/// <summary>
        /// AddJointConstraint - Adds a joint constraint to the system.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="joint">The skeleton joint/bone.</param>
        /// <param name="dir">The absolute dir for the center of the constraint cone.</param>
        /// <param name="angle">The angle of the constraint cone that the bone can move in.</param>
        public void AddBoneOrientationConstraint(JointType joint, Vector3 dir, float angle)
            this.constraintsMirrored = false;
            BoneOrientationConstraint jc = new BoneOrientationConstraint(joint, dir, angle);

        // AddJointConstraint - Adds a joint constraint to the system.
        private void AddBoneOrientationConstraint(int thisJoint, CT consType, Vector3 axis, float angleMin, float angleMax)
            int index = FindBoneOrientationConstraint(thisJoint);

            BoneOrientationConstraint jc = index >= 0 ? jointConstraints[index] : new BoneOrientationConstraint(thisJoint);

            if (index < 0)
                index = jointConstraints.Count;

            AxisOrientationConstraint constraint = new AxisOrientationConstraint(consType, axis, angleMin, angleMax);

            jointConstraints[index] = jc;
    // AddJointConstraint - Adds a joint constraint to the system.
    public void AddBoneOrientationConstraint(int joint, ConstraintAxis axis, float angleMin, float angleMax)
        int index = FindBoneOrientationConstraint(joint);
        BoneOrientationConstraint jc = index >= 0 ? jointConstraints[index] : new BoneOrientationConstraint(joint);

        if (index < 0)
            index = jointConstraints.Count;

        AxisOrientationConstraint constraint = new AxisOrientationConstraint(axis, angleMin, angleMax);


        jointConstraints[index] = jc;
        /// <summary>
        /// Helper method to calculate a rotated line for the constraint cones.
        /// </summary>
        private void AddRotatedLine(Vector3 rotatedLine, Skeleton skeleton, int i, Color color)
            BoneOrientationConstraint jc = this.jointConstraints[i];
            Vector3 coneTipVertex        = KinectHelper.Position(skeleton, KinectHelper.ParentBoneJoint(jc.Joint));

            // Scale dir vector for display
            rotatedLine *= LineScale;

            Vector3 coneBaseVertex = coneTipVertex + rotatedLine;

            coneTipVertex  *= this.SkeletonTranslationScaleFactor; // This will scale and optionally mirror the skeleton
            coneBaseVertex *= this.SkeletonTranslationScaleFactor;

            this.lineVertices.Add(new VertexPositionColor(coneTipVertex, color));
            this.lineIndices.Add((short)(this.lineVertices.Count - 1));
            this.lineVertices.Add(new VertexPositionColor(coneBaseVertex, color));
            this.lineIndices.Add((short)(this.lineVertices.Count - 1));
        /// <summary>
        /// Helper method to swap two joint types in the skeleton when mirroring the avatar.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="left">The left joint type.</param>
        /// <param name="right">The right joint type.</param>
        private void SwapJointTypes(JointType left, JointType right)
            for (int i = 0; i < this.jointConstraints.Count; i++)
                BoneOrientationConstraint jc = this.jointConstraints[i];

                if (jc.Joint == left)
                    jc.Joint = right;
                else if (jc.Joint == right)
                    jc.Joint = left;

                this.jointConstraints[i] = jc;
        /// <summary>
        /// Helper method to swap mirror the skeleton bone constraints when the skeleton is mirrored.
        /// </summary>
        private void MirrorConstraints()
            this.SwapJointTypes(JointType.ShoulderLeft, JointType.ShoulderRight);
            this.SwapJointTypes(JointType.ElbowLeft, JointType.ElbowRight);
            this.SwapJointTypes(JointType.WristLeft, JointType.WristRight);
            this.SwapJointTypes(JointType.HandLeft, JointType.HandRight);

            this.SwapJointTypes(JointType.HipLeft, JointType.HipRight);
            this.SwapJointTypes(JointType.KneeLeft, JointType.KneeRight);
            this.SwapJointTypes(JointType.AnkleLeft, JointType.AnkleRight);
            this.SwapJointTypes(JointType.FootLeft, JointType.FootRight);

            for (int i = 0; i < this.jointConstraints.Count; i++)
                BoneOrientationConstraint jc = this.jointConstraints[i];

