// builds a dictionary of the number of territories owned public void BuildTerritoryBank(int numberOfPlayers) { landCounter = new Dictionary <string, int> (); numbOfPlayers = numberOfPlayers; // re runs PlayerLandBank code as previous table is modified by BoardSetUp.RandomPlayer() boardSetUp.PlayerLandBank(numbOfPlayers); for (int i = 0; i < numbOfPlayers; i++) { landCounter.Add("Player" + (boardSetUp.landBank [i] [0] + 1), boardSetUp.landBank [i] [1]); } // build rank system territoryRank.ByTerrCount(numbOfPlayers); }
// builds a dictionary of the number of troops owned public void BuildTroopBank(int numberOfPlayers) { troopCounter = new Dictionary <string, int> (); //rebuild playerLand bank boardSetUp.PlayerLandBank(numberOfPlayers); for (int i = 0; i < numberOfPlayers; i++) { troopCounter.Add("Player" + (boardSetUp.landBank [i] [0] + 1), boardSetUp.landBank [i] [1]); } // build rank system troopRank.ByTroopCount(); }