/// <summary> /// /// </summary> public static bool CheckList(TagReadDataEventArgs e) { DataTable dt = DBHelper.GetDT(); foreach (DataRow row in dt.Rows) { if (row["Book_RFID_EPC"].ToString() == e.TagReadData.EpcString) { DBHelper.updateBook(e); Console.WriteLine("Update Book call from checklist"); } } if (BookList.Any(p => p.EPC == e.TagReadData.EpcString)) { var list = BookList.First(f => f.EPC == e.TagReadData.EpcString); var index = BookList.IndexOf(list); BookList[index].timeStamp = e.TagReadData.Time.ToString(); BookList[index].RSSI = e.TagReadData.Rssi.ToString(); return(true); } else { return(false); } }
public async Task <IActionResult> OnGetAsync(string BibleId, int Id) { IdentityUser user = await _userManager.GetUserAsync(User); PBEUser = await QuizUser.GetOrAddPBEUserAsync(_context, user.Email); // Static method not requiring an instance if (!PBEUser.IsQuizModerator()) { return(RedirectToPage("/error", new { errorMessage = "Sorry! You do not have sufficient rights to edit a PBE BookList" })); } BookList = await _context.QuizBookLists.FindAsync(Id); if (BookList == null) { return(RedirectToPage("/error", new { errorMessage = "That's Odd! We weren't able to find this Book List" })); } this.BibleId = await Bible.GetValidPBEBibleIdAsync(_context, BibleId); //Initialize Books await _context.Entry(BookList).Collection(L => L.QuizBookListBookMaps).LoadAsync(); BookList.PadBookListBookMapsForEdit(); Books = BookList.QuizBookListBookMaps.ToList(); Name = BookList.BookListName; ViewData["BookSelectList"] = await BibleBook.GetBookSelectListAsync(_context, BibleId); return(Page()); }
private async void BookList_Refreshing(object sender, EventArgs e) { await BookFetching(); BookList.ItemsSource = _listOfISBN; BookList.EndRefresh(); }
public void addbBookIntoList() { string sqlQuery = "Select * From Book"; using (SqlCommand selectCommand = new SqlCommand(sqlQuery, dbConnection)) { SqlDataAdapter adapter = new SqlDataAdapter(); adapter.SelectCommand = selectCommand; DataSet BookDataset = new DataSet(); adapter.Fill(BookDataset, "Book"); DataTable BookDataTable = BookDataset.Tables["Book"]; foreach (DataRow row in BookDataTable.Rows) { Book book = new Book { BookID = int.Parse(row[0].ToString()), Title = row[2].ToString(), Author = row[3].ToString(), Genere = row[4].ToString(), Price = int.Parse(row[5].ToString()), NoOfPages = int.Parse(row[6].ToString()) }; BookList.Add(book.BookID, book); } }; }
// GET: BookListController/Edit/5 public async Task <ActionResult> Edit(int id) { try { if (JwtMethods.IsExpired()) { var result = await JwtMethods.RefreshToken(User); MyToken.expiration = result.expiration; MyToken.token = result.token; } httpClient.BaseAddress = MyToken.BaseUrl; httpClient.DefaultRequestHeaders.Add("Authorization", "Bearer " + MyToken.token); BookList book = await httpClient.GetFromJsonAsync <BookList>("BookLists/" + id); if (book != null) { return(View(book)); } else { return(RedirectToAction(nameof(Index))); } } catch { return(RedirectToAction(nameof(Index))); } }
public BookPresenter(BookList model, BookFormView view) { this.model = model; this.view = view; view.Presenter = this; }
public async Task <ActionResult> Edit(int id, BookList book) { try { book.Udate = DateTime.Now; if (JwtMethods.IsExpired()) { var result = await JwtMethods.RefreshToken(User); MyToken.expiration = result.expiration; MyToken.token = result.token; } httpClient.BaseAddress = MyToken.BaseUrl; httpClient.DefaultRequestHeaders.Add("Authorization", "Bearer " + MyToken.token); var res = await httpClient.PutAsJsonAsync <BookList>("BookLists/" + id, book); if (res.IsSuccessStatusCode) { return(RedirectToAction(nameof(Index))); } return(View()); } catch { return(View()); } }
