        private void LoadPhysics()
            BufferPool = new BufferPool();

            Radii = new List <float>();

            SphereHandles = new List <BodyHandle>();

            var targetThreadCount = Math.Max(1,
                                             Environment.ProcessorCount > 4 ? Environment.ProcessorCount - 2 : Environment.ProcessorCount - 1);

            ThreadDispatcher = new SimpleThreadDispatcher(targetThreadCount);

            Simulation = Simulation.Create(BufferPool, new NarrowPhaseCallbacks(),
                                           new PoseIntegratorCallbacks(new NumericVector3(0, -500, 0)), new PositionFirstTimestepper());

            //     Simulation.Statics.Add(new StaticDescription(new NumericVector3(0, 0, 0),
            //new CollidableDescription(Simulation.Shapes.Add(new Box(2000, 100, 5000)), 1)));
            //  for (int i=0;i<MatrixWorld.Count;i++)
            //  {
            //      Matrix world = MatrixWorld[i];
            //      Simulation.Statics.Add(new StaticDescription(new NumericVector3(world.Translation.X, world.Translation.Y, world.Translation.Z),
            //     new CollidableDescription(Simulation.Shapes.Add(new Box(200, 100, 500)), 1)));
            //  }
            //Simulation.Statics.Add(new StaticDescription(new NumericVector3(0, -20, 0),
            //  new CollidableDescription(Simulation.Shapes.Add(new Box(200, 100, 500)), 1)));

            //Simulation.Statics.Add(new StaticDescription(new NumericVector3(9, 28, 200), new CollidableDescription(Simulation.Shapes.Add(new Sphere(2f)),1)));
            //Simulation.Statics.Add(new StaticDescription(new ))

            /* for (int i = 0; i < MatrixWorld.Count(); i++)
             * {
             *   Simulation.Statics.Add(new StaticDescription(MatrixWorld[i].))
             *   Floor.Draw(MatrixWorld[i], Camera.View, Camera.Projection);
             * }*/

            //Simulation.Statics.Add(new StaticDescription(new NumericVector3(0, -20, 0), new CollidableDescription(Simulation.Shapes.Add(
            //  new Box(2000, 100, 2000)), 1)));
            SpheresWorld = new List <Matrix>();

            var radius          = 5f;
            var sphereShape     = new Sphere(radius);
            var position        = Vector3Utils.toNumeric(PlayerInitialPosition);
            var bodyDescription = BodyDescription.CreateConvexDynamic(position, 1 / radius * radius * radius,
                                                                      Simulation.Shapes, sphereShape);

            var bodyHandle = Simulation.Bodies.Add(bodyDescription);


        public override void Initialize(ContentArchive content, Camera camera)
            camera.Position = new Vector3(0, 4, -6);
            camera.Yaw      = MathHelper.Pi;

            Simulation = Simulation.Create(BufferPool, new DemoNarrowPhaseCallbacks(), new DemoPoseIntegratorCallbacks(new Vector3(0, 0, 0)));

            Simulation.Bodies.Add(BodyDescription.CreateConvexKinematic(new Vector3(), Simulation.Shapes, new Box(3, 1, 4)));
            Simulation.Bodies.Add(BodyDescription.CreateConvexDynamic(new Vector3(0, 1.1f, 0), 1, Simulation.Shapes, new Box(2, 1, 3)));
        public override void Initialize(ContentArchive content, Camera camera)
            camera.Position = new Vector3(0, 2, -5);
            camera.Yaw      = MathHelper.Pi;
            camera.Pitch    = 0;

            //Note the lack of damping- we want the gyroscope to keep spinning.
            Simulation = Simulation.Create(BufferPool, new DemoNarrowPhaseCallbacks(), new GyroscopicIntegratorCallbacks(new Vector3(0, -10, 0), 0f, 0f), new SubsteppingTimestepper(4), 2);

            Simulation.Statics.Add(new StaticDescription(new Vector3(), new CollidableDescription(Simulation.Shapes.Add(new Box(100, 1, 100)), 0.1f)));

            var gyroBaseBody    = Simulation.Bodies.Add(BodyDescription.CreateConvexKinematic(new Vector3(0, 2, 0), Simulation.Shapes, new Box(.1f, 4, .1f)));
            var gyroSpinnerBody = Simulation.Bodies.Add(BodyDescription.CreateConvexDynamic(new Vector3(2, 4, 0), new BodyVelocity(default, new Vector3(300, 0, 0)), 1, Simulation.Shapes, new Box(0.1f, 1f, 1f)));
        public override void Initialize(ContentArchive content, Camera camera)
            camera.Position = new Vector3(0, 5, 25);
            camera.Yaw      = 0;
            camera.Pitch    = 0;

