        public async Task <ActionResult> EntryEdit_Partial(EditModel model)
            if (!ModelState.IsValid)
            using (BlogEntryDataProvider dataProvider = new BlogEntryDataProvider()) {
                BlogEntry data = await dataProvider.GetItemAsync(model.Identity);

                if (data == null)
                    throw new Error(this.__ResStr("notFound", "Blog entry with id {0} not found"), model.Identity);
                // save updated item
                data = model.GetData(data); // merge new data into original
                model.SetData(data);        // and all the data back into model for final display

                UpdateStatusEnum status = await dataProvider.UpdateItemAsync(data);

                if (status != UpdateStatusEnum.OK)
                    throw new Error(this.__ResStr("errSaving", "An unexpected error occurred saving the blog entry - {0}", status));
                return(FormProcessed(model, this.__ResStr("okSaved", "Blog entry saved")));
        public async Task <ActionResult> CommentAdd(int?blogEntry)
            int entryNum = blogEntry ?? 0;
            int blogCategory;

            using (BlogEntryDataProvider entryDP = new BlogEntryDataProvider()) {
                BlogEntry data = null;
                if (entryNum != 0)
                    data = await entryDP.GetItemAsync(entryNum);
                if (data == null)
                    return(new EmptyResult());
                blogCategory = data.CategoryIdentity;
                if (!data.OpenForComments)
                    if (data.Comments == 0)
                        return(new EmptyResult());
            AddModel model = new AddModel {
                CategoryIdentity = blogCategory,
                EntryIdentity    = entryNum,
                Captcha          = new RecaptchaV2Data(),
            await model.UpdateDataAsync();

        public async Task <ActionResult> CategoryHeader(int?blogEntry)
            int category;

            Manager.TryGetUrlArg <int>("BlogCategory", out category);
            int entry = (int)(blogEntry ?? 0);

            if (entry != 0)
                using (BlogEntryDataProvider entryDP = new BlogEntryDataProvider()) {
                    BlogEntry data = await entryDP.GetItemAsync(entry);

                    if (data != null)
                        category = data.CategoryIdentity;
            if (category != 0)
                using (BlogCategoryDataProvider dataProvider = new BlogCategoryDataProvider()) {
                    BlogCategory data = await dataProvider.GetItemAsync(category);

                    if (data != null)
                        DisplayModel model = new DisplayModel();
                        Module.Title = data.Category.ToString();
            return(new EmptyResult());
        public async Task <ActionResult> EntryDisplay(int?blogEntry)
            int entryNum = blogEntry ?? 0;

            using (BlogEntryDataProvider dataProvider = new BlogEntryDataProvider()) {
                BlogEntry data = null;
                if (entryNum != 0)
                    data = await dataProvider.GetItemAsync(entryNum);
                if (data == null)

                Manager.CurrentPage.EvaluatedCanonicalUrl = await BlogConfigData.GetEntryCanonicalNameAsync(entryNum);

                if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(data.Keywords))
                    Manager.CurrentPage.Keywords = data.Keywords;
                    Manager.MetatagsManager.AddMetatag("news_keywords", data.Keywords.ToString());
                Manager.CurrentPage.Description = data.Title;
                Manager.PageTitle = data.Title;

                DisplayModel model = new DisplayModel();
                Module.Title = data.Title;
        private GridDefinition GetGridModel(int blogCategory)
            return(new GridDefinition {
                ModuleGuid = Module.ModuleGuid,
                SettingsModuleGuid = Module.PermanentGuid,
                RecordType = typeof(BrowseItem),
                AjaxUrl = GetActionUrl(nameof(EntriesBrowse_GridData)),
                ExtraData = new BrowseItem.ExtraData {
                    BlogCategory = blogCategory
                DirectDataAsync = async(int skip, int take, List <DataProviderSortInfo> sort, List <DataProviderFilterInfo> filters) => {
                    // filter by category
                    if (blogCategory != 0)
                        filters = DataProviderFilterInfo.Join(filters, new DataProviderFilterInfo {
                            Field = nameof(BlogEntry.CategoryIdentity), Operator = "==", Value = blogCategory,
                    using (BlogEntryDataProvider entryDP = new BlogEntryDataProvider()) {
                        using (BlogCategoryDataProvider categoryDP = new BlogCategoryDataProvider()) {
                            DataProviderGetRecords <BlogEntry> browseItems = await entryDP.GetItemsAsync(skip, take, sort, filters);

