        public static ImageSource ToBitmap(this BodyIndexFrame frame)
            int         width  = frame.FrameDescription.Width;
            int         height = frame.FrameDescription.Height;
            PixelFormat format = PixelFormats.Bgr32;

            byte[] frameData = new byte[width * height];
            byte[] pixels    = new byte[width * height * (format.BitsPerPixel + 7) / 8];


            int colorIndex = 0;

            for (int depthIndex = 0; depthIndex < frameData.Length; ++depthIndex)
                ushort depth = frameData[depthIndex];

                byte intensity = (byte)(0);

                pixels[colorIndex++] = intensity; // Blue
                pixels[colorIndex++] = intensity; // Green
                pixels[colorIndex++] = intensity; // Red


            int stride = width * format.BitsPerPixel / 8;

            return(BitmapSource.Create(width, height, 96, 96, format, null, pixels, stride));
        private void IndexToBitmap(BodyIndexFrame frame)
            int width  = frame.FrameDescription.Width;
            int height = frame.FrameDescription.Height;


            int colorIndex = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < indexData.Length; ++i)
                byte intensity = 0;
                if (indexData[i] < 6)
                    intensity = 255;

                indexBuffer[colorIndex++] = intensity; // Blue
                indexBuffer[colorIndex++] = intensity; // Green
                indexBuffer[colorIndex++] = intensity; // Red


            int stride = width * PixelFormats.Bgr32.BitsPerPixel / 8;

            this.indexBitmap.WritePixels(new Int32Rect(0, 0, width, height), indexBuffer, stride, 0);
        private void Reader_BodyIndexFrameArrived(object sender, BodyIndexFrameArrivedEventArgs e)
            using (BodyIndexFrame bodyIndexFrame = e.FrameReference.AcquireFrame())
                if (bodyIndexFrame != null)

                for (int i = 0; i < bodyIndexPixels.Length; ++i)
                    if (bodyIndexPixels[i] != 255)
                        var color = bodyIndexColors[bodyIndexPixels[i]];
                        bitmapPixels[i * 4 + 0] = color.B;
                        bitmapPixels[i * 4 + 1] = color.G;
                        bitmapPixels[i * 4 + 2] = color.R;
                        bitmapPixels[i * 4 + 3] = 255;
                        bitmapPixels[i * 4 + 0] = 0;
                        bitmapPixels[i * 4 + 1] = 0;
                        bitmapPixels[i * 4 + 2] = 0;
                        bitmapPixels[i * 4 + 3] = 255;

                bodyIndexBitmap.WritePixels(new Int32Rect(0, 0,
                                            bodyIndexBitmap.PixelWidth * 4, 0);
        public BodyMetaData(BodyIndexFrame myframeBodyIndex)
            pixels          = new byte[DepthMetaData.XDepthMaxKinect * DepthMetaData.YDepthMaxKinect];
            bodyIndexWidth  = myframeBodyIndex.FrameDescription.Width;
            bodyIndexHeight = myframeBodyIndex.FrameDescription.Height;

 public unsafe void Update(BodyIndexFrame frame)
     if (bodyIdx == null)
         bodyIdx = new byte[DepthWidth * DepthHeight];
        /// <summary>
        /// Converts a depth frame to the corresponding System.Windows.Media.Imaging.BitmapSource with the players highlighted.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="depthFrame">The specified depth frame.</param>
        /// <param name="bodyIndexFrame">The specified body index frame.</param>
        /// <returns>The corresponding System.Windows.Media.Imaging.BitmapSource representation of the depth frame.</returns>
        public static BitmapSource ToBitmap(this DepthFrame depthFrame, BodyIndexFrame bodyIndexFrame)
            ushort minDepth = depthFrame.DepthMinReliableDistance;
            ushort maxDepth = depthFrame.DepthMaxReliableDistance;

            if (_bodyData == null)
                _width     = depthFrame.FrameDescription.Width;
                _height    = depthFrame.FrameDescription.Height;
                _depthData = new ushort[_width * _height];
                _bodyData  = new byte[_width * _height];
                _pixels    = new byte[_width * _height * Constants.BYTES_PER_PIXEL];
                _bitmap    = new WriteableBitmap(_width, _height, Constants.DPI, Constants.DPI, Constants.FORMAT, null);


            // Convert the depth to RGB
            for (int depthIndex = 0, colorPixelIndex = 0; depthIndex < _depthData.Length && colorPixelIndex < _pixels.Length; depthIndex++, colorPixelIndex += 4)
                // Get the depth for this pixel
                ushort depth  = _depthData[depthIndex];
                byte   player = _bodyData[depthIndex];

                // To convert to a byte, we're discarding the most-significant
                // rather than least-significant bits.
                // We're preserving detail, although the intensity will "wrap."
                // Values outside the reliable depth range are mapped to 0 (black).
                byte intensity = (byte)(depth >= minDepth && depth <= maxDepth ? depth : 0);

                if (player != 0xff)
                    // Color player gold.
                    _pixels[colorPixelIndex + 0] = Colors.Gold.B; // B
                    _pixels[colorPixelIndex + 1] = Colors.Gold.G; // G
                    _pixels[colorPixelIndex + 2] = Colors.Gold.R; // R
                    // Color the rest of the image in grayscale.
                    _pixels[colorPixelIndex + 0] = intensity; // B
                    _pixels[colorPixelIndex + 1] = intensity; // G
                    _pixels[colorPixelIndex + 2] = intensity; // R


            Marshal.Copy(_pixels, 0, _bitmap.BackBuffer, _pixels.Length);
            _bitmap.AddDirtyRect(new Int32Rect(0, 0, _width, _height));


 /// <summary>
 /// Handles the body index frame data arriving from the sensor
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="sender">object sending the event</param>
 /// <param name="e">event arguments</param>
 private void Reader_BodyIndexFrameArrived(object sender, BodyIndexFrameArrivedEventArgs e)
     using (BodyIndexFrame bodyIndexFrame = e.FrameReference.AcquireFrame())
         if (bodyIndexFrame != null)
// *************************************************************************************************************************
    bool RefreshFrame(MultiSourceFrame _frame)  //updateframe to our array
        if (_frame == null)
            bodyframe      = _frame.BodyFrameReference.AcquireFrame();
            depthFrame     = _frame.DepthFrameReference.AcquireFrame();
            colorFrame     = _frame.ColorFrameReference.AcquireFrame();
            bodyIndexFrame = _frame.BodyIndexFrameReference.AcquireFrame();
            // If any frame has expired by the time we process this event, return.
            // The "finally" statement will Dispose any that are not null.
            if ((depthFrame == null) || (colorFrame == null) || (bodyIndexFrame == null || bodyframe == null))
                if (BodyData == null)
                    BodyData = new Body[_Sensor.BodyFrameSource.BodyCount];
                // update all the array and points
                colorFrame.CopyConvertedFrameDataToArray(colorData, ColorImageFormat.Rgba);
                // update all the array and points
                _frame = null;
            if (bodyframe != null)
            if (depthFrame != null)

            if (colorFrame != null)

            if (bodyIndexFrame != null)
        public ushort[,] depthFrameToPixelsData(DepthFrame depth_Frame, BodyIndexFrame bodyIndex_Frame)
            ushort[,] darray = new ushort[424, 512];

            if (depth_Frame != null && bodyIndex_Frame != null)
                int width  = depth_Frame.FrameDescription.Width;
                int height = depth_Frame.FrameDescription.Height;

                byte[] _bodyData = new byte[width * height];


                //Console.WriteLine("Width" + width);
                //Console.WriteLine("Height" + height);

                PixelFormat format = PixelFormats.Bgr32;
                stride = width * ((format.BitsPerPixel + 7) / 8);

                ushort minDepth = depth_Frame.DepthMinReliableDistance;
                ushort maxDepth = depth_Frame.DepthMaxReliableDistance;

                ushort[] pixelData = new ushort[width * height];
                byte[]   pixels    = new byte[width * height * (format.BitsPerPixel + 7) / 8];


                int j = 0, k = 0;

                for (int i = 0; i < (424 * 512) && j < 424; i++)
                    if (_bodyData[i] != 0xff)
                        darray[j, k] = pixelData[i];
                        darray[j, k] = 0;


                    if (k % 512 == 0)
                        k = 0;

        /// <summary>
        /// Updates the bitmap with new frame data and highlights the players.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="depthFrame">The specified Kinect depth frame.</param>
        /// <param name="bodyIndexFrame">The specified Kinect body index frame.</param>
        public void Update(DepthFrame depthFrame, BodyIndexFrame bodyIndexFrame)
            ushort minDepth = depthFrame.DepthMinReliableDistance;
            ushort maxDepth = depthFrame.DepthMaxReliableDistance;

            if (BodyData == null)
                Width             = depthFrame.FrameDescription.Width;
                Height            = depthFrame.FrameDescription.Height;
                DepthData         = new ushort[Width * Height];
                BodyData          = new byte[Width * Height];
                HighlightedPixels = new byte[Width * Height * Constants.BYTES_PER_PIXEL];
                HighlightedBitmap = new Bitmap(Width, Height, Constants.FORMAT);


            // Convert the depth to RGB
            for (int depthIndex = 0, colorPixelIndex = 0; depthIndex < DepthData.Length && colorPixelIndex < HighlightedPixels.Length; depthIndex++, colorPixelIndex += 4)
                // Get the depth for this pixel
                ushort depth  = DepthData[depthIndex];
                byte   player = BodyData[depthIndex];

                // To convert to a byte, we're discarding the most-significant
                // rather than least-significant bits.
                // We're preserving detail, although the intensity will "wrap."
                // Values outside the reliable depth range are mapped to 0 (black).
                byte intensity = (byte)(depth >= minDepth && depth <= maxDepth ? depth : 0);

                if (player != 0xff)
                    // Color player gold.
                    HighlightedPixels[colorPixelIndex + 0] = Color.Gold.B; // B
                    HighlightedPixels[colorPixelIndex + 1] = Color.Gold.G; // G
                    HighlightedPixels[colorPixelIndex + 2] = Color.Gold.R; // R
                    // Color the rest of the image in grayscale.
                    HighlightedPixels[colorPixelIndex + 0] = intensity; // B
                    HighlightedPixels[colorPixelIndex + 1] = intensity; // G
                    HighlightedPixels[colorPixelIndex + 2] = intensity; // R

