internal BlobAssetReference <LineBurst.Font> Convert() { using (var blobBuilder = new BlobBuilder(Allocator.Temp)) { ref var a = ref blobBuilder.ConstructRoot <LineBurst.Font>(); a.Width = Width; var ind = blobBuilder.Allocate(ref a.Indices, Glyphs.Length); var l = blobBuilder.Allocate(ref a.Lines, TotalLines); var start = 0; var lineIndex = 0; for (var i = 0; i < Glyphs.Length; i++) { var glyph = Glyphs[i]; var end = start + glyph.Lines.Length; ind[i] = new int2(start, end); start = end; for (var j = 0; j < glyph.Lines.Length; j++) { var line = glyph.Lines[j]; line.Org = ToGlyphSpace(line.Org); line.Dest = ToGlyphSpace(line.Dest); l[lineIndex++] = line; } } return(blobBuilder.CreateBlobAssetReference <LineBurst.Font>(Allocator.Persistent)); }
public void Convert(Entity entity, EntityManager dstManager, GameObjectConversionSystem conversionSystem) { using (var builder = new BlobBuilder(Allocator.Temp)) { ref var root = ref builder.ConstructRoot <BoardSetupBlobAsset>(); var tilePositions = builder.Allocate(ref root.TilePositions, TilePositions.Length); var dragonPositions = builder.Allocate(ref root.DragonPositions, DragonPositions.Length); var player1Positions = builder.Allocate(ref root.Player1Positions, Player1Positions.Length); var player2Positions = builder.Allocate(ref root.Player2Positions, Player2Positions.Length); for (int i = 0; i < TilePositions.Length; i++) { tilePositions[i] = TilePositions[i]; } for (int i = 0; i < DragonPositions.Length; i++) { dragonPositions[i] = DragonPositions[i]; } for (int i = 0; i < Player1Positions.Length; i++) { player1Positions[i] = Player1Positions[i]; } for (int i = 0; i < Player2Positions.Length; i++) { player2Positions[i] = Player2Positions[i]; } dstManager.AddComponentData(entity, new BoardSetup { Reference = builder.CreateBlobAssetReference <BoardSetupBlobAsset>(Allocator.Persistent) }); }
public unsafe void should_able_to_create_and_fetch_data_from_node_blob() { Debug.Log($"sizeof NodeA: {sizeof(NodeA.Data)}"); Debug.Log($"sizeof NodeB: {sizeof(NodeB.Data)}"); var size = sizeof(NodeA.Data) + sizeof(NodeB.Data); using (var blobBuilder = new BlobBuilder(Allocator.Temp)) { ref var blob = ref blobBuilder.ConstructRoot <NodeBlob>(); var endIndices = blobBuilder.Allocate(ref blob.EndIndices, 3); endIndices[0] = 3; endIndices[1] = 2; endIndices[2] = 3; var offsets = blobBuilder.Allocate(ref blob.Offsets, 3); var unsafePtr = (byte *)blobBuilder.Allocate(ref blob.DefaultDataBlob, size).GetUnsafePtr(); var offset = 0; offsets[0] = offset; offsets[1] = offset; UnsafeUtilityEx.AsRef <NodeA.Data>(unsafePtr + offset).A = 111; offset += sizeof(NodeA.Data); offsets[2] = offset; ref var local2 = ref UnsafeUtilityEx.AsRef <NodeB.Data>(unsafePtr + offset);
internal static BlobAssetReference <FontData> ConvertFontData(TMPro.TMP_FontAsset font, Allocator allocatorType = Allocator.Persistent) { if (font.glyphLookupTable == null) { throw new InvalidOperationException("Reading font resulted in null glyph lookup table?"); } using (var allocator = new BlobBuilder(Allocator.Temp)) { ref var root = ref allocator.ConstructRoot <FontData>(); root.Atlas.AtlasSize = new int2(font.atlasWidth, font.atlasHeight); root.Face.Ascent = font.faceInfo.ascentLine; root.Face.Descent = font.faceInfo.descentLine; root.Face.Baseline = font.faceInfo.baseline; root.Face.Scale = font.faceInfo.scale; root.Face.PointSize = font.faceInfo.pointSize; root.Face.LineHeight = font.faceInfo.lineHeight; // TODO we are smooshing