            //The PositionFirstTimestepper is the simplest timestepping mode, but since it integrates velocity into position at the start of the frame, directly modified velocities outside of the timestep
            //will be integrated before collision detection or the solver has a chance to intervene. That's fine in this demo. Other built-in options include the PositionLastTimestepper and the SubsteppingTimestepper.
            //Note that the timestepper also has callbacks that you can use for executing logic between processing stages, like BeforeCollisionDetection.
            Simulation = Simulation.Create(BufferPool, new DemoNarrowPhaseCallbacks(), new DemoPoseIntegratorCallbacks(new Vector3(0, -10, 0)), new PositionFirstTimestepper());

            //Drop a pyramid on top of the sensor so there are more contacts to look at.
            var boxShape = new Box(1, 1, 1);

            boxShape.ComputeInertia(1, out var boxInertia);
            var boxIndex = Simulation.Shapes.Add(boxShape);

            const int rowCount = 20;

            for (int rowIndex = 0; rowIndex < rowCount; ++rowIndex)
                int columnCount = rowCount - rowIndex;
                for (int columnIndex = 0; columnIndex < columnCount; ++columnIndex)
                    Simulation.Bodies.Add(BodyDescription.CreateDynamic(new Vector3(
                                                                            (-columnCount * 0.5f + columnIndex) * boxShape.Width,
                                                                            (rowIndex + 0.5f) * boxShape.Height + 10, 0),
                                                                        new CollidableDescription(boxIndex, 0.1f),
                                                                        new BodyActivityDescription(0.01f)));

            sensorBodyHandle = Simulation.Bodies.Add(BodyDescription.CreateConvexDynamic(new Vector3(0, 0, 1), 10, Simulation.Shapes, new Box(4, 2, 6)));

            //Put a mesh under the sensor so that nonconvex contacts are shown.
            const int planeWidth  = 128;
            const int planeHeight = 128;

            DemoMeshHelper.CreateDeformedPlane(planeWidth, planeHeight,
                                               (int x, int y) =>
                return(new Vector3(x - planeWidth / 2, 1 * MathF.Cos(x / 2f) * MathF.Sin(y / 2f), y - planeHeight / 2));
            }, new Vector3(2, 1, 2), BufferPool, out var planeMesh);
            Simulation.Statics.Add(new StaticDescription(new Vector3(0, -2, 0), QuaternionEx.CreateFromAxisAngle(new Vector3(0, 1, 0), MathF.PI / 2),
                                                         new CollidableDescription(Simulation.Shapes.Add(planeMesh), 0.1f)));
        public override void Initialize(ContentArchive content, Camera camera)
            camera.Position = new Vector3(0, 5, 25);
            camera.Yaw      = 0;
            camera.Pitch    = 0;
            Simulation      = Simulation.Create(BufferPool, new DemoNarrowPhaseCallbacks(), new DemoPoseIntegratorCallbacks(new Vector3(0, -10, 0)));

            //Drop a pyramid on top of the sensor so there are more contacts to look at.
            var boxShape = new Box(1, 1, 1);

            boxShape.ComputeInertia(1, out var boxInertia);
            var boxIndex = Simulation.Shapes.Add(boxShape);

            const int rowCount = 20;

            for (int rowIndex = 0; rowIndex < rowCount; ++rowIndex)
                int columnCount = rowCount - rowIndex;
                for (int columnIndex = 0; columnIndex < columnCount; ++columnIndex)
                    Simulation.Bodies.Add(BodyDescription.CreateDynamic(new Vector3(
                                                                            (-columnCount * 0.5f + columnIndex) * boxShape.Width,
                                                                            (rowIndex + 0.5f) * boxShape.Height + 10, 0),
                                                                        new CollidableDescription(boxIndex, 0.1f),
                                                                        new BodyActivityDescription(0.01f)));

            sensorBodyHandle = Simulation.Bodies.Add(BodyDescription.CreateConvexDynamic(new Vector3(0, 0, 1), 10, Simulation.Shapes, new Box(4, 2, 6)));

            //Put a mesh under the sensor so that nonconvex contacts are shown.
            const int planeWidth  = 128;
            const int planeHeight = 128;