                // Here we negate the X axis to change the skeleton to mirror the user's movements.
                jc.Dir.X = -jc.Dir.X;

                this.jointConstraints[i] = jc;

            this.constraintsMirrored = !this.constraintsMirrored;
    // Apply the orientation constraints
    public void Constrain(ref KinectInterop.BodyData bodyData)
        KinectManager manager = KinectManager.Instance;


        for (int i = 0; i < jointConstraints.Count; i++)
            BoneOrientationConstraint jc = this.jointConstraints[i];

            if (jc.thisJoint == (int)KinectInterop.JointType.SpineBase || bodyData.joint[jc.thisJoint].normalRotation == Quaternion.identity)
            if (bodyData.joint[jc.thisJoint].trackingState == KinectInterop.TrackingState.NotTracked)

            int prevJoint = (int)manager.GetParentJoint((KinectInterop.JointType)jc.thisJoint);
            if (bodyData.joint[prevJoint].trackingState == KinectInterop.TrackingState.NotTracked)

            Quaternion rotParentN  = bodyData.joint[prevJoint].normalRotation;
            Quaternion rotDefaultN = Quaternion.FromToRotation(KinectInterop.JointBaseDir[prevJoint], KinectInterop.JointBaseDir[jc.thisJoint]);
            rotParentN = rotParentN * rotDefaultN;

            Quaternion rotJointN    = bodyData.joint[jc.thisJoint].normalRotation;
            Quaternion rotLocalN    = Quaternion.Inverse(rotParentN) * rotJointN;
            Vector3    eulerAnglesN = rotLocalN.eulerAngles;

//			if(jc.thisJoint == (int)KinectInterop.JointType.KneeLeft)
//			{
//				float angle1X = eulerAnglesN.x <= 180f ? eulerAnglesN.x : eulerAnglesN.x - 360f;
//				float angle1Y = eulerAnglesN.y <= 180f ? eulerAnglesN.y : eulerAnglesN.y - 360f;
//				float angle1Z = eulerAnglesN.z <= 180f ? eulerAnglesN.z : eulerAnglesN.z - 360f;
//				string sDebugText = string.Format("{0}. {1} - ({2:000}, {3:000}, {4:000})",
//	                                               frameNum, ((KinectInterop.JointType)jc.thisJoint).ToString(), angle1X, angle1Y, angle1Z);
//				if(debugText != null && (Time.time - currentTime) >= 0.5f)
//				{
//					currentTime = Time.time;
//					//debugText.GetComponent<GUIText>().text = sDebugText;
//				}
//				//Debug.Log(sDebugText);
//			}

            bool   isConstrained = false;
            string sDebug        = string.Empty;

            for (int a = 0; a < jc.axisConstrainrs.Count; a++)
                AxisOrientationConstraint ac = jc.axisConstrainrs[a];
                Quaternion rotLimited        = rotLocalN;

                switch (ac.consType)
                case 0:

                case CT.LimA:
                    eulerAnglesN = LimitAngles(eulerAnglesN, ac.axis, ac.angleMin, ac.angleMax);
                    rotLimited   = Quaternion.Euler(eulerAnglesN);

                case CT.LimST:
                    rotLimited = LimitSwing(rotLocalN, ac.axis, ac.angleMin);
                    rotLimited = LimitTwist(rotLimited, ac.axis, ac.angleMax);

                case CT.LimH:
                    float lastAngle = bodyData.joint[jc.thisJoint].lastAngle;
                    rotLimited = LimitHinge(rotLocalN, ac.axis, ac.angleMin, ac.angleMax, ref lastAngle);
                    bodyData.joint[jc.thisJoint].lastAngle = lastAngle;

                    throw new Exception("Undefined constraint type found: " + (int)ac.consType);

                if (rotLimited != rotLocalN)
                    rotLocalN     = rotLimited;
                    isConstrained = true;

            if (sDebug.Length > 0)
//				if(debugText != null && jc.thisJoint == (int)KinectInterop.JointType.ElbowLeft)
//				{
//					debugText.GetComponent<GUIText>().text = sDebug;
//				}


            if (isConstrained)
                rotJointN = rotParentN * rotLocalN;