            BitmapData bitmapData = HighlightedBitmap.LockBits(new Rectangle(0, 0, Width, Height), ImageLockMode.ReadWrite, HighlightedBitmap.PixelFormat);

            Marshal.Copy(HighlightedPixels, 0, bitmapData.Scan0, HighlightedPixels.Length);

 public void Reader_FrameArrived(object sender, BodyIndexFrameArrivedEventArgs e)
     using (BodyIndexFrame bodyindexFrame = e.FrameReference.AcquireFrame())
         if (bodyindexFrame != null)
             byte[] bodyindexData = new byte[depthFrameWidth * depthFrameHeight];
        /// <summary>
        /// Updates the bitmap with new frame data and highlights the players.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="depthFrame">The specified Kinect depth frame.</param>
        /// <param name="bodyIndexFrame">The specified Kinect body index frame.</param>
        public void Update(DepthFrame depthFrame, BodyIndexFrame bodyIndexFrame)
            ushort minDepth = depthFrame.DepthMinReliableDistance;
            ushort maxDepth = depthFrame.DepthMaxReliableDistance;

            if (BodyData == null)
                Width             = depthFrame.FrameDescription.Width;
                Height            = depthFrame.FrameDescription.Height;
                DepthData         = new ushort[Width * Height];
                BodyData          = new byte[Width * Height];
                HighlightedPixels = new byte[Width * Height * Constants.BYTES_PER_PIXEL];
                HighlightedBitmap = new WriteableBitmap(Width, Height);
                HighlightedStream = HighlightedBitmap.PixelBuffer.AsStream();


            // Convert the depth to RGB
            for (int depthIndex = 0, colorPixelIndex = 0; depthIndex < DepthData.Length && colorPixelIndex < HighlightedPixels.Length; depthIndex++, colorPixelIndex += 4)
                // Get the depth for this pixel
                ushort depth  = DepthData[depthIndex];
                byte   player = BodyData[depthIndex];

                // To convert to a byte, we're discarding the most-significant
                // rather than least-significant bits.
                // We're preserving detail, although the intensity will "wrap."
                // Values outside the reliable depth range are mapped to 0 (black).
                byte intensity = (byte)(depth >= minDepth && depth <= maxDepth ? depth : 0);

                if (player != 0xff)
                    // Color player gold.
                    HighlightedPixels[colorPixelIndex + 0] = Colors.Gold.B; // B
                    HighlightedPixels[colorPixelIndex + 1] = Colors.Gold.G; // G
                    HighlightedPixels[colorPixelIndex + 2] = Colors.Gold.R; // R
                    // Color the rest of the image in grayscale.
                    HighlightedPixels[colorPixelIndex + 0] = intensity; // B
                    HighlightedPixels[colorPixelIndex + 1] = intensity; // G
                    HighlightedPixels[colorPixelIndex + 2] = intensity; // R

            HighlightedStream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);
            HighlightedStream.Write(HighlightedPixels, 0, HighlightedPixels.Length);

        public Tuple <BitmapSource, TimeSpan> CaptureBodyIndexFrameBitmap(LiveFrame frame, byte[] buffer)
            BodyIndexFrame bodyIndexFrame = frame.NativeBodyIndexFrame;

            int width  = bodyIndexFrame.FrameDescription.Width;
            int height = bodyIndexFrame.FrameDescription.Height;


            BitmapSource result = BufferCaptureBitmapHelper(_teenyBuffer, width, height, 1, buffer);

            return(new Tuple <BitmapSource, TimeSpan>(result, bodyIndexFrame.RelativeTime));
        public void BodyIndexFrame_Arrived(object sender, BodyIndexFrameArrivedEventArgs e)
            BodyIndexFrame bodyIndexFrame = e.FrameReference.AcquireFrame();

            if (bodyIndexFrame == null)
            bodyIndexFrame.CopyFrameDataToArray(bodyIndexBuffer);  //人がいないところ0xff いるところ0-6?
            this.KinectImagetoMat(this.kinectImage, this.bodyIndexBuffer);
        void reader_MultiSourceFrameArrived(MultiSourceFrameReader sender, MultiSourceFrameArrivedEventArgs args)
            using (MultiSourceFrame frame = args.FrameReference.AcquireFrame())
                if (frame != null)
                    //Récupération des images
                    using (BodyFrame bodyFrame = frame.BodyFrameReference.AcquireFrame())                    //################# BODYFRAME
                        using (BodyIndexFrame bodyIndexFrame = frame.BodyIndexFrameReference.AcquireFrame()) //################# BODY INDEX
                            using (ColorFrame colorFrame = frame.ColorFrameReference.AcquireFrame())         //################# COLOR
                                if (bodyIndexFrame != null && bodyFrame != null && colorFrame != null)
                                    //Initilisation et mise à jour du tableau de body
                                    if (this.bodies == null)
                                        this.bodies = new Body[bodyFrame.BodyCount];

                                    //WriteableBitmap bitmap = (WriteableBitmap)this.kinectImage.Source;

                                    //Tableau contenant les données bodyIndex
                                    byte[] bodyIndexArray = new byte[bodyIndexFrame.FrameDescription.LengthInPixels * bodyIndexFrame.FrameDescription.BytesPerPixel];

                                    colorFrame.CopyConvertedFrameDataToBuffer(bitmap.PixelBuffer, ColorImageFormat.Bgra);

                                    foreach (Body b in this.bodies)
                                        ColorSpacePoint[] colorPoint = new ColorSpacePoint[1];
                                        kinect.CoordinateMapper.MapCameraPointsToColorSpace(new CameraSpacePoint[] { b.Joints[JointType.HandLeft].Position }, colorPoint);

                                            Canvas.SetLeft(ellipse, colorPoint[0].X);
                                            Canvas.SetTop(ellipse, colorPoint[0].Y);
                                        }catch (Exception e)
        private void DepthFrameReady(object sender, BodyIndexFrameArrivedEventArgs e)
            BodyIndexFrame frame = e.FrameReference.AcquireFrame();

            if (frame != null)
                this.FInvalidate = true;
                this.frameindex  = frame.RelativeTime.Ticks;
                lock (m_lock)
        internal static void CopyToFrameToPixelArray(this BodyIndexFrame bodyIndexFrame, ref byte[] frameData, ref byte[] pixels)
            var pixelIndex = 0;


            for (int i = 0; i < frameData.Length; ++i)
                var color = BodyIndexColor.GetColorFromBodyIndex(frameData[i]);

                pixels[pixelIndex++] = color.B;
                pixels[pixelIndex++] = color.G;
                pixels[pixelIndex++] = color.R;
                pixels[pixelIndex++] = color.A;
            private void ProcessBodyIndexFrame(BodyIndexFrame bodyIndexFrame)
                if (bodyIndexFrame != null)
                    byte[] outBuffer = _displayableBuffers[SourceType.BODY_INDEX];

                    int outIndex = 0;
                    for (int inIndex = 0; inIndex < _rawBodyIndexPixels.Length; ++inIndex)
                        int    bodyIndex = _rawBodyIndexPixels[inIndex];
                        UInt32 thisColor = 0;
                        _bodyIndexToColorMap.TryGetValue(bodyIndex, out thisColor);
                        outBuffer[outIndex++] = (byte)((thisColor & 0xFF000000) >> 32); // Blue channel
                        outBuffer[outIndex++] = (byte)((thisColor & 0x00FF0000) >> 16); // Green channel
                        outBuffer[outIndex++] = (byte)((thisColor & 0x0000FF00) >> 8);  // Red channel
                        outBuffer[outIndex++] = (byte)((thisColor & 0x000000FF));       // Alpha channel
         * The pixel values in this frame are 8-bit unsigned integers, where 0-5 map directly to the BodyData index in the BodyFrame.
         * Values greater than the value obtained from BodyCount indicate the pixel is part of the background, not associated with a tracked body.
         * This frame is useful for green screening applications, or any scenario where you want to display the silhouette of the user.
         * It also provides a good starting bounds for custom depth algorithms.
        private void updateBodyIndexEvent(object sender, BodyIndexFrameArrivedEventArgs e)
            using (BodyIndexFrame frame = e.FrameReference.AcquireFrame())
                if (frame != null)
                    FrameDescription frameDescription = frame.FrameDescription;
                    // verify data and write the data to the display bitmap
                    if ((frameDescription.Width * frameDescription.Height) == 424 * 512)
                        WriteableBitmap Bitmap    = BitmapFactory.New(frameDescription.Width, frameDescription.Height);
                        byte[]          frameData = new byte[frameDescription.Width * frameDescription.Height];

                        for (int y = 0; y < frameDescription.Height; y++)
                            for (int x = 0; x < frameDescription.Width; x++)
                                int index = y * frameDescription.Width + x;
                                if (frameData[index] != 0xff)
                                    myColor.HSB hsb = new myColor.HSB();
                                    hsb.H = x / frameDescription.Height * 255;
                                    hsb.S = Numbers.ConvertToRange(y, 0, frameDescription.Height / 2, 0, 1, true);
                                    hsb.B = Numbers.ConvertToRange(y, frameDescription.Height / 2, frameDescription.Height, 1, 0, true);
                                    System.Drawing.Color color = myColor.FromHSB(hsb);
                                    // make a dynamic image, also there can be up to 6 images so we need them to be a little different
                                    Bitmap.SetPixel(x, y, color.A, color.R, color.G, color.B);
                                    Bitmap.SetPixel(x, y, 255, 0, 255, 0); // green
                        SendImage(Bitmap, "kinectbodyindex");
        private void DepthFrameReady(object sender, BodyIndexFrameArrivedEventArgs e)
            BodyIndexFrame frame = e.FrameReference.AcquireFrame();
            int            bg    = this.backcolor;

            if (frame != null)
                this.FInvalidate = true;
                this.frameindex  = frame.RelativeTime.Ticks;
                lock (m_lock)
                    for (int i16 = 0; i16 < 512 * 424; i16++)
                        byte player = rawdepth[i16];
                        this.playerimage[i16] = player == 255 ? bg : this.colors[player % 6];

        private void Reader_MultiSourceFrameArrived(object sender, MultiSourceFrameArrivedEventArgs e)
            // All frame counter
            if (this.frameCount % this.framesToCapture != 0)

