 public Book.Book LoadBookIfNeeded()
     if (_currentlyLoadedBook != BookSelection.CurrentSelection)
         _currentlyLoadedBook = BookSelection.CurrentSelection;
         // In case we have any new settings since the last time we were in the Edit tab (BL-3881)
         _currentlyLoadedBook.BringBookUpToDate(new NullProgress());
        public static int Handle(HydrateParameters options)
            if (!Directory.Exists(options.Path))
                if (options.Path.Contains(".htm"))
                    Debug.WriteLine("Supply only the directory, not the path to the file.");
                    Console.Error.WriteLine("Supply only the directory, not the path to the file.");
                    Debug.WriteLine("Could not find " + options.Path);
                    Console.Error.WriteLine("Could not find " + options.Path);
            Console.WriteLine("Starting Hydrating.");

            var layout = new Layout
                SizeAndOrientation = SizeAndOrientation.FromString(options.SizeAndOrientation)

            var collectionSettings = new CollectionSettings
                XMatterPackName     = options.XMatter,
                Language1Iso639Code = options.VernacularIsoCode,
                Language2Iso639Code = string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(options.NationalLanguage1IsoCode) ? options.VernacularIsoCode : options.NationalLanguage1IsoCode,
                Language3Iso639Code = options.NationalLanguage2IsoCode

            XMatterPackFinder xmatterFinder = new XMatterPackFinder(new[] { BloomFileLocator.GetInstalledXMatterDirectory() });
            var locator = new BloomFileLocator(collectionSettings, xmatterFinder, ProjectContext.GetFactoryFileLocations(),
                                               ProjectContext.GetFoundFileLocations(), ProjectContext.GetAfterXMatterFileLocations());

            var bookInfo = new BookInfo(options.Path, true);
            var book     = new Book.Book(bookInfo, new BookStorage(options.Path, locator, new BookRenamedEvent(), collectionSettings),
                                         null, collectionSettings, null, null, new BookRefreshEvent(), new BookSavedEvent());

            //we might change this later, or make it optional, but for now, this will prevent surprises to processes
            //running this CLI... the folder name won't change out from under it.
            book.LockDownTheFileAndFolderName = true;

            book.BringBookUpToDate(new NullProgress());
            Console.WriteLine("Finished Hydrating.");
            Debug.WriteLine("Finished Hydrating.");
 public void UpdateModelUponActivation()
     if (BookSelection.CurrentSelection == null)
     _currentlyLoadedBook = BookSelection.CurrentSelection;
     PageLayout           = _currentlyLoadedBook.GetLayout();
     // BL-8648: In case we have an older version of a book (downloaded, e.g.) and the user went
     // straight to the Publish tab avoiding the Edit tab, we could arrive here needing to update
     // things. We choose to do the original book update here (when the user clicks on the Publish tab),
     // instead of the various places that we publish the book.
     // Note that the BringBookUpToDate() called by PublishHelper.MakeDeviceXmatterTempBook() and
     // called by BloomReaderFileMaker.PrepareBookForBloomReader() applies to a copy of the book
     // and is done in a way that explicitly avoids updating images. This call updates the images,
     // if needed, as a permanent fix.
     using (var dlg = new ProgressDialogForeground())
         dlg.ShowAndDoWork(progress => _currentlyLoadedBook.BringBookUpToDate(progress));
        public void LoadBook(BackgroundWorker worker, DoWorkEventArgs doWorkEventArgs)
            _currentlyLoadedBook = BookSelection.CurrentSelection;

                // In case we have any new settings since the last time we were in the Edit tab (BL-3881)
                _currentlyLoadedBook.BringBookUpToDate(new NullProgress());

                using(var tempHtml = MakeFinalHtmlForPdfMaker())
                    if (doWorkEventArgs.Cancel)

                    BookletLayoutMethod layoutMethod;
                    if (this.BookletPortion == BookletPortions.AllPagesNoBooklet)
                        layoutMethod = BookletLayoutMethod.NoBooklet;
                        layoutMethod = BookSelection.CurrentSelection.GetDefaultBookletLayout();

                    // Check memory for the benefit of developers.  The user won't see anything.
                    SIL.Windows.Forms.Reporting.MemoryManagement.CheckMemory(true, "about to create PDF file", false);
                    _pdfMaker.MakePdf(tempHtml.Key, PdfFilePath, PageLayout.SizeAndOrientation.PageSizeName,
                        PageLayout.SizeAndOrientation.IsLandScape, _currentlyLoadedBook.UserPrefs.ReducePdfMemoryUse,
                        LayoutPagesForRightToLeft, layoutMethod, BookletPortion, worker, doWorkEventArgs, View);
                    // Warn the user if we're starting to use too much memory.
                    SIL.Windows.Forms.Reporting.MemoryManagement.CheckMemory(false, "finished creating PDF file", true);
            catch (Exception e)
                //we can't safely do any ui-related work from this thread, like putting up a dialog
                doWorkEventArgs.Result = e;
                //                SIL.Reporting.ErrorReport.NotifyUserOfProblem(e, "There was a problem creating a PDF from this book.");
                //                SetDisplayMode(DisplayModes.WaitForUserToChooseSomething);
                //                return;
        public static int Handle(HydrateParameters options)
            if (!Directory.Exists(options.Path))
                if (options.Path.Contains(".htm"))
                    Debug.WriteLine("Supply only the directory, not the path to the file.");
                    Console.Error.WriteLine("Supply only the directory, not the path to the file.");
                    Debug.WriteLine("Could not find " + options.Path);
                    Console.Error.WriteLine("Could not find " + options.Path);
            Console.WriteLine("Starting Hydrating.");

