 public SelfHelp()
     foreach (var item in SelfHelpList)
         BookButton myBtn = new BookButton(item);
         myBtn.Click += MyBtn_Click;
        public void ValidateLocationSelect()
            Helper.ScrollToSeeTheRightButton(_driver, RendezvousHotel);

            Helper.ScrollToSeeTheRightButton(_driver, TypeOfRoom);
            Helper.ScrollToSeeTheRightButton(_driver, OneBedroomText);
 public TruyenTranh()
     foreach (var item in listBook)
         BookButton myBtn = new BookButton(item);
         myBtn.Click += MyBtn_Click;
文件: UIBooks.cs 项目: pontura/tuenti
 public void OnInit()
     foreach (Books.BookData data in Data.Instance.GetComponent <Books>().all)
         if (data.state == Books.BookData.states.GOT_IT)
             BookButton newButton = (BookButton)AddItem();
    public void CollectBooks(string root_path, GameObject listbox)
        string path    = root_path + BookDict.m_bookPath + @"\";
        string pattern = "*" + BookDict.m_bookExt;

        string[] files = Directory.GetFiles(path, pattern);
        foreach (string file in files)
            GameObject book   = Instantiate(m_bookPrefab);
            BookButton script = GetBookButtonScript(book);
            script.BookPath = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(file);
            book.transform.SetParent(listbox.transform, false);
    BookButton GetBookButtonScript(GameObject holder)
        BookButton script = null;

        foreach (Transform child in holder.transform)
            if (child.gameObject.name == "BookButton")
                script = (BookButton)child.gameObject.GetComponent(typeof(BookButton));
        /* Event Handler for Display Button
         * 1. Perform Validation on 'No.of Guest' Input, Listbox Selection and Hotel Radio Button Selection
         * 2. Setting Base fare, Time Discount, Hotel Cost and Lunch cost
         * 3. Calculate Discount and Final Cost
         * 4. Provide choice to user if he wants to change the selection after displaying short inshorts about trip
         * 5. if Yes: Booking Breakup will be displayed.  if No: Keep on the same main screen so that user can change selection
        private void DisplayButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            //Local Variable Declaration
            int DestinationIndex, TimeIndex, BaseFareValue = 0, DiscountPercent = 0, NoOfGuestsValue = 0,
                FareBeforeTimeDiscount = 0, HotelPriceValue = 0, TotalHotelCharge = 0;

            decimal TimeDiscountValue = 0.0m, TotalBusFare = 0.0m, TotalLunchCharge = 0.0m, TotalPayableCharge = 0.0m,
                    SpecialDiscountValue = 0.0m;

            string HotelPreference = "", LunchPreference = "", StringMessage = "";

            DialogResult DialogRe;

            //Validating No. of Guests Input
                int value = int.Parse(NoOfGuestTextBox.Text);
                if (value > 0)//if value is greater than zero
                    //Performing Destination and Time based Validations
                    if (DestinationListBox.SelectedIndex == -1)
                        MessageBox.Show("Please Select Destination before proceeding the booking", "Choose Destination", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);
                    else if (TimeListBox.SelectedIndex == -1)
                        MessageBox.Show("Please select departure time before proceeding the booking", "Choose Time", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);
                    else if (DestinationListBox.SelectedIndex != -1 && TimeListBox.SelectedIndex != -1)
                        //Setting Hotel Prices
                        if (Hotel1RadioButton.Checked)
                            HotelPreference = "5-Star Stay";
                            HotelPriceValue = HOTELFARE1;
                        else if (Hotel2RadioButton.Checked)
                            HotelPreference = "4-Star Stay";
                            HotelPriceValue = HOTELFARE2;
                        else if (Hotel3RadioButton.Checked)
                            HotelPreference = "3-Star Stay";
                            HotelPriceValue = HOTELFARE3;
                        else if (NoHotelRadioButton.Checked)
                            HotelPriceValue = 0;
                            //if No Radiobutton has been selected
                            MessageBox.Show("Please choose Hotel before proceeding", "Hotel Preference Required", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);
                            HotelPriceValue = -1;

                        //if User has provided every input on mainscreen
                        if (HotelPriceValue != -1)
                            DestinationIndex = DestinationListBox.SelectedIndex;
                            TimeIndex        = TimeListBox.SelectedIndex;