                            return new DataSourceResult {
                                Data = (from s in browseItems.Data select new BrowseItem(Module, categoryDP, s)).ToList <object>(),
                                Total = browseItems.Total
        public async Task <ActionResult> CommentAdd_Partial(AddModel model)
            await model.UpdateDataAsync();

            using (BlogEntryDataProvider entryDP = new BlogEntryDataProvider()) {
                BlogEntry blogEntry = await entryDP.GetItemAsync(model.EntryIdentity);

                if (blogEntry == null)
                    throw new Error(this.__ResStr("notFound", "Blog entry with id {0} not found."), model.EntryIdentity);
                if (!blogEntry.OpenForComments)
                    throw new InternalError("Can't add comments to this blog entry");
                if (!ModelState.IsValid)
                using (BlogCommentDataProvider blogCommentDP = new BlogCommentDataProvider(model.EntryIdentity)) {
                    BlogComment blogComment = model.GetData();
                    if (!await blogCommentDP.AddItemAsync(blogComment))
                        throw new Error(this.__ResStr("alreadyExists", "An error occurred adding this new comment"));

                    // send notification email
                    BlogConfigData config = await BlogConfigDataProvider.GetConfigAsync();

                    if (config.NotifyNewComment)
                        SendEmail sendEmail = new SendEmail();
                        object    parms     = new {
                            Description = !blogComment.Approved ? this.__ResStr("needApproval", "This comment requires your approval.") : this.__ResStr("autoApproval", "This comment has been automatically approved."),
                            Category    = (await blogEntry.GetCategoryAsync()).ToString(),
                            Title       = blogEntry.Title.ToString(),
                            Url         = Manager.CurrentSite.MakeUrl(await BlogConfigData.GetEntryCanonicalNameAsync(blogEntry.Identity)),
                            Comment     = Utility.HtmlDecode(model.Comment),
                            UserName    = model.Name,
                            UserEmail   = model.Email,
                            UserWebsite = model.Website,
                        string subject = this.__ResStr("newComment", "New Blog Comment ({0} - {1})", blogEntry.Title.ToString(), Manager.CurrentSite.SiteDomain);
                        await sendEmail.PrepareEmailMessageAsync(config.NotifyEmail, subject, await sendEmail.GetEmailFileAsync(Package.GetCurrentPackage(this), "New Comment.txt"), Parameters : parms);

                        await sendEmail.SendAsync(true);

                    if (!blogComment.Approved)
                        return(FormProcessed(model, this.__ResStr("okSavedReview", "New comment saved - It will be reviewed before becoming publicly viewable"), OnClose: OnCloseEnum.ReloadPage, OnPopupClose: OnPopupCloseEnum.ReloadParentPage));
                        return(FormProcessed(model, this.__ResStr("okSaved", "New comment added"), OnClose: OnCloseEnum.ReloadPage, OnPopupClose: OnPopupCloseEnum.ReloadParentPage));
        public async Task <ActionResult> Remove(int blogEntry)
            using (BlogEntryDataProvider dataProvider = new BlogEntryDataProvider()) {
                await dataProvider.RemoveItemAsync(blogEntry);

                return(Reload(null, Reload: ReloadEnum.ModuleParts));
            private async Task <bool> TestOpenForCommentsAsync(int blogEntry)
                using (BlogEntryDataProvider entryDP = new BlogEntryDataProvider()) {
                    BlogEntry ent = await entryDP.GetItemAsync(blogEntry);

                    if (ent == null)
                        throw new InternalError("Entry with id {0} not found", blogEntry);
        public async Task <ActionResult> EntryAdd_Partial(AddModel model)
            if (!ModelState.IsValid)

