public static IEnumerable <TestCaseData> GetCastlingMoves(Color color, Move move)
            const string emptyFenWhiteToMove    = "4k3/8/8/8/8/8/8/4K3 w - - 0 1";
            const string emptyFenBlackToMove    = "4k3/8/8/8/8/8/8/4K3 b - - 0 1";
            var          rookInitialSquareIndex = MoveHelpers.GetRookMoveForCastleMove(move).SourceIndex;
            var          between             = BoardHelpers.InBetween(rookInitialSquareIndex, move.SourceIndex);
            var          blockerPermutations = MovingPieceService.GetAllPermutationsOfSetBits(between.GetSetBits(), 0, 0)
                                               .Where(x => x != 0);
            var fen   = color == Color.Black ? emptyFenBlackToMove : emptyFenWhiteToMove;
            var board = fenTextToBoard.Translate(fen);

            foreach (var permutation in blockerPermutations)
                var editedBoard = (Board)board.Clone();
                editedBoard.Occupancy[(int)color][(int)Piece.King] = permutation;
                var strBlockers = string.Join(", ", permutation.GetSetBits());
                yield return(new TestCaseData(editedBoard, move)
                             .SetName($"Blockers on indices {strBlockers}")

            yield return(new TestCaseData(board, move)
                         .SetName("No Blockers")
        private static IEnumerable <TestCaseData> SetupPathSquareValidation(Board board, Move castlingMove)
            var totalOccupancy  = board.Occupancy.Occupancy();
            var enPassantSquare = board.EnPassantIndex;

            var inBetweenSquares = BoardHelpers.InBetween(castlingMove.SourceIndex, castlingMove.DestinationIndex) |
            var inBetweenSquareArr = inBetweenSquares.GetSetBits().ToArray();
            var permutations       =
                MovingPieceService.GetAllPermutationsOfSetBits(inBetweenSquareArr, 0, 0)

            foreach (var attackedSquaresValue in permutations)
                var bb = new Mock <IBitboard>();
                var attackedSquares = attackedSquaresValue.GetSetBits();

                foreach (var squareBetween in inBetweenSquareArr)
                    var isAttacked = attackedSquares.Contains(squareBetween);
                    SetupMock(board, squareBetween, totalOccupancy, enPassantSquare, bb, isAttacked);

                var strBlockers = attackedSquares.Any() ? string.Join(", ", attackedSquares) : "[None]";
                TestContext.WriteLine($"Returning test case for {attackedSquaresValue}");
                var expectedReturnValue = attackedSquares.Any() ? MoveError.CastleThroughCheck : MoveError.NoneSet;
                yield return(new TestCaseData(bb, board, castlingMove)
                             .SetName($"Indices Attacked: {strBlockers}")
            public static void InBetween_ShouldReturnCorrectValue_GivenH8A1()
                var expected = 0x40201008040200;
                var actual   = BoardHelpers.InBetween(63, 0);

                Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual, "Should return correct value for h8-a1");
            public static void InBetween_ShouldReturnCorrectValue_GivenA1H8()
                var expected = 0x40201008040200;
                var actual   = BoardHelpers.InBetween(0, 63);

                Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual, "Should return correct value for a1-h8");
            public static void InBetween_ShouldReturnZero_GivenTwoNSOneAnother()
                var expected = (ulong)0x00;
                var actual   = BoardHelpers.InBetween(1, 9);

                Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual,
                                "Should not be any squares between squares N+S of ona another (b1-b2)");
            public static void InBetween_ShouldReturnZero_GivenTwoEWOneAnother()
                var expected = (ulong)0x00;
                var actual   = BoardHelpers.InBetween(3, 4);

                Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual,
                                "Should not be any squares between squares E+W of one another (d1-e1)");
        public void InBetweenTest(string strFrom, string strTo, ulong expected)
            var from = strFrom.ToBoardIndex();
            var to   = strTo.ToBoardIndex();

            var actual = BoardHelpers.InBetween(from, to);

            Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual, $"{strFrom}->{strTo}");
            public static void InBetween_ShouldReturnCorrectValue_GivenRandomPositions()
                var expected = (ulong)0x00;
                var actual   = BoardHelpers.InBetween(3, 8);

                Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual,
                                $"Should not be any squares between {3.ToSquareString()}{8.ToSquareString()}");

                expected = 0x200;
                actual   = BoardHelpers.InBetween(16, 2);
                Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual,
                                $"Did not return correct value for in between {16.ToSquareString()} - {2.ToSquareString()}");

                expected = 0x2040800000000;
                actual   = BoardHelpers.InBetween(28, 56);
                Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual,
                                $"Did not return correct value for in between {28.ToSquareString()} - {56.ToSquareString()}");