            var layout = new Layout
                SizeAndOrientation = SizeAndOrientation.FromString(options.SizeAndOrientation)

            var collectionSettings = new CollectionSettings
                XMatterPackName     = options.XMatter,
                Language1Iso639Code = options.VernacularIsoCode,
                Language2Iso639Code = options.NationalLanguage1IsoCode,
                Language3Iso639Code = options.NationalLanguage2IsoCode

            XMatterPackFinder xmatterFinder = new XMatterPackFinder(new[] { BloomFileLocator.GetInstalledXMatterDirectory() });
            var locator = new BloomFileLocator(collectionSettings, xmatterFinder, ProjectContext.GetFactoryFileLocations(),
                                               ProjectContext.GetFoundFileLocations(), ProjectContext.GetAfterXMatterFileLocations());

            var bookInfo = new BookInfo(options.Path, true);
            var book     = new Book.Book(bookInfo, new BookStorage(options.Path, locator, new BookRenamedEvent(), collectionSettings),
                                         null, collectionSettings, null, null, new BookRefreshEvent());

            if (collectionSettings.XMatterPackName == "Video")
                if (null == book.OurHtmlDom.SelectSingleNodeHonoringDefaultNS("//script[contains(text(),'bloomPlayer.js')]"))
                    var element = book.OurHtmlDom.Head.AppendChild(book.OurHtmlDom.RawDom.CreateElement("script")) as XmlElement;
                    element.IsEmpty = false;
                    element.SetAttribute("type", "text/javascript");
                    element.SetAttribute("src", "bloomPlayer.js");


            //we might change this later, or make it optional, but for now, this will prevent surprises to processes
            //running this CLI... the folder name won't change out from under it.
            book.LockDownTheFileAndFolderName = true;

            book.BringBookUpToDate(new NullProgress());
            Console.WriteLine("Finished Hydrating.");
            Debug.WriteLine("Finished Hydrating.");
        /// <summary>
        /// Import the spreadsheet into the dom
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>a list of warnings</returns>
        public List <string> Import(InternalSpreadsheet sheet, IWebSocketProgress progress = null)
            _sheet    = sheet;
            _progress = progress ?? new NullWebSocketProgress();
            Progress("Importing spreadsheet...");
            _warnings              = new List <string>();
            _inputRows             = _sheet.ContentRows.ToList();
            _pages                 = _destinationDom.GetPageElements().ToList();
            _bookIsLandscape       = _pages[0]?.Attributes["class"]?.Value?.Contains("Landscape") ?? false;
            _currentRowIndex       = 0;
            _currentPageIndex      = -1;
            _groupsOnPage          = new List <XmlElement>();
            _imageContainersOnPage = new List <XmlElement>();
            _destLayout            = Layout.FromDom(_destinationDom, Layout.A5Portrait);
            while (_currentRowIndex < _inputRows.Count)
                var    currentRow   = _inputRows[_currentRowIndex];
                string rowTypeLabel = currentRow.MetadataKey;

                if (rowTypeLabel == InternalSpreadsheet.PageContentRowLabel)
                    bool rowHasImage = !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(currentRow.GetCell(InternalSpreadsheet.ImageSourceColumnLabel).Text);
                    bool rowHasText  = RowHasText(currentRow);
                    if (rowHasImage && rowHasText)
                    else if (rowHasImage)
                    else if (rowHasText)
                    if (rowHasImage)
                    if (rowHasText)
                        PutRowInGroup(currentRow, _currentGroup);
                else if (rowTypeLabel.StartsWith("[") && rowTypeLabel.EndsWith("]"))                 //This row is xmatter
                    string dataBookLabel = rowTypeLabel.Substring(1, rowTypeLabel.Length - 2);       //remove brackets
                    UpdateDataDivFromRow(currentRow, dataBookLabel);
            // This section is necessary to make sure changes to the dom are recorded.
            // If we run SS Importer from the CLI (without CollectionSettings), BringBookUpToDate()
            // will happen when we eventually open the book, but the user gets an updated thumbail and preview
            // if we do it here for the main production case where we DO have both the CollectionSettings
            // and the Book itself. Testing is the other situation (mostly) that doesn't use CollectionSettings.
            if (_collectionSettings != null && _book != null)
                _book.BringBookUpToDate(new NullProgress());

        public static int Handle(HydrateParameters options)
            if (!Directory.Exists(options.Path))
                if (options.Path.Contains(".htm"))
                    Debug.WriteLine("Supply only the directory, not the path to the file.");
                    Console.Error.WriteLine("Supply only the directory, not the path to the file.");
                    Debug.WriteLine("Could not find " + options.Path);
                    Console.Error.WriteLine("Could not find " + options.Path);
            Console.WriteLine("Starting Hydrating.");

            var layout = new Layout
                SizeAndOrientation = SizeAndOrientation.FromString(options.SizeAndOrientation)

            if (File.Exists(TeamCollectionManager.GetTcLinkPathFromLcPath(Path.GetDirectoryName(options.Path))))
                throw new ApplicationException("Hydrate command cannot currently be used in Team Collections");
                // To make this possible, we'd need to spin up a TeamCollectionManager and TeamCollection and pass the latter
                // to the Book as its SaveContext and still changes would be forbidden unless the book was checked out.