            using (BlogEntryDataProvider dataProvider = new BlogEntryDataProvider()) {
                if (!await dataProvider.AddItemAsync(model.GetData()))
                    throw new Error(this.__ResStr("alreadyExists", "An error occurred adding this new blog entry"));
                return(FormProcessed(model, this.__ResStr("okSaved", "New blog entry saved"), OnPopupClose: OnPopupCloseEnum.ReloadModule));
        public async Task <ActionResult> EntryEdit(int blogEntry)
            using (BlogEntryDataProvider dataProvider = new BlogEntryDataProvider()) {
                EditModel model = new EditModel {
                BlogEntry data  = await dataProvider.GetItemAsync(blogEntry);

                if (data == null)
                    throw new Error(this.__ResStr("notFound", "Blog entry with id {0} not found"), blogEntry);
                Module.Title = data.Title;
        public async Task <ActionResult> Summary()
            //int category;
            //Manager.TryGetUrlArg<int>("BlogCategory", out category);
            BlogConfigData config = await BlogConfigDataProvider.GetConfigAsync();

            using (BlogEntryDataProvider dataProvider = new BlogEntryDataProvider()) {
                List <DataProviderSortInfo> sort = new List <DataProviderSortInfo> {
                    new DataProviderSortInfo {
                        Field = nameof(BlogEntry.DatePublished), Order = DataProviderSortInfo.SortDirection.Descending
                List <DataProviderFilterInfo> filters = new List <DataProviderFilterInfo> {
                    new DataProviderFilterInfo {
                        Field = nameof(BlogEntry.Published), Operator = "==", Value = true
                //if (category != 0)
                //    filters = DataProviderFilterInfo.Join(filters, new DataProviderFilterInfo { Field = nameof(BlogEntry.CategoryIdentity), Operator = "==", Value = category });
                DataProviderGetRecords <BlogEntry> data = await dataProvider.GetItemsAsync(0, Module.Entries, sort, filters);

                if (data.Data.Count == 0)
                    return(new EmptyResult());

                EntryDisplayModule dispMod = new EntryDisplayModule();
                List <Entry>       list    = new List <Entry>();
                foreach (BlogEntry d in data.Data)
                    ModuleAction viewAction = await dispMod.GetAction_DisplayAsync(d.Identity);

                    list.Add(new Entry(d, dispMod, viewAction));
                DisplayModel model = new DisplayModel()
                    BlogEntries = list,
        /// <summary>
        /// Create a blog based news site map for the current site.
        /// </summary>
        public async Task CreateAsync(bool slow = false)
            string file = GetTempFile();
            await FileSystem.FileSystemProvider.DeleteFileAsync(file);

            // header
            await FileSystem.FileSystemProvider.AppendAllTextAsync(file,
                                                                   "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\" ?>\r\n" +
                                                                   "<urlset xsi:schemaLocation=\"http://www.sitemaps.org/schemas/sitemap/0.9 http://www.sitemaps.org/schemas/sitemap/0.9/sitemap.xsd\" xmlns:xsi=\"http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance\" xmlns =\"http://www.sitemaps.org/schemas/sitemap/0.9\" xmlns:news=\"http://www.google.com/schemas/sitemap-news/0.9\" >\r\n"

            // Dynamic Urls in types
            DynamicUrlsImpl dynamicUrls = new DynamicUrlsImpl();
            List <Type>     types       = dynamicUrls.GetDynamicUrlTypes();

            foreach (Type type in types)
                object obj = Activator.CreateInstance(type);
                ISiteMapDynamicUrls iSiteMap = obj as ISiteMapDynamicUrls;
                if (iSiteMap != null)
                    BlogEntryDataProvider blogEntryDP = obj as BlogEntryDataProvider;
                    if (blogEntryDP != null)   // limit to blog entries
                        await iSiteMap.FindDynamicUrlsAsync(AddNewsSiteMapPageAsync, ValidForNewsSiteMap);
            // end
            await FileSystem.FileSystemProvider.AppendAllTextAsync(file,

            string finalFile = GetFile();
            await FileSystem.FileSystemProvider.DeleteFileAsync(finalFile);

            await FileSystem.FileSystemProvider.MoveFileAsync(file, finalFile);
        public async Task <ActionResult> Archive(int?blogCategory)
            int category = (int)(blogCategory ?? 0);

