/// <summary> /// Creates a new instance of <see cref="DashboardController"/>. /// </summary> /// <param name="serviceProvider">An instance of <see cref="IServiceProvider"/>.</param> /// <param name="dashboardService">An instance of <see cref="IDashboardService"/>.</param> /// <param name="tweetService">An instance of <see cref="ITweetService"/>.</param> /// <param name="blashDbContext">An instance of <see cref="BlashDbContext"/>.</param> /// <param name="twitterApiRuleService">An instance of <see cref="ITwitterApiRuleService"/>.</param> /// <param name="logger">An instance of <see cref="ILogger"/>, used to write logs.</param> /// <param name="twitterIntegrationJobService">An instance of <see cref="ITwitterIntegrationJobService"/>.</param> /// <param name="blashHub">The SignalR chat hub.</param> /// <param name="hostApplicationLifetime">An instance of the lifetime, so we can get the cancellation token.</param> public DashboardController([NotNull] IServiceProvider serviceProvider, [NotNull] IDashboardService dashboardService, [NotNull] ITweetService tweetService, [NotNull] BlashDbContext blashDbContext, [NotNull] ITwitterApiRuleService twitterApiRuleService, [NotNull] ILogger <DashboardController> logger, [NotNull] ITwitterIntegrationJobService twitterIntegrationJobService, [NotNull] IHubContext <BlashHub> blashHub, [NotNull] IHostApplicationLifetime hostApplicationLifetime) { _serviceProvider = serviceProvider; _dashboardService = dashboardService; _tweetService = tweetService; _blashDbContext = blashDbContext; _twitterApiRuleService = twitterApiRuleService; _logger = logger; _twitterIntegrationJobService = twitterIntegrationJobService; _blashHub = blashHub; _hostApplicationLifetime = hostApplicationLifetime; }
/// <summary> /// Creates a new instance of <see cref="TweetService"/>. /// </summary> /// <param name="blashDbContext">An instance of <see cref="BlashDbContext"/>.</param> /// <param name="logger">An instance of <see cref="ILogger"/>, used to write logs.</param> public TweetService(BlashDbContext blashDbContext, ILogger <TweetService> logger) : base(blashDbContext, logger) { }
/// <summary> /// Creates a new instance of <see cref="DashboardTweetService"/>. /// </summary> /// <param name="blashDbContext">An instance of <see cref="BlashDbContext"/>.</param> /// <param name="logger">An instance of <see cref="ILogger"/>, used to write logs.</param> public DashboardTweetService(BlashDbContext blashDbContext, ILogger <DashboardTweetService> logger) : base(blashDbContext, logger) { }
/// <summary> /// Creates a new instance of <see cref="AuthorService"/>. /// </summary> /// <param name="blashDbContext">An instance of <see cref="BlashDbContext"/>.</param> /// <param name="logger">An instance of <see cref="ILogger"/>, used to write logs.</param> public AuthorService(BlashDbContext blashDbContext, ILogger <AuthorService> logger) : base(blashDbContext, logger) { }
/// <summary> /// Creates a new instance of <see cref="BaseService{TEntity}"/>. /// </summary> /// <param name="blashDbContext">An instance of <see cref="BlashDbContext"/>.</param> /// <param name="logger">An instance of <see cref="ILogger"/>, used to write logs.</param> protected BaseService([NotNull] BlashDbContext blashDbContext, [NotNull] ILogger <BaseService <TEntity> > logger) { _blashDbContext = blashDbContext; _logger = logger; }