        private void SetupPublishControl()
            if (_uploadControl != null)
                //we currently rebuild it to update contents, as currently the constructor is where setup logic happens (we could change that)

            var libaryPublishModel = new BloomLibraryPublishModel(_bookTransferrer, _model.BookSelection.CurrentSelection, _model);

            _uploadControl      = new BloomLibraryUploadControl(this, libaryPublishModel, _loginDialog);
            _uploadControl.Dock = DockStyle.Fill;
            var saveBackColor = _uploadControl.BackColor;

            Controls.Add(_uploadControl);             // somehow this changes the backcolor
            _uploadControl.BackColor = saveBackColor; // Need a normal back color for this so links and text can be seen
            // This control is dock.fill. It has to be in front of tableLayoutPanel1 (which is Left) for Fill to work.
        private void SetupPublishControl()
            if (_publishControl != null)
                //we currently rebuild it to update contents, as currently the constructor is where setup logic happens (we could change that)

            var libaryPublishModel = new BloomLibraryPublishModel(_bookTransferrer, _model.BookSelection.CurrentSelection);

            _publishControl = new BloomLibraryPublishControl(this, libaryPublishModel, _loginDialog);
            _publishControl.SetBounds(_pdfViewer.Left, _pdfViewer.Top,
                                      _pdfViewer.Width, _pdfViewer.Height);
            _publishControl.Dock   = _pdfViewer.Dock;
            _publishControl.Anchor = System.Windows.Forms.AnchorStyles.Left | System.Windows.Forms.AnchorStyles.Top | System.Windows.Forms.AnchorStyles.Right | System.Windows.Forms.AnchorStyles.Bottom;
            var saveBackColor = _publishControl.BackColor;

            Controls.Add(_publishControl);             // somehow this changes the backcolor
            _publishControl.BackColor = saveBackColor; // Need a normal back color for this so links and text can be seen
            // Typically this control is dock.fill. It has to be in front of tableLayoutPanel1 (which is Left) for Fill to work.
        private void UploadBookInternal(IProgress progress, ApplicationContainer container, BookUploadParameters uploadParams,
                                        ref ProjectContext context)
            progress.WriteMessageWithColor("Cyan", "Starting to upload " + uploadParams.Folder);
            // Make sure the files we want to upload are up to date.
            // Unfortunately this requires making a book object, which requires making a ProjectContext, which must be created with the
            // proper parent book collection if possible.
            var parent         = Path.GetDirectoryName(uploadParams.Folder);
            var collectionPath = Directory.GetFiles(parent, "*.bloomCollection").FirstOrDefault();

            if (collectionPath == null || !RobustFile.Exists(collectionPath))
                progress.WriteError("Skipping book because no collection file was found in its parent directory.");

            // Compute the book hash file and compare it to the existing one for bulk upload.
            var currentHashes = BookUpload.HashBookFolder(uploadParams.Folder);

            var pathToLocalHashInfoFromLastUpload = Path.Combine(uploadParams.Folder, HashInfoFromLastUpload);

            if (!uploadParams.ForceUpload)
                var canSkip = false;
                if (Program.RunningUnitTests)
                    canSkip = _singleBookUploader.CheckAgainstLocalHashfile(currentHashes, pathToLocalHashInfoFromLastUpload);
                    canSkip = _singleBookUploader.CheckAgainstHashFileOnS3(currentHashes, uploadParams.Folder, progress);
                    RobustFile.WriteAllText(pathToLocalHashInfoFromLastUpload, currentHashes);                             // ensure local copy is saved
                if (canSkip)
                    // local copy of hashes file is identical or has been saved
                    progress.WriteMessageWithColor("green", $"Skipping '{Path.GetFileName(uploadParams.Folder)}' because it has not changed since being uploaded.");
                    return;                             // skip this one; we already uploaded it earlier.
            // save local copy of hashes file: it will be uploaded with the other book files
            RobustFile.WriteAllText(pathToLocalHashInfoFromLastUpload, currentHashes);

            if (context == null || context.SettingsPath != collectionPath)
                // optimise: creating a context seems to be quite expensive. Probably the only thing we need to change is
                // the collection. If we could update that in place...despite autofac being told it has lifetime scope...we would save some time.
                // Note however that it's not good enough to just store it in the project context. The one that is actually in
                // the autofac object (_scope in the ProjectContext) is used by autofac to create various objects, in particular, books.
                context = container.CreateProjectContext(collectionPath);
            var server   = context.BookServer;
            var bookInfo = new BookInfo(uploadParams.Folder, true);
            var book     = server.GetBookFromBookInfo(bookInfo);

            book.BringBookUpToDate(new NullProgress());
            bookInfo.Bookshelf = book.CollectionSettings.DefaultBookshelf;
            var bookshelfName = String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(book.CollectionSettings.DefaultBookshelf) ? "(none)" : book.CollectionSettings.DefaultBookshelf;

            progress.WriteMessage($"Bookshelf is '{bookshelfName}'");

            // Assemble the various arguments needed to make the objects normally involved in an upload.
            // We leave some constructor arguments not actually needed for this purpose null.
            var bookSelection = new BookSelection();

            var currentEditableCollectionSelection = new CurrentEditableCollectionSelection();

            var collection = new BookCollection(collectionPath, BookCollection.CollectionType.SourceCollection, bookSelection);


            var publishModel = new PublishModel(bookSelection, new PdfMaker(), currentEditableCollectionSelection, context.Settings, server, _thumbnailer);

            publishModel.PageLayout = book.GetLayout();
            var    view           = new PublishView(publishModel, new SelectedTabChangedEvent(), new LocalizationChangedEvent(), _singleBookUploader, null, null, null, null);
            var    blPublishModel = new BloomLibraryPublishModel(_singleBookUploader, book, publishModel);
            string dummy;