chars and glyphs; multiple chars can map to // the same glyph. This might not be the best thing. int charCount = font.characterTable.Count; var glyphs = allocator.Allocate(ref root.Glyphs, charCount); // TODO why did I want a separate glyphRects? var glyphRects = allocator.Allocate(ref root.GlyphRects, charCount); var atlasSize = new float2(font.atlasWidth, font.atlasHeight); for (int i = 0; i < charCount; ++i) { var c = font.characterTable[i]; glyphs[i] = new GlyphInfo { Unicode = c.unicode, Size = new float2(c.glyph.metrics.width, c.glyph.metrics.height), HorizontalBearing = new float2(c.glyph.metrics.horizontalBearingX, c.glyph.metrics.horizontalBearingY), HorizontalAdvance = c.glyph.metrics.horizontalAdvance }; // UVs in Tiny rendering are flipped from Unity's orientation. // glyphPos is the top-left coord. int2 glyphPos = new int2(c.glyph.glyphRect.x, font.atlasHeight - (c.glyph.glyphRect.y + c.glyph.glyphRect.height)); int2 glyphSize = new int2(c.glyph.glyphRect.width, c.glyph.glyphRect.height); glyphRects[i] = new GlyphRect { Position = glyphPos, Size = glyphSize, TopLeftUV = glyphPos / atlasSize, BottomRightUV = (glyphPos + glyphSize) / atlasSize, }; } return(allocator.CreateBlobAssetReference <FontData>(allocatorType)); }
Main(IReadOnlyDictionary <int, int> idIndex, NativeHashMap <int, int> stateLookup, IReadOnlyDictionary <int, Entity> provEntityLookup) { var slicedText = File.ReadLines(Path.Combine(Application.streamingAssetsPath, "map", "region.txt"), Encoding.GetEncoding(1252)); var stateIdNames = new List <string>(); var stateLookupArray = new List <List <int> >(); foreach (var rawLine in slicedText) { if (CommentDetector(rawLine, out var line)) { continue; } var stateProvinces = new List <int>(); var choppedLine = line.Split(new[] { '{', '}' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); // 0. StateId = | 1. Prov 1 Prov 2 Prov 3... | 2. #StateName var innerChopped = choppedLine[1].Split(new[] { ' ' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); foreach (var colorNum in innerChopped) { if (!int.TryParse(colorNum, out var lookupNum)) { throw new Exception("Invalid province ID. Must be int number."); } var provId = idIndex[lookupNum]; stateLookup.Add(provId, stateIdNames.Count); stateProvinces.Add(provId); } stateLookupArray.Add(stateProvinces); stateIdNames.Add(Regex.Match(choppedLine[0], @"^.+?(?=\=)").Value.Trim()); } // Creating state to prov blob lookup nested array BlobAssetReference <StateToProv> stateToProvReference; using (var stateToProv = new BlobBuilder(Allocator.Temp)) { ref var lookupStruct = ref stateToProv.ConstructRoot <StateToProv>(); var stateArray = stateToProv.Allocate(ref lookupStruct.Lookup, stateLookupArray.Count); for (var state = 0; state < stateLookupArray.Count; state++) { var provArray = stateToProv.Allocate(ref stateArray[state], stateLookupArray[state].Count); for (var i = 0; i < stateLookupArray[state].Count; i++) { provArray[i] = provEntityLookup[stateLookupArray[state][i]]; } } stateToProvReference = stateToProv.CreateBlobAssetReference <StateToProv>(Allocator.Persistent); }
public static void Create(HitQuadTree src, ref QuadTree dest, BlobBuilder builder) { var children = builder.Allocate(ref dest.Children, 4); for (var i = 0; i < 4; i++) { if (src.Children[i] != null) { ref var child = ref builder.Allocate(ref children[i]); Create(src.Children[i], ref child, builder); } }