                Vector3    eulerJoint  = rotJointN.eulerAngles;
                Vector3    eulerJointM = new Vector3(eulerJoint.x, -eulerJoint.y, -eulerJoint.z);
                Quaternion rotJointM   = Quaternion.Euler(eulerJointM);

                // put it back into the bone orientations
                bodyData.joint[jc.thisJoint].normalRotation   = rotJointN;
                bodyData.joint[jc.thisJoint].mirroredRotation = rotJointM;
 /// <summary>
 /// AddJointConstraint - Adds a joint constraint to the system.  
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="joint">The skeleton joint/bone.</param>
 /// <param name="dir">The absolute dir for the center of the constraint cone.</param>
 /// <param name="angle">The angle of the constraint cone that the bone can move in.</param>
 public void AddBoneOrientationConstraint(JointType joint, Vector3 dir, float angle)
     this.constraintsMirrored = false;
     BoneOrientationConstraint jc = new BoneOrientationConstraint(joint, dir, angle);
    // ApplyBoneOrientationConstraints and constrain rotations.
    public void Constrain(ref Matrix4x4[] jointOrientations, ref bool[] jointTracked)
        // Constraints are defined as a vector with respect to the parent bone vector, and a constraint angle,
        // which is the maximum angle with respect to the constraint axis that the bone can move through.

        // Calculate constraint values. 0.0-1.0 means the bone is within the constraint cone. Greater than 1.0 means
        // it lies outside the constraint cone.
        for (int i = 0; i < this.jointConstraints.Count; i++)
            BoneOrientationConstraint jc = this.jointConstraints[i];

            if (!jointTracked[i] || jc.joint == (int)KinectWrapper.NuiSkeletonPositionIndex.HipCenter)
                // End joint is not tracked or Hip Center has no parent to perform this calculation with.

            // If the joint has a parent, constrain the bone direction to be within the constraint cone
            int parentIdx = KinectWrapper.GetSkeletonJointParent(jc.joint);

            // Local bone orientation relative to parent
            Matrix4x4 localOrientationMatrix = jointOrientations[parentIdx].inverse * jointOrientations[jc.joint];

            Vector3 localOrientationZ = (Vector3)localOrientationMatrix.GetColumn(2);
            Vector3 localOrientationY = (Vector3)localOrientationMatrix.GetColumn(1);
            if (localOrientationZ == Vector3.zero || localOrientationY == Vector3.zero)

            Quaternion localRotation = Quaternion.LookRotation(localOrientationZ, localOrientationY);
            Vector3    eulerAngles   = localRotation.eulerAngles;
            bool       isConstrained = false;

            //Matrix4x4 globalOrientationMatrix = jointOrientations[jc.joint];
            //Quaternion globalRotation = Quaternion.LookRotation(globalOrientationMatrix.GetColumn(2), globalOrientationMatrix.GetColumn(1));

            for (int a = 0; a < jc.axisConstrainrs.Count; a++)
                AxisOrientationConstraint ac = jc.axisConstrainrs[a];

                Quaternion axisRotation = Quaternion.AngleAxis(localRotation.eulerAngles[ac.axis], ac.rotateAround);
                //Quaternion axisRotation = Quaternion.AngleAxis(globalRotation.eulerAngles[ac.axis], ac.rotateAround);
                float angleFromMin = Quaternion.Angle(axisRotation, ac.minQuaternion);
                float angleFromMax = Quaternion.Angle(axisRotation, ac.maxQuaternion);

                if (!(angleFromMin <= ac.angleRange && angleFromMax <= ac.angleRange))
                    // Keep the current rotations around other axes and only
                    // correct the axis that has fallen out of range.
                    //Vector3 euler = globalRotation.eulerAngles;

                    if (angleFromMin > angleFromMax)
                        eulerAngles[ac.axis] = ac.angleMax;
                        eulerAngles[ac.axis] = ac.angleMin;

                    isConstrained = true;

            if (isConstrained)
                Quaternion constrainedRotation = Quaternion.Euler(eulerAngles);