            BlogModule   blogMod = new BlogModule();
            DisplayModel model   = new DisplayModel()

            using (BlogEntryDataProvider entryDP = new BlogEntryDataProvider()) {
                List <DataProviderSortInfo> sort = new List <DataProviderSortInfo> {
                    new DataProviderSortInfo {
                        Field = nameof(BlogEntry.DatePublished), Order = DataProviderSortInfo.SortDirection.Descending
                List <DataProviderFilterInfo> filters = new List <DataProviderFilterInfo> {
                    new DataProviderFilterInfo {
                        Field = nameof(BlogEntry.Published), Operator = "==", Value = true
                if (category != 0)
                    filters = DataProviderFilterInfo.Join(filters, new DataProviderFilterInfo {
                        Field = nameof(BlogEntry.CategoryIdentity), Operator = "==", Value = category

                int year = 0, month = 0, count = 0;

                int totalRecs = 0, start = 0, incr = 100;
                for ( ; ;)
                    DataProviderGetRecords <BlogEntry> data = await entryDP.GetItemsAsync(start, incr, sort, filters);

                    if (data.Data.Count == 0)
                        return(new EmptyResult());

                    foreach (BlogEntry entry in data.Data)
                        if (entry.DatePublished.Month != month || entry.DatePublished.Year != year)
                            if (count > 0)
                                DateTime d = new DateTime(year, month, 1).AddMonths(1).AddSeconds(-1);
                                model.Actions.New(await blogMod.GetAction_BlogAsync(null, category, StartDate: d, Count: count));
                                count = 0;
                            month = entry.DatePublished.Month;
                            year  = entry.DatePublished.Year;
                    start += incr;
                    if (start >= totalRecs)
                        if (count > 0)
                            DateTime d = new DateTime(year, month, 1).AddMonths(1).AddSeconds(-1);
                            model.Actions.New(await blogMod.GetAction_BlogAsync(null, category, StartDate: d, Count: count));
        public async Task <ActionResult> CommentsDisplay(int?blogEntry)
            int            entryNum = blogEntry ?? 0;
            BlogConfigData config   = await BlogConfigDataProvider.GetConfigAsync();

            DisplayModel model = new DisplayModel()

            CommentEditModule editMod = new CommentEditModule();

            using (BlogEntryDataProvider entryDP = new BlogEntryDataProvider()) {
                BlogEntry entry = null;
                if (entryNum != 0)
                    entry = await entryDP.GetItemAsync(entryNum);
                if (entry == null)
                    return(new EmptyResult());
                model.OpenForComments = entry.OpenForComments;
            using (BlogCommentDataProvider commentDP = new BlogCommentDataProvider(entryNum)) {
                DataProviderGetRecords <BlogComment> comments = await commentDP.GetItemsAsync(0, 0, null, null);

                if (!model.OpenForComments && comments.Total == 0)
                    return(new EmptyResult());

                model.ShowGravatars = config.ShowGravatar;
                model.CanApprove    = await Resource.ResourceAccess.IsResourceAuthorizedAsync(Info.Resource_AllowManageComments);

                model.CanRemove = await Resource.ResourceAccess.IsResourceAuthorizedAsync(Info.Resource_AllowManageComments);

                List <CommentData> list = new List <CommentData>();
                foreach (BlogComment d in comments.Data)
                    ModuleAction editAction = await editMod.GetAction_EditAsync(Module.EditUrl, d.EntryIdentity, d.Identity);

                    ModuleAction approveAction = await Module.GetAction_ApproveAsync(d.CategoryIdentity, d.Identity);

