private void SendUpdates_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { List <Update> updates = Database.GetUpdates(); if (updates.Count == 0) { sendProgress.Text = "No Updates to Send."; return; } if (BlueTooth.Test()) { sendProgress.Text = "Failed to Send Updates."; return; } else { sendProgress.Text = "Sending Updates..."; foreach (Update update in updates) { BlueTooth.SendRecord(update.UpdateText); } } sendProgress.Text = "Updates Sent."; Database.ClearUpdates(); }
private void bnClose_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (AssertResult(BlueTooth.S10_Close())) { bnClose.Enabled = false; bnOpen.Enabled = true; } }
private void bnOpen_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (AssertResult(BlueTooth.S10_Init((S10_Coms)(S10_Coms.COM1 + cbbCom.SelectedIndex)))) { bnClose.Enabled = true; bnOpen.Enabled = false; } }
private void bnSoftVersion_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { byte[] bstr = new byte[1024]; uint ulen = 1024; if (AssertResult(BlueTooth.S10_GetModuleVersion(bstr, ref ulen))) { bstr[ulen] = 0; MessageBox.Show(Encoding.ASCII.GetString(bstr, 0, (int)ulen)); } }
public override void OnReceive(Context context, Intent intent) { List <String> StringToSend = new List <string>(); List <BlueTooth> ListToSend = new List <BlueTooth>(); string action = intent.Action; if (BluetoothDevice.ActionFound.Equals(action)) { BluetoothDevice device = (BluetoothDevice)intent.GetParcelableExtra(BluetoothDevice.ExtraDevice); String deviceName = device.Name; String deviceHardwareAddress = device.Address; // MAC address BlueTooth btnew = new BlueTooth(); btnew.DeviceName = deviceName; btnew.MacAddr = deviceHardwareAddress; bInstance.bListToSend.Add(btnew); System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Found Device: " + deviceName); } else if (BluetoothAdapter.ActionDiscoveryStarted.Equals(action)) { System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("BT Discovery Started"); StringToSend = new List <string>(); bInstance.bListToSend = new List <BlueTooth>(); } else if (BluetoothAdapter.ActionDiscoveryFinished.Equals(action)) { System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("BT Discovery Finished"); for (int i = 0; i < bInstance.bListToSend.Count; i++) { StringToSend.Add(bInstance.bListToSend[i].DeviceName + " " + bInstance.bListToSend[i].MacAddr); } Views.MainPage.staticList.ItemsSource = StringToSend; BlueTooth.staticBlueList = new List <BlueTooth>(bInstance.bListToSend); ViewModels.MainPageViewModel.isUpdatedList = true; Views.MainPage.staticLabel.Text = "Scanning Finished"; bInstance.Finish(); } }
public void SendOrder(OrderModel model) { BlueTooth.SaveOrder(model); foreach (OrderItemModel itemModel in model.OrderItems) { BlueTooth.AddOrderItem(itemModel); foreach (OrderItemComponentModel componentModel in itemModel.ComponentModels) { //OrderItemComponent newComponent = new OrderItemComponent(0, itemModel.Id, componentModel.Id, componentModel.Portions); BlueTooth.AddOrderItemComponent(componentModel); foreach (OrderItemComponentComponentModel subComponentModel in componentModel.Components) { BlueTooth.AddOrderItemComponentComponent(subComponentModel); } } } BlueTooth.SendRecord("END_OF_ORDER"); }
public void UnlockOrderItem(int id) { BlueTooth.UnlockOrderItem(id); }
public void LockOrderItem(int id) { BlueTooth.LockOrderItem(id); }
public void SendVoidOrder(OrderModel model) { BlueTooth.DeleteOrder(model); }
private void bnReboot_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { AssertResult(BlueTooth.S10_Reboot()); }
private void bnSetMode_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { AssertResult(BlueTooth.S10_SetOperationMode((S10_OperationMode)cbbMode.SelectedIndex)); }