public BlockMeshData(BlockScheme blockScheme, Vector3Int blockSize, int startIndex) { this.cubeScheme = blockScheme; this.sizeX = blockSize.x; this.sizeY = blockSize.y; this.sizeZ = blockSize.z; if (blockScheme != null) { this.x = blockScheme.position.x; this.y = blockScheme.position.y; this.z = blockScheme.position.z; } this.triIndexStart = startIndex; this.triIndexEnd = startIndex; // Front quad LeftBottomP = new Vector3(x, y, z + sizeZ); LeftUpperP = new Vector3(x, y + sizeY, z + sizeZ); RightBottomP = new Vector3(x + sizeX, y, z + sizeZ); RightUpperP = new Vector3(x + sizeX, y + sizeY, z + sizeZ); // Back quad BackleftBottomP = new Vector3(x, y, z); BackLeftUpperP = new Vector3(x, y + sizeY, z); BackRightBottomP = new Vector3(x + sizeX, y, z); BackRightUpperP = new Vector3(x + sizeX, y + sizeY, z); }
public static Color GetSchemeColor(BlockScheme scheme) { List <Population> pops = new List <Population>(); foreach (string flag in scheme.flags) { foreach (string popGroup in flag.Split('_')) { foreach (string popName in popGroup.Split('-')) { Population pop = GameManager.instance.populationManager.GetPopulationByCodename(popName); if (pop != null) { pops.Add(pop); } } } } switch (pops.Count) { case 1: return(pops[0].color); case 2: return(Color.Lerp(pops[0].color, pops[1].color, 0.5f)); default: return(GameManager.instance.library.defaultContainerColor); } }
private bool checkChildBlock(Vector3Int p, BlockScheme parent) { if (p.x < 0) { return(parent.neigbors.leftNeighbor); } if (p.y < 0) { return(parent.neigbors.bottomNeighbor); } if (p.z < 0) { return(parent.neigbors.backNeighbor); } if (p.x >= scheme.GetLength(0)) { return(parent.neigbors.rightNeighbor); } if (p.y >= scheme.GetLength(1)) { return(parent.neigbors.topNeighbor); } if (p.z >= scheme.GetLength(2)) { return(parent.neigbors.frontNeighbor); } if (this.scheme[p.x, p.y, p.z] == null) { return(false); } return(true); }
static public void ConvertBlock(Block block, BlockScheme newBlock) { Vector3Int coord = block.gridCoordinates; block.Destroy(); GameManager.instance.gridManagement.SpawnBlock(newBlock.ID, coord); }
public BlockScheme(BlockScheme[,,] children, BlockScheme parent, Vector3Int position, Vector3Int size) { this.children = children; this.position = position; this.size = size; this.visible = true; this.parent = parent; }
public static List <List <string> > GetFlags(BlockScheme blockScheme) { List <List <string> > list = new List <List <string> >(); foreach (string flag in blockScheme.flags) { list.Add(UnpackFlag(flag)); } return(list); }
IEnumerator AddTooltipsWhenPossible(Tooltip tt, BlockScheme scheme) { yield return(new WaitUntil(delegate { return GameManager.instance.localization.GetLanguages().Count > 0; })); List <Tooltip.Entry> entries = Tooltip.GetBuildingTooltip(scheme); foreach (Tooltip.Entry entry in entries) { tt.AddLocalizedLine(entry); } yield return(true); }
public Neighbors getChildNeighbors(int x, int y, int z, BlockScheme parent) { Neighbors neighbors = new Neighbors( checkChildBlock(new Vector3Int(x, y, z + 1), parent), checkChildBlock(new Vector3Int(x, y, z - 1), parent), checkChildBlock(new Vector3Int(x, y + 1, z), parent), checkChildBlock(new Vector3Int(x, y - 1, z), parent), checkChildBlock(new Vector3Int(x + 1, y, z), parent), checkChildBlock(new Vector3Int(x - 1, y, z), parent)); return(neighbors); }
public static List <string> GetRawFlags(BlockScheme blockScheme) { List <List <string> > flags = GetFlags(blockScheme); List <string> list = new List <string>(); foreach (List <string> parameters in flags) { list.Add(parameters[0]); } return(list); }
