/// <summary>
        /// Performs reverse-mode (adjoint) automatic differentiation
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="builder"></param>
        /// <param name="dependentVariable"></param>
        /// <param name="independentVariables"></param>
        public static void Differentiate(BlockExpressionBuilder builder,
                                         out IList <Expression> derivativeExpressions,
                                         VectorParameterExpression dependentVariable,
                                         params VectorParameterExpression[] independentVariables)
            if (independentVariables.Length == 0)
                derivativeExpressions = null;

            var block = builder.ToBlock();

            // change the numbering of variables; arguments first, then locals
            List <int>[] jLookup;
            Function[]   f;

            // we want a list of functions which can be unary or binary (in principle high order if it makes sense) and a look-up
            // each function is associated with a parameter, which is either an argument or a local
            // for each function index we return a list of the indices of the functions that reference the parameter
            GetFunctions(block, out f, out jLookup);

            int N = dependentVariable.Index;

            bool[] derivativeRequired; int[] derivativeExpressionIndex;
            IdentifyNeccesaryDerivatives(N, jLookup, independentVariables, out derivativeRequired, out derivativeExpressionIndex);

            // the list of operations needed to calculate the derivatives (*all* derivatives)
            derivativeExpressions = new Expression[independentVariables.Length];
            var dxNdx = new Expression[N + 1];

            dxNdx[N] = new ConstantExpression <double>(1.0);
            for (int i = N - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                if (!derivativeRequired[i])
                // dxN / dxi
                // need to find all operation indices j such that p(j) contains i
                // that is, all functions that have xi as an argument (these must therefore have a higher index than i)
                VectorParameterExpression total = new ConstantExpression <double>(0);
                var xi = f[i].Parameter;
                //need sum of dfj/dxi dXN/dxj
                foreach (var j in jLookup[i])
                    var fj      = f[j];
                    var dfjdxi  = Differentiate(fj, xi, builder); // dfj/dxi
                    var dXNdxj  = dxNdx[j];                       // dXN/dxj
                    var product = builder.AddProductExpression(dfjdxi, dXNdxj);
                    total = builder.AddAdditionExpression(total, product);
                dxNdx[i] = total;
                int targetIndex = derivativeExpressionIndex[i];
                if (targetIndex != -1)
                    derivativeExpressions[targetIndex] = total;
        /// <summary>
        /// Performs reverse-mode (adjoint) automatic differentiation 
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="builder"></param>
        /// <param name="dependentVariable"></param>
        /// <param name="independentVariables"></param>
        public static void Differentiate(BlockExpressionBuilder builder, 
            out IList<Expression> derivativeExpressions,
            VectorParameterExpression dependentVariable,
            params VectorParameterExpression[] independentVariables)
            if (independentVariables.Length == 0)
                derivativeExpressions = null;

            var block = builder.ToBlock();
            // change the numbering of variables; arguments first, then locals
            List<int>[] jLookup;
            Function[] f;

            // we want a list of functions which can be unary or binary (in principle high order if it makes sense) and a look-up
            // each function is associated with a parameter, which is either an argument or a local
            // for each function index we return a list of the indices of the functions that reference the parameter
            GetFunctions(block, out f, out jLookup);

            int N = dependentVariable.Index;

            bool[] derivativeRequired; int[] derivativeExpressionIndex;
            IdentifyNeccesaryDerivatives(N, jLookup, independentVariables, out derivativeRequired, out derivativeExpressionIndex);

            // the list of operations needed to calculate the derivatives (*all* derivatives)
            derivativeExpressions = new Expression[independentVariables.Length];
            var dxNdx = new Expression[N + 1];
            dxNdx[N] = new ConstantExpression<double>(1.0);
            for (int i = N - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                if (!derivativeRequired[i]) continue;
                // dxN / dxi
                // need to find all operation indices j such that p(j) contains i
                // that is, all functions that have xi as an argument (these must therefore have a higher index than i)
                VectorParameterExpression total = new ConstantExpression<double>(0);
                var xi = f[i].Parameter;
                //need sum of dfj/dxi dXN/dxj
                foreach (var j in jLookup[i])
                    var fj = f[j];
                    var dfjdxi = Differentiate(fj, xi, builder); // dfj/dxi
                    var dXNdxj = dxNdx[j]; // dXN/dxj
                    var product = builder.AddProductExpression(dfjdxi, dXNdxj);
                    total = builder.AddAdditionExpression(total, product);
                dxNdx[i] = total;
                int targetIndex = derivativeExpressionIndex[i];
                if (targetIndex != -1) derivativeExpressions[targetIndex] = total;