static ChessGame CreateGameLinePerLine() { ChessGame game = null; while (game == null) { try { Console.WriteLine("Please enter a FEN"); var fen = Console.ReadLine(); game = ChessGame.ContinueFromFEN(fen); } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine(e.Message); } } do { Console.WriteLine(ChessOutput.AsciiBoard(game.board)); Console.WriteLine("Do you want to add moves? for each move add in the format \"A2 A4\" if you want no more moves press space, you can specify promotion with by adding R,N,B,Q like \"A7 A8 Q\" or san"); var read = Console.ReadLine(); if (read == "") { break; } else { try { var split = read.Split(" "); Move boardMove; Piece promotionPiece = Piece.EMPTY; if (split.Length == 1) { var chessMove = game.FindMoveFromSan(split[0]); boardMove = chessMove.move; } else { if (split.Length == 3) { switch (split[2].ToUpper()) { case "Q": promotionPiece = Piece.QUEEN; break; case "R": promotionPiece = Piece.ROOK; break; case "B": promotionPiece = Piece.BISHOP; break; case "N": promotionPiece = Piece.KNIGHT; break; } ; } boardMove = game.board.FindMove(BoardPosition.ArrayPosition(split[0]), BoardPosition.ArrayPosition(split[1]), promotionPiece); } if (!MoveHelper.isValidMove(boardMove)) { continue; } game.Move(boardMove); } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine("move could not be found"); } } } while (true); return(game); }
public static async Task MainAsync(string[] args) { EvalBoard.initThreadStaticVariables(); var ai = new AIWorkerManager(); //var history = new Stack<Move>(); var game = ChessGame.StartGame(); ai.spawnWorkers(3); //var board = BoardFactory.LoadBoardFromFen(); bool hasCheated = false; int difficulty = 5; bool debug = false; do { Console.WriteLine(ChessOutput.AsciiBoard(game.board)); List <Move> moves = game.Moves().Select(move => move.move).ToList(); Winner winner = game.Winner(); if (winner == Winner.WINNER_WHITE) { Console.WriteLine("White wins"); break; } else if (winner == Winner.WINNER_BLACK) { Console.WriteLine("Black wins"); break; } else if (winner == Winner.DRAW) { Console.WriteLine("Its a draw!"); break; } do { try { Console.WriteLine("Make a move (example: \"A1 A3)\""); var readLineOriginal = Console.ReadLine(); var readLine = readLineOriginal.ToUpper().Split(" ").ToList(); switch (readLine[0]) { case "": case "HELP": Console.WriteLine(@"Available commands are: - help * help - Cheat [depth=5] * uses eval to find best available move(at least according to AI) - moves * lists all available moves - board * Draw the board - debug [y/n=y] * enable / disable debugging - difficulty [number=5] * sets difficulty (above 6 is not recommended because it is slow) - switch * Switch sides - botez gambit * the best gambit - fen [fen] * load Forsyth-Edwards Notation - undo * Undo the last move - eval * get the current evaluation of the board - workers [workerCount] * Specify how many worker threads the computer should use (should be less than the amount of processors you have) - workers * Read how many workers are currently being used - [from=D5] * list moves for a specific field - [from=E2] [to=e4] * play a move - [from=E7] [to=e8] [promotion=Q/R/B/N] * play a move and choose which piece you want to promote to"); continue; case "MOVES": Console.WriteLine("All available moves"); //var allMoves = game.board.GetMoves().Where(move => game.board.IsLegalMove(move)).ToList(); var allMoves = game.Moves().Select(move => move.move).ToList(); foreach (var move in allMoves) { Console.WriteLine($" - {MoveHelper.ReadableMove(move)}"); } Console.WriteLine(ChessOutput.AsciiBoard(game.board, allMoves, true)); continue; case "BOARD": Console.WriteLine(ChessOutput.AsciiBoard(game.board)); continue; case "BOTEZ": // alias fall through case "BOTEZ_GAMBIT": if (botezGambit(game)) { Console.WriteLine("Botez gambit found!"); Console.WriteLine(ChessOutput.AsciiBoard(game.board)); goto switchSides; } else { Console.WriteLine("Botez gambit unavailable"); continue; } case "DIFFICULTY": if (readLine.Count() > 1) { difficulty = int.Parse(readLine[1]); Console.WriteLine($"AI will now look {difficulty} moves ahead"); } else { Console.WriteLine($"Current difficulty is {difficulty}"); continue; } continue; case "SWITCH": goto switchSides; // the almighty goto to skip current move and the the ai make the next move, which also switches sides as a side effect case "EVAL": var evalMoves = game.board.GetMoves().Where(move => game.board.IsLegalMove(move)).ToList(); var score = EvalBoard.evalBoard(game.board, evalMoves); Console.WriteLine($"current score is: {score}"); continue; case "FEN": var fenList = readLineOriginal.Split(" ").ToList(); fenList.RemoveAt(0); var fen = String.Join(" ", fenList); //board = BoardFactory.LoadBoardFromFen(fen); game = ChessGame.ContinueFromFEN(fen); Console.WriteLine($"Loaded board {fen}"); Console.WriteLine(ChessOutput.AsciiBoard(game.board)); continue; case "DEBUG": debug = true; if (readLine.Count() > 1 && readLine[1] == "N") { debug = false; Console.WriteLine("disabled debug"); } else { Console.WriteLine("enabled debug"); } continue; case "WORKERS": int workerCount = 3; if (readLine.Count() > 1) { workerCount = int.Parse(readLine[1]); ai.killWorkers(); ai.spawnWorkers(workerCount); } else { workerCount = ai.CountWorkers(); } Console.WriteLine($"Using {workerCount} workers"); continue; case "UNDO": hasCheated = true; if (!game.UndoTurn()) { Console.WriteLine("There is not history to undo, sorry"); } Console.WriteLine("Undo done (cheater :p)"); Console.WriteLine(ChessOutput.AsciiBoard(game.board)); continue; case "CHEAT": Console.WriteLine("NOTE everything after the best move is probably not accurate"); int depth = 5; if (readLine.Count() > 1) { depth = int.Parse(readLine[1]); } hasCheated = true; List <EvaluatedMove> cheatMoves; using (var progressbar = new ProgressBar()) { cheatMoves = await ai.analyzeBoard(game.board, depth, game.moveHistory(), onProgress : (progress) => { progressbar.Report((double)((double)progress.progress / (double); }); } foreach (var cheat in cheatMoves) { Console.WriteLine($" - {MoveHelper.ReadableMove(cheat.move)} (score: {cheat.score})"); } continue; case "CHEAT2": Console.WriteLine("NOTE everything after the best move is probably not accurate"); int depth2 = 5; if (readLine.Count() > 1) { depth2 = int.Parse(readLine[1]); } hasCheated = true; //using (var progressbar = new ProgressBar()) { // cheatMoves2 = await ai.analyzeBoard(board, depth2, (progress) => { // progressbar.Report((double)((double)progress.progress / (double); // }); //} var minmax = new MinMaxAI(); List <EvaluatedMove> cheatMoves2 = minmax.MinMaxList(game.board, depth2); //var cheatMoves = ParallelChess.AI.MinMaxAI.MinMaxList(board, depth); foreach (var cheat in cheatMoves2) { Console.WriteLine($" - {MoveHelper.ReadableMove(cheat.move)} (score: {cheat.score})"); } continue; default: break; } var fromPosition = BoardPosition.ArrayPosition(readLine[0]); if (readLine.Count() == 1) { var positionMoves = game.board.GetMovesForPosition(fromPosition); Console.WriteLine(ChessOutput.AsciiBoard(game.board, positionMoves)); Console.WriteLine("Legal moves:"); foreach (var move in positionMoves) { if (game.board.IsLegalMove(move)) { Console.WriteLine($" - {MoveHelper.ReadableMove(move)}"); } } continue; } var toPosition = BoardPosition.ArrayPosition(readLine[1]); var promotion = Piece.EMPTY; if (readLine.Count() > 2) { switch (readLine[2]) { case "Q": promotion = Piece.QUEEN; break; case "R": promotion = Piece.ROOK; break; case "N": promotion = Piece.KNIGHT; break; case "B": promotion = Piece.BISHOP; break; default: Console.WriteLine("You can only promote to Queen(Q), Rook(R), Knight(N) or Bishop(B)"); continue; } } var moveMade = game.Move(fromPosition, toPosition, promotion); if (MoveHelper.isValidMove(moveMade.move)) { break; } else { Console.WriteLine("invalid Move"); } } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine(e.Message); } } while(true); Console.WriteLine("Moved to"); switchSides: Console.WriteLine(ChessOutput.AsciiBoard(game.board)); //moves = board.GetMoves(); winner = game.Winner(); if (winner == Winner.WINNER_WHITE) { if (hasCheated) { Console.WriteLine("Cheater :D"); } Console.WriteLine("White wins"); break; } else if (winner == Winner.WINNER_BLACK) { if (hasCheated) { Console.WriteLine("Cheater :D"); } Console.WriteLine("Black wins"); break; } else if (winner == Winner.DRAW) { Console.WriteLine("Its a draw!"); break; } Console.WriteLine("AI Finding move..."); //var bestMove = ParallelChess.AI.MinMaxAI.MinMaxList(board, 5)[0]; if (debug) { await ai.analyzeBoard(game.board, difficulty, game.moveHistory(), onProgress : (progress) => { Console.WriteLine($"[depth {progress.depth}] {progress.progress}/{} foundScore: {progress.foundScore} on move {MoveHelper.ReadableMove(progress.move.move.move)}, found by worker {progress.move.taskId} {{ duration {progress.move.durationMS}ms }} began from score {progress.move.startFromMin}"); }); } else { using (var progressbar = new ProgressBar()) { await ai.analyzeBoard(game.board, difficulty, game.moveHistory(), onProgress : (progress) => { progressbar.Report((double)((double)progress.progress / (double); }); } } var bestMove = ai.GetBestMove(); game.Move(bestMove.move); Console.WriteLine($"AI found move with score {bestMove.score}"); Console.WriteLine($"AI will play {MoveHelper.ReadableMove(bestMove.move)}"); Console.WriteLine($"FEN: {game.FEN}"); } while (true); Console.WriteLine("End of game!"); Console.ReadKey(); }