            ColorFrame     colorFrame     = null;
            DepthFrame     depthFrame     = null;
            BodyFrame      bodyFrame      = null;
            BodyIndexFrame bodyIndexFrame = null;
            Body           body           = null;
            SkeletonOfBody skel_up        = new SkeletonOfBody(Constants.SKEL_UP_TOTAL_JOINTS);

                var frameReference = e.FrameReference.AcquireFrame();

                colorFrame     = frameReference.ColorFrameReference.AcquireFrame();
                depthFrame     = frameReference.DepthFrameReference.AcquireFrame();
                bodyFrame      = frameReference.BodyFrameReference.AcquireFrame();
                bodyIndexFrame = frameReference.BodyIndexFrameReference.AcquireFrame();

                if (colorFrame == null || depthFrame == null || bodyFrame == null || bodyIndexFrame == null)

                // Get the color frame
                using (KinectBuffer colorBuffer = colorFrame.LockRawImageBuffer())
                    colorFrame.CopyConvertedFrameDataToArray(this.buffColor32, ColorImageFormat.Bgra);
                } //End ColorFrame

                // Get the depth frame
                using (KinectBuffer depthBuffer = depthFrame.LockImageBuffer())

                    // Multiplication by 20 only to turn the depth visually more perceptible
                    //int i = 0;
                    //Array.ForEach(this.buffDepth16Copy, (x) => { this.buffDepth16Copy[i++] = (ushort)(x * 20); });
                } //End DepthFrame

                // Get the body index frame
                using (KinectBuffer bodyIndexBuffer = bodyIndexFrame.LockImageBuffer())

                // Get the body frame

                // Map the depth frame to it color frame
                    Array.Clear(this.buffColorSpacePoints, 0, this.buffColorSpacePoints.Length);
                    Array.Clear(this.buffMapDepthToColor32, 0, this.buffMapDepthToColor32.Length);

                    // Coordinate mapping
                    this.coordinateMapper.MapDepthFrameToColorSpace(this.buffDepth16, this.buffColorSpacePoints);

                        fixed(ColorSpacePoint *depthMappedToColorPointsPointer = buffColorSpacePoints)
                            // Loop over each row and column of the color image
                            // Zero out any pixels that don't correspond to a body index
                            for (int idxDepth = 0; idxDepth < buffColorSpacePoints.Length; ++idxDepth)
                                float depthMappedToColorX = depthMappedToColorPointsPointer[idxDepth].X;
                                float depthMappedToColorY = depthMappedToColorPointsPointer[idxDepth].Y;

                                // The sentinel value is -inf, -inf, meaning that no depth pixel corresponds to this color pixel.
                                if (!float.IsNegativeInfinity(depthMappedToColorX) &&
                                    // Make sure the depth pixel maps to a valid point in color space
                                    int colorX = (int)(depthMappedToColorX + 0.5f);
                                    int colorY = (int)(depthMappedToColorY + 0.5f);

                                    // If the point is not valid, there is no body index there.
                                    if ((colorX >= 0) && (colorX < this.colorImageSize.Width) && (colorY >= 0) && (colorY < this.colorImageSize.Height))
                                        int idxColor = (colorY * this.colorImageSize.Width) + colorX;

                                        // If we are tracking a body for the current pixel, save the depth data
                                        if (this.buffBodyIndex8[idxDepth] != 0xff)
                                            this.buffMapDepthToColor32[idxDepth * 4]     = this.buffColor32[idxColor * 4];     // B
                                            this.buffMapDepthToColor32[idxDepth * 4 + 1] = this.buffColor32[idxColor * 4 + 1]; // G
                                            this.buffMapDepthToColor32[idxDepth * 4 + 2] = this.buffColor32[idxColor * 4 + 2]; // R
                    } //End Unsafe
                }     //End Mapping

                // Process the face of the default body

                // Variable to save the detected face paramenters
                this.faceData = new FaceData(new BoxFace(0, 0, 0, 0), new BoxFace(0, 0, 0, 0));

                // Get the default body
                // Body body = this.listBodies.Where(b => b.IsTracked).FirstOrDefault();
                if (this.faceFrameSource.IsActive)
                    // In our experiment we get the closest body
                    body = Util.GetClosestBody(this.listBodies);

                    if (body != null && body.IsTracked)
                        // Get the first skeleton
                        skel_up = Util.GetSkeletonUpperBody(this.Mapper, body);

                        // Draw skeleton joints
                        if (this.drawingDepthMarkups)
                            Util.WriteSkeletonOverFrame(this, VisTypes.Depth, skel_up, 2, ref this.buffMapDepthToColor32);
                            //Util.WriteSkeletonOverFrame(this, VisTypes.Depth, skeleton, 2, ref this.buffDepth16);

                        // Assign a tracking ID to the face source
                        this.faceFrameSource.TrackingId = body.TrackingId;

                        if (this.faceFrameResults != null)
                            var boxColor = this.faceFrameResults.FaceBoundingBoxInColorSpace;
                            var boxDepth = this.faceFrameResults.FaceBoundingBoxInInfraredSpace;

                            // If there are face results, then save data
                            // We save in a format of rectangle [x, y, width, height]
                            this.faceData.boxColor = new BoxFace(boxColor.Left, boxColor.Top, (boxColor.Right - boxColor.Left), (boxColor.Bottom - boxColor.Top));
                            this.faceData.boxDepth = new BoxFace(boxDepth.Left, boxDepth.Top, (boxDepth.Right - boxDepth.Left), (boxDepth.Bottom - boxDepth.Top));

                            // Draw the face
                            if (this.drawingDepthMarkups)
                                Util.WriteFaceOverFrame(this, VisTypes.Depth, faceData.boxDepth, 1, ref this.buffMapDepthToColor32);
                                //Util.WriteFaceOverFrame(this, VisTypes.Depth, faceData.boxDepth, 1, ref this.buffDepth16);
                            } //End Drawing
                        }     //End FaceResult
                    }         //End Body

                // Update the data handler

                // Recording state ture
                byte[]       _colorData     = null;
                ushort[]     _depthData     = null;
                byte[]       _bodyIndexData = null;
                IList <Body> _bodies        = null;

                // Record the data

                if (this.stateOfRecording)
                    // 25-09-15
                    // Discard frames where the hand is not corrected tracked (i.e., the hand has a zero coordinate)
                    // To discard failures in hand tracking
                    if (skel_up.jointDepthSpace[(int)JointUpType.HandLeft].X == 0 || skel_up.jointDepthSpace[(int)JointUpType.HandLeft].Y == 0 ||
                        skel_up.jointDepthSpace[(int)JointUpType.HandRight].X == 0 || skel_up.jointDepthSpace[(int)JointUpType.HandRight].Y == 0)
                        Console.WriteLine("Neglect frame {0}", this.recordedFrames);

                    // Storage data;
                    _colorData     = new byte[this.buffColor32.Length];
                    _depthData     = new ushort[this.buffDepth16.Length];
                    _bodyIndexData = new byte[this.buffBodyIndex8.Length];
                    _bodies        = new Body[this.listBodies.Count];

                    colorFrame.CopyConvertedFrameDataToArray(_colorData, ColorImageFormat.Bgra);

                    // Increase the counter

                    this.dataContainer.AddColor        = _colorData;
                    this.dataContainer.AddDepth        = _depthData;
                    this.dataContainer.AddBodyIndex    = _bodyIndexData;
                    this.dataContainer.AddListOfBodies = _bodies;
                    this.dataContainer.AddFaceData     = this.faceData;

                    // If the user only require to save a fixed number of frames
                    if (this.fixedFrames == this.recordedFrames)
                        this.stateOfRecording = false;

                // Notice:
                // Array.Copy() --> how many elements to copy
                // Buffer.BlockCopy --> how many of bytes to copy

                // Update Frame Rate
                if (this.frameCount > 100000000)
                    this.frameCount = 0;
                if (colorFrame != null)
                if (depthFrame != null)
                if (bodyFrame != null)
                if (bodyIndexFrame != null)
        /// <summary>
        /// Converts a depth frame to the corresponding System.Windows.Media.Imaging.BitmapSource and removes the background (green-screen effect).
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="depthFrame">The specified depth frame.</param>
        /// <param name="colorFrame">The specified color frame.</param>
        /// <param name="bodyIndexFrame">The specified body index frame.</param>
        /// <returns>The corresponding System.Windows.Media.Imaging.BitmapSource representation of image.</returns>
        public Bitmap GreenScreen(ColorFrame colorFrame, DepthFrame depthFrame, BodyIndexFrame bodyIndexFrame)
            int colorWidth  = colorFrame.FrameDescription.Width;
            int colorHeight = colorFrame.FrameDescription.Height;

            int depthWidth  = depthFrame.FrameDescription.Width;
            int depthHeight = depthFrame.FrameDescription.Height;

            int bodyIndexWidth  = bodyIndexFrame.FrameDescription.Width;
            int bodyIndexHeight = bodyIndexFrame.FrameDescription.Height;

            if (_displayPixels == null)
                _depthData     = new ushort[depthWidth * depthHeight];
                _bodyData      = new byte[depthWidth * depthHeight];
                _colorData     = new byte[colorWidth * colorHeight * Constants.BYTES_PER_PIXEL];
                _displayPixels = new byte[depthWidth * depthHeight * Constants.BYTES_PER_PIXEL];
                _colorPoints   = new ColorSpacePoint[depthWidth * depthHeight];
                _bitmap        = new Bitmap(depthWidth, depthHeight, Constants.FORMAT);

            if (((depthWidth * depthHeight) == _depthData.Length) && ((colorWidth * colorHeight * Constants.BYTES_PER_PIXEL) == _colorData.Length) && ((bodyIndexWidth * bodyIndexHeight) == _bodyData.Length))

                if (colorFrame.RawColorImageFormat == ColorImageFormat.Bgra)
                    colorFrame.CopyConvertedFrameDataToArray(_colorData, ColorImageFormat.Bgra);


                CoordinateMapper.MapDepthFrameToColorSpace(_depthData, _colorPoints);

                Array.Clear(_displayPixels, 0, _displayPixels.Length);

                for (int y = 0; y < depthHeight; ++y)
                    for (int x = 0; x < depthWidth; ++x)
                        int depthIndex = (y * depthWidth) + x;

                        byte player = _bodyData[depthIndex];

                        if (player != 0xff)
                            ColorSpacePoint colorPoint = _colorPoints[depthIndex];