/// <summary> /// Replicate all keyframes of <paramref name="animationCurve"> into the struct, /// making this independent from the original reference type curve. /// </summary> public JobAnimationCurve(AnimationCurve animationCurve, Allocator allocator) { List <Keyframe> sortedKeyframes = new List <Keyframe>(animationCurve.keys); if (sortedKeyframes.Any(x => x.weightedMode != WeightedMode.None)) { throw new NotSupportedException($"Found a keyframe in the curve that has a weighted node. This is not supported until I figured out where to put the weight."); } sortedKeyframes.Sort(KeyframeTimeSort); //Debug.Log(string.Join("\n", sortedKeyframes.Select(x => $"{x.time} {x.value} | {x.inTangent} {x.outTangent} | {x.inWeight} {x.outWeight} {x.weightedMode}"))); var sortedTimes = sortedKeyframes.Select(x => x.time).ToArray(); // The following (redundant) leading comments are the steps from BlobBuilder's // documentation[email protected]/api/Unity.Entities.BlobBuilder.html // Create a BlobBuilder object using (var builder = new BlobBuilder(allocator)) { // Call the ConstructRoot<T>() method, where T is the struct definng the asset structure. // (Declare the structure of the blob asset as a struct.) ref var root = ref builder.ConstructRoot <AnimationData>(); // Initialize primitive values defined at the root level of the asset. // Allocate memory for arrays, structs, and BlobString instances at the root. // Used to use the processor count to assume the max thread count, which is a fallacy // int processorCount = SystemInfo.processorCount + 1; int maxThreadCount = Unity.Jobs.LowLevel.Unsafe.JobsUtility.MaxJobThreadCount; var keyframes = builder.Allocate(ref root.keyframes, sortedKeyframes.Count); var soaTimes = builder.Allocate(ref root.soaTimes, sortedKeyframes.Count); var cachedIndex = builder.Allocate(ref root.cachedIndex, maxThreadCount); // Initialize the values of those arrays, structs, and strings. for (int i = 0; i < sortedKeyframes.Count; i++) { keyframes[i] = sortedKeyframes[i]; soaTimes[i] = sortedTimes[i]; } for (int i = 0; i < maxThreadCount; i++) { cachedIndex[i] = 0; } // Continue allocating memory and initializing values until you have fully constructed the asset. // Call CreateBlobAssetReference<T>(Allocator) to create a reference to the blob asset in memory. bar = builder.CreateBlobAssetReference <AnimationData>(allocator); // Dispose the BlobBuilder object. }
protected override void AllocateData(ref BlobBuilder builder, ref BlobVariable <T> blobVariable) { var data = Utility.GetTypeHashAndFieldOffset(ComponentValueName); if (data.Type != typeof(T) || data.Hash == 0) { Debug.LogError($"ComponentVariable({ComponentValueName}) is not valid, fallback to ConstantValue"); builder.Allocate(ref blobVariable, FallbackValue); return; } builder.Allocate(ref blobVariable, new DynamicComponentData { StableHash = data.Hash, Offset = data.Offset }); }
public override void Allocate(ref BlobBuilder builder, ref BlobVariable <T> blobVariable, INodeDataBuilder self, ITreeNode <INodeDataBuilder>[] tree) { var index = Array.FindIndex(tree, node => ReferenceEquals(node.Value, NodeObject)); if (!NodeObject || index < 0) { Debug.LogError($"Invalid `NodeObject` {NodeObject}", (UnityEngine.Object)self); throw new ArgumentException(); } var nodeType = VirtualMachine.GetNodeType(NodeObject.NodeId); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(ValueFieldName) && nodeType == typeof(T)) { builder.Allocate(ref blobVariable, new DynamicNodeRefData { Index = index, Offset = 0 }); return; } var fieldInfo = nodeType.GetField(ValueFieldName, FIELD_BINDING_FLAGS); if (fieldInfo == null) { Debug.LogError($"Invalid `ValueFieldName` {ValueFieldName}", (UnityEngine.Object)self); throw new ArgumentException(); } var fieldOffset = Marshal.OffsetOf(nodeType, ValueFieldName).ToInt32(); builder.Allocate(ref blobVariable, new DynamicNodeRefData { Index = index, Offset = fieldOffset }); var fieldType = fieldInfo.FieldType; if (fieldType == typeof(T)) { blobVariable.VariableId = AccessRuntimeData ? _ID_RUNTIME_NODE : _ID_DEFAULT_NODE; } else if (fieldType == typeof(BlobVariable <T>)) { blobVariable.VariableId = AccessRuntimeData ? _ID_RUNTIME_NODE_VARIABLE : _ID_DEFAULT_NODE_VARIABLE; } else { Debug.LogError($"Invalid type of `ValueFieldName` {ValueFieldName} {fieldType}", (UnityEngine.Object)self); throw new ArgumentException(); } }
public IntPtr Allocate(ref BlobBuilder builder, ref BlobVariant blobVariant) { blobVariant.VariantId = GuidHashCode(GUID); var type = ScriptableObject.GetType(); FieldInfo fieldInfo = null; PropertyInfo propertyInfo = null; if (ScriptableObject != null) { fieldInfo = type.GetField(ScriptableObjectValueName, BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public); } if (fieldInfo == null) { propertyInfo = type.GetProperty(ScriptableObjectValueName, BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public); } if ((fieldInfo == null || fieldInfo.FieldType != typeof(T)) && (propertyInfo == null || !propertyInfo.CanRead || propertyInfo.PropertyType != typeof(T))) { Debug.LogError($"{}.{ScriptableObjectValueName} is not valid"); throw new ArgumentException(); } var value = fieldInfo?.GetValue(ScriptableObject) ?? propertyInfo?.GetValue(ScriptableObject); return(builder.Allocate(ref blobVariant, (T)value)); }
private unsafe BlobAssetReference <ControlPointsBlobData> CreateBlobData() { using (BlobBuilder builder = new BlobBuilder(Allocator.Temp)) { //Allocate root ref ControlPointsBlobData blobRoot = ref builder.ConstructRoot <ControlPointsBlobData>(); //Allocate array BlobBuilderArray <float3> controlPointArray = builder.Allocate(ref blobRoot.positions, m_serializedControlPoints.Length); //Fill in array values for (int i = 0; i < m_serializedControlPoints.Length; ++i) { controlPointArray[i] = m_serializedControlPoints[i].position; } //float3[] arr = new float3[4]; //fixed (void* ptr = &arr[0]) //{ // UnsafeUtility.MemCpy(controlPointArray.GetUnsafePtr(), ptr, arr.Length * sizeof(float3)); //} return(builder.CreateBlobAssetReference <ControlPointsBlobData>(Allocator.Persistent)); }
public static void Create(BlobBuilder builder, ref BlobArray <BlobPtr <Collider> > colliders, ref QuadTree dest, Aabb rootBounds) { var children = builder.Allocate(ref dest._children, 4); var aabbs = new List <ColliderBounds>(); var cs = new List <Collider>(); for (var i = 0; i < colliders.Length; i++) { if (colliders[i].Value.Type != ColliderType.Plane) { var c = colliders[i].Value; var bounds = colliders[i].Value.Bounds(); //Debug.Log("Adding aabb " + aabb + " (" + colliders[i].Value.Type + ")"); if (bounds.ColliderEntity == Entity.Null) { throw new InvalidOperationException($"Entity of {bounds} must be set ({colliders[i].Value.ItemType})."); } if (bounds.ColliderId < 0) { throw new InvalidOperationException($"ColliderId of {bounds} must be set ({colliders[i].Value.ItemType})."); } aabbs.Add(bounds); cs.Add(c); } } dest.CreateNextLevel(builder, rootBounds, 0, 0, aabbs, ref children); }
