    // Update is called once per frame
    void Update()
        if (_timeout > 0f)
            _timeout -= Time.deltaTime;
            if (_timeout <= 0f)
                _timeout = 0f;

                switch (_state)
                case States.None:

                case States.Scan:
                    StatusMessage = "Scanning for " + DeviceName;

                    BluetoothLEHardwareInterface.ScanForPeripheralsWithServices(null, (address, name) =>
                        // if your device does not advertise the rssi and manufacturer specific data
                        // then you must use this callback because the next callback only gets called
                        // if you have manufacturer specific data

                        if (!_rssiOnly)
                            if (name.Contains(DeviceName))
                                StatusMessage = "Found " + name;


                                // found a device with the name we want
                                // this example does not deal with finding more than one
                                _deviceAddress = address;
                                SetState(States.Connect, 0.5f);
                    }, (address, name, rssi, bytes) =>
                        // use this one if the device responses with manufacturer specific data and the rssi

                        if (name.Contains(DeviceName))
                            StatusMessage = "Found " + name;

                            if (_rssiOnly)
                                _rssi = rssi;

                                // found a device with the name we want
                                // this example does not deal with finding more than one
                                _deviceAddress = address;
                                SetState(States.Connect, 0.5f);
                    }, _rssiOnly);     // this last setting allows RFduino to send RSSI without having manufacturer data

                    if (_rssiOnly)
                        SetState(States.ScanRSSI, 0.5f);

                case States.ScanRSSI:

                case States.Connect:
                    StatusMessage = "Connecting...";

                    // set these flags
                    _foundButtonUUID = false;
                    _foundLedUUID    = false;

                    // note that the first parameter is the address, not the name. I have not fixed this because
                    // of backwards compatiblity.
                    // also note that I am note using the first 2 callbacks. If you are not looking for specific characteristics you can use one of
                    // the first 2, but keep in mind that the device will enumerate everything and so you will want to have a timeout
                    // large enough that it will be finished enumerating before you try to subscribe or do any other operations.
                    BluetoothLEHardwareInterface.ConnectToPeripheral(_deviceAddress, null, null, (address, serviceUUID, characteristicUUID) =>
                        StatusMessage = "Connected...";

                        if (IsEqual(serviceUUID, ServiceUUID))
                            StatusMessage = "Found Service UUID";

                            _foundButtonUUID = _foundButtonUUID || IsEqual(characteristicUUID, ButtonUUID);
                            _foundLedUUID    = _foundLedUUID || IsEqual(characteristicUUID, LedUUID);

                            // if we have found both characteristics that we are waiting for
                            // set the state. make sure there is enough timeout that if the
                            // device is still enumerating other characteristics it finishes
                            // before we try to subscribe
                            if (_foundButtonUUID && _foundLedUUID)
                                _connected = true;
                                SetState(States.RequestMTU, 2f);

                case States.RequestMTU:
                    StatusMessage = "Requesting MTU";

                    BluetoothLEHardwareInterface.RequestMtu(_deviceAddress, 185, (address, newMTU) =>
                        StatusMessage = "MTU set to " + newMTU.ToString();

                        SetState(States.Subscribe, 0.1f);

                case States.Subscribe:
                    StatusMessage = "Subscribing to characteristics...";

                    BluetoothLEHardwareInterface.SubscribeCharacteristicWithDeviceAddress(_deviceAddress, ServiceUUID, ButtonUUID, (notifyAddress, notifyCharacteristic) =>
                        StatusMessage = "Waiting for user action (1)...";
                        _state        = States.None;

                        // read the initial state of the button
                        BluetoothLEHardwareInterface.ReadCharacteristic(_deviceAddress, ServiceUUID, ButtonUUID, (characteristic, bytes) =>
                    }, (address, characteristicUUID, bytes) =>
                        if (_state != States.None)
                            // some devices do not properly send the notification state change which calls
                            // the lambda just above this one so in those cases we don't have a great way to
                            // set the state other than waiting until we actually got some data back.
                            // The esp32 sends the notification above, but if yuor device doesn't you would have
                            // to send data like pressing the button on the esp32 as the sketch for this demo
                            // would then send data to trigger this.
                            StatusMessage = "Waiting for user action (2)...";

                            _state = States.None;

                        // we received some data from the device

                case States.Unsubscribe:
                    BluetoothLEHardwareInterface.UnSubscribeCharacteristic(_deviceAddress, ServiceUUID, ButtonUUID, null);
                    SetState(States.Disconnect, 4f);

                case States.Disconnect:
                    StatusMessage = "Commanded disconnect.";

                    if (_connected)
                        BluetoothLEHardwareInterface.DisconnectPeripheral(_deviceAddress, (address) =>
                            StatusMessage = "Device disconnected";
                            BluetoothLEHardwareInterface.DeInitialize(() =>
                                _connected = false;
                                _state     = States.None;
                        BluetoothLEHardwareInterface.DeInitialize(() =>
                            _state = States.None;