private static bool GetItem(int num, out BookList[] bookList, out string[] content) { bookList = new BookList[num]; content = new string[num]; Console.WriteLine("請輸入標題、價錢、數量(用逗號隔開):"); for (int i = 0; i < content.Length; i++)//存入輸入的內容至字串陣列中 { content[i] = Console.ReadLine(); string[] item = content[i].Split(','); if (item.Length != 3) { Console.WriteLine("Enter Again!"); return(false); } if (!(int.TryParse(item[2], out bookList[i].amount) && int.TryParse(item[1], out bookList[i].price))) { Console.WriteLine("Enter Again!"); return(false); } bookList[i].title = item[0]; bookList[i].price = int.Parse(item[1]); bookList[i].amount = int.Parse(item[2]); } return(true); }
private static BookList Top10Books(SqlConnection connection) { const string query = "select top 10 * from Book"; using (var command = new SqlCommand(query, connection)) { Console.WriteLine("Top 10 Books:"); using (var dataReader = command.ExecuteReader()) { var list = new BookList(); while (dataReader.Read()) { var currentRow = dataReader; var title = currentRow["Title"]; var year = currentRow["Year"]; var price = currentRow["Price"]; list.Add(int.Parse(currentRow["BookId"].ToString()), currentRow["Title"].ToString(), int.Parse(currentRow["Year"].ToString()), decimal.Parse(currentRow["Price"].ToString())); } return(list); } } }
private void LeaseBook() { Action redo = () => { SelectedBook.LeasedTo = Session.Current.LoggedInUser; LeaseCommand.RaiseCanExecuteChanged(); OnPropertyChanged("SelectedBook"); BookList.Refresh(); }; Action undo = () => { SelectedBook.LeasedTo = string.Empty; LeaseCommand.RaiseCanExecuteChanged(); OnPropertyChanged("SelectedBook"); BookList.Refresh(); }; history.AddAndExecute(new RevertableCommand(redo, undo)); UndoCommand.RaiseCanExecuteChanged(); RedoCommand.RaiseCanExecuteChanged(); ClientLogger.Log($"{Session.Current.LoggedInUser} leased book {selectedBook.BookName}", Common.LogLevel.Info); }
private static BookList BookMaxYear(SqlConnection connection, int maxYear) { const string query = "select * from Book where Year<=@MaxYear"; using (var command = new SqlCommand(query, connection)) { command.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@MaxYear", maxYear)); Console.WriteLine($"Books with max {maxYear}:"); using (var dataReader = command.ExecuteReader()) { var list = new BookList(); while (dataReader.Read()) { var currentRow = dataReader; var bookId = currentRow["BookId"]; var title = currentRow["Title"]; var year = currentRow["Year"]; var price = currentRow["Price"]; list.Add(int.Parse(currentRow["BookId"].ToString()), currentRow["Title"].ToString(), int.Parse(currentRow["Year"].ToString()), decimal.Parse(currentRow["Price"].ToString())); } return(list); } } }
public string Output() { WinFormOutputAuthoredItem output = new WinFormOutputAuthoredItem(); SetItem bookSetter = new SetItem(); return(output.ListOutput(BookList.GetBookList(bookSetter).GenerateList()).ToString()); }
public MainWindow() { InitializeComponent(); bookList = new BookList(); bookList.AddBook(new Book("111-222-333-4444", "ferfe", "freferf", "freferf", 344, 34, "43")); bookListView.ItemsSource = bookList.Books; }
public void Call() { #region older versions without generics, code redundancy var numbers = new List(); numbers.Add(2); var booksList = new BookList(); booksList.Add(new Book()); #endregion var numbersList = new GenericList <int>(); numbers.Add(10); var books = new GenericList <Book>(); books.Add(new Book()); var dictionary = new GenericDictionary <string, Book>(); dictionary.Add("1234", new Book()); var number = new Nullable <int>(5); Console.WriteLine("Has value? " + number.HasValue); Console.WriteLine("Value: " + number.GetValueOrDefault()); var numberTwo = new Nullable <int>(); Console.WriteLine("Has value? " + numberTwo.HasValue); Console.WriteLine("Value: " + numberTwo.GetValueOrDefault()); }
public async Task <ActionResult> Create(BookList model) { if (ModelState.IsValid) { model.Udate = DateTime.Now; try { if (JwtMethods.IsExpired()) { var result = await JwtMethods.RefreshToken(User); MyToken.expiration = result.expiration; MyToken.token = result.token; } httpClient.BaseAddress = MyToken.BaseUrl; httpClient.DefaultRequestHeaders.Add("Authorization", "Bearer " + MyToken.token); var res = await httpClient.PostAsJsonAsync <BookList>("BookLists", model); if (res.IsSuccessStatusCode) { return(RedirectToAction(nameof(Index))); } else { return(View()); } } catch { return(View()); } } return(View()); }