            // Normally we let the user choose which languages to upload. Here, just the ones that have complete information.
            var langDict          = book.AllPublishableLanguages();
            var languagesToUpload = langDict.Keys.Where(l => langDict[l]).ToList();

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(book.CollectionSettings.SignLanguageIso639Code) && BookUpload.GetVideoFilesToInclude(book).Any())
                languagesToUpload.Insert(0, book.CollectionSettings.SignLanguageIso639Code);
            if (blPublishModel.MetadataIsReadyToPublish && (languagesToUpload.Any() || blPublishModel.OkToUploadWithNoLanguages))
                if (blPublishModel.BookIsAlreadyOnServer)
                    var msg = $"Overwriting the copy of {uploadParams.Folder} on the server...";
                using (var tempFolder = new TemporaryFolder(Path.Combine("BloomUpload", Path.GetFileName(book.FolderPath))))
                    BookUpload.PrepareBookForUpload(ref book, server, tempFolder.FolderPath, progress);
                    uploadParams.LanguagesToUpload = languagesToUpload.ToArray();
                    _singleBookUploader.FullUpload(book, progress, view, uploadParams, out dummy);

                progress.WriteMessageWithColor("Green", "{0} has been uploaded", uploadParams.Folder);
                if (blPublishModel.BookIsAlreadyOnServer)
                // report to the user why we are not uploading their book
                var reason = blPublishModel.GetReasonForNotUploadingBook();
                progress.WriteError("{0} was not uploaded.  {1}", uploadParams.Folder, reason);
        /// <summary>
        /// Handles the recursion through directories: if a folder looks like a Bloom book upload it; otherwise, try its children.
        /// Invisible folders like .hg are ignored.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="folder"></param>
        /// <param name="dlg"></param>
        /// <param name="container"></param>
        /// <param name="excludeAudio"></param>
        /// <param name="alreadyUploaded"></param>
        /// <param name="context"></param>
        private void UploadInternal(string folder, BulkUploadProgressDlg dlg, ApplicationContainer container, bool excludeAudio, string[] alreadyUploaded, ref ProjectContext context)
            var lastFolderPart = Path.GetFileName(folder);

            if (lastFolderPart != null && lastFolderPart.StartsWith("."))
                return;                 // secret folder, probably .hg
            if (Directory.GetFiles(folder, "*.htm").Length == 1)
                if (alreadyUploaded.Contains(folder))
                    return;                     // skip this one; we already successfully uploaded it at some point
                // Exactly one htm file, assume this is a bloom book folder.
                dlg.Progress.WriteMessage("Starting to upload " + folder);

                // Make sure the files we want to upload are up to date.
                // Unfortunately this requires making a book object, which requires making a ProjectContext, which must be created with the
                // proper parent book collection if possible.
                var parent         = Path.GetDirectoryName(folder);
                var collectionPath = Directory.GetFiles(parent, "*.bloomCollection").FirstOrDefault();
                if (collectionPath == null)
                    collectionPath = Settings.Default.MruProjects.Latest;
                if (collectionPath == null)
                    throw new ApplicationException("Collection not found in this or parent directory.");
                if (context == null || context.SettingsPath != collectionPath)
                    // optimise: creating a context seems to be quite expensive. Probably the only thing we need to change is
                    // the collection. If we could update that in place...despite autofac being told it has lifetime scope...we would save some time.
                    // Note however that it's not good enough to just store it in the project context. The one that is actually in
                    // the autofac object (_scope in the ProjectContext) is used by autofac to create various objects, in particular, books.
                    context = container.CreateProjectContext(collectionPath);
                var server   = context.BookServer;
                var bookInfo = new BookInfo(folder, true);
                bookInfo.BookshelfList = GetBookshelfName(folder);
                var book = server.GetBookFromBookInfo(bookInfo);
                book.BringBookUpToDate(new NullProgress());

                // Assemble the various arguments needed to make the objects normally involved in an upload.
                // We leave some constructor arguments not actually needed for this purpose null.
                var bookSelection = new BookSelection();
                var currentEditableCollectionSelection = new CurrentEditableCollectionSelection();

                var collection = new BookCollection(collectionPath, BookCollection.CollectionType.SourceCollection, bookSelection);

                var publishModel = new PublishModel(bookSelection, new PdfMaker(), currentEditableCollectionSelection, context.Settings, server, _thumbnailer, null);
                publishModel.PageLayout = book.GetLayout();
                var    view           = new PublishView(publishModel, new SelectedTabChangedEvent(), new LocalizationChangedEvent(), this, null, null, null);
                var    blPublishModel = new BloomLibraryPublishModel(this, book);
                string dummy;

                // Normally we let the user choose which languages to upload. Here, just the ones that have complete information.
                var langDict          = book.AllLanguages;
                var languagesToUpload = langDict.Keys.Where(l => langDict[l]).ToArray();
                if (blPublishModel.MetadataIsReadyToPublish && (languagesToUpload.Any() || blPublishModel.OkToUploadWithNoLanguages))
                    if (blPublishModel.BookIsAlreadyOnServer)
                        var msg = "Apparently this book is already on the server. Overwriting...";
                        ReportToLogBoxAndLogger(dlg.Progress, folder, msg);
                    FullUpload(book, dlg.Progress, view, languagesToUpload, out dummy, excludeAudio);
                    // report to the user why we are not uploading their book
                    ReportToLogBoxAndLogger(dlg.Progress, folder, blPublishModel.GetReasonForNotUploadingBook());
            foreach (var sub in Directory.GetDirectories(folder))
                UploadInternal(sub, dlg, container, excludeAudio, alreadyUploaded, ref context);