public unsafe static void AllocateAddress(this BlobBuilder builder, ref BlobResourceAddress resourceAddress, string address) { var arr = builder.Allocate <char>(ref resourceAddress.Data, address.Length); var bytes = Encoding.Unicode.GetBytes(address); Marshal.Copy(bytes, 0, (IntPtr)arr.GetUnsafePtr(), bytes.Length); }
protected override void AllocateData(ref BlobBuilder builder, ref BlobVariable <T> blobVariable, INodeDataBuilder self, ITreeNode <INodeDataBuilder>[] tree) { var type = ScriptableObject.GetType(); FieldInfo fieldInfo = null; PropertyInfo propertyInfo = null; if (ScriptableObject != null) { fieldInfo = type.GetField(ScriptableObjectValueName, FIELD_BINDING_FLAGS); } if (fieldInfo == null) { propertyInfo = type.GetProperty(ScriptableObjectValueName, FIELD_BINDING_FLAGS); } if ((fieldInfo == null || fieldInfo.FieldType != typeof(T)) && (propertyInfo == null || !propertyInfo.CanRead || propertyInfo.PropertyType != typeof(T))) { Debug.LogError($"{}.{ScriptableObjectValueName} is not valid"); throw new ArgumentException(); } var value = fieldInfo?.GetValue(ScriptableObject) ?? propertyInfo?.GetValue(ScriptableObject); builder.Allocate(ref blobVariable, (T)value); }
public IntPtr Allocate(ref BlobBuilder builder, ref BlobVariant blobVariant, INodeDataBuilder self, ITreeNode <INodeDataBuilder>[] tree) { blobVariant.VariantId = GuidHashCode(ComponentVariant.GUID); return(builder.Allocate(ref blobVariant, new ComponentVariant.DynamicComponentData { StableHash = _stableHash, Offset = _offset })); }
BlobAssetReference <NodeGraph> BuildNodeGraph(NodeAuthoring[] authoringNodes) { using (var builder = new BlobBuilder(Allocator.Temp)) { ref var root = ref builder.ConstructRoot <NodeGraph>(); var nodeArray = builder.Allocate(ref root.Nodes, authoringNodes.Length); for (int i = 0; i < nodeArray.Length; i++) { nodeArray[i].Position = authoringNodes[i].transform.position; var links = builder.Allocate(ref nodeArray[i].Links, authoringNodes[i].links.Length); for (int j = 0; j < authoringNodes[i].links.Length; j++) { links[j] = Array.IndexOf(authoringNodes, authoringNodes[i].links[j]); } } return(builder.CreateBlobAssetReference <NodeGraph>(Allocator.Persistent)); }
// Update is called once per frame void Update() { if (!musicPlayer.isPlaying) { return; } int sampleValue = Mathf.ClosestPowerOfTwo((int)Mathf.Pow(SampleCount, 2f)); if (sampleValue != lastSampleCount) { ShutdownVisuals(); lastSampleCount = sampleValue; lastSampleData = new float[lastSampleCount]; SetUpVisuals(sampleValue * musicClip.channels, sampleValue); } #if DOTS // if(!SampleData.IsCreated) // { // Debug.Log("SampleData is Null"); // return; // } int arrayLength = SampleData.Value.sampleArray.Length; if (arrayLength != lastSampleCount * musicClip.channels) { //TODO: Resize the Blob array arrayLength = lastSampleCount * musicClip.channels; //Dispose of the old blob array SampleData.Dispose(); using (BlobBuilder blobBuilder = new BlobBuilder(Allocator.Temp)) { ref MusicDataBlobAsset musicDataBlobAsset = ref blobBuilder.ConstructRoot <MusicDataBlobAsset>(); BlobBuilderArray <MusicSample> musicDataArray = blobBuilder.Allocate(ref musicDataBlobAsset.sampleArray, arrayLength); //Setup array data for (int i = 0; i < arrayLength; i++) { musicDataArray[i] = new MusicSample { Value = 0 }; } SampleData = blobBuilder.CreateBlobAssetReference <MusicDataBlobAsset>(Allocator.Persistent); for (int i = 0; i < entityVisualizers.Length; i++) { var viz = entityManager.GetComponentData <VisualizerData>(entityVisualizers[i]); viz.MusicData = SampleData; entityManager.SetComponentData <VisualizerData>(entityVisualizers[i], viz); } } }