public GameObject CreateBlockFromId(int blockId) { BlockScheme scheme = GameManager.instance.library.GetBlockByID(blockId); if (scheme == null) { Logger.Warn("BlockScheme index not found - index : " + blockId); return(null); } GameObject newBlockGO = Instantiate(GameManager.instance.library.blockPrefab); Block newBlock = newBlockGO.GetComponent <Block>(); newBlock.scheme = scheme; LoadBlock(newBlock); return(newBlockGO); }
public void computeChildNeighbors(BlockScheme parent) { for (int x = 0; x < parent.children.GetLength(0); x++) { for (int y = 0; y < parent.children.GetLength(1); y++) { for (int z = 0; z < parent.children.GetLength(2); z++) { if (parent.children[x, y, z] != null && parent.children[x, y, z].visible) { NeighborsDetection nd = new NeighborsDetection(parent.children); parent.children[x, y, z].neigbors = nd.getChildNeighbors(x, y, z, parent); } } } } }
public void splitBlock(BlockScheme blockScheme, Vector3Int cubeSize = null) { Vector3Int position = blockScheme.position.add(this.worldPosition); for (int x = position.x; x < position.x + this.blockSize.x; x++) { for (int y = position.y; y < position.y + this.blockSize.y; y++) { for (int z = position.z; z < position.z + this.blockSize.z; z++) { BlockMeshDataInterpreter.buildingGameObject( BlockMeshDataInterpreter.oneSimpleCube(, new Vector3(x, y, z), false, true, null); } } } }
void SaveBlock(string[] dataLine) { if (dataLine.Length == 12) { BlockScheme block = ScriptableObject.CreateInstance <BlockScheme>(); // Ints block.ID = int.Parse(dataLine[1]); block.consumption = int.Parse(dataLine[2]); block.sensibility = int.Parse(dataLine[3]); // Flags block.flags = dataLine[4].Split(new char[] { '/' }, System.StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); // Booleans block.isMovable = bool.Parse(dataLine[5]); block.isDestroyable = bool.Parse(dataLine[6]); block.isBuyable = bool.Parse(dataLine[7]); block.canBuildAbove = bool.Parse(dataLine[8]); block.relyOnSpatioport = bool.Parse(dataLine[9]); block.fireProof = bool.Parse(dataLine[10]); block.riotProof = bool.Parse(dataLine[11]); string finalName = "Block_" + dataLine[0] + ".asset"; // Link preservation UnityEngine.Object previousBlock = AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath(Paths.GetBlockFolder(folderName) + "/" + finalName, typeof(BlockScheme)); if (previousBlock != null) { BlockScheme previousScheme = (BlockScheme)previousBlock; block.model = previousScheme.model; block.sound = previousScheme.sound; } AssetDatabase.CreateAsset(block, Paths.GetBlockFolder(folderName) + "/" + finalName); AssetDatabase.SaveAssets(); AssetDatabase.Refresh(); } else { Debug.LogWarning("Your file is not properly setup, there is only " + dataLine.Length + " elements in each lines. Where there should be 12"); } }
public static CityManager.BuildingType GetCategory(BlockScheme scheme) { string[] rawFlags = GetRawFlags(scheme).ToArray(); // Habitation if (rawFlags.Contains("House")) { return(CityManager.BuildingType.Habitation); } // Occupators if (rawFlags.Contains("Occupator") || rawFlags.Contains("Extractor") || rawFlags.Contains("Barrack")) { return(CityManager.BuildingType.Occupators); } // Services return(CityManager.BuildingType.Services); }
