        public override void Flush()
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(UnwrittenCharactersFromPreviousCall))
                string finalContentToWrite = UnwrittenCharactersFromPreviousCall;

                if (BodyEndRegex.IsMatch(UnwrittenCharactersFromPreviousCall))
                    // apparently we did seem to match a </body> tag, which means we can replace the last match with our HTML snippet
                    finalContentToWrite = BodyEndRegex.Replace(UnwrittenCharactersFromPreviousCall, HtmlSnippet, 1);
                    // there was no </body> tag found, so we write down a warning to the log
                    Logger.Warn("Unable to locate '</body>' with content encoding '{0}' for request '{1}'. The response may be compressed or the markup may actually be missing a '</body>' tag. See {2} for information on troubleshooting this issue.", ContentEncoding.EncodingName, CurrentRequestRawUrl, TroubleshootingDocsUri);

                // either way, if a replacement has been done or a warning has been written to the logs, the remaining unwritten characters must be written to the output stream