static void Main(string[] args) { int num = 0; bool isOK_num = false; while (!isOK_num)//輸入筆數防呆 { Console.Write("請輸入欲鍵入的筆數(至少三筆):"); isOK_num = InputNum(int.Parse(Console.ReadLine()), ref num); } BookList[] bookList = new BookList[0]; string[] content; bool isOK_Item = false; while (!isOK_Item) { isOK_Item = GetItem(num, out bookList, out content);//輸入所有item } StringBuilder builder = GetBuilder(bookList);//將結果存入StringBuilder try { SaveFile(builder);//存入檔案 } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine(e.ToString()); } }
public void SetUp() { b1 = new Book("A Tale Of Two Cities", "Charles Dickens", 1859, 3.76); b2 = new Book("The Great Gatsby", "F. Scott Fitzgerald", 1925, 3.85); b3 = new Book("Pride and Prejudice", "Jane Austen", 1813, 4.23); b4 = new Book("To Kill A Mockingbird", "Harper Lee", 1960, 4.23); b5 = new Book("Jane Eyre", "Charlotte Bronte", 1847, 4.07); b6 = new Book("The Catcher and the Rye", "J.D. Salinger", 1951, 3.77); b7 = new Book("Sense and Sensibility", "Jane Austen", 1811, 4.04); b8 = new Book("Emma", "Jane Austen", 1815, 3.97); b9 = new Book("1984", "George Orwell", 1949, 4.09); b10 = new Book("Oliver Twist", "Charles Dickens", 1838, 3.82); books = new BookList(); books.AddBook(b1); books.AddBook(b2); books.AddBook(b3); books.AddBook(b4); books.AddBook(b5); books.AddBook(b6); books.AddBook(b7); books.AddBook(b8); books.AddBook(b9); books.AddBook(b10); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { bookList = BookList.getBookList(); User u = (User)Session["user"]; if (u != null) { string username = Session["username"].ToString(); if (u.accessLevel == 1) { Page.Visible = true; if (!IsPostBack) { this.displayBooks(); } } else { Page.Visible = false; Response.Redirect("~/Login.aspx"); } } else { Page.Visible = false; Response.Redirect("~/Login.aspx"); } }
////Id, Title, Author, PublisherId, PublishDate, ISBN, WordsCount, UnitPrice, ContentDescription, AuthorDescription, EditorComment, TOC, CategoryId, Clicks public BookList GetBookInfo(int id) { string sql = "select * from BookList where Id=@Id"; DataTable dt = SqlHelper.ExecuteTable(sql, new SqlParameter("@Id", id)); BookList booklist = new BookList(); if (dt.Rows.Count > 0) { booklist.Author = dt.Rows[0]["Author"].ToString(); booklist.AuthorDescription = dt.Rows[0]["AuthorDescription"].ToString(); booklist.CategoryId = Convert.ToInt32(dt.Rows[0]["CategoryId"]); booklist.Clicks = Convert.ToInt32(dt.Rows[0]["Clicks"]); booklist.ContentDescription = dt.Rows[0]["ContentDescription"].ToString(); booklist.EditorComment = dt.Rows[0]["EditorComment"].ToString(); booklist.Id = Convert.ToInt32(dt.Rows[0]["Id"]); booklist.ISBN = dt.Rows[0]["ISBN"].ToString(); booklist.PublishDate = Convert.ToDateTime(dt.Rows[0]["PublishDate"]); booklist.PublisherId = Convert.ToInt32(dt.Rows[0]["PublisherId"]); booklist.Title = dt.Rows[0]["Title"].ToString(); booklist.TOC = dt.Rows[0]["TOC"].ToString(); booklist.UnitPrice = Convert.ToDecimal(dt.Rows[0]["UnitPrice"]); booklist.WordsCount = Convert.ToInt32(dt.Rows[0]["WordsCount"]); } return(booklist); }
public async Task <IActionResult> PutBookList(int id, BookList bookList) { if (id != bookList.Id) { return(BadRequest()); } _context.Entry(bookList).State = EntityState.Modified; try { await _context.SaveChangesAsync(); } catch (DbUpdateConcurrencyException) { if (!BookListExists(id)) { return(NotFound()); } else { throw; } } return(NoContent()); }
