 public LineManagement()
     nowLine         = new LineFileBlockStruct();
     supportingLines = new HashSet <string>();
     subwayReader    = new SeekReader <SubwayFileBlockStruct>();
     haveLineReader  = new BlockReader <HaveLineFileBlockStruct>();
     lineReader      = new SeekReader <LineFileBlockStruct>();
     nowSubwayStop   = new HashSet <SubwayFileBlockStruct>();
        public void CanReadFullBlock()
            var bl = new BlockReader(new MemOwner(CommonData.SingleBlock));

            while (bl.TryGetNextKey(out var key))
                var mem = bl.GetCurrentValue();
        // try reading a block using a BlockReader directly
        private static void TryRead(Configuration conf, LocatedBlock lblock, bool shouldSucceed
            IPEndPoint    targetAddr  = null;
            IOException   ioe         = null;
            BlockReader   blockReader = null;
            ExtendedBlock block       = lblock.GetBlock();

                DatanodeInfo[] nodes = lblock.GetLocations();
                targetAddr  = NetUtils.CreateSocketAddr(nodes[0].GetXferAddr());
                blockReader = new BlockReaderFactory(new DFSClient.Conf(conf)).SetFileName(BlockReaderFactory
                                                                                           .GetFileName(targetAddr, "test-blockpoolid", block.GetBlockId())).SetBlock(block
                                                                                                                                                            ).SetRemotePeerFactory(new _RemotePeerFactory_162(conf)).Build();
            catch (IOException ex)
                ioe = ex;
                if (blockReader != null)
                    catch (IOException e)
                        throw new RuntimeException(e);
            if (shouldSucceed)
                NUnit.Framework.Assert.IsNotNull("OP_READ_BLOCK: access token is invalid, " + "when it is expected to be valid"
                                                 , blockReader);
                NUnit.Framework.Assert.IsNotNull("OP_READ_BLOCK: access token is valid, " + "when it is expected to be invalid"
                                                 , ioe);
                NUnit.Framework.Assert.IsTrue("OP_READ_BLOCK failed due to reasons other than access token: "
                                              , ioe is InvalidBlockTokenException);
        /// <summary>Build a BlockReader with the given options.</summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// Build a BlockReader with the given options.
        /// This function will do the best it can to create a block reader that meets
        /// all of our requirements.  We prefer short-circuit block readers
        /// (BlockReaderLocal and BlockReaderLocalLegacy) over remote ones, since the
        /// former avoid the overhead of socket communication.  If short-circuit is
        /// unavailable, our next fallback is data transfer over UNIX domain sockets,
        /// if dfs.client.domain.socket.data.traffic has been enabled.  If that doesn't
        /// work, we will try to create a remote block reader that operates over TCP
        /// sockets.
        /// There are a few caches that are important here.
        /// The ShortCircuitCache stores file descriptor objects which have been passed
        /// from the DataNode.
        /// The DomainSocketFactory stores information about UNIX domain socket paths
        /// that we not been able to use in the past, so that we don't waste time
        /// retrying them over and over.  (Like all the caches, it does have a timeout,
        /// though.)
        /// The PeerCache stores peers that we have used in the past.  If we can reuse
        /// one of these peers, we avoid the overhead of re-opening a socket.  However,
        /// if the socket has been timed out on the remote end, our attempt to reuse
        /// the socket may end with an IOException.  For that reason, we limit our
        /// attempts at socket reuse to dfs.client.cached.conn.retry times.  After
        /// that, we create new sockets.  This avoids the problem where a thread tries
        /// to talk to a peer that it hasn't talked to in a while, and has to clean out
        /// every entry in a socket cache full of stale entries.
        /// </remarks>
        /// <returns>The new BlockReader.  We will not return null.</returns>
        /// <exception cref="Org.Apache.Hadoop.Security.Token.SecretManager.InvalidToken">
        /// If the block token was invalid.
        /// InvalidEncryptionKeyException
        /// If the encryption key was invalid.
        /// Other IOException
        /// If there was another problem.
        /// </exception>
        /// <exception cref="System.IO.IOException"/>
        public virtual BlockReader Build()
            BlockReader reader = null;

            if (conf.shortCircuitLocalReads && allowShortCircuitLocalReads)
                if (clientContext.GetUseLegacyBlockReaderLocal())
                    reader = GetLegacyBlockReaderLocal();
                    if (reader != null)
                        if (Log.IsTraceEnabled())
                            Log.Trace(this + ": returning new legacy block reader local.");
                    reader = GetBlockReaderLocal();
                    if (reader != null)
                        if (Log.IsTraceEnabled())
                            Log.Trace(this + ": returning new block reader local.");
            if (conf.domainSocketDataTraffic)
                reader = GetRemoteBlockReaderFromDomain();
                if (reader != null)
                    if (Log.IsTraceEnabled())
                        Log.Trace(this + ": returning new remote block reader using " + "UNIX domain socket on "
                                  + pathInfo.GetPath());
            Preconditions.CheckState(!DFSInputStream.tcpReadsDisabledForTesting, "TCP reads were disabled for testing, but we failed to "
                                     + "do a non-TCP read.");
        public (StringBuilder, StringReader) Execute(
            string currentLine,
            StringReader templateReader,
            StringBuilder output,
            IDictionary <string, object> model = null)
            var blockBody = BlockReader.ReadBlock(new StringReader(currentLine));

            var engine   = new RazorAlikeEngine();
            var resolved = engine.Run(blockBody.ReadToEnd(), model);


            return(output, templateReader);
 public BuildBuffer(Stream stream, int fallbackCodePage)
     FileStream fStrm = (stream as FileStream);
     if (fStrm != null) FileName = fStrm.Name;
     NextBlk = BlockReaderFactory.Get(stream, fallbackCodePage);
 public BuildBuffer(Stream stream)
     FileStream fStrm = (stream as FileStream);
     if (fStrm != null) FileName = fStrm.Name;
     NextBlk = BlockReaderFactory.Raw(stream);