                            int colorX = (int)Math.Floor(colorPoint.X + 0.5);
                            int colorY = (int)Math.Floor(colorPoint.Y + 0.5);

                            if ((colorX >= 0) && (colorX < colorWidth) && (colorY >= 0) && (colorY < colorHeight))
                                int colorIndex   = ((colorY * colorWidth) + colorX) * Constants.BYTES_PER_PIXEL;
                                int displayIndex = depthIndex * Constants.BYTES_PER_PIXEL;

                                _displayPixels[displayIndex + 0] = _colorData[colorIndex];
                                _displayPixels[displayIndex + 1] = _colorData[colorIndex + 1];
                                _displayPixels[displayIndex + 2] = _colorData[colorIndex + 2];
                                _displayPixels[displayIndex + 3] = 0xff;

                BitmapData bitmapData = _bitmap.LockBits(new Rectangle(0, 0, depthWidth, depthHeight), ImageLockMode.ReadWrite, _bitmap.PixelFormat);
                Marshal.Copy(_displayPixels, 0, bitmapData.Scan0, _displayPixels.Length);


        /// <summary>
        /// 人が映った画素領域だけを映した BitmapSource を取得します。
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="colorFrame">
        /// カラー画像フレーム。
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="depthFrame">
        /// 深度フレーム。
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="bodyIndexFrame">
        /// BodyIndex フレーム。
        /// </param>
        /// <returns>
        /// 人が映った画素領域だけを映した BitmapSource。
        /// </returns>
        BitmapSource GetUserMaskImage(ColorFrame colorFrame,
                                      DepthFrame depthFrame,
                                      BodyIndexFrame bodyIndexFrame)
            byte[] colors = new byte[this.colorFrameDescription.Width
                                     * this.colorFrameDescription.Height
                                     * this.colorFrameDescription.BytesPerPixel];

            colorFrame.CopyConvertedFrameDataToArray(colors, this.colorImageFormat);

            ushort[] depths = new ushort[this.depthFrameDescription.Width
                                         * this.depthFrameDescription.Height];

            byte[] bodyIndexes = new byte[this.bodyIndexFrameDescription.Width
                                          * this.bodyIndexFrameDescription.Height];

            //人が映っているだけの画像を表す byte 配列を用意して 0 で初期化する。
            byte[] bodyColors = new byte[this.bodyIndexFrameDescription.Width
                                         * this.bodyIndexFrameDescription.Height
                                         * this.colorFrameDescription.BytesPerPixel];
            Array.Clear(bodyColors, 0, bodyColors.Length);

            //カラー画像と深度画像の座標を対応させる(= マッピングする)必要がある。
            //ColorSpacePoint はカラー画像の座標を示す構造体。
            ColorSpacePoint[] colorSpacePoints
                = new ColorSpacePoint[this.bodyIndexFrameDescription.Width
                                      * this.bodyIndexFrameDescription.Height];
            this.kinect.CoordinateMapper.MapDepthFrameToColorSpace(depths, colorSpacePoints);

            for (int y = 0; y < this.depthFrameDescription.Height; y++)
                for (int x = 0; x < this.depthFrameDescription.Width; x++)
                    int depthsIndex = y * this.depthFrameDescription.Width + x;

                    if (bodyIndexes[depthsIndex] != 255)
                        ColorSpacePoint colorSpacePoint = colorSpacePoints[depthsIndex];
                        int             colorX          = (int)colorSpacePoint.X;
                        int             colorY          = (int)colorSpacePoint.Y;

                        if ((colorSpacePoint.X >= 0) &&
                            (colorSpacePoint.X < this.colorFrameDescription.Width) &&
                            (colorSpacePoint.Y >= 0) &&
                            (colorSpacePoint.Y < this.colorFrameDescription.Height))
                            int colorsIndex =
                                (colorY * this.colorFrameDescription.Width + colorX) * 4;

                            int bodyColorsIndex = depthsIndex * 4;

                            bodyColors[bodyColorsIndex]     = colors[colorsIndex];
                            bodyColors[bodyColorsIndex + 1] = colors[colorsIndex + 1];
                            bodyColors[bodyColorsIndex + 2] = colors[colorsIndex + 2];
                            bodyColors[bodyColorsIndex + 3] = 255;

            BitmapSource bitmapSource
                = BitmapSource.Create(depthFrameDescription.Width,
                                      depthFrameDescription.Width * 4);

        /// <summary>
        /// Updates the bitmap with new frame data.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="depthFrame">The specified depth frame.</param>
        /// <param name="colorFrame">The specified color frame.</param>
        /// <param name="bodyIndexFrame">The specified body index frame.</param>
        override public void Update(ColorFrame colorFrame, DepthFrame depthFrame, BodyIndexFrame bodyIndexFrame)
            int colorWidth  = colorFrame.FrameDescription.Width;
            int colorHeight = colorFrame.FrameDescription.Height;

            int depthWidth  = depthFrame.FrameDescription.Width;
            int depthHeight = depthFrame.FrameDescription.Height;

            int bodyIndexWidth  = bodyIndexFrame.FrameDescription.Width;
            int bodyIndexHeight = bodyIndexFrame.FrameDescription.Height;

            if (Bitmap == null)
                InitBuffers(colorFrame.FrameDescription, depthFrame.FrameDescription, bodyIndexFrame.FrameDescription);

            if (((depthWidth * depthHeight) == _depthData.Length) && ((colorWidth * colorHeight * Constants.BYTES_PER_PIXEL) == Pixels.Length) && ((bodyIndexWidth * bodyIndexHeight) == _bodyData.Length))

                if (colorFrame.RawColorImageFormat == ColorImageFormat.Bgra)
                    colorFrame.CopyConvertedFrameDataToArray(Pixels, ColorImageFormat.Bgra);


                CoordinateMapper.MapColorFrameToDepthSpace(_depthData, _depthPoints);

                // Loop over each row and column of the color image
                // Zero out any pixels that don't correspond to a body index
                for (int i = 0, ci = 0; i < _depthPoints.Length; ++i, ci += Constants.BYTES_PER_PIXEL)
                    float colorToDepthX = _depthPoints[i].X;
                    float colorToDepthY = _depthPoints[i].Y;

                    // The sentinel value is -inf, -inf, meaning that no depth pixel corresponds to this color pixel.
                    if (!float.IsNegativeInfinity(colorToDepthX) &&
                        // Make sure the depth pixel maps to a valid point in color space
                        int depthX = (int)(colorToDepthX + 0.5f);
                        int depthY = (int)(colorToDepthY + 0.5f);

                        // If the point is not valid, there is no body index there.
                        if ((depthX >= 0) && (depthX < depthWidth) && (depthY >= 0) && (depthY < depthHeight))
                            int depthIndex = (depthY * depthWidth) + depthX;

                            // If we are tracking a body for the current pixel, do not zero out the pixel
                            if (_bodyData[depthIndex] != 0xff)

                    for (int b = 0; b < Constants.BYTES_PER_PIXEL; ++b)
                        Pixels[ci + b] = 0;

        /// <summary>
        /// Converts a depth frame to the corresponding System.Windows.Media.Imaging.BitmapSource and removes the background (green-screen effect).
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="depthFrame">The specified depth frame.</param>
        /// <param name="colorFrame">The specified color frame.</param>
        /// <param name="bodyIndexFrame">The specified body index frame.</param>
        /// <returns>The corresponding System.Windows.Media.Imaging.BitmapSource representation of image.</returns>
        public WriteableBitmap GreenScreen(ColorFrame colorFrame, DepthFrame depthFrame, BodyIndexFrame bodyIndexFrame)
            int colorWidth = colorFrame.FrameDescription.Width;
            int colorHeight = colorFrame.FrameDescription.Height;

            int depthWidth = depthFrame.FrameDescription.Width;
            int depthHeight = depthFrame.FrameDescription.Height;

            int bodyIndexWidth = bodyIndexFrame.FrameDescription.Width;
            int bodyIndexHeight = bodyIndexFrame.FrameDescription.Height;

            if (_displayPixels == null)
                _depthData = new ushort[depthWidth * depthHeight];
                _bodyData = new byte[depthWidth * depthHeight];
                _colorData = new byte[colorWidth * colorHeight * Constants.BYTES_PER_PIXEL];
                _displayPixels = new byte[depthWidth * depthHeight * Constants.BYTES_PER_PIXEL];
                _colorPoints = new ColorSpacePoint[depthWidth * depthHeight];
                _bitmap = new WriteableBitmap(depthWidth, depthHeight);
                _stream = _bitmap.PixelBuffer.AsStream();

            if (((depthWidth * depthHeight) == _depthData.Length) && ((colorWidth * colorHeight * Constants.BYTES_PER_PIXEL) == _colorData.Length) && ((bodyIndexWidth * bodyIndexHeight) == _bodyData.Length))

                if (colorFrame.RawColorImageFormat == ColorImageFormat.Bgra)
                    colorFrame.CopyConvertedFrameDataToArray(_colorData, ColorImageFormat.Bgra);


                CoordinateMapper.MapDepthFrameToColorSpace(_depthData, _colorPoints);

                Array.Clear(_displayPixels, 0, _displayPixels.Length);

                for (int y = 0; y < depthHeight; ++y)
                    for (int x = 0; x < depthWidth; ++x)
                        int depthIndex = (y * depthWidth) + x;

                        byte player = _bodyData[depthIndex];

                        if (player != 0xff)
                            ColorSpacePoint colorPoint = _colorPoints[depthIndex];

                            int colorX = (int)Math.Floor(colorPoint.X + 0.5);
                            int colorY = (int)Math.Floor(colorPoint.Y + 0.5);

                            if ((colorX >= 0) && (colorX < colorWidth) && (colorY >= 0) && (colorY < colorHeight))
                                int colorIndex = ((colorY * colorWidth) + colorX) * Constants.BYTES_PER_PIXEL;
                                int displayIndex = depthIndex * Constants.BYTES_PER_PIXEL;

                                _displayPixels[displayIndex + 0] = _colorData[colorIndex];
                                _displayPixels[displayIndex + 1] = _colorData[colorIndex + 1];
                                _displayPixels[displayIndex + 2] = _colorData[colorIndex + 2];
                                _displayPixels[displayIndex + 3] = 0xff;

