public void PlayerBets() { playerCurrentBet = int.Parse(betField.GetComponentInChildren <Text>().text); if (playerCurrentBet > playerFunds) { Debug.Log("Player bet is more than current funds"); ShowPlayerStatusState("not enough funds"); } else if (playerCurrentBet % 10 != 0) { Debug.Log("Please only bet multiples of 10"); } else { BetFieldState("freeze"); //Deduct player's current bet from total funds AdjustPlayerFunds(); //If the player is the last better: show deal button, hide next round button if (blackJackController.bettingTurnIndex == blackJackController.numberOfPlayers - 1) { blackJackController.DealButtonState(true); blackJackController.NextRoundState(false); } blackJackController.bettingTurnIndex++; blackJackController.BettingTurn(); } }