            DemoMeshHelper.CreateDeformedPlane(planeWidth, planeHeight,
                                               (int x, int y) =>
                return(new Vector3(x - planeWidth / 2, 1 * MathF.Cos(x / 2f) * MathF.Sin(y / 2f), y - planeHeight / 2));
            }, new Vector3(2, 1, 2), BufferPool, out var planeMesh);
            Simulation.Statics.Add(new StaticDescription(new Vector3(0, -2, 0), QuaternionEx.CreateFromAxisAngle(new Vector3(0, 1, 0), MathF.PI / 2),
                                                         new CollidableDescription(Simulation.Shapes.Add(planeMesh), 0.1f)));
        public unsafe override void Initialize(ContentArchive content, Camera camera)
            camera.Position = new Vector3(-5f, 5.5f, 5f);
            camera.Yaw      = MathHelper.Pi / 4;
            camera.Pitch    = MathHelper.Pi * 0.15f;

            var filters = new BodyProperty <DeformableCollisionFilter>();

            Simulation = Simulation.Create(BufferPool, new DeformableCallbacks {
                Filters = filters
            }, new DemoPoseIntegratorCallbacks(new Vector3(0, -10, 0)));

            var   meshContent = content.Load <MeshContent>("Content\\newt.obj");
            float cellSize    = 0.1f;

            DumbTetrahedralizer.Tetrahedralize(meshContent.Triangles, cellSize, BufferPool,
                                               out var vertices, out var vertexSpatialIndices, out var cellVertexIndices, out var tetrahedraVertexIndices);
            var weldSpringiness   = new SpringSettings(30f, 0);
            var volumeSpringiness = new SpringSettings(30f, 1);

            for (int i = 0; i < 5; ++i)
                NewtDemo.CreateDeformable(Simulation, new Vector3(i * 3, 5 + i * 1.5f, 0), Quaternion.CreateFromAxisAngle(new Vector3(1, 0, 0), MathF.PI * (i * 0.55f)), 1f, cellSize, weldSpringiness, volumeSpringiness, i, filters, ref vertices, ref vertexSpatialIndices, ref cellVertexIndices, ref tetrahedraVertexIndices);

            BufferPool.Return(ref vertices);
            BufferPool.Return(ref cellVertexIndices);
            BufferPool.Return(ref tetrahedraVertexIndices);

            Simulation.Bodies.Add(BodyDescription.CreateConvexDynamic(new Vector3(0, 100, -.5f), 10, Simulation.Shapes, new Sphere(5)));

            Simulation.Statics.Add(new StaticDescription(new Vector3(0, -0.5f, 0), new CollidableDescription(Simulation.Shapes.Add(new Box(1500, 1, 1500)), 0.1f)));
            Simulation.Statics.Add(new StaticDescription(new Vector3(0, -1.5f, 0), new CollidableDescription(Simulation.Shapes.Add(new Sphere(3)), 0.1f)));

            var bulletShape = new Sphere(0.5f);

            bulletShape.ComputeInertia(.25f, out var bulletInertia);
            bulletDescription = BodyDescription.CreateDynamic(RigidPose.Identity, bulletInertia, new CollidableDescription(Simulation.Shapes.Add(bulletShape), 1f), new BodyActivityDescription(0.01f));