                // Put it back into the bone orientations
                localOrientationMatrix.SetTRS(Vector3.zero, constrainedRotation, Vector3.one);
                jointOrientations[jc.joint] = jointOrientations[parentIdx] * localOrientationMatrix;
                //globalOrientationMatrix.SetTRS(Vector3.zero, constrainedRotation, Vector3.one);
                //jointOrientations[jc.joint] = globalOrientationMatrix;

                switch (jc.joint)
                case (int)KinectWrapper.NuiSkeletonPositionIndex.ShoulderCenter:
                    jointOrientations[(int)KinectWrapper.NuiSkeletonPositionIndex.Head] = jointOrientations[jc.joint];

                case (int)KinectWrapper.NuiSkeletonPositionIndex.WristLeft:
                    jointOrientations[(int)KinectWrapper.NuiSkeletonPositionIndex.HandLeft] = jointOrientations[jc.joint];

                case (int)KinectWrapper.NuiSkeletonPositionIndex.WristRight:
                    jointOrientations[(int)KinectWrapper.NuiSkeletonPositionIndex.HandRight] = jointOrientations[jc.joint];

                case (int)KinectWrapper.NuiSkeletonPositionIndex.AnkleLeft:
                    jointOrientations[(int)KinectWrapper.NuiSkeletonPositionIndex.FootLeft] = jointOrientations[jc.joint];

                case (int)KinectWrapper.NuiSkeletonPositionIndex.AnkleRight:
                    jointOrientations[(int)KinectWrapper.NuiSkeletonPositionIndex.FootRight] = jointOrientations[jc.joint];

//			globalRotation = Quaternion.LookRotation(globalOrientationMatrix.GetColumn(2), globalOrientationMatrix.GetColumn(1));
//			string stringToDebug = string.Format("{0}, {2}", (KinectWrapper.NuiSkeletonPositionIndex)jc.joint,
//				globalRotation.eulerAngles, localRotation.eulerAngles);
//			Debug.Log(stringToDebug);
//			if(debugText != null)
//				debugText.guiText.text = stringToDebug;
    // ApplyBoneOrientationConstraints and constrain rotations.
    public void Constrain(ref KinectInterop.BodyData bodyData)
        KinectManager manager = KinectManager.Instance;

        for (int i = 0; i < this.jointConstraints.Count; i++)
            BoneOrientationConstraint jc = this.jointConstraints[i];

            if (jc.thisJoint == (int)KinectInterop.JointType.SpineBase || bodyData.joint[jc.thisJoint].normalRotation == Quaternion.identity)
            if (bodyData.joint[jc.thisJoint].trackingState == KinectInterop.TrackingState.NotTracked)

            int prevJoint = (int)manager.GetParentJoint((KinectInterop.JointType)jc.thisJoint);
            if (bodyData.joint[prevJoint].trackingState == KinectInterop.TrackingState.NotTracked)

            Quaternion rotJointN  = bodyData.joint[jc.thisJoint].normalRotation;
            Quaternion rotParentN = bodyData.joint[prevJoint].normalRotation;

            Quaternion rotLocalN    = Quaternion.Inverse(rotParentN) * rotJointN;
            Vector3    eulerAnglesN = rotLocalN.eulerAngles;

            Quaternion rotJointM  = bodyData.joint[jc.thisJoint].mirroredRotation;
            Quaternion rotParentM = bodyData.joint[prevJoint].mirroredRotation;

            Quaternion rotLocalM    = Quaternion.Inverse(rotParentM) * rotJointM;
            Vector3    eulerAnglesM = rotLocalM.eulerAngles;

            bool isConstrained = false;

            for (int a = 0; a < jc.axisConstrainrs.Count; a++)
                AxisOrientationConstraint ac = jc.axisConstrainrs[a];

