// clips color camera image to the dimensions of the user private Texture2D ClipUserImage(long userId, Texture2D texImage) { BodySlicer slicer = BodySlicer.Instance; if (slicer && texImage) { if (slicer.getCalibratedUserId() != userId) { slicer.OnCalibrationSuccess(userId); } BodySliceData sliceH = slicer.getBodySliceData(BodySlice.HEIGHT); BodySliceData sliceW = slicer.getBodySliceData(BodySlice.WIDTH); if (sliceH.isSliceValid && sliceW.isSliceValid) { int rectX = (int)sliceW.startColorPoint.x; int rectW = sliceW.colorPointsLength; int rectY = (int)sliceH.startColorPoint.y; int rectH = sliceH.colorPointsLength; Texture2D texClipped = new Texture2D(rectW, rectH, TextureFormat.ARGB32, false); texClipped.SetPixels(texImage.GetPixels(rectX, rectY, rectW, rectH)); return(texClipped); } } return(texImage); }
// Update is called once per frame void Update() { if (manager && manager.IsInitialized()) { Texture2D depthImage = manager ? manager.GetUsersLblTex() : null; if (bodySlicer && bodySlicer.getLastFrameTime() != lastFrameTime) { lastFrameTime = bodySlicer.getLastFrameTime(); int sliceCount = bodySlicer.getBodySliceCount(); if (depthImage) { //depthImage = GameObject.Instantiate(depthImage) as Texture2D; for (int i = 0; i < sliceCount; i++) { BodySliceData bodySlice = bodySlicer.getBodySliceData((BodySlice)i); if (depthImage && bodySlice.isSliceValid && bodySlice.startDepthPoint != Vector2.zero && bodySlice.endDepthPoint != Vector2.zero) { KinectInterop.DrawLine(depthImage, (int)bodySlice.startDepthPoint.x, (int)bodySlice.startDepthPoint.y, (int)bodySlice.endDepthPoint.x, (int)bodySlice.endDepthPoint.y, Color.red); } } depthImage.Apply(); } if (statusText) { if (bodySlicer.getCalibratedUserId() != 0) { userHeight = !float.IsNaN(userHeight) ? Mathf.Lerp(userHeight, bodySlicer.getUserHeight(), smoothFactor * Time.deltaTime) : bodySlicer.getUserHeight(); string sUserInfo = string.Format("User {0} Height: {1:F2} m", bodySlicer.playerIndex, userHeight); userW1 = !float.IsNaN(userW1) ? Mathf.Lerp(userW1, bodySlicer.getSliceWidth(BodySlice.TORSO_1), smoothFactor * Time.deltaTime) : bodySlicer.getSliceWidth(BodySlice.TORSO_1); userW2 = !float.IsNaN(userW2) ? Mathf.Lerp(userW2, bodySlicer.getSliceWidth(BodySlice.TORSO_2), smoothFactor * Time.deltaTime) : bodySlicer.getSliceWidth(BodySlice.TORSO_2); userW3 = !float.IsNaN(userW3) ? Mathf.Lerp(userW3, bodySlicer.getSliceWidth(BodySlice.TORSO_3), smoothFactor * Time.deltaTime) : bodySlicer.getSliceWidth(BodySlice.TORSO_3); userW4 = !float.IsNaN(userW4) ? Mathf.Lerp(userW4, bodySlicer.getSliceWidth(BodySlice.TORSO_4), smoothFactor * Time.deltaTime) : bodySlicer.getSliceWidth(BodySlice.TORSO_4); sUserInfo += string.Format("\n\nTorso-4: {3:F2} m\nTorso-3: {2:F2} m\nTorso-2: {1:F2} m\nTorso-1: {0:F2} m", userW1, userW2, userW3, userW4); statusText.text = sUserInfo; } else { statusText.text = string.Format("User {0} not found", bodySlicer.playerIndex);; } } } if (backgroundImage) { backgroundImage.texture = depthImage; } } }