                    ModuleAction removeAction = await Module.GetAction_RemoveAsync(d.CategoryIdentity, d.Identity);

                    if (model.CanApprove || model.CanRemove)
                        list.Add(new CommentData(d, editAction, approveAction, removeAction));
                        if (!d.Deleted && d.Approved)
                            list.Add(new CommentData(d, editAction, approveAction, removeAction));
                model.Comments = list;

                int pending = (from d in comments.Data where !d.Deleted && !d.Approved select d).Count();
                model.PendingApproval = pending;
                int commentsTotal = (from c in comments.Data where !c.Deleted select c).Count();

                // set a module title
                string title;
                if (commentsTotal > 0 && pending > 0)
                    if (commentsTotal > 1)
                        if (pending > 1)
                            title = this.__ResStr("commentsPs", "{0} Comments - {1} Comments Pending Approval", commentsTotal, pending);
                            title = this.__ResStr("commentsP", "{0} Comments - 1 Comment Pending Approval", commentsTotal);
                        title = this.__ResStr("commentP", "1 Comment Pending Approval");
                    if (commentsTotal > 1)
                        title = this.__ResStr("comments", "{0} Comments", commentsTotal);
                    else if (commentsTotal == 1)
                        title = this.__ResStr("comment1", "1 Comment");
                        title = this.__ResStr("comment0", "No Comments");
                Module.Title = title;

        // Windows RSS Publisher's Guide http://blogs.msdn.com/b/rssteam/archive/2005/08/02/publishersguide.aspx

        public async Task <ActionResult> RssFeed(int?blogCategory)
            BlogConfigData config = await BlogConfigDataProvider.GetConfigAsync();

            if (!config.Feed)
                throw new Error(this.__ResStr("noFeed", "The feed is no longer available"));

            int          categoryIdentity = blogCategory ?? 0;
            BlogCategory category         = null;

            if (categoryIdentity != 0)
                using (BlogCategoryDataProvider categoryDP = new BlogCategoryDataProvider()) {
                    category = await categoryDP.GetItemAsync(categoryIdentity);

                    if (!category.Syndicated)
                        throw new Error(this.__ResStr("noFeed", "The feed is no longer available"));

            using (BlogEntryDataProvider dataProvider = new BlogEntryDataProvider()) {
                List <DataProviderSortInfo> sort = new List <DataProviderSortInfo> {
                    new DataProviderSortInfo {
                        Field = nameof(BlogEntry.DatePublished), Order = DataProviderSortInfo.SortDirection.Descending
                List <DataProviderFilterInfo> filters = new List <DataProviderFilterInfo> {
                    new DataProviderFilterInfo {
                        Field = nameof(BlogEntry.Published), Operator = "==", Value = true
                if (categoryIdentity != 0)
                    filters = DataProviderFilterInfo.Join(filters, new DataProviderFilterInfo {
                        Field = nameof(BlogEntry.CategoryIdentity), Operator = "==", Value = categoryIdentity
                DataProviderGetRecords <BlogEntry> data = await dataProvider.GetItemsAsync(0, 0, sort, filters);

                string url = string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(config.FeedMainUrl) ? Manager.CurrentSite.HomePageUrl : config.FeedMainUrl;

                List <SyndicationItem> items   = new List <SyndicationItem>();
                EntryDisplayModule     dispMod = new EntryDisplayModule();

                DateTime lastUpdated = DateTime.MinValue;
                foreach (BlogEntry blogEntry in data.Data)
                    if (categoryIdentity == 0)
                        using (BlogCategoryDataProvider categoryDP = new BlogCategoryDataProvider()) {
                            category = await categoryDP.GetItemAsync(blogEntry.CategoryIdentity);