public BlockScheme makeScheme(Vector3Int position) { if (childDimensions == null) { this.childDimensions = childrenDimensions(); } Vector3Int size = blockSize.div(this.childDimensions); BlockScheme[,,] children = new BlockScheme[childDimensions.x, childDimensions.y, childDimensions.z]; BlockScheme parent = new BlockScheme(children, null, position, blockSize); for (int x = 0; x < children.GetLength(0); x++) { for (int y = 0; y < children.GetLength(1); y++) { for (int z = 0; z < children.GetLength(2); z++) { children[x, y, z] = new BlockScheme(null, parent, position.add(new Vector3Int(x, y, z).multiply(size)), size); } } } return(parent); }
void Update() { Vector2 rotation = new Vector2(Input.GetAxisRaw("Mouse X"), -Input.GetAxisRaw("Mouse Y")) * rotationSpeed * Time.deltaTime; Vector2 dir = new Vector2(Input.GetAxisRaw("Horizontal"), Input.GetAxisRaw("Vertical")).normalized; bool running = Input.GetKey(KeyCode.LeftShift); float targetSpeed = (running ? runSpeed : walkSpeed) * dir.magnitude; currentSpeed = Mathf.SmoothDamp(currentSpeed, targetSpeed, ref speedSmoothVelocity, speedSmoothTime); transform.Translate(transform.forward * currentSpeed * Time.deltaTime, Space.World); if (dir != { float targetRotation = Mathf.Atan2(dir.x, dir.y) * Mathf.Rad2Deg; transform.eulerAngles = Vector2.up * Mathf.SmoothDampAngle(transform.eulerAngles.y, targetRotation, ref turnSmoothVelocity, turnSmoothTime); } float speedNormalized = (running ? 1 : .5f) * dir.magnitude; // Set animation type animator.SetFloat("speed", speedNormalized, speedSmoothTime, Time.deltaTime); cam.transform.Rotate(0, rotation.x, 0, Space.World); cam.transform.Rotate(rotation.y, 0, 0, Space.Self); if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Mouse0)) { RaycastHit h; if (Physics.Raycast(cam.transform.position, cam.transform.forward, out h)) { GameObject something = h.collider.gameObject; if (h.collider.gameObject.tag == "building") { BlockScheme b = Town.buildings[something].setBlockInvisible(h.point); Destroy(something); GameObject newBuilding = Town.buildings[something].reBuild(); Town.buildings[something].splitBlock(b); BlockRewind.block = b; BlockRewind.building = Town.buildings[something]; BlockRewind.buildingGO = newBuilding; BlockRewind.isRecording = true; addForce(h.point); } if (h.collider != null && something.tag == "enemy_body_part") { something.transform.root.GetComponent <Enemy>().kill(forcePushEnemy, h.point); //h.collider.gameObject.GetComponent<Enemy_Part>().push(forcePushEnemy, h.point); } } } if (Input.GetKey(KeyCode.Z)) { forceMagnitude += 100; forceUI.GetComponent <Text>().text = forceMagnitude.ToString(); } if (Input.GetKey(KeyCode.X)) { forceMagnitude -= 100; forceUI.GetComponent <Text>().text = forceMagnitude.ToString(); } if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.B)) { cam.GetComponent <MotionBlur>().enabled = !GetComponent <MotionBlur>().enabled; } if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Escape)) { Application.Quit(); } }
//Return true if a block is placable here, false if it isn't public bool IsPlaceable(Vector3Int coordinates, bool shouldDisplayInformation, BlockScheme scheme) { if (coordinates.x < 0 || coordinates.y < 0 || coordinates.z < 0) { if (shouldDisplayInformation) { GameManager.instance.cursorManagement.CursorError("cannotBuildOutOfMap"); } return(false); } if (coordinates.y > maxHeight) { if (shouldDisplayInformation) { GameManager.instance.cursorManagement.CursorError("maxHeightReached"); } return(false); } Vector3Int groundPosition = GetLowestFreeSlot(new Vector2Int(coordinates.x, coordinates.z)); if (groundPosition.y < minHeight) { if (shouldDisplayInformation) { GameManager.instance.cursorManagement.CursorError.Invoke("cannotBuildOnWater"); } return(false); } if (groundPosition.y >= maxHeight) { if (shouldDisplayInformation) { GameManager.instance.cursorManagement.CursorError("maxHeightReached"); } return(false); } if (GetSlotType(groundPosition) != blockType.FREE) { if (shouldDisplayInformation) { GameManager.instance.cursorManagement.CursorError.Invoke("cannotBuildHere"); } return(false); } GameObject gameObjectUnderPos = grid[groundPosition.x, groundPosition.y - 1, groundPosition.z]; if (gameObjectUnderPos != null) { if (gameObjectUnderPos.GetComponent <BridgeInfo>() != null) { if (shouldDisplayInformation) { GameManager.instance.cursorManagement.CursorError.Invoke("cannotBuildOverBridge"); } return(false); } Block blockUnderPos = gameObjectUnderPos.GetComponent <Block>(); if (blockUnderPos != null) { if (!blockUnderPos.scheme.canBuildAbove && (coordinates.y != groundPosition.y - 1)) { if (shouldDisplayInformation) { GameManager.instance.cursorManagement.CursorError.Invoke("cannotBuildAboveThis"); } return(false); } if (!blockUnderPos.scheme.isMovable && coordinates.y == groundPosition.y - 1) { if (shouldDisplayInformation) { GameManager.instance.cursorManagement.CursorError.Invoke("cannotBuildHere"); } return(false); } } } GameObject gameObjectOnPos = grid[coordinates.x, coordinates.y, coordinates.z]; if (gameObjectOnPos != null) { if (gameObjectOnPos.GetComponent <BridgeInfo>() != null) { if (shouldDisplayInformation) { GameManager.instance.cursorManagement.CursorError.Invoke("cannotBuildOverBridge"); } return(false); } Block blockOnPos = gameObjectOnPos.GetComponent <Block>(); if (blockOnPos != null && !scheme.canBuildAbove) { if (shouldDisplayInformation) { GameManager.instance.cursorManagement.CursorError.Invoke("cannotPlaceThisBlockHere"); } return(false); } } return(true); }
void LoadActionFunctions() { actionFunctions.Clear(); actionFunctions.Add( "INCREASE_ENERGY_CONSUMPTION_FOR_BUILDING", (args, context) => { Block block = null; try { block = (Block)context[GetArgument(args, "building")]; } catch (System.Exception) { Throw("Impossible cast in " + args + "\n"); } int duration = System.Convert.ToInt32(GetArgument(args, "duration")); int amount = System.Convert.ToInt32(GetArgument(args, "amount")); ConsequencesManager.GenerateConsumptionModifier(block, amount, duration); } ); actionFunctions.Add( "INCREASE_MOOD_FOR_POPULATION", (args, context) => { Population pop = GameManager.instance.populationManager.GetPopulationByCodename(GetArgument(args, "population")); if (pop == null) { List <string> pops = new List <string>(); foreach (Population existingPop in GameManager.instance.populationManager.populationTypeList) { pops.Add(existingPop.codeName); } Throw("Invalid population name :\n " + args + "\nPick one from the following : " + string.Join(", ", pops.ToArray())); } int duration = System.Convert.ToInt32(GetArgument(args, "duration")); int amount = System.Convert.ToInt32(GetArgument(args, "amount")); int eventId = ((ObjectInteger)context["_EVENT_ID"]).ToInt(); ConsequencesManager.GenerateMoodModifier(pop, amount, duration, eventId); } ); actionFunctions.Add( "INCREASE_FOOD_CONSUMPTION_FOR_POPULATION", (args, context) => { Population pop = GameManager.instance.populationManager.GetPopulationByCodename(GetArgument(args, "population")); if (pop == null) { List <string> pops = new List <string>(); foreach (Population existingPop in