//** GetPropSlotRecord **
        //Return record of a selected prop slot
        public BodyPropsSlots GetPropSlotRecord(int idSlot, int bodyStruct)
            BodyPropsSlots recReturn = new BodyPropsSlots();

            recReturn = propSlots.Find(x => x.IDStructure == bodyStruct && x.IDSlot == idSlot);

        //** AddPropSlot **
        //Insert new slot for prop
        public int AddPropSlot(int idStructure, string partName, string objName)
            int iReturn = 1;

            //Get number of new record
            if (propSlots.Count(x => x.IDStructure == idStructure) > 0)
                iReturn = propSlots.OrderBy(x => x.IDSlot).Where(x => x.IDStructure == idStructure).Last().IDSlot + 1;

            BodyPropsSlots toAdd = new BodyPropsSlots();

            toAdd.IDStructure = idStructure;
            toAdd.SlotName    = partName;
            toAdd.ObjectName  = objName;
            toAdd.IDSlot      = iReturn;