                            if (!category.Syndicated)
                    ModuleAction viewAction = await dispMod.GetAction_DisplayAsync(blogEntry.Identity);

                    if (viewAction == null)
                    SyndicationItem sItem   = new SyndicationItem(blogEntry.Title.ToString(), blogEntry.Text, new Uri(viewAction.GetCompleteUrl()));
                    DateTime        updDate = blogEntry.DateUpdated ?? blogEntry.DateCreated;
                    sItem.LastUpdatedTime = updDate;
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(category.SyndicationEmail))
                        sItem.Authors.Add(new SyndicationPerson(category.SyndicationEmail));
                    sItem.Categories.Add(new SyndicationCategory(category.Category.ToString()));
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(category.SyndicationCopyright.ToString()))
                        sItem.Copyright = new TextSyndicationContent(category.SyndicationCopyright.ToString());
                    sItem.PublishDate = blogEntry.DatePublished;
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(blogEntry.DisplayableSummary))
                        sItem.Summary = new TextSyndicationContent(blogEntry.DisplayableSummary);
                    lastUpdated = updDate > lastUpdated ? updDate : lastUpdated;


                SyndicationFeed feed;
                if (categoryIdentity != 0)
                    feed = new SyndicationFeed(category.Category.ToString(), category.Description.ToString(), new Uri(Manager.CurrentSite.MakeUrl(url)), items);
                    feed = new SyndicationFeed(config.FeedTitle, config.FeedSummary, new Uri(Manager.CurrentSite.MakeUrl(url)), items);
                if (config.FeedImage != null)
                    feed.ImageUrl = new Uri(Manager.CurrentSite.MakeUrl(ImageHTML.FormatUrl(BlogConfigData.ImageType, null, config.FeedImage))); //$$$ caching issue
                if (lastUpdated != DateTime.MinValue)
                    feed.LastUpdatedTime = lastUpdated;
                return(new RssResult(feed));
        public async Task <ActionResult> Blog(DateTime?StartDate = null)
            int category;

            Manager.TryGetUrlArg <int>("BlogCategory", out category);
            BlogConfigData config = await BlogConfigDataProvider.GetConfigAsync();

            using (BlogEntryDataProvider dataProvider = new BlogEntryDataProvider()) {
                List <DataProviderSortInfo> sort = new List <DataProviderSortInfo> {
                    new DataProviderSortInfo {
                        Field = nameof(BlogEntry.DatePublished), Order = DataProviderSortInfo.SortDirection.Descending
                List <DataProviderFilterInfo> filters = new List <DataProviderFilterInfo> {
                    new DataProviderFilterInfo {
                        Field = nameof(BlogEntry.Published), Operator = "==", Value = true
                if (category != 0)
                    filters = DataProviderFilterInfo.Join(filters, new DataProviderFilterInfo {
                        Field = nameof(BlogEntry.CategoryIdentity), Operator = "==", Value = category
                DateTime sdShown = DateTime.MaxValue;
                if (StartDate != null)
                    sdShown = ((DateTime)StartDate).Date;
                    if (sdShown < DateTime.UtcNow)
                        filters = DataProviderFilterInfo.Join(filters, new DataProviderFilterInfo {
                            Field = nameof(BlogEntry.DatePublished), Operator = "<=", Value = sdShown
                        sdShown = DateTime.MaxValue;
                DataProviderGetRecords <BlogEntry> data = await dataProvider.GetItemsAsync(0, config.Entries, sort, filters);

                if (data.Data.Count == 0)
                    return(new EmptyResult());

                string rssUrl = string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(config.FeedMainUrl) ? Manager.CurrentSite.HomePageUrl : config.FeedMainUrl;
                Manager.LinkAltManager.AddLinkAltTag(AreaRegistration.CurrentPackage.AreaName, "application/rss+xml", config.FeedTitle, rssUrl);

                EntryEditModule    editMod = new EntryEditModule();
                EntryDisplayModule dispMod = new EntryDisplayModule();

                List <Entry> list = new List <Entry>();
                foreach (BlogEntry d in data.Data)
                    ModuleAction viewAction = await dispMod.GetAction_DisplayAsync(d.Identity, ReadMore : d.Summary != d.Text);

                    ModuleAction editAction = await editMod.GetAction_EditAsync(null, d.Identity);

                    list.Add(new Entry(d, editMod, dispMod, editAction, viewAction));
                DisplayModel model = new DisplayModel()
                    BlogEntries      = list,
                    CategoryIdentity = category,
                    StartDate        = sdShown == DateTime.MaxValue ? null : (DateTime?)sdShown,