GameManager.instance.populationManager.populationTypeList) { pops.Add(existingPop.codeName); } Throw("Invalid population name :\n " + args + "\nPick one from the following : " + string.Join(", ", pops.ToArray())); } int duration = System.Convert.ToInt32(GetArgument(args, "duration")); float amount = System.Convert.ToSingle(GetArgument(args, "amount")); ConsequencesManager.GenerateFoodConsumptionModifier(pop, amount, duration); } ); actionFunctions.Add( "DECREASE_FOOD_CONSUMPTION_FOR_POPULATION", (args, context) => { Population pop = GameManager.instance.populationManager.GetPopulationByCodename(GetArgument(args, "population")); if (pop == null) { List <string> pops = new List <string>(); foreach (Population existingPop in GameManager.instance.populationManager.populationTypeList) { pops.Add(existingPop.codeName); } Throw("Invalid population name :\n " + args + "\nPick one from the following : " + string.Join(", ", pops.ToArray())); } int duration = System.Convert.ToInt32(GetArgument(args, "duration")); float amount = System.Convert.ToSingle(GetArgument(args, "amount")); ConsequencesManager.GenerateFoodConsumptionModifier(pop, -amount, duration); } ); actionFunctions.Add( "INCREASE_HOUSE_NOTATION", (args, context) => { House house = null; try { house = (House)context[GetArgument(args, "house")]; } catch (System.Exception e) { Throw("Impossible cast in " + args + "\n" + e.ToString()); } float amount = System.Convert.ToSingle(GetArgument(args, "amount")); int duration = System.Convert.ToInt32(GetArgument(args, "duration")); ConsequencesManager.ChangeHouseNotation(house, amount, duration); } ); actionFunctions.Add( "DECREASE_MOOD_FOR_POPULATION", (args, context) => { Population pop = GameManager.instance.populationManager.GetPopulationByCodename(GetArgument(args, "population")); if (pop == null) { List <string> pops = new List <string>(); foreach (Population existingPop in GameManager.instance.populationManager.populationTypeList) { pops.Add(existingPop.codeName); } Throw("Invalid population name :\n " + args + "\nPick one from the following : " + string.Join(", ", pops.ToArray())); } int duration = System.Convert.ToInt32(GetArgument(args, "duration")); int amount = System.Convert.ToInt32(GetArgument(args, "amount")); int eventId = ((ObjectInteger)context["_EVENT_ID"]).ToInt(); ConsequencesManager.GenerateMoodModifier(pop, -amount, duration, eventId); } ); actionFunctions.Add( "ADD_FLAG_MODIFIER_ON_BUILDING_FOR_DURATION", (args, context) => { Block block = null; try { block = (Block)context[GetArgument(args, "building")]; } catch (System.Exception e) { Throw("Impossible cast in " + args + "\n" + e.ToString()); } int duration = System.Convert.ToInt32(GetArgument(args, "duration")); string flagModifier = GetArgument(args, "flagModifier"); ConsequencesManager.ModifyFlag(block, flagModifier, duration); } ); actionFunctions.Add( "ADD_FLAG_ON_BUILDING_FOR_DURATION", (args, context) => { Block block = null; try { block = (Block)context[GetArgument(args, "building")]; } catch (System.Exception e) { Throw("Impossible cast in " + args + "\n" + e.ToString()); } int duration = System.Convert.ToInt32(GetArgument(args, "duration")); string flag = GetArgument(args, "flag"); ConsequencesManager.GenerateTempFlag(block, flag, duration); } ); actionFunctions.Add( "ADD_FLAG_ON_BUILDING", (args, context) => { Block block = null; try { block = (Block)context[GetArgument(args, "building")]; } catch (System.Exception e) { Throw("Impossible cast in " + args + "\n" + e.ToString()); } string flag = GetArgument(args, "flag"); ConsequencesManager.GenerateFlag(block, flag); } ); actionFunctions.Add( "ADD_STATE_ON_BUILDING", (args, context) => { Block block = null; try { block = (Block)context[GetArgument(args, "building")]; } catch (System.Exception e) { Throw("Impossible cast in " + args + "\n" + e.ToString()); } State state = (State)System.Enum.Parse(typeof(State), GetArgument(args, "state")); ConsequencesManager.AddState(block, state); } ); actionFunctions.Add( "ADD_SETTLERS_TO_NEXT_WAVE", (args, context) => { Population pop = GameManager.instance.populationManager.GetPopulationByCodename(GetArgument(args, "population")); if (pop == null) { List <string> pops = new List <string>(); foreach (Population existingPop in GameManager.instance.populationManager.populationTypeList) { pops.Add(existingPop.codeName); } Throw("Invalid population name :\n " + args + "\nPick one from the following : " + string.Join(", ", pops.ToArray())); } int amount = System.Convert.ToInt32(GetArgument(args, "amount")); ConsequencesManager.AddSettlerBonusForNextWave(pop, amount); } ); actionFunctions.Add( "DESTROY_BUILDING", (args, context) => { Block block = null; try { block = (Block)context[GetArgument(args, "building")]; } catch (System.Exception e) { Throw("Impossible cast in " + args + "\n" + e.ToString()); } ConsequencesManager.DestroyBlock(block); } ); actionFunctions.Add( "CHANGE_BUILDING_SCHEME", (args, context) => { Block block = null; try { block = (Block)context[GetArgument(args, "building")]; } catch (System.Exception e) { Throw("Impossible cast in " + args + "\n" + e.ToString()); } BlockScheme scheme = null; try { scheme = (BlockScheme)context[GetArgument(args, "scheme")]; } catch (System.Exception e) { Throw("Impossible cast in " + args + "\n" + e.ToString()); } int id = System.Convert.ToInt32(GetArgument(args, "id")); BlockScheme into = GameManager.instance.library.GetBlockByID(id); ConsequencesManager.ConvertBlock(block, into); } ); actionFunctions.Add( "LAY_MULTIPLE_SCHEME_ON_POSITION", (args, context) => { BlockScheme scheme = null; try { scheme = (BlockScheme)context[GetArgument(args, "scheme")]; } catch (System.Exception e) { Throw("Impossible cast in " + args + "\n" + e.ToString()); } int amount = System.Convert.ToInt32(GetArgument(args, "amount")); Vector3Int position = ((ObjectPosition)context[GetArgument(args, "position")]).ToVector3Int(); ConsequencesManager.SpawnBlocksAtLocation(amount, scheme.ID, new Vector2Int(position.x, position.z)); } ); actionFunctions.Add( "LAY_SCHEME_ON_POSITION", (args, context) => { args = AddArgument(args, "amount:1"); actionFunctions["LAY_MULTIPLE_SCHEME_ON_POSITION"](args, context); } ); actionFunctions.Add( "REMOVE_FLAG_FROM_BUILDING", (args, context) => { Block block = null; try { block = (Block)context[GetArgument(args, "building")]; } catch (System.Exception e) { Throw("Impossible cast in " + args + "\n" + e.ToString()); } string flag = GetArgument(args, "flag"); ConsequencesManager.DestroyFlag(block, System.Type.GetType(flag)); } ); actionFunctions.Add( "REMOVE_FLAG_FROM_BUILDING_FOR_DURATION", (args, context) => { Block block = null; try { block = (Block)context[GetArgument(args, "building")]; } catch (System.Exception e) { Throw("Impossible cast in " + args + "\n" + e.ToString()); } int duration = System.Convert.ToInt32(GetArgument(args, "duration")); string flag = GetArgument(args, "flag"); ConsequencesManager.DestroyFlagTemporarily(block, System.Type.GetType(flag), duration); } ); actionFunctions.Add( "GAME_OVER", (args, context) => { GameManager.instance.ExitToMenu(); } ); actionFunctions.Add( "TRIGGER_EVENT", (args, context) => { int