        public static int CompareTo(this byte[] leftSide, byte[] rightSide, bool signed)
            // A method to compare two byte arrays arithmetically. There are 3 possible return values.
            // 0: The arrays were equal.
            // 1: The left side was greater than the right.
            // 3: The right side was greater than the left.

            // PadEqual sign/zero extends(depending on $signed) the smallest operand to the greatest length of the two input arrays
            // If they are both equal in length, nothing happens.
            Bitwise.PadEqual(ref leftSide, ref rightSide, signed);

            // The main algorithm will not work on inputs with different signs because it doesn't consider the weight of the MSB in twos compliment.
            if (signed)
                // Get the signs of the inputs
                bool LeftSign  = leftSide.IsNegative();
                bool RightSign = rightSide.IsNegative();

                // The following statement will evaluate as true if exactly one of the signs are on. In this case it is immediately clear which is greater.
                if ((LeftSign ^ RightSign) == true)
                    // If the left side is negative, return -1, because the right side must have been positive for the XOR to work.
                    return(LeftSign ? -1 : 1);

            // As little endian is exclusively worked with, work backwards. This means that the bytes in the array are compared in order of magnitude.
            // For example,
            // When comparing two base 10 numbers, 10 and 21, the 0 and 1 digits can be completely ignored, only the tens column is needed to determine the outcome.
            // The numbers could be,
            //  1, 2
            //  10000, 21000
            // The result is the same. This allows the problem to be abstracted. Naturally, the numbers had to be padded to the correct size with their value preserved
            // which has already been done.
            // -The most significant column difference dictates which value is greater. This can be used instead of subtraction to determine the result, which is more
            //  performant because no unecessary operations are carried out.
            for (int i = leftSide.Length - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                // If the two indexes are not the same value, the two inputs cannot be equal, the result can be determined here.
                if (leftSide[i] != rightSide[i])
                    // Return 1 if the most significant column difference of leftSide is greater than that of rightSide, -1 if it is not.
                    return(leftSide[i] > rightSide[i] ? 1 : -1);

            // If the method hasn't returned already, the two inputs must be equal