                _stream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);
                _stream.Write(_displayPixels, 0, _displayPixels.Length);


            return _bitmap;
        private void ProcessFrames(ColorFrame colorFrame, DepthFrame depthFrame, BodyIndexFrame bodyIndexFrame, BodyFrame bodyFrame, byte [] psBytes0, byte [] psBytes1)
            // create multiframe to process
            long ticksCopyData = DateTime.Now.Ticks;

            MultiFrame multiFrame = new MultiFrame();
            multiFrame.FrameNb = Interlocked.Increment(ref frameNb);

            // color
            long ticksCreateColorData = DateTime.Now.Ticks;
            byte[] colorData = new byte[colorByteSize];
            Utils.UpdateTimer("CreateColorData", ticksCreateColorData);

            long ticksCopyColorData = DateTime.Now.Ticks;
            colorFrame.CopyConvertedFrameDataToArray(colorData, ColorImageFormat.Bgra);
            Utils.UpdateTimer("CopyColorData", ticksCopyColorData);

            // depth
            long ticksCreateDepthData = DateTime.Now.Ticks;
            ushort[] depthData = new ushort[depthPixelSize];
            Utils.UpdateTimer("CreateDepthData", ticksCreateDepthData);

            // body index
            long ticksCreateBodyIndexData = DateTime.Now.Ticks;
            byte[] bodyIndexData = new byte[depthPixelSize];
            Utils.UpdateTimer("CreateBodyIndexData", ticksCreateBodyIndexData);

            // bodies
            long ticksCreateBodiesData = DateTime.Now.Ticks;
            Body[] bodies = new Body[bodyFrame.BodyCount];
            Utils.UpdateTimer("CreateBodiesData", ticksCreateBodiesData);

            // ps3eye
            byte[] psBytes = null;
            if (psBytes0 != null && psBytes1 != null)
                long ticksCreatePS3EyeData = DateTime.Now.Ticks;
                psBytes = new byte[psByteSize * 2];
                Utils.UpdateTimer("CreatePS3EyeData", ticksCreatePS3EyeData);

                long ticksCopyPS3EyeData = DateTime.Now.Ticks;
                CopyPS3EyeDataMirror(psBytes, psBytes0, psBytes1);
                Utils.UpdateTimer("CopyPS3EyeData", ticksCopyPS3EyeData);

            // multiFrame
            long ticksMultiFrame = DateTime.Now.Ticks;
            multiFrame.DepthData = depthData;
            multiFrame.ColorData = colorData;
            multiFrame.BodyIndexData = bodyIndexData;
            multiFrame.Bodies = bodies;
            multiFrame.PS3EyeData = psBytes;
            multiFrame.HasKinectData = true;
            multiFrame.HasPS3EyeData = psBytes != null ? true : false;
            Utils.UpdateTimer("MultiFrame", ticksMultiFrame);

            long ticksEnqueue = DateTime.Now.Ticks;
            Utils.UpdateTimer("Enqueue", ticksEnqueue);

            Utils.UpdateTimer("CopyFramesData", ticksCopyData);

            // display timers & queues
        /// <summary>
        /// Updates the bitmap with new frame data.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="depthFrame">The specified depth frame.</param>
        /// <param name="colorFrame">The specified color frame.</param>
        /// <param name="bodyIndexFrame">The specified body index frame.</param>
        override public void Update(ColorFrame colorFrame, DepthFrame depthFrame, BodyIndexFrame bodyIndexFrame)
            int colorWidth = colorFrame.FrameDescription.Width;
            int colorHeight = colorFrame.FrameDescription.Height;

            int depthWidth = depthFrame.FrameDescription.Width;
            int depthHeight = depthFrame.FrameDescription.Height;

            int bodyIndexWidth = bodyIndexFrame.FrameDescription.Width;
            int bodyIndexHeight = bodyIndexFrame.FrameDescription.Height;

            if (Bitmap == null)
                InitBuffers(colorFrame.FrameDescription, depthFrame.FrameDescription, bodyIndexFrame.FrameDescription);

            if (((depthWidth * depthHeight) == _depthData.Length) && ((colorWidth * colorHeight * Constants.BYTES_PER_PIXEL) == _colorData.Length) && ((bodyIndexWidth * bodyIndexHeight) == _bodyData.Length))

                if (colorFrame.RawColorImageFormat == ColorImageFormat.Bgra)
                    colorFrame.CopyConvertedFrameDataToArray(_colorData, ColorImageFormat.Bgra);


                CoordinateMapper.MapDepthFrameToColorSpace(_depthData, _colorPoints);

                Array.Clear(Pixels, 0, Pixels.Length);

                for (int y = 0; y < depthHeight; ++y)
                    for (int x = 0; x < depthWidth; ++x)
                        int depthIndex = (y * depthWidth) + x;

                        if (_bodyData[depthIndex] != 0xff)
                            ColorSpacePoint colorPoint = _colorPoints[depthIndex];

                            int colorX = (int)(colorPoint.X + 0.5);
                            int colorY = (int)(colorPoint.Y + 0.5);

                            if ((colorX >= 0) && (colorX < colorWidth) && (colorY >= 0) && (colorY < colorHeight))
                                int colorIndex = ((colorY * colorWidth) + colorX) * Constants.BYTES_PER_PIXEL;
                                int displayIndex = depthIndex * Constants.BYTES_PER_PIXEL;

                                for (int b = 0; b < Constants.BYTES_PER_PIXEL; ++b)
                                    Pixels[displayIndex + b] = _colorData[colorIndex + b];

        /// <summary>
        /// Updates the bitmap with new frame data.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="depthFrame">The specified depth frame.</param>
        /// <param name="colorFrame">The specified color frame.</param>
        /// <param name="bodyIndexFrame">The specified body index frame.</param>
        override public void Update(ColorFrame colorFrame, DepthFrame depthFrame, BodyIndexFrame bodyIndexFrame)
            int colorWidth = colorFrame.FrameDescription.Width;
            int colorHeight = colorFrame.FrameDescription.Height;

            int depthWidth = depthFrame.FrameDescription.Width;
            int depthHeight = depthFrame.FrameDescription.Height;

            int bodyIndexWidth = bodyIndexFrame.FrameDescription.Width;
            int bodyIndexHeight = bodyIndexFrame.FrameDescription.Height;

            if (Bitmap == null)
                InitBuffers(colorFrame.FrameDescription, depthFrame.FrameDescription, bodyIndexFrame.FrameDescription);

            if (((depthWidth * depthHeight) == _depthData.Length) && ((colorWidth * colorHeight * Constants.BYTES_PER_PIXEL) == Pixels.Length) && ((bodyIndexWidth * bodyIndexHeight) == _bodyData.Length))

                if (colorFrame.RawColorImageFormat == ColorImageFormat.Bgra)
                    colorFrame.CopyConvertedFrameDataToArray(Pixels, ColorImageFormat.Bgra);


                CoordinateMapper.MapColorFrameToDepthSpace(_depthData, _depthPoints);

                // Loop over each row and column of the color image
                // Zero out any pixels that don't correspond to a body index
                for (int i = 0, ci = 0; i < _depthPoints.Length; ++i, ci += Constants.BYTES_PER_PIXEL)
                    float colorToDepthX = _depthPoints[i].X;
                    float colorToDepthY = _depthPoints[i].Y;

                    // The sentinel value is -inf, -inf, meaning that no depth pixel corresponds to this color pixel.
                    if (!float.IsNegativeInfinity(colorToDepthX) &&
                        // Make sure the depth pixel maps to a valid point in color space
                        int depthX = (int)(colorToDepthX + 0.5f);
                        int depthY = (int)(colorToDepthY + 0.5f);

                        // If the point is not valid, there is no body index there.
                        if ((depthX >= 0) && (depthX < depthWidth) && (depthY >= 0) && (depthY < depthHeight))
                            int depthIndex = (depthY * depthWidth) + depthX;

                            // If we are tracking a body for the current pixel, do not zero out the pixel
                            if (_bodyData[depthIndex] != 0xff)

                    for (int b = 0; b < Constants.BYTES_PER_PIXEL; ++b)
                        Pixels[ci + b] = 0;

        public ColorPointCloud(ColorFrame iColorFrame, DepthFrame iDepthFrame, BodyIndexFrame iBodyIndexFrame, CoordinateMapper iCoordinateMapper)
            TimeStamp = DateTime.Now;

            Width  = iDepthFrame.FrameDescription.Width;
            Height = iDepthFrame.FrameDescription.Height;
            var depthData = new ushort[Width * Height];

            //BodyData = new int[Width * Height];


            var bodyData = new byte[Width * Height];


            var colorWidth  = iColorFrame.FrameDescription.Width;
            var colorHeight = iColorFrame.FrameDescription.Height;
            var colorData   = new byte[colorWidth * colorHeight * KinectConstants.BYTES_PER_PIXEL];

            if (iColorFrame.RawColorImageFormat == ColorImageFormat.Bgra)
                iColorFrame.CopyConvertedFrameDataToArray(colorData, ColorImageFormat.Bgra);

            var colorPoints = new ColorSpacePoint[Width * Height];

            iCoordinateMapper.MapDepthFrameToColorSpace(depthData, colorPoints);

            var displayPixels = new byte[Width * Height * KinectConstants.BYTES_PER_PIXEL];

            Array.Clear(displayPixels, 0, displayPixels.Length);

            var bodyDataBool          = new bool[Width * Height];
            var colorDataWithoutAlpha = new byte[Width * Height * 3];

            for (var y = 0; y < Height; ++y)
                for (var x = 0; x < Width; ++x)
                    var depthIndex = (y * Width) + x;

                    var player = bodyData[depthIndex];

                    if (player != 0xff)
                        bodyDataBool[depthIndex] = true;

                        var colorPoint = colorPoints[depthIndex];

                        var colorX = (int)Math.Floor(colorPoint.X + 0.5);
                        var colorY = (int)Math.Floor(colorPoint.Y + 0.5);

                        if ((colorX >= 0) && (colorX < colorWidth) && (colorY >= 0) && (colorY < colorHeight))
                            var colorIndex   = ((colorY * colorWidth) + colorX) * KinectConstants.BYTES_PER_PIXEL;
                            var displayIndex = depthIndex * KinectConstants.BYTES_PER_PIXEL;