                Quaternion axisRotation = Quaternion.AngleAxis(eulerAnglesN[ac.axis], ac.rotateAround);
                float      angleFromMin = Quaternion.Angle(axisRotation, ac.minQuaternion);
                float      angleFromMax = Quaternion.Angle(axisRotation, ac.maxQuaternion);

                if (!(angleFromMin <= ac.angleRange && angleFromMax <= ac.angleRange))
                    // correct the axis that has fallen out of range.
                    if (angleFromMin > angleFromMax)
                        eulerAnglesN[ac.axis] = ac.angleMax;
                        eulerAnglesN[ac.axis] = ac.angleMin;

                    // fix mirrored rotation as well
                    if (ac.axis == 0)
                        eulerAnglesM[ac.axis] = eulerAnglesN[ac.axis];
                        eulerAnglesM[ac.axis] = -eulerAnglesN[ac.axis];

                    isConstrained = true;

            if (isConstrained)
                rotLocalN = Quaternion.Euler(eulerAnglesN);
                rotJointN = rotParentN * rotLocalN;

                rotLocalM = Quaternion.Euler(eulerAnglesM);
                rotJointM = rotParentM * rotLocalM;

                // Put it back into the bone directions
                bodyData.joint[jc.thisJoint].normalRotation   = rotJointN;
                bodyData.joint[jc.thisJoint].mirroredRotation = rotJointM;
//				dirJoint = constrainedRotation * dirParent;
//				bodyData.joint[jc.thisJoint].direction = dirJoint;
        // Apply the orientation constraints
        public void Constrain(ref KinectInterop.BodyData bodyData)
            KinectManager kinectManager = KinectManager.Instance;

            for (int i = 0; i < jointConstraints.Count; i++)
                BoneOrientationConstraint jc = this.jointConstraints[i];

                if (jc.thisJoint == (int)KinectInterop.JointType.Pelvis || bodyData.joint[jc.thisJoint].normalRotation == Quaternion.identity)
                if (bodyData.joint[jc.thisJoint].trackingState == KinectInterop.TrackingState.NotTracked)

                int prevJoint = (int)KinectInterop.GetParentJoint((KinectInterop.JointType)jc.thisJoint);
                if (bodyData.joint[prevJoint].trackingState == KinectInterop.TrackingState.NotTracked)

                Quaternion rotParentN = bodyData.joint[prevJoint].normalRotation;
                //Quaternion rotDefaultN = Quaternion.identity;  // Quaternion.FromToRotation(KinectInterop.JointBaseDir[prevJoint], KinectInterop.JointBaseDir[jc.thisJoint]);
                //rotParentN = rotParentN * rotDefaultN;

                Quaternion rotJointN = bodyData.joint[jc.thisJoint].normalRotation;
                Quaternion rotLocalN = Quaternion.Inverse(rotParentN) * rotJointN;
                Vector3 eulerAnglesN = rotLocalN.eulerAngles;

                bool isConstrained = false;
                //string sDebug = string.Empty;

                for (int a = 0; a < jc.axisConstrainrs.Count; a++)
                    AxisOrientationConstraint ac = jc.axisConstrainrs[a];
                    Quaternion rotLimited = rotLocalN;

                    switch (ac.consType)
                        case 0:

                        case CT.LimA:
                            eulerAnglesN = LimitAngles(eulerAnglesN, ac.axis, ac.angleMin, ac.angleMax);
                            rotLimited = Quaternion.Euler(eulerAnglesN);

                        case CT.LimST:
                            rotLimited = LimitSwing(rotLocalN, ac.axis, ac.angleMin);
                            rotLimited = LimitTwist(rotLimited, ac.axis, ac.angleMax);

                        case CT.LimH:
                            float lastAngle = bodyData.joint[jc.thisJoint].lastAngle;
                            rotLimited = LimitHinge(rotLocalN, ac.axis, ac.angleMin, ac.angleMax, ref lastAngle);
                            bodyData.joint[jc.thisJoint].lastAngle = lastAngle;

                            throw new Exception("Undefined constraint type found: " + (int)ac.consType);

                    if (rotLimited != rotLocalN)
                        rotLocalN = rotLimited;
                        isConstrained = true;

                //if (sDebug.Length > 0)
                //    if (debugText != null && jc.thisJoint == (int)KinectInterop.JointType.ElbowLeft)
                //    {
                //        //					debugText.text = sDebug;
                //    }

