    void Awake()
        //First we will create our map using the parameters we have set
        createdMap = BlockUtilities.CreateBlockMap(mapName, tileSize, chunkWidth, chunkHeight, growthAxis);

        //Now we will create a big old block of cubes, according to the dimensions we've set above
        for (int x = 0; x < levelWidth; x++)
            for (int y = 0; y < levelWidth; y++)
                for (int z = 0; z < levelDepth; z++)
                    //We instantiate the block outside of the BlockUtilites library
                    //I've made it this way to allow you to pool GameObjects or anything you like
                    //So you have control over where your blocks come from
                    Block b = GameObject.Instantiate(blockPrefab) as Block;

                    //Now we add the block to the map at the desired coordinates
                    //We won't randomise or refresh at this point, as we're creating a large map
                    //We will do that as one call later
                    BlockUtilities.AddBlockToMap(createdMap, b, false, 0, false, x, y, z, false, true);

        //Now that our map has been created, we will refresh it
        //Refreshing your map sets your blocks to orient correctly
        //And gives you an opportunity to randomise your variants en'masse
        BlockUtilities.RefreshMap(createdMap, randomiseInitialMap);
    void RandomlyModifyMap()
        //We'll retrieve the bounds of our map in order to pick a nice random block
        int x = UnityEngine.Random.Range(0, BlockUtilities.GetMapWidth(createdMap));
        int y = UnityEngine.Random.Range(0, BlockUtilities.GetMapHeight(createdMap));

        //The depth is a little different from the width/height, as depth may be negative
        int z = UnityEngine.Random.Range(BlockUtilities.GetMapLowerDepth(createdMap), BlockUtilities.GetMapUpperDepth(createdMap));

        //Here we'll flip a figurative coin to decide if we'll add or remove
        if (UnityEngine.Random.Range(0, 2) == 1)
            //We'll remove a block in this case
            BlockUtilities.RemoveBlockFromMap(createdMap, x, y, z, true, false);
            //Again, we'll create a block
            Block b = GameObject.Instantiate(blockPrefab) as Block;

            //And then add it to the map
            //We'll randomise on addition
            //And pending our CleanMap parameter, we'll refresh the surrounding blocks
            BlockUtilities.AddBlockToMap(createdMap, b, true, 0, true, x, y, z, false, true);
    void DestroyBlock(Vector3 coords)
        int x = (int)coords.x;
        int y = (int)coords.y;
        int z = (int)coords.z;

        Block         b  = BlockUtilities.GetBlockAt(blockMap, x, y, z);
        OrientedBlock ob = null;

        if (b != null)
            ob = b as OrientedBlock;

        if (ob != null)
            StreamingMapNode n = GetNodeAt(x, y, z);

            if (n != null)
                n.variantIndex = ob.GetCurrentVariant();

            GameObject cio = ob.GetCurrentInstantiatedObject();

            if (cio != null)
                TidyMapBoundObject mbo = cio.GetComponentInChildren <TidyMapBoundObject>();

                if (mbo != null)
                    if (!mbo.DestroyWhenStreaming())

        BlockUtilities.AddBlockToMap(blockMap, null, false, 0, true, x, y, z, false, false);
    //We'll construct the map here
    void ConstructLevel()
        bool[,] map = GetLevelMap(levelWidth, levelHeight);

        //We'll go ahead and create our map now
        createdMap = BlockUtilities.CreateBlockMap(mapName, tileSize, chunkWidth, chunkHeight, growthAxis);

        //We're just going to iterate through the level we got back from the
        //function (trusting that it's correctly sized)
        for (int x = 0; x < levelWidth; x++)
            for (int y = 0; y < levelHeight; y++)
                if (map[x, y])
                    Block b = GameObject.Instantiate(blockPrefab) as Block;

                    //We'll add our instantiated block here
                    //And we will not refresh just yet -
                    //it's better to refresh and clean at the end
                    BlockUtilities.AddBlockToMap(createdMap, b, false, 0, false, x, y, 0, false, false);
                    if (useEmptyBlocks)
                        BlockUtilities.AddBlockToMap(createdMap, null, false, 0, false, x, y, 0, false, true);

        //And now we refresh our map
        BlockUtilities.RefreshMap(createdMap, randomiseInitialMap);

    //Instantiate our block! Wrap the AssetPool functions nicely
    void InstantiateBlock(Vector3 coords)
        int x = (int)coords.x;
        int y = (int)coords.y;
        int z = (int)coords.z;

        StreamingMapNode n = GetNodeAt(x, y, z);

        Block b  = null;
        int   bv = 0;

        if (n != null)
            b  = n.blockPrefab;
            bv = n.variantIndex;

        Block toAdd = null;

        if (b != null)
            GameObject o = AssetPool.Instantiate(b.gameObject) as GameObject;

#if UNITY_4_0
//			o.SetActiveRecursively (true);

            toAdd = o.GetComponent <Block>();

            OrientedBlock ob = toAdd as OrientedBlock;

            if (ob != null)

        if (n != null && n.HasVariant())
            BlockUtilities.AddBlockToMap(blockMap, toAdd, false, bv, true, x, y, z, false, false);
            BlockUtilities.AddBlockToMap(blockMap, toAdd, true, bv, true, x, y, z, false, false);

        if (n != null)
            if (!n.HasVariant())
                Vector3 focus = new Vector3(focus_x, focus_y, focus_z);

                if (!IsOnOuterRim(focus, coords))
                    //Let's save the variant so that we always get a consistent map
                    //It saves the programmer having to randomise this themselves
                    OrientedBlock ob = BlockUtilities.GetBlockAt(blockMap, x, y, z) as OrientedBlock;

                    if (ob != null)
                        n.variantIndex = ob.GetCurrentVariant();