                            displayPixels[displayIndex + 0] = colorData[colorIndex];     // B
                            displayPixels[displayIndex + 1] = colorData[colorIndex + 1]; // G
                            displayPixels[displayIndex + 2] = colorData[colorIndex + 2]; // R
                            displayPixels[displayIndex + 3] = 0xff;                      // Alpha

                            var colorDataIndex = depthIndex * 3;
                            colorDataWithoutAlpha[colorDataIndex + 0] = colorData[colorIndex + 0];
                            colorDataWithoutAlpha[colorDataIndex + 1] = colorData[colorIndex + 1];
                            colorDataWithoutAlpha[colorDataIndex + 2] = colorData[colorIndex + 2];

            DisplayPixels = displayPixels;

            BodyData  = bodyDataBool;
            DepthData = depthData;
            ColorData = colorDataWithoutAlpha;
        /// <summary>
        /// Converts a depth frame to the corresponding System.Windows.Media.Imaging.BitmapSource and removes the background (green-screen effect).
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="depthFrame">The specified depth frame.</param>
        /// <param name="colorFrame">The specified color frame.</param>
        /// <param name="bodyIndexFrame">The specified body index frame.</param>
        /// <returns>The corresponding System.Windows.Media.Imaging.BitmapSource representation of image.</returns>
        public Bitmap GreenScreen(ColorFrame colorFrame, DepthFrame depthFrame, BodyIndexFrame bodyIndexFrame)
            int colorWidth = colorFrame.FrameDescription.Width;
            int colorHeight = colorFrame.FrameDescription.Height;

            int depthWidth = depthFrame.FrameDescription.Width;
            int depthHeight = depthFrame.FrameDescription.Height;

            int bodyIndexWidth = bodyIndexFrame.FrameDescription.Width;
            int bodyIndexHeight = bodyIndexFrame.FrameDescription.Height;

            if (_displayPixels == null)
                _depthData = new ushort[depthWidth * depthHeight];
                _bodyData = new byte[depthWidth * depthHeight];
                _colorData = new byte[colorWidth * colorHeight * Constants.BYTES_PER_PIXEL];
                _displayPixels = new byte[depthWidth * depthHeight * Constants.BYTES_PER_PIXEL];
                _colorPoints = new ColorSpacePoint[depthWidth * depthHeight];
                _bitmap = new Bitmap(depthWidth, depthHeight, Constants.FORMAT);

            if (((depthWidth * depthHeight) == _depthData.Length) && ((colorWidth * colorHeight * Constants.BYTES_PER_PIXEL) == _colorData.Length) && ((bodyIndexWidth * bodyIndexHeight) == _bodyData.Length))

                if (colorFrame.RawColorImageFormat == ColorImageFormat.Bgra)
                    colorFrame.CopyConvertedFrameDataToArray(_colorData, ColorImageFormat.Bgra);


                CoordinateMapper.MapDepthFrameToColorSpace(_depthData, _colorPoints);

                Array.Clear(_displayPixels, 0, _displayPixels.Length);

                for (int y = 0; y < depthHeight; ++y)
                    for (int x = 0; x < depthWidth; ++x)
                        int depthIndex = (y * depthWidth) + x;

                        byte player = _bodyData[depthIndex];

                        if (player != 0xff)
                            ColorSpacePoint colorPoint = _colorPoints[depthIndex];

                            int colorX = (int)Math.Floor(colorPoint.X + 0.5);
                            int colorY = (int)Math.Floor(colorPoint.Y + 0.5);

                            if ((colorX >= 0) && (colorX < colorWidth) && (colorY >= 0) && (colorY < colorHeight))
                                int colorIndex = ((colorY * colorWidth) + colorX) * Constants.BYTES_PER_PIXEL;
                                int displayIndex = depthIndex * Constants.BYTES_PER_PIXEL;

                                _displayPixels[displayIndex + 0] = _colorData[colorIndex];
                                _displayPixels[displayIndex + 1] = _colorData[colorIndex + 1];
                                _displayPixels[displayIndex + 2] = _colorData[colorIndex + 2];
                                _displayPixels[displayIndex + 3] = 0xff;

                BitmapData bitmapData = _bitmap.LockBits(new Rectangle(0, 0, depthWidth, depthHeight), ImageLockMode.ReadWrite, _bitmap.PixelFormat);
                Marshal.Copy(_displayPixels, 0, bitmapData.Scan0, _displayPixels.Length);


            return _bitmap;
        /// <summary>
        /// Converts a depth frame to the corresponding System.Windows.Media.Imaging.BitmapSource and removes the background (green-screen effect).
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="depthFrame">The specified depth frame.</param>
        /// <param name="colorFrame">The specified color frame.</param>
        /// <param name="bodyIndexFrame">The specified body index frame.</param>
        /// <returns>The corresponding System.Windows.Media.Imaging.BitmapSource representation of image.</returns>
        public BitmapSource GreenScreen(ColorFrame colorFrame, DepthFrame depthFrame, BodyIndexFrame bodyIndexFrame)
            int colorWidth = colorFrame.FrameDescription.Width;
            int colorHeight = colorFrame.FrameDescription.Height;

            int depthWidth = depthFrame.FrameDescription.Width;
            int depthHeight = depthFrame.FrameDescription.Height;

            int bodyIndexWidth = bodyIndexFrame.FrameDescription.Width;
            int bodyIndexHeight = bodyIndexFrame.FrameDescription.Height;

            if (_displayPixels == null)
                _depthData = new ushort[depthWidth * depthHeight];
                _bodyData = new byte[depthWidth * depthHeight];
                _colorData = new byte[colorWidth * colorHeight * BYTES_PER_PIXEL];
                _displayPixels = new byte[depthWidth * depthHeight * BYTES_PER_PIXEL];
                _colorPoints = new ColorSpacePoint[depthWidth * depthHeight];
                _bitmap = new WriteableBitmap(depthWidth, depthHeight, DPI, DPI, FORMAT, null);

            if (((depthWidth * depthHeight) == _depthData.Length) && ((colorWidth * colorHeight * BYTES_PER_PIXEL) == _colorData.Length) && ((bodyIndexWidth * bodyIndexHeight) == _bodyData.Length))

                if (colorFrame.RawColorImageFormat == ColorImageFormat.Bgra)
                    colorFrame.CopyConvertedFrameDataToArray(_colorData, ColorImageFormat.Bgra);


                _coordinateMapper.MapDepthFrameToColorSpace(_depthData, _colorPoints);

                Array.Clear(_displayPixels, 0, _displayPixels.Length);

                for (int y = 0; y < depthHeight; ++y)
                    for (int x = 0; x < depthWidth; ++x)
                        int depthIndex = (y * depthWidth) + x;

                        byte player = _bodyData[depthIndex];

                        if (player != 0xff)
                            ColorSpacePoint colorPoint = _colorPoints[depthIndex];

                            int colorX = (int)Math.Floor(colorPoint.X + 0.5);
                            int colorY = (int)Math.Floor(colorPoint.Y + 0.5);

                            if ((colorX >= 0) && (colorX < colorWidth) && (colorY >= 0) && (colorY < colorHeight))
                                int colorIndex = ((colorY * colorWidth) + colorX) * BYTES_PER_PIXEL;
                                int displayIndex = depthIndex * BYTES_PER_PIXEL;

                                _displayPixels[displayIndex + 0] = 255;
                                _displayPixels[displayIndex + 1] = 255;
                                _displayPixels[displayIndex + 2] = 255;
                                _displayPixels[displayIndex + 3] = 127;
                                // 79 195 247


                Marshal.Copy(_displayPixels, 0, _bitmap.BackBuffer, _displayPixels.Length);
                _bitmap.AddDirtyRect(new Int32Rect(0, 0, depthWidth, depthHeight));


            return _bitmap;
        private void Reader_MultiSourceFrameArrived(object sender, MultiSourceFrameArrivedEventArgs e)
            int depthWidth  = 0;
            int depthHeight = 0;

            int colorWidth  = 0;
            int colorHeight = 0;

            int bodyIndexWidth  = 0;
            int bodyIndexHeight = 0;

            bool multiSourceFrameProcessed = false;
            bool colorFrameProcessed       = false;
            bool depthFrameProcessed       = false;
            bool bodyIndexFrameProcessed   = false;

            MultiSourceFrame multiSourceFrame = e.FrameReference.AcquireFrame();

            if (multiSourceFrame != null)
                // Frame Acquisition should always occur first when using multiSourceFrameReader
                using (DepthFrame depthFrame = multiSourceFrame.DepthFrameReference.AcquireFrame())
                    using (ColorFrame colorFrame = multiSourceFrame.ColorFrameReference.AcquireFrame())
                        using (BodyIndexFrame bodyIndexFrame = multiSourceFrame.BodyIndexFrameReference.AcquireFrame())
                            if (depthFrame != null)
                                FrameDescription depthFrameDescription = depthFrame.FrameDescription;
                                depthWidth  = depthFrameDescription.Width;
                                depthHeight = depthFrameDescription.Height;

                                if ((depthWidth * depthHeight) == depthFrameData.Length)

                                    depthFrameProcessed = true;

                            if (colorFrame != null)
                                FrameDescription colorFrameDescription = colorFrame.FrameDescription;
                                colorWidth  = colorFrameDescription.Width;
                                colorHeight = colorFrameDescription.Height;

                                if ((colorWidth * colorHeight * bytesPerPixel) == colorFrameData.Length)
                                    if (colorFrame.RawColorImageFormat == ColorImageFormat.Bgra)
                                        colorFrame.CopyConvertedFrameDataToArray(colorFrameData, ColorImageFormat.Bgra);

                                    colorFrameProcessed = true;

                            if (bodyIndexFrame != null)
                                FrameDescription bodyIndexFrameDescription = bodyIndexFrame.FrameDescription;
                                bodyIndexWidth  = bodyIndexFrameDescription.Width;
                                bodyIndexHeight = bodyIndexFrameDescription.Height;

                                if ((bodyIndexWidth * bodyIndexHeight) == bodyIndexFrameData.Length)

                                    bodyIndexFrameProcessed = true;

                            multiSourceFrameProcessed = true;

            // we got all frames
            if (multiSourceFrameProcessed && depthFrameProcessed && colorFrameProcessed && bodyIndexFrameProcessed)
                coordinateMapper.MapDepthFrameToColorSpace(depthFrameData, colorPoints);

                Array.Clear(displayPixels, 0, displayPixels.Length);