            DemoMeshHelper.LoadModel(content, BufferPool, "Content\\newt.obj", new Vector3(20), out var mesh);
            Simulation.Statics.Add(new StaticDescription(new Vector3(200, 0.5f, 120), Quaternion.CreateFromAxisAngle(Vector3.UnitY, -3 * MathHelper.PiOver4), new CollidableDescription(Simulation.Shapes.Add(mesh), 0.1f)));
 public override void Update(Window window, Camera camera, Input input, float dt)
     if (input != null && input.WasPushed(OpenTK.Input.Key.Z))
         //Create the shape that we'll launch at the pyramids when the user presses a button.
         var bulletShape = new Sphere(6);
         //Note that the use of radius^3 for mass can produce some pretty serious mass ratios.
         //Observe what happens when a large ball sits on top of a few boxes with a fraction of the mass-
         //the collision appears much squishier and less stable. For most games, if you want to maintain rigidity, you'll want to use some combination of:
         //1) Limit the ratio of heavy object masses to light object masses when those heavy objects depend on the light objects.
         //2) Use a shorter timestep duration and update more frequently.
         //3) Use a greater number of solver iterations.
         //#2 and #3 can become very expensive. In pathological cases, it can end up slower than using a quality-focused solver for the same simulation.
         //Unfortunately, at the moment, bepuphysics v2 does not contain any alternative solvers, so if you can't afford to brute force the the problem away,
         //the best solution is to cheat as much as possible to avoid the corner cases.
         var bodyDescription = BodyDescription.CreateConvexDynamic(
             new Vector3(0, 8, -500), new BodyVelocity(new Vector3(0, 0, 110)), 50000, Simulation.Shapes, bulletShape);
     base.Update(window, camera, input, dt);
 public override void Update(Window window, Camera camera, Input input, float dt)
     if (frameIndex % 64 == 0)
         var bulletShape = new Sphere(0.5f + 5 * (float)random.NextDouble());
         bulletShape.ComputeInertia(bulletShape.Radius * bulletShape.Radius * bulletShape.Radius, out var bulletInertia);
         var bulletShapeIndex = Simulation.Shapes.Add(bulletShape);
         var bodyDescription  = BodyDescription.CreateConvexDynamic(
             new Vector3(0, 8, -130), new BodyVelocity(new Vector3(0, 0, 350)), bulletShape.Radius * bulletShape.Radius * bulletShape.Radius, Simulation.Shapes, bulletShape);
     if (frameIndex % 192 == 0)
         for (int i = 0; i < ThreadDispatcher.ThreadCount; ++i)
         Initialize(null, camera);
     base.Update(window, camera, input, dt);
        public unsafe override void Initialize(ContentArchive content, Camera camera)
            camera.Position = new Vector3(20, 10, 20);
            camera.Yaw      = MathF.PI;
            camera.Pitch    = 0;
            characters      = new CharacterControllers(BufferPool);
            Simulation      = Simulation.Create(BufferPool, new CharacterNarrowphaseCallbacks(characters), new DemoPoseIntegratorCallbacks(new Vector3(0, -10, 0)));

            CreateCharacter(new Vector3(0, 2, -4));

            //Create a bunch of legos to hurt your feet on.
            var random  = new Random(5);
            var origin  = new Vector3(-3f, 0.5f, 0);
            var spacing = new Vector3(0.5f, 0, -0.5f);

            for (int i = 0; i < 12; ++i)
                for (int j = 0; j < 12; ++j)
                    var position    = origin + new Vector3(i, 0, j) * spacing;
                    var orientation = QuaternionEx.CreateFromAxisAngle(Vector3.Normalize(new Vector3(0.0001f) + new Vector3((float)random.NextDouble(), (float)random.NextDouble(), (float)random.NextDouble())), 10 * (float)random.NextDouble());
                    var shape       = new Box(0.1f + 0.3f * (float)random.NextDouble(), 0.1f + 0.3f * (float)random.NextDouble(), 0.1f + 0.3f * (float)random.NextDouble());
                    var collidable  = new CollidableDescription(Simulation.Shapes.Add(shape), 0.1f);
                    shape.ComputeInertia(1, out var inertia);
                    var choice = (i + j) % 3;
                    switch (choice)
                    case 0:
                        Simulation.Bodies.Add(BodyDescription.CreateDynamic(new RigidPose(position, orientation), inertia, collidable, new BodyActivityDescription(0.01f)));

                    case 1:
                        Simulation.Bodies.Add(BodyDescription.CreateKinematic(new RigidPose(position, orientation), collidable, new BodyActivityDescription(0.01f)));

                    case 2:
                        Simulation.Statics.Add(new StaticDescription(position, orientation, collidable));

            //Add some spinning fans to get slapped by.
            var bladeDescription     = BodyDescription.CreateConvexDynamic(new Vector3(), 3, Simulation.Shapes, new Box(10, 0.2f, 2));
            var bladeBaseDescription = BodyDescription.CreateConvexKinematic(new Vector3(), Simulation.Shapes, new Box(0.2f, 1, 0.2f));

            for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
                bladeBaseDescription.Pose.Position = new Vector3(-22, 1, i * 11);
                bladeDescription.Pose.Position     = new Vector3(-22, 1.7f, i * 11);
                var baseHandle  = Simulation.Bodies.Add(bladeBaseDescription);
                var bladeHandle = Simulation.Bodies.Add(bladeDescription);
                Simulation.Solver.Add(baseHandle, bladeHandle,
                                      new Hinge
                    LocalHingeAxisA = Vector3.UnitY,
                    LocalHingeAxisB = Vector3.UnitY,
                    LocalOffsetA    = new Vector3(0, 0.7f, 0),
                    LocalOffsetB    = new Vector3(0, 0, 0),
                    SpringSettings  = new SpringSettings(30, 1)
                Simulation.Solver.Add(baseHandle, bladeHandle,
                                      new AngularAxisMotor
                    LocalAxisA     = Vector3.UnitY,
                    TargetVelocity = (i + 1) * (i + 1) * (i + 1) * (i + 1) * 0.2f,
                    Settings       = new MotorSettings(5 * (i + 1), 0.0001f)