                            //Setting Destination Price
                            switch (DestinationIndex)
                            case 0: BaseFareValue = DESTINATIONFARE1; break;

                            case 1: BaseFareValue = DESTINATIONFARE2; break;

                            case 2: BaseFareValue = DESTINATIONFARE3; break;

                            case 3: BaseFareValue = DESTINATIONFARE4; break;

                            case 4: BaseFareValue = DESTINATIONFARE5; break;

                            case 5: BaseFareValue = DESTINATIONFARE6; break;

                            //Setting Time based Discount
                            switch (TimeIndex)
                            case 0: DiscountPercent = TIMEDISCOUNT1; break;

                            case 1: DiscountPercent = TIMEDISCOUNT2; break;

                            case 2: DiscountPercent = TIMEDISCOUNT3; break;

                            case 3: DiscountPercent = 0; break;

                            case 4: DiscountPercent = 0; break;

                            case 5: DiscountPercent = TIMEDISCOUNT6; break;

                            //Getting Destination Name and Time From Listbox
                            LocationLabel.Text = DestinationListBox.Items[DestinationIndex].ToString().Substring(0, 17);
                            TimeLabel.Text     = TimeListBox.Items[TimeIndex].ToString().Substring(0, 6);
                            //Additional- Booking Status Information
                            BookingStatusLabel.Text = "Not Confirmed";

                            //Performing Calculations
                            NoOfGuestsLabel.Text    = NoOfGuestsLabel1.Text = NoOfGuestsLabel2.Text = NoOfGuestTextBox.Text;
                            NoOfGuestsValue         = int.Parse(NoOfGuestTextBox.Text);
                            BaseFareLabel.Text      = "€ " + BaseFareValue.ToString();
                            FareBeforeTimeDiscount  = NoOfGuestsValue * BaseFareValue;
                            BaseFareTotalLabel.Text = "€ " + FareBeforeTimeDiscount.ToString();

                            //Time Based Discount
                            if (DiscountPercent != 0)
                                TimeDiscountPanel.Visible        = true;
                                DiscountTimeLabel.Text           = DiscountPercent.ToString() + " %";
                                TimeDiscountValue                = FareBeforeTimeDiscount * (DiscountPercent / 100m);
                                TotalDiscountTimeLabel.Text      = "€ " + TimeDiscountValue.ToString("n2");
                                TotalDiscountTimeLabel.ForeColor = Color.Red;
                                TimeDiscountPanel.Visible   = false;
                                TotalDiscountTimeLabel.Text = "";
                                TimeDiscountValue           = 0.0m;

                            // After Time Based Discount
                            TotalBusFare           = FareBeforeTimeDiscount - TimeDiscountValue; //(A)
                            TotalBusFareLabel.Text = "€ " + TotalBusFare.ToString();             //(A)

                            //Hotel Selection Calculation
                            if (HotelPriceValue != 0)
                                HotelBookingGroupBox.Visible = true;
                                HotelPreferenceLabel.Text    = HotelPreference;
                                HotelPriceLabel.Text         = "€ " + HotelPriceValue.ToString();
                                TotalHotelCharge             = HotelPriceValue * NoOfGuestsValue;
                                HotelTotalLabel.Text         = "€ " + TotalHotelCharge.ToString();
                                HotelBookingGroupBox.Visible = false;
                                TotalHotelCharge             = 0;

                            //Packed Lunch Cost Calculation
                            if (LunchCheckBox.Checked)
                                PackedLunchGroupBox.Visible = true;
                                PackedLunchLabel.Text       = "€ " + LUNCHCHARGE.ToString();
                                TotalLunchCharge            = NoOfGuestsValue * LUNCHCHARGE;
                                LunchPreferenceLabel.Text   = LunchPreference;
                                PackedLunchTotalLabel.Text  = "€ " + TotalLunchCharge.ToString();
                                PackedLunchGroupBox.Visible = false;
                                TotalLunchCharge            = 0.0m;

                            //Before Special Discount Calculation (B)
                            TotalOptionalCostLabel.Text = "€ " + (TotalHotelCharge + TotalLunchCharge).ToString("n2");
                            TotalPayableCharge          = TotalBusFare + TotalHotelCharge + TotalLunchCharge;

