 private void processCharge()
     if (Input.GetButtonDown("Fire2"))
         if (hasCharge == false)
             hasCharge = true;
             Vector3 mouse3d = Camera.main.ScreenToWorldPoint(Input.mousePosition);
             Vector2 mouse   = mouse3d;
             float   angle   = Mathf.Atan2(mouse.y - transform.position.y, mouse.x - transform.position.x);
             float   xVel    = Mathf.Cos(angle) * bombVel;
             float   yVel    = Mathf.Sin(angle) * bombVel;
             bomb = Instantiate(bombPrefab, transform.position, Quaternion.identity);
             Rigidbody2D rbBomb = bomb.GetComponent <Rigidbody2D>();
             rbBomb.velocity        = new Vector2(xVel, yVel);
             rbBomb.angularVelocity = UnityEngine.Random.Range(50f, 300f);
             hasCharge = false;
             BombBehavior bombBehavior = bomb.GetComponent <BombBehavior>();
 //Everything that occurs when a Collider2D by the name of other enters the collision box
 private void OnTriggerEnter2D(Collider2D other)
     if (other.tag == "Apple")                                         //if the other collider's tag is called "Apple"...
         combo += 1;                                                   //combo is incremented by 1
         score += 10 * combo;                                          //score is updated by 10 * (the currect combo)
         aTimer = 1.0f;                                                //aTimer is reset to 1.0f
         sounds[0].Play();                                             //the apple pick sound is played
         Destroy(other.gameObject);                                    //the apple is destroyed
     else if ((other.tag == "Bomb") && (iTimer <= 0.0f))               //if the other collider's tag is called "Bomb" and iTimer is less than or equal to 0...
         health -= 1;                                                  //health is decremented by 1
         combo   = 0;                                                  //combo is set to 0
         BombBehavior otherBomb = other.GetComponent <BombBehavior>(); //a variable otherBomb of dataType BombBehavior (see BombBehavior script) is set to the attached component BombBehavior of the entering collider
         sounds[1].Play();                                             //the bomb sound is played
         otherBomb.Explode();                                          //otherBomb's Explode method is initialized
         iTimer = 3.0f;                                                //iframe Timer is set to 3 seconds
     else if (other.tag == "Feather")                                  //if the other collider's tag is called "Feather"...
         health += 1;                                                  //increment health by 1
         StartCoroutine(LifeUpAnimation());                            //start LifeUP animation
         sounds[2].Play();                                             //the LifeUP sound is played
         Destroy(other.gameObject);                                    //destroy the feather