                // loop over each row and column of the depth
                for (int y = 0; y < depthHeight; ++y)
                    for (int x = 0; x < depthWidth; ++x)
                        // calculate index into depth array
                        int depthIndex = (y * depthWidth) + x;

                        byte player = bodyIndexFrameData[depthIndex];

                        // if we're tracking a player for the current pixel, sets its color and alpha to full
                        if (player != 0xff)
                            // retrieve the depth to color mapping for the current depth pixel
                            ColorSpacePoint colorPoint = colorPoints[depthIndex];

                            // make sure the depth pixel maps to a valid point in color space
                            int colorX = (int)Math.Floor(colorPoint.X + 0.5);
                            int colorY = (int)Math.Floor(colorPoint.Y + 0.5);
                            if ((colorX >= 0) && (colorX < colorWidth) && (colorY >= 0) && (colorY < colorHeight))
                                // calculate index into color array
                                int colorIndex = ((colorY * colorWidth) + colorX) * bytesPerPixel;

                                // set source for copy to the color pixel
                                int displayIndex = depthIndex * bytesPerPixel;

                                // write out blue byte
                                this.displayPixels[displayIndex++] = colorFrameData[colorIndex++];

                                // write out green byte
                                this.displayPixels[displayIndex++] = colorFrameData[colorIndex++];

                                // write out red byte
                                this.displayPixels[displayIndex++] = colorFrameData[colorIndex];

                                // write out alpha byte
                                this.displayPixels[displayIndex] = 0xff;
        private void ProcessFrames(DepthFrame depthFrame, ColorFrame colorFrame, BodyIndexFrame bodyIndexFrame, BodyFrame bodyFrame)

            FrameDescription depthFrameDescription = depthFrame.FrameDescription;
            FrameDescription colorFrameDescription = colorFrame.FrameDescription;
            FrameDescription bodyIndexFrameDescription = bodyIndexFrame.FrameDescription;

            int bodyIndexWidth = bodyIndexFrameDescription.Width;
            int bodyIndexHeight = bodyIndexFrameDescription.Height;

            // The ImageModel object is used to transfer Kinect data into the DataFlow rotunies. 
            ImageModel imageModel = new ImageModel()
                DepthWidth = depthFrameDescription.Width,
                DepthHeight = depthFrameDescription.Height,
                ColorWidth = colorFrameDescription.Width,
                ColorHeight = colorFrameDescription.Height,
                ShowTrails = _vm.LeaveTrails,
                PersonFill = _vm.PersonFill,
                MaxDistance = _vm.BackgroundDistance
            imageModel.ColorFrameData = new byte[imageModel.ColorWidth * imageModel.ColorHeight * this.bytesPerPixel];

            imageModel.DisplayPixels = new byte[_PreviousFrameDisplayPixels.Length];
            imageModel.BodyIndexFrameData = new byte[imageModel.DepthWidth * imageModel.DepthHeight];
            imageModel.ColorPoints = new ColorSpacePoint[imageModel.DepthWidth * imageModel.DepthHeight];
            imageModel.BytesPerPixel = bytesPerPixel;
            imageModel.Bodies = new Body[this.kinectSensor.BodyFrameSource.BodyCount];
            imageModel.DepthData = new ushort[imageModel.DepthWidth * imageModel.DepthHeight];
            if (colorFrame.RawColorImageFormat == ColorImageFormat.Bgra)
                colorFrame.CopyConvertedFrameDataToArray(imageModel.ColorFrameData, ColorImageFormat.Bgra);
            imageModel.PixelFormat = PixelFormats.Bgra32;

            _ColorBitmap.WritePixels(new Int32Rect(0, 0, imageModel.ColorWidth, imageModel.ColorHeight),
                                          imageModel.ColorWidth * imageModel.BytesPerPixel,

            //RenderTargetBitmap renderBitmap = new RenderTargetBitmap((int)CompositeImage.ActualWidth, (int)CompositeImage.ActualHeight, 96.0, 96.0, PixelFormats.Pbgra32);
            //DrawingVisual dv = new DrawingVisual();
            //VisualBrush brush = new VisualBrush(CompositeImage);

            //foreach(Body body in _bodies)
            //    if (body.IsTracked)
            //    {
            //        Joint joint = body.Joints[JointType.HandRight];
            //        using (DrawingContext dc = dv.RenderOpen())
            //        {

            //            dc.DrawRectangle(brush, null, new Rect(new Point(), new Size(CompositeImage.ActualWidth, CompositeImage.ActualHeight)));
            //            ImageBrush brush2 = new ImageBrush(_pointerBitmap);
            //            brush2.Opacity = 1.0;
            //            dc.DrawRectangle(brush2, null, new Rect(new Point(0, CompositeImage.ActualHeight - _Overlay.Height), new Size(_pointerBitmap.Width, _pointerBitmap.Height)));
            //        }
            //    }


            ImagePreview.Source = _ColorBitmap;


            this.coordinateMapper.MapDepthFrameToColorSpace(DepthFrameData, imageModel.ColorPoints);

            if (_vm.LeaveTrails)
                Array.Copy(this._PreviousFrameDisplayPixels, imageModel.DisplayPixels, this._PreviousFrameDisplayPixels.Length);

                //Send the imageModel to the DataFlow transformer
            catch (Exception ex)

        /// <summary>
        /// Updates the bitmap with new frame data.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="depthFrame">The specified depth frame.</param>
        /// <param name="colorFrame">The specified color frame.</param>
        /// <param name="bodyIndexFrame">The specified body index frame.</param>
        public void Update(ColorFrame colorFrame, DepthFrame depthFrame, BodyIndexFrame bodyIndexFrame)
            int colorWidth  = colorFrame.FrameDescription.Width;
            int colorHeight = colorFrame.FrameDescription.Height;

            int depthWidth  = depthFrame.FrameDescription.Width;
            int depthHeight = depthFrame.FrameDescription.Height;

            int bodyIndexWidth  = bodyIndexFrame.FrameDescription.Width;
            int bodyIndexHeight = bodyIndexFrame.FrameDescription.Height;

            if (_displayPixels == null)
                _depthData     = new ushort[depthWidth * depthHeight];
                _bodyData      = new byte[depthWidth * depthHeight];
                _colorData     = new byte[colorWidth * colorHeight * Constants.BYTES_PER_PIXEL];
                _displayPixels = new byte[depthWidth * depthHeight * Constants.BYTES_PER_PIXEL];
                _colorPoints   = new ColorSpacePoint[depthWidth * depthHeight];
                Bitmap         = new WriteableBitmap(depthWidth, depthHeight, Constants.DPI, Constants.DPI, Constants.FORMAT, null);

            if (((depthWidth * depthHeight) == _depthData.Length) && ((colorWidth * colorHeight * Constants.BYTES_PER_PIXEL) == _colorData.Length) && ((bodyIndexWidth * bodyIndexHeight) == _bodyData.Length))

                if (colorFrame.RawColorImageFormat == ColorImageFormat.Bgra)
                    colorFrame.CopyConvertedFrameDataToArray(_colorData, ColorImageFormat.Bgra);


                CoordinateMapper.MapDepthFrameToColorSpace(_depthData, _colorPoints);

                Array.Clear(_displayPixels, 0, _displayPixels.Length);

                for (int y = 0; y < depthHeight; ++y)
                    for (int x = 0; x < depthWidth; ++x)
                        int depthIndex = (y * depthWidth) + x;

                        byte player = _bodyData[depthIndex];

                        if (player != 0xff)
                            ColorSpacePoint colorPoint = _colorPoints[depthIndex];

                            int colorX = (int)Math.Floor(colorPoint.X + 0.5);
                            int colorY = (int)Math.Floor(colorPoint.Y + 0.5);

                            if ((colorX >= 0) && (colorX < colorWidth) && (colorY >= 0) && (colorY < colorHeight))
                                int colorIndex   = ((colorY * colorWidth) + colorX) * Constants.BYTES_PER_PIXEL;
                                int displayIndex = depthIndex * Constants.BYTES_PER_PIXEL;

                                _displayPixels[displayIndex + 0] = _colorData[colorIndex];
                                _displayPixels[displayIndex + 1] = _colorData[colorIndex + 1];
                                _displayPixels[displayIndex + 2] = _colorData[colorIndex + 2];
                                _displayPixels[displayIndex + 3] = 0xff;


                Marshal.Copy(Pixels, 0, Bitmap.BackBuffer, _displayPixels.Length);
                Bitmap.AddDirtyRect(new Int32Rect(0, 0, Width, Height));

        public BitmapSource GreenScreenCustom(ColorFrame colorFrame, DepthFrame depthFrame, BodyIndexFrame bodyIndexFrame)

            ushort[]          _depthData        = null;
            byte[]            _bodyData         = null;
            byte[]            _colorData        = null;
            byte[]            _displayPixels    = null;
            ColorSpacePoint[] _colorPoints      = null;
            CoordinateMapper  _coordinateMapper = _sensor.CoordinateMapper;

            int         BYTES_PER_PIXEL = (PixelFormats.Bgr32.BitsPerPixel + 7) / 8;
            PixelFormat FORMAT          = PixelFormats.Bgra32;
            double      DPI             = 96.0;

            WriteableBitmap _bitmap = null;


            int colorWidth  = colorFrame.FrameDescription.Width;
            int colorHeight = colorFrame.FrameDescription.Height;

            int depthWidth  = depthFrame.FrameDescription.Width;
            int depthHeight = depthFrame.FrameDescription.Height;

            int bodyIndexWidth  = bodyIndexFrame.FrameDescription.Width;
            int bodyIndexHeight = bodyIndexFrame.FrameDescription.Height;

            if (_displayPixels == null)
                _depthData     = new ushort[depthWidth * depthHeight];
                _bodyData      = new byte[depthWidth * depthHeight];
                _colorData     = new byte[colorWidth * colorHeight * BYTES_PER_PIXEL];
                _displayPixels = new byte[depthWidth * depthHeight * BYTES_PER_PIXEL];
                _colorPoints   = new ColorSpacePoint[depthWidth * depthHeight];
                _bitmap        = new WriteableBitmap(depthWidth, depthHeight, DPI, DPI, FORMAT, null);

            if (((depthWidth * depthHeight) == _depthData.Length) && ((colorWidth * colorHeight * BYTES_PER_PIXEL) == _colorData.Length) && ((bodyIndexWidth * bodyIndexHeight) == _bodyData.Length))

                if (colorFrame.RawColorImageFormat == ColorImageFormat.Bgra)
                    colorFrame.CopyConvertedFrameDataToArray(_colorData, ColorImageFormat.Bgra);