                //    Debug.Log(sDebug);

                if (isConstrained)
                    rotJointN = rotParentN * rotLocalN;

                    Vector3 eulerJoint = rotJointN.eulerAngles;
                    Vector3 eulerJointM = new Vector3(eulerJoint.x, -eulerJoint.y, -eulerJoint.z);
                    Quaternion rotJointM = Quaternion.Euler(eulerJointM);

                    // put it back into the bone orientations
                    bodyData.joint[jc.thisJoint].normalRotation = rotJointN;
                    bodyData.joint[jc.thisJoint].mirroredRotation = rotJointM;

        /// <summary>
        /// Helper method to add the constraint cone for drawing.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="skeleton">The skeleton.</param>
        /// <param name="seatedMode">Set true if in seated mode.</param>
        private void AddConstraintDirectionCones(Skeleton skeleton, bool seatedMode)
            // Calculate constraint values.  0.0-1.0 means the bone is within the constraint cone.  Greater than 1.0 means
            // it lies outside the constraint cone.
            for (int i = 0; i < this.jointConstraints.Count; i++)
                BoneOrientationConstraint jc = this.jointConstraints[i];

                JointType joint = this.jointConstraints[i].Joint;

                // Do not draw bone if not tracked
                if (skeleton.Joints[joint].TrackingState == JointTrackingState.NotTracked)

                // Do not draw the following bones if in seated mode
                if (
                    seatedMode &&
                    (JointType.HipCenter == joint ||
                     JointType.Spine == joint ||
                     JointType.ShoulderCenter == joint ||
                     JointType.HipLeft == joint ||
                     JointType.KneeLeft == joint ||
                     JointType.AnkleLeft == joint ||
                     JointType.FootLeft == joint ||
                     JointType.HipRight == joint ||
                     JointType.KneeRight == joint ||
                     JointType.AnkleRight == joint ||
                     JointType.FootRight == joint))

                // Get the constraint direction in world space from the parent orientation
                Matrix matConstraintLocalToWorld = KinectHelper.Matrix4ToXNAMatrix(skeleton.BoneOrientations[skeleton.BoneOrientations[jc.Joint].StartJoint].AbsoluteRotation.Matrix);

                Vector3 constraintDirWs = jc.Dir;
                Vector3 rotatedConstraintDirWs = Vector3.Transform(constraintDirWs, matConstraintLocalToWorld);

                // Draw the constraint direction line itself
                rotatedConstraintDirWs *= 0.5f;
                this.AddRotatedLine(rotatedConstraintDirWs, skeleton, i, Color.DeepPink);

                // Get the bone direction in world space
                Vector3 boneDirWs = KinectHelper.VectorBetween(

                Quaternion constraintRotation = KinectHelper.GetShortestRotationBetweenVectors(constraintDirWs, Vector3.Up);

                for (int c = 0; c < Tesselation; c++)
                    Vector3 circlePoint = GetCircleVector(c, Tesselation);

                    // Calculate distance based on known radius (opposite side) of 1 and angle
                    circlePoint.Y = 1.0f / (float)Math.Tan(MathHelper.ToRadians(jc.Angle));

                    Vector3 tranCirclePoint = Vector3.Transform(circlePoint, constraintRotation);

                    // now transform this by the parent rotation
                    Vector3 rotatedConstraintConePointWs = Vector3.Transform(tranCirclePoint, matConstraintLocalToWorld);
                    rotatedConstraintConePointWs *= LineScale;   // scale

                    this.AddRotatedLine(rotatedConstraintConePointWs, skeleton, i, Color.HotPink);
        /// <summary>
        /// ApplyBoneOrientationConstraints and constrain rotations.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="skeleton">The skeleton to correct.</param>
        /// <param name="mirrorView">Set this true if the skeleton joints are mirrored.</param>
        public void Constrain(Skeleton skeleton, bool mirrorView)
            if (null == skeleton || skeleton.TrackingState != SkeletonTrackingState.Tracked)

            if (this.jointConstraints.Count == 0)

            if (mirrorView != this.constraintsMirrored)

            // Constraints are defined as a vector with respect to the parent bone vector, and a constraint angle,
            // which is the maximum angle with respect to the constraint axis that the bone can move through.