protected void btnSearch_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string text = tbSearch.Text; OpKnjigaSelect knjiga = new OpKnjigaSelect(); knjiga.Kriterijum = new KriterijumKnjiga(); knjiga.Kriterijum.Knjiga_pretraga = text; OperacijaRezultat obj = OperationManager.Singleton.izvrsiOperaciju(knjiga); if ((obj == null) || (!obj.Status)) { return; } else { if (obj.DbItems.Count() == 0) { noBooks.Visible = true; } else { noBooks.Visible = false; } this.DataPager1.SetPageProperties(0, DataPager1.PageSize, false); BookList.DataSource = obj.DbItems; BookList.DataBind(); ddlZanr.SelectedValue = "0"; } }
public void Update_UpdatesPropertiesOfEntityWhichNotMarkedWithIgnoreUpdateAttribute() { const int id = 1; const string name = "Default"; const BookListType type = BookListType.Private; const int ownerId = 1; var bookList = new BookList { Id = id, Name = name, Type = type, OwnerId = ownerId }; var source = new Dictionary <string, object> { [nameof(BookList.Id)] = 2, [nameof(BookList.Name)] = "Updated", [nameof(BookList.Type)] = BookListType.Shared, [nameof(BookList.OwnerId)] = 2 }; bookList.Update(source); Assert.True(bookList.Id == id); Assert.True(bookList.Name == (string)source[nameof(BookList.Name)]); Assert.True(bookList.Type == type); Assert.True(bookList.OwnerId == ownerId); }
protected void btnContinue3_Click(object sender, System.Web.UI.ImageClickEventArgs e) { var badge = LoadBadgeObject(); badge.Insert(); try { var badgePath = string.Format(Server.MapPath("~/images/Badges/")); System.IO.File.Copy(string.Format("{0}no_badge.png", badgePath), string.Format("{0}{1}.png", badgePath, badge.BID)); System.IO.File.Copy(string.Format("{0}no_badge_sm.png", badgePath), string.Format("{0}sm_{1}.png", badgePath, badge.BID)); } catch (Exception ex) { this.Log().Error("Couldn't copy no_badge images into new badge: {0}", ex.Message); } new SessionTools(Session).RemoveCache(Cache, CacheKey.BadgesActive); lblBID.Text = badge.BID.ToString(); var bl = BookList.FetchObject(int.Parse(lblPK.Text)); bl.AwardBadgeID = badge.BID; bl.Update(); FileUploadCtl.FileName = lblBID.Text; FileUploadCtl.ProcessRender(); OpenBadgesBadgeMaker.FileName = lblBID.Text; pnlLast.Visible = true; pnlBadgeMore.Visible = false; }
protected void ddlZanr_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { string vrednost = ddlZanr.SelectedValue; OpKnjigaSelect knjsort = new OpKnjigaSelect(); if (vrednost != "0") { knjsort.Kriterijum = new KriterijumKnjiga(); knjsort.Kriterijum.Zanr = vrednost; } OperacijaRezultat objsort = OperationManager.Singleton.izvrsiOperaciju(knjsort); DbItem[] itemsort = objsort.DbItems; KnjigaDb[] knj = itemsort.Cast <KnjigaDb>().ToArray(); if (knj.Count() == 0) { this.DataPager1.SetPageProperties(0, DataPager1.PageSize, false); BookList.DataSource = knj; BookList.DataBind(); noBooks.Visible = true; } else { noBooks.Visible = false; this.DataPager1.SetPageProperties(0, DataPager1.PageSize, false); BookList.DataSource = knj; BookList.DataBind(); } }
public async Task <ActionResult <BookList> > PostBookList(BookList bookList) { _context.BookLists.Add(bookList); await _context.SaveChangesAsync(); return(CreatedAtAction("GetBookList", new { id = bookList.Id }, bookList)); }
public void DeleteTemporaryBL() { try { var e = BookList.FetchObject(int.Parse(lblPK.Text)); e.Delete(); } catch { } }
// Constructor public MainPage() { InitializeComponent(); appSettings = new AppSettings(); bookList = new BookList(); BibleHubListBox.ItemsSource = bookList; }
public BooksViewModel() { List <BookList> listOfBooks = new List <BookList>(); listOfBooks = getBooksFromDB(); List <BookList> listToAddToGrid = new List <BookList>(); BookList = new ObservableCollection <BookList>(); foreach (BookList book in listOfBooks) { BookList itemToAddToList = new BookList(); itemToAddToList.Title = book.Title; itemToAddToList.Author = book.Author; listToAddToGrid.Add(itemToAddToList); } foreach (BookList book in listToAddToGrid) { BookList.Add(book); } }