public override void Build(BlobBuilder builder, ref BlobArray <T> data) { var arrayBuilder = builder.Allocate(ref data, Value.Length); for (var i = 0; i < Value.Length; i++) { ((Builder <T>)Value[i]).Build(builder, ref arrayBuilder[i]); } }
protected override void AllocateData(ref BlobBuilder builder, ref BlobVariable <T> blobVariable) { FieldInfo fieldInfo = null; if (ScriptableObject != null) { fieldInfo = ScriptableObject.GetType().GetField(ScriptableObjectValueName, FIELD_BINDING_FLAGS); } if (fieldInfo == null || fieldInfo.FieldType != typeof(T)) { Debug.LogError($"{}.{ScriptableObjectValueName} is not valid, fallback to ConstantValue"); builder.Allocate(ref blobVariable, FallbackValue); return; } builder.Allocate(ref blobVariable, (T)fieldInfo.GetValue(ScriptableObject)); }
public static void AllocateArray <T>(this BlobBuilder builder, ref BlobArray <T> blobArray, IList <T> sourceArray) where T : struct { var array = builder.Allocate(ref blobArray, sourceArray.Count); for (var i = 0; i < sourceArray.Count; i++) { array[i] = sourceArray[i]; } }
static void InitializeSkeletonNodes(ref BlobBuilder blobBuilder, SkeletonNode[] skeletonNodes, ref BlobArray <int> parentIndices, ref BlobArray <StringHash> skeletonIds, ref BlobArray <int> axisIndices) { if (skeletonNodes == null || skeletonNodes.Length == 0) { return; } var parentIndicesBuilder = blobBuilder.Allocate(ref parentIndices, skeletonNodes.Length); var skeletonIdsBuilder = blobBuilder.Allocate(ref skeletonIds, skeletonNodes.Length); var skeletonAxisIndicesBuilder = blobBuilder.Allocate(ref axisIndices, skeletonNodes.Length); for (int i = 0; i < skeletonNodes.Length; i++) { parentIndicesBuilder[i] = skeletonNodes[i].ParentIndex; skeletonIdsBuilder[i] = skeletonNodes[i].Id; skeletonAxisIndicesBuilder[i] = skeletonNodes[i].AxisIndex; } }
public void Convert(Entity entity, EntityManager dstManager, GameObjectConversionSystem conversionSystem) { Convert(entity, dstManager); var table = gameObject.GetComponentInParent <TableAuthoring>().Item; Item.Init(table); dstManager.AddComponentData(entity, new KickerStaticData { Center = Data.Center.ToUnityFloat2(), FallThrough = Data.FallThrough, HitAccuracy = Data.HitAccuracy, Scatter = Data.Scatter, LegacyMode = Data.LegacyMode, ZLow = table.GetSurfaceHeight(Data.Surface, Data.Center.X, Data.Center.Y) * table.GetScaleZ() }); dstManager.AddComponentData(entity, new KickerCollisionData { BallEntity = Entity.Null, LastCapturedBallEntity = Entity.Null }); if (!Data.LegacyMode) { using (var blobBuilder = new BlobBuilder(Allocator.Temp)) { ref var blobAsset = ref blobBuilder.ConstructRoot <KickerMeshVertexBlobAsset>(); var vertices = blobBuilder.Allocate(ref blobAsset.Vertices, Item.KickerHit.HitMesh.Length); var normals = blobBuilder.Allocate(ref blobAsset.Normals, Item.KickerHit.HitMesh.Length); for (var i = 0; i < Item.KickerHit.HitMesh.Length; i++) { var v = Item.KickerHit.HitMesh[i]; vertices[i] = new KickerMeshVertex { Vertex = v.ToUnityFloat3() }; normals[i] = new KickerMeshVertex { Vertex = new float3(KickerHitMesh.Vertices[i].Nx, KickerHitMesh.Vertices[i].Ny, KickerHitMesh.Vertices[i].Nz) }; } var blobAssetReference = blobBuilder.CreateBlobAssetReference <KickerMeshVertexBlobAsset>(Allocator.Persistent); dstManager.AddComponentData(entity, new ColliderMeshData { Value = blobAssetReference }); } }