eventId = System.Convert.ToInt32(GetArgument(args, "id")); GameManager.instance.eventManager.TriggerEvent(eventId); } ); actionFunctions.Add( "DECLARE_EVENT", (args, context) => { int eventId = System.Convert.ToInt32(GetArgument(args, "id")); context["_EVENT_ID"] = new ObjectInteger(eventId); } ); actionFunctions.Add( "DECLARE_ACHIEVEMENT", (args, context) => { int eventId = System.Convert.ToInt32(GetArgument(args, "id")); context["_ACHIEVEMENT_ID"] = new ObjectInteger(eventId); } ); actionFunctions.Add( "ECHO", (args, context) => { Debug.Log("[SCRIPT ECHO] " + args); } ); actionFunctions.Add( "UNLOCK_ACHIEVEMENT", (args, context) => { int achievementId = System.Convert.ToInt32(GetArgument(args, "id")); GameManager.instance.achievementManager.achiever.UnlockAchievement(achievementId); } ); }
void LoadDataFunctions() { dataFunctions.Clear(); dataFunctions.Add( "RANDOM_BUILDING", (args, ctx) => { int id = System.Convert.ToInt32(GetArgument(args, "id")); Block block = ConsequencesManager.GetRandomBuildingOfId(id); if (block == null) { Throw("Could not find any building of ID " + id.ToString()); } return(block); } ); dataFunctions.Add( "BUILDING_COUNT", (args, ctx) => { int id = System.Convert.ToInt32(GetArgument(args, "scheme_id")); int count = GameManager.instance.systemManager.AllBlocks.FindAll(o => o.scheme.ID == id).Count; return(new ObjectInteger(count)); } ); dataFunctions.Add( "MOOD", (args, ctx) => { Population pop = GameManager.instance.populationManager.GetPopulationByCodename(GetArgument(args, "population")); if (pop == null) { List <string> pops = new List <string>(); foreach (Population existingPop in GameManager.instance.populationManager.populationTypeList) { pops.Add(existingPop.codeName); } Throw("Invalid population name :\n " + args + "\nPick one from the following : " + string.Join(", ", pops.ToArray())); } return(new ObjectInteger(Mathf.RoundToInt(GameManager.instance.populationManager.GetAverageMood(pop)))); } ); dataFunctions.Add( "CITIZEN_COUNT", (args, ctx) => { Population pop = GameManager.instance.populationManager.GetPopulationByCodename(GetArgument(args, "population")); if (pop == null) { List <string> pops = new List <string>(); foreach (Population existingPop in GameManager.instance.populationManager.populationTypeList) { pops.Add(existingPop.codeName); } Throw("Invalid population name :\n " + args + "\nPick one from the following : " + string.Join(", ", pops.ToArray())); } return(new ObjectInteger(GameManager.instance.populationManager.populations[pop].citizens.Count)); } ); dataFunctions.Add( "RANDOM_HOUSE", (args, ctx) => { Population pop = GameManager.instance.populationManager.GetPopulationByCodename(GetArgument(args, "population")); if (pop == null) { List <string> pops = new List <string>(); foreach (Population existingPop in GameManager.instance.populationManager.populationTypeList) { pops.Add(existingPop.codeName); } Throw("Invalid population name :\n " + args + "\nPick one from the following : " + string.Join(", ", pops.ToArray())); } House house = ConsequencesManager.GetRandomHouseOf(pop); if (house == null) { Throw("Could not find house belonging to pop " + pop.codeName); } return(house); } ); dataFunctions.Add( "RANDOM_POSITION", (args, ctx) => { Vector2Int coords2D = GameManager.instance.gridManagement.GetRandomCoordinates(); Vector3Int coords = new