public ActionResult EditBook(BookList book) { Session["userId"] = book.U_Id; ViewBag.bookName = book.bookName; ViewBag.episode = book.episode; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(book.bookName) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(book.episode)) { ViewBag.show = "請輸入書名或集數"; return(View()); } else { SqlConnection cn = new SqlConnection(@"server=.\SQLExpress_2;database=collectBooksManageList;Integrated Security=true"); SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("select * from BookList where bookName=@name AND episode=@no", cn); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@name", book.bookName); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@no", book.episode); cn.Open(); int num = Convert.ToInt32(cmd.ExecuteScalar()); cn.Close(); if (num == 0) { db.BookLists.Add(book); db.SaveChanges(); return(RedirectToAction("BookList")); } else { ViewBag.show = "書籍重複登記"; return(View()); } } }
static void Main() { Application.EnableVisualStyles(); var data = new BookList { new BookDetails { Title = "abc", TotalRating = 3, Occurrence = 2, Rating = new List <int> { 1, 2, 1 } }, new BookDetails { Title = "def", TotalRating = 3, Occurrence = 2, Rating = null }, new BookDetails { Title = "ghi", TotalRating = 3, Occurrence = 2, Rating = new List <int> { 3, 2 } }, new BookDetails { Title = "jkl", TotalRating = 3, Occurrence = 2, Rating = new List <int>() }, }; Application.Run(new Form { Controls = { new DataGridView { Dock = DockStyle.Fill, DataSource = data } } }); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { MasterPage.RequiredPermission = 4400; MasterPage.IsSecure = true; if (!IsPostBack) { SetPageRibbon(StandardModuleRibbons.SetupRibbon()); lblPK.Text = Session["BLL"] == null ? "" : Session["BLL"].ToString(); //Session["BLL"]= string.Empty; var bl = BookList.FetchObject(int.Parse(lblPK.Text)); MasterPage.PageTitle = string.Format("Tasks in the \"{0}\" Challenge", bl.AdminName); } _mStrSortExp = String.Empty; if (!IsPostBack) { _mStrSortExp = String.Empty; } else { if (null != ViewState["_SortExp_"]) { _mStrSortExp = ViewState["_SortExp_"] as String; } if (null != ViewState["_Direction_"]) { _mSortDirection = (SortDirection)ViewState["_Direction_"]; } } }
public void AddOrUpdate(Book entity) { BookList tmp = new BookList(); tmp.Books = GetAll().ToList(); var rep = tmp.Books.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Id == entity.Id); tmp.Books.Remove(rep); tmp.Books.Add(entity); PersistXml(tmp); }
public void Delete(int id) { BookList tmp = new BookList(); tmp.Books = GetAll().ToList(); var rep = tmp.Books.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Id == id); lock (locker) { tmp.Books.Remove(rep); PersistXml(tmp); } }
public List<BookList> GetBookList() { List<BookList> BooksList = new List<BookList>(); BookList Record = new BookList(); BookData DataList = new BookData(ConnectionString); var Query = from Table in DataList.BookList select Table; BooksList = Query.ToList<BookList>(); return BooksList; }
public List<BookList> GetBookList(string Keyword) { List<BookList> BooksList = new List<BookList>(); BookList Record = new BookList(); BookData DataList = new BookData(ConnectionString); var Query = from Table in DataList.BookList where Table.BookName.Contains(Keyword) select Table; BooksList = Query.ToList<BookList>(); return BooksList; }
private static void PersistXml(BookList tmp) { XmlSerializer serializer = new XmlSerializer(typeof(BookList)); using ( StreamWriter writer = new StreamWriter(Path.Combine(HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath(@"~/App_Data"), _booksSampleXml))) { serializer.Serialize(writer, tmp); } }
public void Merge(IEnumerable<Book> entities) { BookList tmp = new BookList(); tmp.Books = GetAll().ToList(); var seedId = tmp.Books.Max(x => x.Id) + 1; foreach (var book in entities) { if (book.Id == 0) book.Id = ++seedId; } tmp.Books = tmp.Books.Union(entities).ToList(); PersistXml(tmp); }
public async Task<ActionResult>Index(BookFilter cFilter) { var books = await FilterAsync(cFilter); var model = new BookList { Books = books, Filter = cFilter }; return View(model); }
public Window1() { InitializeComponent(); myBookList = new BookList(); }