                _coordinateMapper.MapDepthFrameToColorSpace(_depthData, _colorPoints);

                Array.Clear(_displayPixels, 0, _displayPixels.Length);
                Array.Clear(rarray_final, 0, rarray_final.Length);
                Array.Clear(garray_final, 0, rarray_final.Length);
                Array.Clear(barray_final, 0, rarray_final.Length);

                for (int y = 0; y < depthHeight; ++y)
                    for (int x = 0; x < depthWidth; ++x)
                        int depthIndex = (y * depthWidth) + x;

                        byte player = _bodyData[depthIndex];

                        if (player != 0xff)
                            ColorSpacePoint colorPoint = _colorPoints[depthIndex];

                            int colorX = (int)Math.Floor(colorPoint.X + 0.5);
                            int colorY = (int)Math.Floor(colorPoint.Y + 0.5);

                            if ((colorX >= 0) && (colorX < colorWidth) && (colorY >= 0) && (colorY < colorHeight))
                                int colorIndex   = ((colorY * colorWidth) + colorX) * BYTES_PER_PIXEL;
                                int displayIndex = depthIndex * BYTES_PER_PIXEL;

                                _displayPixels[displayIndex + 0] = _colorData[colorIndex];
                                _displayPixels[displayIndex + 1] = _colorData[colorIndex + 1];
                                _displayPixels[displayIndex + 2] = _colorData[colorIndex + 2];
                                _displayPixels[displayIndex + 3] = 0xff;

                                barray_final[y, x] = _colorData[colorIndex];
                                garray_final[y, x] = _colorData[colorIndex + 1];
                                rarray_final[y, x] = _colorData[colorIndex + 2];

                                // For ROS

                                _finaldisplayPixels[displayIndex + 0] = _colorData[colorIndex + 2];
                                _finaldisplayPixels[displayIndex + 1] = _colorData[colorIndex + 1];
                                _finaldisplayPixels[displayIndex + 2] = _colorData[colorIndex];
                                _finaldisplayPixels[displayIndex + 3] = 0xff;


                Marshal.Copy(_displayPixels, 0, _bitmap.BackBuffer, _displayPixels.Length);
                _bitmap.AddDirtyRect(new Int32Rect(0, 0, depthWidth, depthHeight));


 static unsafe void BodyIndexFrameReady(BodyIndexFrame frame)
        public void GreenScreen(ColorFrame colorFrame, DepthFrame depthFrame, BodyIndexFrame bodyIndexFrame) //from https://github.com/Vangos/kinect-2-background-removal
            var colorWidth = colorFrame.FrameDescription.Width;
            var colorHeight = colorFrame.FrameDescription.Height;

            var depthWidth = depthFrame.FrameDescription.Width;
            var depthHeight = depthFrame.FrameDescription.Height;

            var bodyIndexWidth = bodyIndexFrame.FrameDescription.Width;
            var bodyIndexHeight = bodyIndexFrame.FrameDescription.Height;

            if (_displayPixels == null)
                _depthData = new ushort[depthWidth*depthHeight];
                _bodyData = new byte[depthWidth*depthHeight];
                _colorData = new byte[colorWidth*colorHeight*_bytesPerPixel];
                _displayPixels = new byte[depthWidth*depthHeight*_bytesPerPixel];
                _colorPoints = new ColorSpacePoint[depthWidth*depthHeight];

            if (((depthWidth*depthHeight) != _depthData.Length) ||
                ((colorWidth*colorHeight*_bytesPerPixel) != _colorData.Length) ||
                ((bodyIndexWidth*bodyIndexHeight) != _bodyData.Length)) return;


            if (colorFrame.RawColorImageFormat == ColorImageFormat.Bgra)
                colorFrame.CopyConvertedFrameDataToArray(_colorData, ColorImageFormat.Bgra);


            _coordinateMapper.MapDepthFrameToColorSpace(_depthData, _colorPoints);

            Array.Clear(_displayPixels, 0, _displayPixels.Length);

            for (var y = 0; y < depthHeight; ++y)
                for (var x = 0; x < depthWidth; ++x)
                    var depthIndex = (y*depthWidth) + x;

                    var player = _bodyData[depthIndex];

                    if (player == 0xff) continue;
                    var colorPoint = _colorPoints[depthIndex];

                    var colorX = (int) Math.Floor(colorPoint.X + 0.5);
                    var colorY = (int) Math.Floor(colorPoint.Y + 0.5);

                    if ((colorX < 0) || (colorX >= colorWidth) || (colorY < 0) || (colorY >= colorHeight)) continue;
                    var colorIndex = ((colorY*colorWidth) + colorX)*_bytesPerPixel;
                    var displayIndex = depthIndex*_bytesPerPixel;

                    _displayPixels[displayIndex + 0] = _colorData[colorIndex];
                    _displayPixels[displayIndex + 1] = _colorData[colorIndex + 1];
                    _displayPixels[displayIndex + 2] = _colorData[colorIndex + 2];
                    _displayPixels[displayIndex + 3] = 0xff;

            Array.Clear(BufBytes, 0, BufBytes.Length); //Zerofill array
            for (var d = 0; d < _displayPixels.Count(); d++)
                if (_displayPixels[d] != 0)
                    BufBytes[d] = MainWindow.InfraPixels[d];
        /// <summary>
        /// Updates the bitmap with new frame data.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="depthFrame">The specified depth frame.</param>
        /// <param name="colorFrame">The specified color frame.</param>
        /// <param name="bodyIndexFrame">The specified body index frame.</param>
        override public void Update(ColorFrame colorFrame, DepthFrame depthFrame, BodyIndexFrame bodyIndexFrame)
            int colorWidth  = colorFrame.FrameDescription.Width;
            int colorHeight = colorFrame.FrameDescription.Height;

            int depthWidth  = depthFrame.FrameDescription.Width;
            int depthHeight = depthFrame.FrameDescription.Height;

            int bodyIndexWidth  = bodyIndexFrame.FrameDescription.Width;
            int bodyIndexHeight = bodyIndexFrame.FrameDescription.Height;

            if (Bitmap == null)
                InitBuffers(colorFrame.FrameDescription, depthFrame.FrameDescription, bodyIndexFrame.FrameDescription);

            if (((depthWidth * depthHeight) == _depthData.Length) && ((colorWidth * colorHeight * Constants.BYTES_PER_PIXEL) == _colorData.Length) && ((bodyIndexWidth * bodyIndexHeight) == _bodyData.Length))

                if (colorFrame.RawColorImageFormat == ColorImageFormat.Bgra)
                    colorFrame.CopyConvertedFrameDataToArray(_colorData, ColorImageFormat.Bgra);


                CoordinateMapper.MapDepthFrameToColorSpace(_depthData, _colorPoints);

                Array.Clear(Pixels, 0, Pixels.Length);

                for (int y = 0; y < depthHeight; ++y)
                    for (int x = 0; x < depthWidth; ++x)
                        int depthIndex = (y * depthWidth) + x;

                        if (_bodyData[depthIndex] != 0xff)
                            ColorSpacePoint colorPoint = _colorPoints[depthIndex];

                            int colorX = (int)(colorPoint.X + 0.5);
                            int colorY = (int)(colorPoint.Y + 0.5);

                            if ((colorX >= 0) && (colorX < colorWidth) && (colorY >= 0) && (colorY < colorHeight))
                                int colorIndex   = ((colorY * colorWidth) + colorX) * Constants.BYTES_PER_PIXEL;
                                int displayIndex = depthIndex * Constants.BYTES_PER_PIXEL;

                                for (int b = 0; b < Constants.BYTES_PER_PIXEL; ++b)
                                    Pixels[displayIndex + b] = _colorData[colorIndex + b];

        /// <summary>
        /// Converts a depth frame to the corresponding System.Windows.Media.Imaging.BitmapSource with the players highlighted.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="depthFrame">The specified depth frame.</param>
        /// <param name="bodyIndexFrame">The specified body index frame.</param>
        /// <returns>The corresponding System.Windows.Media.Imaging.BitmapSource representation of the depth frame.</returns>
        public static BitmapSource ToBitmap(this DepthFrame depthFrame, BodyIndexFrame bodyIndexFrame)
            ushort minDepth = depthFrame.DepthMinReliableDistance;
            ushort maxDepth = depthFrame.DepthMaxReliableDistance;

            if (_bodyData == null)
                _width = depthFrame.FrameDescription.Width;
                _height = depthFrame.FrameDescription.Height;
                _depthData = new ushort[_width * _height];
                _bodyData = new byte[_width * _height];
                _pixels = new byte[_width * _height * Constants.BYTES_PER_PIXEL];
                _bitmap = new WriteableBitmap(_width, _height, Constants.DPI, Constants.DPI, Constants.FORMAT, null);


            // Convert the depth to RGB
            for (int depthIndex = 0, colorPixelIndex = 0; depthIndex < _depthData.Length && colorPixelIndex < _pixels.Length; depthIndex++, colorPixelIndex += 4)
                // Get the depth for this pixel
                ushort depth = _depthData[depthIndex];
                byte player = _bodyData[depthIndex];

                // To convert to a byte, we're discarding the most-significant
                // rather than least-significant bits.
                // We're preserving detail, although the intensity will "wrap."
                // Values outside the reliable depth range are mapped to 0 (black).
                byte intensity = (byte)(depth >= minDepth && depth <= maxDepth ? depth : 0);

                if (player != 0xff)
                    // Color player gold.
                    _pixels[colorPixelIndex + 0] = Colors.Gold.B; // B
                    _pixels[colorPixelIndex + 1] = Colors.Gold.G; // G
                    _pixels[colorPixelIndex + 2] = Colors.Gold.R; // R
                    // Color the rest of the image in grayscale.
                    _pixels[colorPixelIndex + 0] = intensity; // B
                    _pixels[colorPixelIndex + 1] = intensity; // G
                    _pixels[colorPixelIndex + 2] = intensity; // R


            Marshal.Copy(_pixels, 0, _bitmap.BackBuffer, _pixels.Length);
            _bitmap.AddDirtyRect(new Int32Rect(0, 0, _width, _height));


            return _bitmap;