            // Calculate constraint values. 0.0-1.0 means the bone is within the constraint cone. Greater than 1.0 means
            // it lies outside the constraint cone.
            for (int i = 0; i < this.jointConstraints.Count; i++)
                BoneOrientationConstraint jc = this.jointConstraints[i];

                if (skeleton.Joints[jc.Joint].TrackingState == JointTrackingState.NotTracked || jc.Joint == JointType.HipCenter)
                    // End joint is not tracked or Hip Center has no parent to perform this calculation with.

                // If the joint has a parent, constrain the bone direction to be within the constraint cone
                JointType parentIdx = skeleton.BoneOrientations[jc.Joint].StartJoint;

                // Local bone orientation relative to parent
                Matrix     boneOrientationRelativeToParent     = KinectHelper.Matrix4ToXNAMatrix(skeleton.BoneOrientations[jc.Joint].HierarchicalRotation.Matrix);
                Quaternion boneOrientationRelativeToParentQuat = KinectHelper.Vector4ToXNAQuaternion(skeleton.BoneOrientations[jc.Joint].HierarchicalRotation.Quaternion);

                // Local bone direction is +Y vector in parent coordinate system
                Vector3 boneRelDirVecLs = new Vector3(boneOrientationRelativeToParent.M21, boneOrientationRelativeToParent.M22, boneOrientationRelativeToParent.M23);

                // Constraint is relative to the parent orientation, which is +Y/identity relative rotation
                Vector3 constraintDirLs = jc.Dir;

                // Test this against the vector of the bone to find angle
                float boneDotConstraint = Vector3.Dot(boneRelDirVecLs, constraintDirLs);

                // Calculate the constraint value. 0.0 is in the center of the constraint cone, 1.0 and above are outside the cone.
                jc.Constraint = (float)Math.Acos(boneDotConstraint) / MathHelper.ToRadians(jc.Angle);

                this.jointConstraints[i] = jc;

                // Slerp between identity and the inverse of the current constraint rotation by the amount over the constraint amount
                if (jc.Constraint > 1)
                    Quaternion inverseRotation        = Quaternion.Inverse(boneOrientationRelativeToParentQuat);
                    Quaternion slerpedInverseRotation = Quaternion.Slerp(Quaternion.Identity, inverseRotation, jc.Constraint - 1);
                    Quaternion constrainedRotation    = boneOrientationRelativeToParentQuat * slerpedInverseRotation;

                    // Put it back into the bone orientations
                    skeleton.BoneOrientations[jc.Joint].HierarchicalRotation.Quaternion = KinectHelper.XNAQuaternionToVector4(constrainedRotation);
                    skeleton.BoneOrientations[jc.Joint].HierarchicalRotation.Matrix     = KinectHelper.XNAMatrixToMatrix4(Matrix.CreateFromQuaternion(constrainedRotation));

            // Recalculate the absolute rotations from the hierarchical relative rotations
            Array jointTypeValues = Enum.GetValues(typeof(JointType));

            foreach (JointType j in jointTypeValues)
                if (j != JointType.HipCenter)
                    JointType parentIdx = skeleton.BoneOrientations[j].StartJoint;

                    // Calculate the absolute/world equivalents of the hierarchical rotation
                    Quaternion parentRotation   = KinectHelper.Vector4ToXNAQuaternion(skeleton.BoneOrientations[parentIdx].AbsoluteRotation.Quaternion);
                    Quaternion relativeRotation = KinectHelper.Vector4ToXNAQuaternion(skeleton.BoneOrientations[j].HierarchicalRotation.Quaternion);

                    // Create a new world rotation
                    Quaternion worldRotation = Quaternion.Multiply(parentRotation, relativeRotation);

                    skeleton.BoneOrientations[j].AbsoluteRotation.Quaternion = KinectHelper.XNAQuaternionToVector4(worldRotation);
                    skeleton.BoneOrientations[j].AbsoluteRotation.Matrix     = KinectHelper.XNAMatrixToMatrix4(Matrix.CreateFromQuaternion(worldRotation));