            //Include a giant newt to test character-newt behavior and to ensure thematic consistency.
            DemoMeshHelper.LoadModel(content, BufferPool, @"Content\newt.obj", new Vector3(15, 15, 15), out var newtMesh);
            Simulation.Statics.Add(new StaticDescription(new Vector3(0, 0.5f, 0), new CollidableDescription(Simulation.Shapes.Add(newtMesh), 0.1f)));

            //Give the newt a tongue, I guess.
            var tongueBase = Simulation.Bodies.Add(BodyDescription.CreateKinematic(new Vector3(0, 8.4f, 24), default, default));
        /// <inheritdoc />
        public override void Update(GameTime gameTime)
            // In the demos, we use one time step per frame. We don't bother modifying the physics time step duration for different monitors so different refresh rates
            // change the rate of simulation. This doesn't actually change the result of the simulation, though, and the simplicity is a good fit for the demos.
            // In the context of a 'real' application, you could instead use a time accumulator to take time steps of fixed length as needed, or
            // fully decouple simulation and rendering rates across different threads.
            // (In either case, you'd also want to interpolate or extrapolate simulation results during rendering for smoothness.)
            // Note that taking steps of variable length can reduce stability. Gradual or one-off changes can work reasonably well.
            Simulation.Timestep(1 / 60f, ThreadDispatcher);

            if (Game.CurrentKeyboardState.IsKeyDown(Keys.Z) && CanShoot)
                CanShoot = false;
                // Create the shape that we'll launch at the pyramids when the user presses a button.
                var radius      = 0.5f + 5 * (float)Random.NextDouble();
                var bulletShape = new Sphere(radius);

                // Note that the use of radius^3 for mass can produce some pretty serious mass ratios.
                // Observe what happens when a large ball sits on top of a few boxes with a fraction of the mass-
                // the collision appears much squishier and less stable. For most games, if you want to maintain rigidity, you'll want to use some combination of:
                // 1) Limit the ratio of heavy object masses to light object masses when those heavy objects depend on the light objects.
                // 2) Use a shorter timestep duration and update more frequently.
                // 3) Use a greater number of solver iterations.
                // #2 and #3 can become very expensive. In pathological cases, it can end up slower than using a quality-focused solver for the same simulation.
                // Unfortunately, at the moment, bepuphysics v2 does not contain any alternative solvers, so if you can't afford to brute force the the problem away,
                // the best solution is to cheat as much as possible to avoid the corner cases.
                var position        = new NumericVector3(-40 + 210 * (float)Random.NextDouble(), 130, 130);
                var bodyDescription = BodyDescription.CreateConvexDynamic(position,
                                                                          new BodyVelocity(new NumericVector3((float)Random.NextDouble(), 0, -110)),
                                                                          bulletShape.Radius * bulletShape.Radius * bulletShape.Radius, Simulation.Shapes, bulletShape);

                var bodyHandle = Simulation.Bodies.Add(bodyDescription);


            if (Game.CurrentKeyboardState.IsKeyUp(Keys.Z))
                CanShoot = true;

            var boxHandleCount = BoxHandles.Count;

            for (var index = 0; index < boxHandleCount; index++)
                var pose       = Simulation.Bodies.GetBodyReference(BoxHandles[index]).Pose;
                var position   = pose.Position;
                var quaternion = pose.Orientation;
                var world      =
                    Matrix.CreateFromQuaternion(new Quaternion(quaternion.X, quaternion.Y, quaternion.Z,
                                                               quaternion.W)) * Matrix.CreateTranslation(new Vector3(position.X, position.Y, position.Z));

            var sphereHandleCount = SphereHandles.Count;

            for (var index = 0; index < sphereHandleCount; index++)
                var pose       = Simulation.Bodies.GetBodyReference(SphereHandles[index]).Pose;
                var position   = pose.Position;
                var quaternion = pose.Orientation;
                var world      = Matrix.CreateScale(Radii[index]) *
                                 Matrix.CreateFromQuaternion(new Quaternion(quaternion.X, quaternion.Y, quaternion.Z,
                                                                            quaternion.W)) *
                                 Matrix.CreateTranslation(new Vector3(position.X, position.Y, position.Z));

            Game.Gizmos.UpdateViewProjection(Camera.View, Camera.Projection);
