public BookCheckoutDocument Put(int bookshelfId, int bookId, int borrowerId, BookCheckoutDocument document)
            var bookShelf = bookShelfRepository.Get(bookshelfId);

            if (bookShelf == null)
                throw new ResourceNotFoundException("Book shelf not Found");

            var book = bookRepository.Get(bookId);

            if (book == null)
                throw new ResourceNotFoundException("Book not Found");

            var bookOnShelf = bookInShelfRepository.Query()
                              .FirstOrDefault(x => x.BookShelfId == bookshelfId && x.BookId == bookId);

            if (bookOnShelf == null)
                throw new ResourceNotFoundException("Book is not in the self specified");

            var borrower = borrowerRepository.Get(borrowerId);

            if (borrower == null)
                throw new ResourceNotFoundException("Borrower not Found");

            var checkouts = checkoutRepository.Query().Where(x => x.BookOnShelfId == bookOnShelf.Id && (x.ReturnOn == null || x.ReturnOn > DateTime.Today))

            if (checkouts.Any(x => x.BorrowerId != borrowerId))
                throw new ResourceNotFoundException("Book is already checked out to a diffrent borrower");

            checkouts.ForEach(c => checkoutRepository.Delete(c));

            var checkout = new BookCheckout
                BorrowerId    = borrowerId,
                CheckedOutAt  = document.CheckedOutAt,
                BookOnShelfId = bookOnShelf.Id,
                BookOnShelf   = bookOnShelf,
                Comment       = document.Comment,
                ReturnOn      = document.ReturnOn,
                Borrower      = borrower


 public IHttpContentResult <BookCheckoutDocument> Put(int bookshelfId, int bookId, int borrowerId, BookCheckoutDocument document)
     return(Request.CreateContentResponse(resource.Put(bookshelfId, bookId, borrowerId, document)));