                            //If No.og Guests are more than 3,
                            //   Hotel and Packed Lunch are selected
                            // User will be eligible for 7.5% discount on booking price
                            if (NoOfGuestsValue >= 3 &&
                                HotelPriceValue != 0 &&
                                LunchCheckBox.Checked == true)
                                SpecialDiscountPanel.Visible        = true;
                                SpecialDiscountLabel.Text           = SPECIALDISCOUNT.ToString("n2") + " %";
                                SpecialDiscountValue                = TotalPayableCharge * (SPECIALDISCOUNT / 100m); //0.075m
                                TotalPayableCharge                  = TotalPayableCharge - SpecialDiscountValue;     //(B)
                                SpecialDiscountTotalLabel.Text      = "€ " + SpecialDiscountValue.ToString("n2");
                                SpecialDiscountTotalLabel.ForeColor = Color.Red;
                                SpecialDiscountPanel.Visible = false;

                            //Final Amount ( A+ B )
                            TotalPayableLabel.Text      = "€ " + TotalPayableCharge.ToString("n2");
                            TotalPayableLabel.ForeColor = Color.Green;

                            //Generating Message to for Popup based on User Selections
                            StringMessage = "\n Selected Destination   : " + LocationLabel.Text +
                                            "\n Selected Depart. Time  : " + TimeLabel.Text +
                                            "\n Provided No.of Guest   : " + NoOfGuestsLabel.Text +
                                            "\n\nBus Booking Charges  : " + TotalBusFareLabel.Text;

                            if (HotelPriceValue != 0)
                                StringMessage = StringMessage + "\nHotel Booking Charges  : " + HotelTotalLabel.Text;
                            if (LunchCheckBox.Checked)
                                StringMessage = StringMessage + "\nPacked Lunch Charges   : " + PackedLunchTotalLabel.Text;

                            StringMessage = StringMessage + "\n\nFinal Booking Cost   : " + TotalPayableLabel.Text +
                                            "\n\nDo you want to proceed with current selection booking(Yes) or Change Selection(No)?";

                            DialogRe = MessageBox.Show(StringMessage, "Booking Cost", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Information);
                            //Taking User input for Proceeding with the booking
                            if (DialogRe == DialogResult.Yes)
                            {   //If Yes, Displaying Breakup of Booking will be displayed
                                this.Text = "Booking of" + LocationLabel.Text + " for " + NoOfGuestTextBox.Text + " Guests";
                                //Setting Master Data for Current Booking
                                CurrentTotalBusFare      = TotalBusFare;
                                CurrentTotalOptional     = TotalHotelCharge + TotalLunchCharge;
                                CurrentTotalPayableLabel = TotalPayableCharge;
                                //Making GUI Changes
                                TourCostGroupBox.Visible     = true;
                                BookingStatusLabel.ForeColor = Color.Red;
                                HighlightPanel.Location      = new Point(2, 2);
                                DisplayPanel.Visible         = true;
                                DisplayPanel.Location        = new Point(12, 203);
                                DisplayButton.Visible        = false;
                                ModifyBookingButton.Location = BookButton.Location;
                                ModifyBookingButton.Visible  = true;
                                BookButton.Location          = DisplayButton.Location;
                                BookButton.Enabled           = true;
                                if (BookButton.Visible == false)
                                    BookButton.Location          = DisplayButton.Location;
                                    BookButton.Visible           = true;
                                    ModifyBookingButton.Location = new Point(3, 104);
                                    ModifyBookingButton.Enabled  = true;
                                SelectOptionsPanel.Visible = false;
                                //Showing Tooltip on Book Button 'Click to Confirm Booking'
                                toolTip1.Show(toolTip1.GetToolTip(BookButton), BookButton);
                                toolTip1.ToolTipTitle = "Next Step";
                else if (value < 0)//If user provides Negative Number
                    MessageBox.Show("Please enter positive number", "Negative no. of guests not allowed", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);
                else//if user provides value '0' in No of guests
                    MessageBox.Show("Please enter atleast 1 guest", "Atleast 1 guest required", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);
            catch//if Invalid input provided
                MessageBox.Show("Invalid Input Provided. Please provide a Number", "Correct Input Required", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);
		public void RegisterBook(BookButton bookButton) {
			this._bookButton = bookButton;
 public void RegisterBook(BookButton bookButton)
     this._bookButton = bookButton;
文件: UIBooks.cs 项目: pontura/tuenti
    public override void OnUIButtonClicked(UIButton uiButton)
        BookButton button = (BookButton)uiButton;
