercust.Remove(elo.Customer.Email.Trim()); } ArrayList tempemail = new ArrayList(othercust); if (tempemail.Count > 0) { em = new EmailBO("EmptyLegOfferNotificationToOtherCustomers", Session["Country"].ToString()); em.SendEmailToList(tempemail); } Response.Redirect("EmptyLeg.aspx?eid=" + el.ID); } } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { Int32 nooflegs = Int32.Parse(Request.Params.Get("nooflegs")); BookRequest b = new BookRequest(); Customer check = CustomerBO.GetLoggedInCustomer(); Agent agentcheck = AgentBO.GetLoggedInAgent(); b.IsAgent = false; Contact c = new Contact(); if (check != null) { c.Name = check.Name; c.Email = check.Email; c.Phone = check.ContactNo; } else { c.Name = Request.Params.Get("Name"); c.Email = Request.Params.Get("Email"); c.Phone = Request.Params.Get("ContactNo"); if (agentcheck != null) { b.IsAgent = true; b.Agent = agentcheck; } else if (Session["AgentID"] != null) { b.IsAgent = true; Agent a = AgentDAO.FindAgentByID((long)Session["AgentID"]); b.Agent = a; } else { Customer custemail = CustomerDAO.CheckCustomerByEmail(Request.Params.Get("Email")); if (custemail == null) { Customer cust = new Customer(); cust.Email = Request.Params.Get("Email");; cust.ContactNo = Request.Params.Get("ContactNo"); cust.Name = Request.Params.Get("Name"); cust.Password = CustomerBO.GeneratePassword(); cust.Status = 1; CustomerDAO.MakePersistent(cust); check = cust; EmailBO em = new EmailBO("NewCustomer", Session["Country"].ToString()); em.SendEmailToCustomer(check); } else { check = custemail; } } } if (Request.Params.Get("fixedpricecharter") != null) { FixedPriceCharter el = BookRequestDAO.FindFixedPriceCharterByID(Int64.Parse(Request.Params.Get("fixedpricecharter"))); b.FixedPriceCharter = el; } c.Description = Request.Params.Get("OtherDetails"); b.PAX = Int32.Parse(Request.Params.Get("PAX")); b.Budget = Double.Parse(Request.Params.Get("budget")); b.FinalBudget = BookRequestBO.GetFinalBudget(b.Budget, AdminBO.GetCountry()); b.ContactDetails = c; b.TimeofCreation = DateTime.Now; b.TripType = Request.Params.Get("TripType"); AirplaneType apt = OperatorDAO.FindAircraftTypeByID(Request.Params.Get("aircrafttype")); b.PlaneType = apt; b.Status = 0; b.Domain = AdminDAO.GetCountryByID(Session["Country"].ToString()); for (int i = 1; i <= nooflegs; i++) { Leg l = new Leg(); l.Sequence = i; ListSet fromairfields = AirfieldBO.GetAirfields(Request.Params.Get("fromleg" + i)); ListSet toairfields = AirfieldBO.GetAirfields(Request.Params.Get("toleg" + i)); foreach (Airfield a in fromairfields) { if (l.Source == null) { l.Source = a; } } if (l.Source.IsTemporary()) { l.Source = AirfieldBO.SaveAirfield(l.Source); } foreach (Airfield a in toairfields) { if (l.Destination == null) { l.Destination = a; } } if (l.Destination.IsTemporary()) { l.Destination = AirfieldBO.SaveAirfield(l.Destination); } l.Date = DateTime.Parse(Request.Params.Get("dateleg" + i) + " " + Request.Params.Get("timeleg" + i)); b.AddLeg(l); } b = BookRequestBO.AcceptBookRequest(b); if (b.FixedPriceCharter == null) { OperatorResolver opr = new OperatorResolver(OperatorBO.OperatorResolve); opr.BeginInvoke(b, null, null); } else { EmailBO em = new EmailBO("FixedPriceCharterNotificationToOperator", Session["Country"].ToString()); em.SendEmailToOperator(b.FixedPriceCharter.Aircraft.Vendor); } if (b.IsAgent) { EmailBO em = new EmailBO("AgentThanksRequest", Session["Country"].ToString()); em.SendEmailToAgent(b.Agent); } else { EmailBO em = new EmailBO("CustomerThanksRequest", Session["Country"].ToString()); em.SendEmailToCustomer(check); } Session.Add("bid", b.BookID); } catch (AifieldNotFoundException ax) { Response.Redirect(Request.UrlReferrer.OriginalString + "?" + Serialize(Request.QueryString)); } catch (Exception ex) { Response.Redirect("QuickQuote.aspx"); } Response.Redirect("RequestSent.aspx"); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { BookRequest b = BookRequestDAO.FindBookRequestByID((long)28); Response.Write(GetBidJson(b, OperatorBO.GetLoggedinOperator())); }