Vector3Int(coords2D.x, GameManager.instance.gridManagement.minHeight, coords2D.y); return(new ObjectPosition() { x = coords.x, y = coords.y, z = coords.z }); } ); dataFunctions.Add( "SCHEME", (args, ctx) => { int id = System.Convert.ToInt32(GetArgument(args, "id")); BlockScheme scheme = GameManager.instance.library.GetBlockByID(id); if (scheme == null) { Throw("Invalid scheme id :" + id.ToString()); } return(scheme); } ); dataFunctions.Add( "BUILDING_FROM_HOUSE", (args, ctx) => { House house = null; try { house = (House)ctx[GetArgument(args, "house")]; } catch (System.Exception e) { Throw("Impossible cast in " + args + "\n" + e.ToString()); } return(house.block); } ); dataFunctions.Add( "POSITION_FROM_BUILDING", (args, ctx) => { Block block = null; try { block = (Block)ctx[GetArgument(args, "building")]; } catch (System.Exception e) { Throw("Impossible cast in " + args + "\n" + e.ToString()); } return(new ObjectPosition() { x = block.gridCoordinates.x, y = block.gridCoordinates.y, z = block.gridCoordinates.z }); } ); dataFunctions.Add( "SCHEME_FROM_BUILDING", (args, ctx) => { Block block = null; try { block = (Block)ctx[GetArgument(args, "building")]; } catch (System.Exception e) { Throw("Impossible cast in " + args + "\n" + e.ToString()); } return(block.scheme); } ); }
public static List <Entry> GetBuildingTooltip(BlockScheme scheme, List <Entry> _entries = null) { List <Entry> entries = new List <Entry>(); entries.Add(new Entry("block" + scheme.ID.ToString(), "blockName", informationType.Neutral)); entries.Add(new Entry("block" + scheme.ID.ToString(), "blockDescription", informationType.Neutral)); entries.Add(new Entry(entryType.LineBreak)); // Porting previous block tooltip entries to this list if (_entries != null) { foreach (Entry tte in _entries) { entries.Add(tte); } entries.Add(new Entry(entryType.LineBreak)); } // Flag reading to get the block bonuses and maluses foreach (List <string> flag in FlagReader.GetFlags(scheme)) { string name = flag[0]; flag.Remove(name); string[] parameters = flag.ToArray(); for (int i = 0; i < parameters.Length; i++) { string popInfo = ""; bool wasPop = false; foreach (string popName in parameters[i].Split('-')) { if (GameManager.instance.populationManager.GetPopulationByCodename(popName) != null) { if (popInfo.Length > 0) { popInfo += " " + GameManager.instance.localization.GetLineFromCategory("stats", "orSeparator") + " "; } popInfo += GameManager.instance.localization.GetLineFromCategory("populationType", popName); wasPop = true; } } if (wasPop) { parameters[i] = popInfo; } } entries.Add(new Entry( name.ToLower(), "flagParameter", FlagReader.IsPositive(name) ? informationType.Positive : informationType.Negative, parameters )); } // Conditional unlocking ConditionalUnlocks unlocker = GameManager.instance.cityManager.conditionalUnlocker; if (!unlocker.CanBeUnlocked(scheme.ID)) { entries.Add(new Entry(entryType.LineBreak)); // Bold line entries.Add(new Entry( "toUnlockThisBuildingYouMust", "conditionalUnlock", informationType.Neutral ) { formatters = new string[1] { "b" } }); // Condition (= <= >= < >) foreach (ScriptInterpreter.FormattedComparison condition in unlocker.GetFormattedUnlockConditions(scheme.ID)) { // If Int, no need to tranlate it entries.Add(new Entry( condition.oprtr, "conditionalUnlock", informationType.Negative, condition.lefthandData.GetLocalization(GameManager.instance.localization), condition.righthandData.GetLocalization(GameManager.instance.localization) )); } } return(entries); }