            var collectionSettings = new CollectionSettings
                XMatterPackName     = options.XMatter,
                Language1Iso639Code = options.VernacularIsoCode,
                Language2Iso639Code = string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(options.NationalLanguage1IsoCode) ? options.VernacularIsoCode : options.NationalLanguage1IsoCode,
                Language3Iso639Code = options.NationalLanguage2IsoCode

            XMatterPackFinder xmatterFinder = new XMatterPackFinder(new[] { BloomFileLocator.GetFactoryXMatterDirectory(), });
            var locator = new BloomFileLocator(collectionSettings, xmatterFinder, ProjectContext.GetFactoryFileLocations(),
                                               ProjectContext.GetFoundFileLocations(), ProjectContext.GetAfterXMatterFileLocations());

            // alwaysSaveable is fine here, as we already checked it's not a TC.
            var bookInfo = new BookInfo(options.Path, true, new AlwaysEditSaveContext());
            var book     = new Book.Book(bookInfo, new BookStorage(options.Path, locator, new BookRenamedEvent(), collectionSettings),
                                         null, collectionSettings, null, null, new BookRefreshEvent(), new BookSavedEvent());
            // This was added as part of the phase 1 changes towards the new language system, where book languages
            // are more clearly distinct from collection languages, and there's no sense (except underlying storage) in which
            // a book has languages that are not selected for display. This made it necessary to decide explicitly
            // whether passing the national language options implies that a book is bi- or tri-lingual. Andrew and I (JohnT)
            // could not think of any reason to pass the arguments at all except to achieve that, so I made it so.
            var langs = new List <string>();

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(options.NationalLanguage1IsoCode) && options.NationalLanguage1IsoCode != options.VernacularIsoCode)
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(options.NationalLanguage2IsoCode))

            //we might change this later, or make it optional, but for now, this will prevent surprises to processes
            //running this CLI... the folder name won't change out from under it.
            book.LockDownTheFileAndFolderName = true;

            book.BringBookUpToDate(new NullProgress());
            Console.WriteLine("Finished Hydrating.");
            Debug.WriteLine("Finished Hydrating.");
        public static int Handle(HydrateParameters options)
            if (!Directory.Exists(options.Path))
                if (options.Path.Contains(".htm"))
                    Debug.WriteLine("Supply only the directory, not the path to the file.");
                    Console.Error.WriteLine("Supply only the directory, not the path to the file.");
                    Debug.WriteLine("Could not find " + options.Path);
                    Console.Error.WriteLine("Could not find " + options.Path);
                return 1;
            Console.WriteLine("Starting Hydrating.");

            var layout = new Layout
                SizeAndOrientation = SizeAndOrientation.FromString(options.SizeAndOrientation)

            var collectionSettings = new CollectionSettings
                XMatterPackName = "Video",
                Language1Iso639Code = options.VernacularIsoCode,
                Language2Iso639Code = options.NationalLanguage1IsoCode,
                Language3Iso639Code = options.NationalLanguage2IsoCode

            XMatterPackFinder xmatterFinder = new XMatterPackFinder(new[] { BloomFileLocator.GetInstalledXMatterDirectory() });
            var locator = new BloomFileLocator(collectionSettings, xmatterFinder, ProjectContext.GetFactoryFileLocations(),
                ProjectContext.GetFoundFileLocations(), ProjectContext.GetAfterXMatterFileLocations());

            var bookInfo = new BookInfo(options.Path, true);
            var book = new Book.Book(bookInfo, new BookStorage(options.Path, locator, new BookRenamedEvent(), collectionSettings),
                null, collectionSettings, null, null, new BookRefreshEvent());

            if (null == book.OurHtmlDom.SelectSingleNodeHonoringDefaultNS("//script[contains(text(),'bloomPlayer.js')]"))
                var element = book.OurHtmlDom.Head.AppendChild(book.OurHtmlDom.RawDom.CreateElement("script")) as XmlElement;
                element.IsEmpty = false;
                element.SetAttribute("type", "text/javascript");
                element.SetAttribute("src", "bloomPlayer.js");


            //we might change this later, or make it optional, but for now, this will prevent surprises to processes
            //running this CLI... the folder name won't change out from under it.
            book.LockDownTheFileAndFolderName = true;

            book.BringBookUpToDate(new NullProgress());
            Console.WriteLine("Finished Hydrating.");
            Debug.WriteLine("Finished Hydrating.");
            return 0;