public static unsafe BlobBuilderArray <T> Construct <T>(this BlobBuilder builder, ref BlobArray <T> blobArray, T[] data, int length) where T : unmanaged { var blobBuilderArray = builder.Allocate(ref blobArray, length); for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { blobBuilderArray[i] = data[i]; } return(blobBuilderArray); }
public static unsafe BlobBuilderArray <T> Construct <T>(this BlobBuilder builder, ref BlobArray <T> blobArray, List <T> data) where T : unmanaged { var blobBuilderArray = builder.Allocate(ref blobArray, data.Count); for (int i = 0; i < data.Count; i++) { blobBuilderArray[i] = data[i]; } return(blobBuilderArray); }
public static unsafe BlobBuilderArray <T> Construct <T>(this BlobBuilder builder, ref BlobArray <T> blobArray, HashedVertices data) where T : unmanaged { var blobBuilderArray = builder.Allocate(ref blobArray, data.Length); if (data.Length > 0) { UnsafeUtility.MemCpy(blobBuilderArray.GetUnsafePtr(), data.GetUnsafeReadOnlyPtr(), blobBuilderArray.Length * sizeof(T)); } return(blobBuilderArray); }
public static BlobBuilderArray <T> ConstructFromNativeArray <T>(this BlobBuilder builder, ref BlobArray <T> ptr, NativeArray <T> array) where T : struct { var result = builder.Allocate(ref ptr, array.Length); for (int i = 0; i < array.Length; i++) { result[i] = array[i]; } return(result); }
static public BlobAssetReference <LitMeshData> CreateDonutMesh(float innerR, int innerN, float outerR, int outerN) { Assert.IsTrue(innerN * outerN <= ushort.MaxValue); Assert.IsTrue(outerR >= innerR * 2.0f); using (var builder = new BlobBuilder(Allocator.Temp)) { ref var root = ref builder.ConstructRoot <LitMeshData>(); // in x/y plane var vertices = builder.Allocate(ref root.Vertices, innerN * outerN); var indices = builder.Allocate(ref root.Indices, (innerN - 1) * (outerN - 1) * 6); MakeDonut(ref vertices, ref indices, innerR, innerN, outerR, outerN); ComputeTangentAndBinormal(ref vertices, ref indices); // bounds float3 ext = new float3(outerR + innerR, outerR + innerR, innerR * 2); root.Bounds.Center = new float3(0.0f); root.Bounds.Extents = ext; return(builder.CreateBlobAssetReference <LitMeshData>(Allocator.Persistent)); }
public static unsafe BlobBuilderArray <T> Construct <T>(this BlobBuilder builder, ref BlobArray <T> blobArray, T *data, int length) where T : unmanaged { length = math.max(length, 0); var blobBuilderArray = builder.Allocate(ref blobArray, length); if (length > 0) { UnsafeUtility.MemCpy(blobBuilderArray.GetUnsafePtr(), data, blobBuilderArray.Length * sizeof(T)); } return(blobBuilderArray); }
public static BlobAssetReference <QuadTree> CreateBlobAssetReference() { using (var builder = new BlobBuilder(Allocator.Temp)) { ref var rootQuadTree = ref builder.ConstructRoot <QuadTree>(); var colliders = builder.Allocate(ref rootQuadTree.Colliders, 2); LineCollider.Create(builder, ref colliders[0], new float2(1f, 20f), new float2(3f, 4f), 5f, 6f); PointCollider.Create(builder, ref colliders[1], new float3(7f, 8f, 9f)); return(builder.CreateBlobAssetReference <QuadTree>(Allocator.Persistent)); }
BlobAssetReference <IntArray> GeneratorIntArr(int[] baseData) { using (var builder = new BlobBuilder(Allocator.Temp)) { ref var root = ref builder.ConstructRoot <IntArray>(); var refArr = builder.Allocate(ref root.ArrayData, baseData.Length); for (int i = 0; i < baseData.Length; i++) { refArr[i] = baseData[i]; } return(builder.CreateBlobAssetReference <IntArray>(Allocator.Persistent)); }